**ibeaj£y ÂMcmvBa to THE0 coTu k c ^ EaDnd THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS C. 1 9 4 . M. 6 0 . 1924. MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE.] _______ ___ G e n e v a , May 4th, 1924. S ubject L ist N o. 36 OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE COUNCIL AND THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE DURING APRIL 1924. (Prepared by Distribution Branch.) Armaments, Reduction of (continued) Treaty concluded February 6, 1922 at Washington between United States of America, British Empire, France, Italy and Japan limiting naval armaments Extension to non-Signatory Powers of principles of Letter dated April 11, 1924 from British Govern­ ment (Mr. Cadogan) stating that it sees no object in the holding of a second technical meeting before the International Conference on C. 187. M. 55. 1924. IX Report dated February 25, 1924 by Naval Sub- Armaments, Reduction of Commission of Permanent Advisory Commission on its session held in collaboration with experts Guarantee, Mutual of certain countries to consider extension Treaty (draft) of Mutual Assistance submitted of its original scheme to States non-Signatory, September 1923 by 3rd Committee to 4th Assembly Non-M em bers of League (C. 76. 1924. IX ) Letter dated October 25, 1923 from Secretary- Letter dated April 4, 1924 from Secretary- General to States Members, forwarding, for General to States Members and certain observations States Non-Members forwarding decisions of Council and Assembly regarding such ex­ Reply from Latvia tension together wi th above-mentioned report C. 168. M. 44. 1924. IX and requesting any observations or sug­ (C. T. A. 397) gestions to enable Council to take a decision as to a second technical meeting and as to Letter dated April 11, 1924 from Secretary- date of International Conference General to those States Members which have C. L. 47. 1924. IX, and Erratum not replied to his letter of October 25, 1923 (C. L. 105. 1923) urging observations on above- Resolutions adopted 1922, 1923 and 1924 by mentioned treaty, quoting resolutions adopted 3rd Assembly and 23rd, 26th, 27th and 28th by 4th Assembly and Council urging such Council Sessions regarding (C. P. C./S. C. N. 31) observations in time for their transmission to Letter dated April 4, 1924 from Secretary- States Members before 5 th Assembly and General to States Members and to certain forwarding Minutes of Meetings of 3rd Com­ States Non-Members of League forwarding mittee to 4th Assembly (Official Journal, C. L. 47. 1924. IX , and E rratu m Special Supplement No. 16) Armenia C. L. 48. 1924. IX Refugees from See : NEAR EAST Letter dated April 11, 1924 from Secretary- Refugees, Armenian, in General to those States Members which have replied to his letter of October 25, 1923 (C. L. Assembly, League 105. 1923) urging observations on above- 4th Session, September 1923, Geneva mentioned treaty, forwarding Minutes of Meet­ ings of 3rd Committee to 4th Assembly (Offiical 3rd Committee to Journal, Special Supplement No. 16) M inutes of C. L. 48 (a). 1924 Records of 4th Assembly, Meetings of 3rd C om m ittee Official Journal, Special Supplement No. 16 Letter dated April n, 1924 from Secretary- General to States Non-Members forwarding, Meetings, Plenary, of with reference to his letter of January 9, 1924. M inutes of requesting observations on above-mentioned treaty, Minutes of Meetings of 3rd Committee Records of 4th Assembly, Plenary Meetings * to 4th Assembly (Official Journal, Special Official Journal, Special Supplement No. 13 Supplem ent No. 16) C. L. 48 (b). 1924 * Annexes indexed in detail in i923 Annual Subject List. S' d. N, 175 (F.l + 125 (A.I 5/24 Imp. Sonor. Economics and Finances (continned) Statistics Bankruptcy Statistics, Compilation of Questionnaire issued April 1924 by Economil Intelligence Service of S ecretariat on methods ol C. L. 57. 1924. Annex 2 Letter dated April 15, 1924 from EconomiJ Council, League Intelligence Service of Secretariat to certail States forwarding 28th Session, March 1924, Geneva C. L. 57. 1924. II Summary dated April 15, 1924 of work of Bulletin, Monthly, of Monthly Summary, Volume IV, No. 3 M arch 1924 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Vol. 5, No. 31 Population, Census and Estimates Questionnaire issued April 1924 by Economil Intelligence Service of Secretariat on mannef of taking of C. L. 57. 1924, Annex 1 Letter dated April 15, 1924 from Economil Intelligence Service to certain States fori Danube Hydraulic System Commission w arding Composition of Chairman C. L. 57. 1924 Letter dated April 5, 1924 from M. Carlo Rossetti, Questionnaire issued April 1924 by Economil to Secretary-General acknowledging receipt of Intelligence Service of Secretariat on mannef latter’s letter of March 20, 1924 announcing his of taking of appointment by Council as Chairman of this L etter d ated A pril 15, 1924 from Economil Commission Intelligence Service to American, Italian ana C. 189. M. 57. 1924. V III Swiss statisticians forwarding C. L. 57 (a). 1924 Frontier between Czechoslovakia and Poland Economics and Finance Frontier in Spisz (Jaworzina) District Customs Formalities Resolution adopted March 26, 1924 by Conferenci Conference. International, October-November 1923, of Ambassadors, in pursuance of Council’s resoln-| G eneva, on tion of M arch 12, 1924, instructing Delimitation! Proceedings of Commission to prepare the Protocols which arer to safeguard the interests of neighbouring com-| C. 66. M. 24. 1924, Volumes I and II munes and their intercommunications, and E rra ta deciding that this part of the frontier shall bel considered as finally fixed on approval of suchl Note dated April 25, 1924 by Secretary Gene­ protocols ral announcing index to above-mentioned C. 186. M. 54- r924 proceedings to be forwarded later C. 66 (a) M 24 (a) 1924 Instruments approved by H C. 66. M. 24. 1924, Volum e I, P a rt 1 and Errata* Minutes of Committee Meetings Health Organisation C. 66. M. 24. 1924, Volume II, P arts 4, Biological Products, Standardisation of 5 and 6 and Errata Conference, July 1923, Edinburgh, on Minutes of Plenary Meetings Report dated January 3, 1924 of C. 4. M. 4. 1924 III C. 66. M. 24. 1924, V olum e I, P a rt 2 (C. H. 147) and E rra ta Epidem ics Annexes to Report, Epidemiological (monthly or special), of| C. 66. M. 24. 1924, Volum e I, P a rt 3 Health Section and E rra ta d ated A pril 15, 1924 R. E. 65 * Distributed to certain States only. * Indexed in detail in Annual Subject List for i9*3. — 3 — Health Organisation (continued) Labour Organisation International (continued) Health Committee Governing Body ist Session, February 1924, Geneva Treaty of Versailles, Article 393, and corresponding M inutes of Articles of other Peace Treaties regarding C. 10. M. 7. 1924. I l l Amendment adopted November 2, 1922 by International Labour Conference to Syphilis, Investigations on Serodiagnosis of Ratification by Finland of Conference, Technical, Laboratory, November- Note dated April 4, 1924 by Secretary- December 1923, Copenhagen, on General announcing deposit of instrument Report issued April 1924 of ° f C. L. 55. 1924. V C. 5. M. 5. 1924. I l l Ratification by Norway of (C. H. 148) Note dated April 22, 1924 by Secretary- General announcing deposit of instrument of Letter dated April 1924 from Secretariat to Heads C. L. 58. 1924. V of Health Departments forwarding this report Ratification by Siam of draining attention to conclusions of Conference Note dated March 31, 1924 by Secretary- and Health Committee concerning concentration General announcing deposit of instrument of in specially adopted Laboratory of several me­ thods of carrying out serodiagnosis of syphilis C. L. 46. 1924. V and asking their opinion on practicability of there conclusions C. L. 56, 1924 N Near East Refugees, Armenian, in Settlement in Caucasus of 50,000 of Committees, National, to organise subscriptions for Intellectual Co-operation Appeal dated March 1, 1924 from National Life and Work, Intellectual, in the following countries : Armenian Delegation to States Members urging them to facilitate the formation of United States of America Publication issued April 1924 by Intellectual C. L. 19. 1924. A nnex Co-operation Committee entitled The P rin ­ List dated March 1924 of members of French cipal American Foundations, by Professor H. and Italian Reverdin, Expert on latter Committee C. L. 19. 1924. A nnex C. I. C. I., Brochure No. 11 (Series 2)* Letter dated March 24, 1924 from Secretary- General to States Members forwarding two above-mentioned documents and renewing appeal on behalf of these refugees C. L. 19. 1924 Journal, Official Opium, Traffic in Supplements, Special, issued April 1924 2nd,Conference, November 17, 1924, Geneva Official Journal, Special Supplement No. 13 Suggestions submitted March 1924 by Mrs. Hamilton Official Journal, Special Supplement No. 16 Wright, Assessor to Advisory Committee, to the Preparatory Committee for this Conference, as to means by which the production of the poppy and coca leaf can be restricted to the medicinal and scientific need of the world C. 172. M. 47. 1924. X I Labour Organisation, International Conference, International, of ist Session, October-November 1919, Washington Permanent Court of International Justice Conventions adopted by Judgments of Ratification by Netherlands of one of Documents of Written Procedure relating to Judg­ Note dated March 31, 1924 by Secretary- ment No. 1 (S.S. W imbledon) General announcing deposit of instrument C. P. J. I., Series C, No. 3, A dditional Volume of C. L. 45. 1924- V Note dated April 2, 1924 by Secretary-General forwarding ** French text distributed previously. C. L. 53. 1924. V s T Saar Basin Treaties, Conventions and Engagements, International Appointment by Municipal Council of Saarbruck of Texts of Treaties (Nos.
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