Public Board Meeting June 15, 2020 Video Conference Meeting PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT In response to the COVID-19 public health emergency and the emergency orders and directives at the federal, state and local levels, this meeting of the Edison Township Board of Education will be held remotely using video conferencing technology. Instructions on how to access the meeting and make comments during the public participation sessions of the meeting have been posted on the Board’s website at https://www.edison.k12.nj.us. I. CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE The June 15, 2020 Public Meeting of the Edison Board of Education was called to order by Board President, Mr. Ralph Errico, at 6:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Mr. Michaud took the roll, and the following members were present: Mr. Ralph Errico, President, Mrs. Falguni Patel, Vice President, Mr. Jingwei (Jerry) Shi, Mrs. Beth Moroney, Dr. Yunxia (Yuna) Chen, Mrs. Elizabeth Conway, Mrs. Carol Bodofsky and Mrs. Shivi Madhukar. Mrs. Shannon Peng entered the meeting at 6:08 P.M. Also in attendance were Bernard F. Bragen, Jr., Ed.D., Superintendent, Dr. Christopher Conklin, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil/Special Services, Ms. Gail Pawlikowski, Chief Academic Officer, Mrs. Baninder Mahabir, Chief Academic Officer, Mr. Daniel P. Michaud, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Mr. Ralph Barca, Director of IT, Mr. Patrick MacDonald, Videographer, Ms. Hope Blackburn, Board Attorney, Mr. Charles Ross, Principal of Edison High School, Dr. Anthony Shallop, Principal of John P. Stevens high School, and Mrs. Joan Valentine, Principal of John Adams Middle School. III. OPENING STATEMENT Mr. Errico read the following opening statement: “The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of, and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Edison Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time and place thereof posted in the Board of Education Administrative Offices. Copies of these notices were sent to the Home News and Tribune and the Star Ledger on May 19, 2020. The Public may participate at regular meetings in accordance with the By-Laws and the applicable State regulations.” IV. ADJOURN TO PRIVILEGED SESSION Mr. Michaud read the following resolution: WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231 PL 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and WHEREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist. 24415 Public Board Meeting June 15, 2020 Video Conference Meeting NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Education of the Township of Edison, County of Middlesex, State of New Jersey, as follows: The public shall be excluded from discussion of and action upon the hereinafter- specified subject matters. The general nature of the subject matter to be discussed is as follows: Student Matters Bus Contractor Settlements Status of Contract Negotiations – ETEA Litigation Brought by Former Employees ETEA Grievances/PERC/Unfair Labor Practices Personnel Matters Superintendent’s Evaluation Personnel - 1. Resignations/Terminations 2. Retirements 3. Appointments 4. Leaves of Absence 5. Change of Status 6. Teacher Reappointments 7. Paraprofessionals & Teacher Aides Reappointments 8. Lunch Aide Reappointments 9. Reappointment Revisions 10. Transfers 11. Experience Stipend 12. Summer Literacy Academy 13. Summer Enrichment & Summer Activities Programs 14. Head Nurse Stipend 2020-2021 School Year 15. Substitutes for 2020-2021 School Year 16. Summer Curriculum Writing 17. 2020 Extended School Year 18. 2020-2021 Learning Leaders Title IIA 19. 2020-2021 Middle School Team Leaders 20. 2020 Summer School 21. 2020 Summer Guidance Counselors 22. 2020 Summer Secretarial Support 23. 2020 Secretary IIIB Summer Appointments 24. 2019-2020 Co-Curricular Appointments 25. Job Descriptions 26. Authorization to Employee Staff Members 27. Withholding of Increment 28. Authorization to Approve Request for Extended Heath Benefits It is anticipated at this time that the above-stated subject matter shall be made public at such time as the need for non-disclosure no longer exists. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. 24416 Public Board Meeting June 15, 2020 Video Conference Meeting Mr. Errico asked for a motion to approve the privileged session resolution at 6:06 P.M. Mr. Shi made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Moroney. Mr. Michaud took a roll call vote, and the result was as follows: AYES: Mrs. Madhukar, Mrs. Bodofsky, Mrs. Conway, Dr. Chen, Mrs. Moroney, Mr. Shi, Mrs. Patel, Mr. Errico NAYS: None The motion was carried. V. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION There being no further questions or comments forthcoming, Mr. Errico asked for a motion to reconvene this June 15, 2020 Public Meeting of the Edison Board of Education to open session at 7:49 P.M. Mr. Shi made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Bodofsky. Mr. Michaud took a roll call vote, and the result was as follows: AYES: Mrs. Madhukar, Mrs. Bodofsky, Mrs. Conway, Dr. Chen, Mrs. Peng, Mrs. Moroney, Mr. Shi, Mrs. Patel, Mr. Errico NAYS: None The motion was carried. VI. RESOLUTIONS Dr. Bragen and Mr. Michaud discussed the following resolutions prior to the Board vote. VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS (RESOLUTIONS ONLY) Richard Brescher, resident, questioned the purchasing agent and the attorney. Bret Baker, resident, questioned the Edison High School Baseball Field change orders and the attorney. A. PERSONNEL – LABOR RELATIONS BE IT RESOLVED: that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Edison Board of Education approve the following personnel items as indicated below: 1. RESIGNATIONS/TERMINATIONS Bergeron, Rebecca – Teacher – Spanish Effective: 06/30/20 Woodrow Wilson Middle School Reason: Personal Choudhari, Janhvi – Lunch Aide Effective: 06/30/20 Woodbrook School Reason: Personal Mandell, Jennifer – Library Aide Effective: 06/10/20 James Madison Intermediate School Reason: Declined Offer Thomas, Sheila – Lunch Aide Effective: 06/08/20 James Monroe School Reason: Declined Offer 24417 Public Board Meeting June 15, 2020 Video Conference Meeting 2. RETIREMENTS Korley, Gaye – Library Media Specialist Effective: 06/30/20 Herbert Hoover Middle School 8 years, 9 months of service Miele, Annalynn – Teacher – Social Studies Effective: 06/30/20 John Adams Middle School 25 years of service 3. APPOINTMENTS – Employment Verification Pending (N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.6, et.seq) Administrative Staff Step/Salary Reason for Position/Location Vacancy Amaro-Nieves, Stephanie $141,808 Resignation Elementary Assistant Principal Effective 07/01/20-06/30/21 New York Benjamin Franklin School University (for C. Fenton) Kolibas, William $111,363 Resignation Director of Buildings and Effective TBD-06/30/21 Grounds Education Center (K. Taylor) Certified Staff Step/Salary Reason for Position/Location Vacancy Austria, Carlo Step 2/MA 20-21 Budget Teacher – Social Studies Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $54,105 Thomas Jefferson Middle Rutgers School University (New Position) Bass, Aimee Step 4/BA 20-21 Budget Teacher – Science Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $52,000 Thomas Jefferson Middle University of School Delaware (New Position) Blanco, Jonathan Step 1/BA Resignation Teacher – Music Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $50,000 Thomas Jefferson Middle Rutgers School University (for A. Cruz) Borruso, Jillian Step 1/MA 20-21 Budget Speech Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $56,285 Education Center Columbia (New Position) University Chase-Nice, Shannon Step 4/MA 20-21 Budget Teacher – French Teacher Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $55,605 John Adams Middle School Florida State (New Position) University Coleman, Jaime $40,000 Leave of Long Term Substitute Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 Stockton Absence Teacher – English University Herbert Hoover Middle School (for ID #101582) 24418 Public Board Meeting June 15, 2020 Video Conference Meeting Dodson, Amanda Step 1/BA Transfer Teacher – Health/PE Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $50,000 James Madison Primary Kean (for T. Weber) University Kelly, Brigitte Step 3/MA 20-21 Budget Speech Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $57,335 Education Center Seton Hall (New Position) University Mata, Mary Step 1/BA Transfer Teacher – Italian Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $50,000 Edison High School Rutgers (for N. Marhekfa) University Murphy, Brianna Step 2/MA Retirement Teacher – Grade 1 Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $54,105 Lincoln School Monmouth (for M. Lithgow) University Newins, Faith Step 1/MA 20-21 Budget Speech Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $56,285 Education Center Montclair State (New Position) University Osofsky, Mark Step 3/MA Retirement Teacher – Grade 5 Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $54,605 James Monroe School George (for K. Duhamel) Washington University Quijano, Jessica Step 3/MA 20-21 Budget Teacher – ESL Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $54,605 John P. Stevens High School TCNJ (.8)/ John Adams Middle School (.2) (New Position) Regalon, Juan Step 1/MA Resignation Teacher – Science Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $53,605 John P. Stevens High School Rutgers (for J. Kepley) University Santorelli, Cassidy $40,000 Leave of Long Term Substitute Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 Fairleigh Absence Teacher – Special Education Dickinson Woodbrook School University (for ID #107073) 24419 Public Board Meeting June 15, 2020 Video Conference Meeting Strober, Matthew Step 1/BA 20-21 Budget Teacher – Health & PE Effective TBD-06/30/21 $50,000 Thomas Jefferson Middle West Virginia School University (New Position) Tobia, Morgan $40,000 Leave of Long Term Substitute Effective 09/01/20-04/14/21 University of Absence Teacher – Special Education Delaware (for ID #106943) Volkmann, Christina Step 2/BA Transfer Teacher – Grade 1 Effective 09/01/20-06/30/21 $50,500 James Madison Primary School Coastal (for J.
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