less they are altogether deaf. On the 27th of November it was just two years since Headquarters were es­ tablished on Mt. Ecclesia. And for a long time we were undecided how we might most fittingly celebrate the An­ J c l | 0 £ 0 niversary. First we thought of a flag raising, and then it occurred to us that FROM it would be a good idea to send out a letter to the students asking each to (M m x n t contribute not more than five cents to defray the cost of making an emblem December 10th, 1913 flag, so that everyone would have a Oceanside, No. 7. California. part in that svrnbol of our faith. We felt that all the students would have Flora M. Kyle, Editor. appreciated this privilege, but in the Published by the Rosicrucian Fellowship. Entered as Second Class matter in the Post last moment the scheme was abandon­ Office at Oceanside. ed as being in direct violation of the As you will remember we stated in injunction of the Elder Brothers to the first number of the “ Echoes” our Mr. Heindel, “ Never to ask for money reason for thus naming; the little sh-'et. for anv purpose whatsoever.” And. al­ Namely: that as builders of the phy­ though the amount was so insignific­ sical temple we are working in the ant, we felt it might be the entering midst of the sound of carpenter’s ham­ wedge, and once the precedent had mers, the noise of engines, of printing h^en established there is no telling presses and with other mechanical where we might end. As it is now, we sounds about our ears. During this know that every stick and stone that month Mt. Ecclesia has at times seem­ is on Mt. Ecclesia. is the unsolicited ed to be the scene of a Fourth of July voluntary expression of the love of the celebration, for we have had to use students—given out of the godness of dynamite to help us make improve­ their hearts. And therefore, a thousand ments. We dug a large reservoir so tmes more precious in the sight of the that now we have storage for thirty Saviour, than if they had given because thousand gallons of water; and we they were asked to do so. used the gravel therefrom to make a Then we thought of a palm planting, main road through the grounds, which and Mr. Vogt bought four palms as a we have named Ecclesia Drive. starter, but as we found that it is not Mr. Stewart Vogt of Cincinnati, Ohio, a good time until January or Febru­ a noted landscape artist and a member ary, we had also to abandon that plan; of the Fellowship, has laid out this and to content ourselves with planting road in a graceful curve. And we have Vvhat we had right away. But finally been blasting holes by the side of it a suggestion from the Teacher, though with the intention of planting palm in not given to help us out of that de- January or February. Thus the echoes lemna, has solved the problem in a have been particularly strong ill's manner, that we believe will be gen­ month; and as we are not through with erally appreciated by the students. the work, the world will hear more The way it came about is, that we from us in the near future. At least have been using the dining room both that part of the world, which is within as class room and for the Sunday eve­ a few miles of Mt. Ecclesia, will know ning services, while the New and Full that there is something going on, un­ Moon meetings have been held in Mrs. Heindel’s room; it being felt that the effective spiritual center for the bene­ particularly sacred nature of these last fit of humanity. If you can not come named meetings demanded a place in person please be with us in spirit which was free from the atmosphere of at midnight on the twenty-fourth of discussion unavoidable in the classes. December. But we have had no place set apart The fall term of school will end De­ entirely for spiritual exercises. Some­ cember 15th, and the new term will time ago, the Teacher spoke regret­ begin on January 1st. All students fully of this lack to Mr. Heindel, and who wish to attend the winter session suggested that simple morning and eve­ will kindly send application and date ning devotional exercises be taken up, of birth to the Esoteric Secretary. and the one room be set apart for that THANES GIVING DAY AT MT. purpose. This was immediately done ECCLESIA to the unanimous satisfaction of the Thanksgiving Day started with us students who all feel the benefit there­ here at Mount Ecclesia with the New of. The Sunday evening service, how­ Moon meeting Wednesday evening. ever, is still held in the dining room, Such a meeting! so sacred, and we had and the New and Full Moon service in beloved visitors from the other side. Mrs. Heindel’s quarters. We could see The vibrations were wonderful, almost no way of altering this until we comply overpowering to some of us. Then up with the further suggestion of the Thanksgiving morning and service as Teacher, “ that as soon as possible, we usual at eight fifteen, then breakfast. should" erect a separate building de­ After breakfast various duties and voted entirely to spiritual work, and pleasures until 1C :30 a. m., the hour that it need neither be large nor elab­ for Special Services in the class-room. orate.” This was the Second Anniversary here. We therefore decided to celebrate Again we had a wonderful service. the Second Anniversary of the Head­ Music and reading of the scriptures. quarters, by breaking the ground for Then again we felt the presence. We the Pro-Ecclesia, which will be built adjourned to the site of the Pro-Ec- in the Spanish or Moorish style, 36 feet ciesia, 29 of us, and forming a circle long and 18 feet wide, with seating ca­ with Mr. and Mrs. Heindel in the pacity for about seventy-five. Mr. center. After a few remarks, Mr. Heindel drew the plans and the de­ Heindel turned the first shovelful of sign was perfected by Miss Lyon. Mr. earth. Each one in turn then did the Wm. Koenig, a student, who is a con­ same and we went back to the class tractor and builder in San Francisco room end there finished the services. has taken charge of the work and is Each one then proceeded to enjoy him­ pushing it as fast as possible; so that self or herself to the best of their abili­ vve hope to have our Dedication Serv­ ty" until the gong was sounded for din­ ices in the new building on Christmas ner at 3 :30 p. m. Who was responsi­ Eve. Although the Pro-Ecclesia will ble for that dinner no one could tell. be small, we believe it will be very Mr. and Mrs. Heindel blamed the artistic for both Miss Lyon and Mr. cook—the cook denied the imposition Vogt will help on the interior decora­ and blamed Mr. and Mrs. Heindel. tions. But it was the finest diner ever! The We want all the students who can, to table was set in the form of a cross. come and spend Christmas with us and At each place was a spray of Holly help to start the vibrations in the Pro- with its beautiful red berries; a place Ecclesia, so that we may make it an card with the Emblem and a verse of scripture, which, during the course of But if we regard only the building of the meal, was read in turn. The din­ stone, timber and plaster, we see not ing room was beautifully decorated the true church, for these physical ma­ with holly. After dinner Miss Lyon terials are dead and meaningless. But started a series of ancedotes, being out of the hopes, the longings, the ably followed in turn by Mr. Koenig, ascred aspirations which we shall voice Mr. Langevin, Mrs. Rockwell, Mr. within this earthly structure there will Hayman and Mr. Warren. Then Mrs. be built the true Temple of devotion; Boyle played the accompaniments for an etheric structure of a grandeur in­ Mr. Rockwell and Mr. Hawley on the conceivable to the physical sense. violin. This was followed by several Sometime, it will be the privilege of hymns and we wound up with that each one who steadfastly pushes for­ grand old song known as the Doxology. ward upon the path of attainment, to Another interval and then after the visit the “Temple of the Rose Cross” regular 7 :15 services, the question class where the Elder Brothers carry on in the evening. their grand work. But the physical Was there ever such a day? Ch, structure gives no clue to what the what a privilege we thought it to be place is. The structure is etheric; it here! And our hearts are strengthen­ is still building, as every true spiritual ed and we gird ourselves for our work structure in the world, for the work anew. Love and Peace be with you! done there adds daily and yearly to its ADDRESS AT THE GROUND beauty and splendor. Kennedy, author BREAKING. of the “ Servant in the House,” had the Passages from 1 Chronicles, Chap. true conception of the Temple, when 22, were read by the editor regarding he lets Manson, the servant, tell the old the building of Solomon’s Temple; worldly bishop what his temple was bringing out the fact that David who like, in the following words: was a man of 'war, was forbidden to “ I am afraid you may not consider build, the privilege being granted to his it an altogether substantial concern.
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