y • • • ♦ - ^ St, A v ik A o in formeM eatkdl I e l ’ Jaasa T. Paaeoe, Watkins Broth­ Mr. and Mrs. George Jchnsoa of Saturday, taorsaasa tha ........................I ill I II siMlIid ^ l i^kiiak Temple ers Interior decorator, sailed this 47 Bigelow street are apendliig the hourly wags from 40 to 48 cents cz> afternoon on the Monarch at Ber­ week-end In Weyne^ Pa., •viattiag SOME TOWN MEN ^t for employaez doing garbag* 5,801 doaily taalght aad their mm, George, who la atudirlng ooUaotlng aad aawage dl^oeal pJaat ABEL’S HEN ONliT. muda for a two weeks holiday In AUTO and TBDOK KKPAnuMG teyi wanaer. Bltttac of Fire Chu Bermuda. at the fVnrge Military work, none of whom rscelva Is Academ y. AO Work Qaarsatoedl 8«tara^r> Oet. IT, ItM, GETPAYRAISE than 80 oeats aa hour. MANtM ESTER-A CITT OF VILLAGE CHARM I. nt— , nfrahmeati. Hairy Anderson of Hartford who The 'tncreaee la the miiiiniiiiii ■aar M Oeepar Street All membeik of the Luther Lea­ j . wags of polioenMB to gs a day did A ta tm km aSe. witnaased the 19S8 Olympic games __ i m ^ a a fa g • U k | (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE in Berlin will be the speaker:er at the gue of the Emanuel Lutheran church I not take effect this week, when the VOL. LVL, NO. 16 BIANCHESTBR, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 19,19S« Monday noon meeting of the Man- who are taking part in the Church ebeeka for the first half of October oheeter Kiwanis club. Tbe’ prize Paper Week drive arc reminded that Those in Lower Brackett In­ were distributed. The salary ad­ ABOUT TOWN will be furnished by Clifford R. a report meeting will be held tomor­ justment will probably be mate by Burr. row in the church vsetry aftw the creased to 4S Cents Per the poliospoll oommlssioners Monday Seamen Saved In Lake Erie Disaster morning service. It Is urgent that night. WATKINS BROS. Thu Winter 20 M EET DEATH siU workers be present with their LANDONCAUS *Tnitonilt]r UarebM on” ia the Charies R. Turner of Hartford OrOOBPOBATED : ttUe at the taitdng- motion picture will be the speaker at the session of reports. Hour This Week. 19 PERSONS DROWNED Ittat w ill be Bhown a t T inker hall the Bveryman’s Bible class tomor­ row morning at 9:30 at the Second ROBERT R. ANDERSON You’D®Want ON ROOSEVET AS QUAKES ROCK f K , t , K ' jKkilght under the aunicei of Man- TEACMBBS* AND STUDENTS’ FnnsrsJ D lrector Congregational church. Mr. Tume.' PUBUC RECORDS ■ :«]heeter lodgre No. 1477, Loyal Order The pay received yesterday by LUNCHEONS AT THE 'jtf Moose. The picture will be shown has addressed the class on previous town employees recsli^g tbe low­ Fnneml service in home­ ,at 0:1S and a door prize will be occasions and la always sure of a Warrantee Deods. est wages Included, for the first PRINCESS - 25c TO SPE^ OUT NORTH^ITALY awarded to those In attendance. warm welcome. These sessions are like anrroandingn. AS STEAMER Elisabeth Garrard of Conlmlcut, R. Urns, the raise voted by tbe eelect- Ooneleiing of Soup, any tSe Saad- . *niere will be no charge and admls- open to all -'en of the community. I., and Robert H. Wilson of Burlin­ men. The new scale, which became I .if^on w ill be by card. wirh, OoSOe,“ “ T ea orir H e t Cbooo- 142 EAST CENTER ST. STORM A short meeting of the Second game, Cal., acting by Elizabeth effective for the week ending last Demands He Say Wketker Moidi Property Loss When Congregational church council Is Garrard, hia attorney In fact; to Telephone: !^M1ss Barbara Liuettgens. of. 282 Paul and Mary. Dutchess, a lot on Of 26 Aboard Frei^t^! : Oak etrept, was surprised by 18 of called for tomorrow forenoon. Im­ Office 5171 Honse 7494 mediately following the church serv­ the east side of Edward street. In­ He Plans to ReTiVe NRA A bost Every Hopie m Siege Orders Issued Tisr High school associates at her ternal revenuw stamps for 32,BOO. ;1pme last night. In recognition of ice. SASH Only Seven,Alive to Trif Elizabeth A. Wright, aifford B. Her sixteenth birthday which occur- Town Is Damaged; Resi­ f / " • Bnigbet Lodge, I. O, G. T., will Wright, John T. Wright, Gilbert V. by Any Device; Starts On jtnd on Columbus day. Games were Wright and Agatba W, Erickson of JUST. ARRIVED! To Madrid Residents How Compamoni Drog” ;|l^yed, light refreshments served meet tonight at 8 o’clock at the Delco-Heat To keep the wind Manchester, to Charles S. Roberts, ;iBd Bvbara was remembered with home o f Mr. and Mrs. Algol iJohn- Italian Dish Gardras Coast Trip. dents Rnsh to Open Helds, Bon o f ICdgerton street. Jr., and Amelia H. Roberts, lot on The Fastest Seiiing EXCAVATING AND 'a number of pretty gifts. the south side of Academy street, Novelty Book Ends and cold out and tiie By ASSOCIATED PRESS ^would be “almost ImpregnaUsC ped One by One from Cap- internal revenue stamps for gSOO. Oil Burner On the Market Dishes and Novelties g r a d i n g Madrid levied virtual selge orders against a FascUit attack. t r - Vittorio, Italy, Oct 19.—(A P I- With rail communications out to Thomas J. Waddell, Jr., to Thom­ Just the thing for a bridge- heat in. -Aboard London Train EMrouto to on Its poptdatloB today as Insurgent ra»d lifeboats Omni g ift. Cellars Dim omU, Oct 19.—(AP)—A call Light earth shocks In this section of tbe Hedlterronesa coast, now orders as Waddell, one-half interest In a foross.pushed their lines within 30 lot on the south side of Flower Lawns GraoM for Preildent Roosevelt to zay northern Italy where an esirthquake ware decreed to oooserve food and Also oomplete line of Plants C: miles of tha capital. power. Gas, water and eleotridty street, internal revenue stamps for Plowing’ - Harrowing whether be intends "to perpetuate brought death and destruction yes­ tbeNigbt J500. and Cut Flowera. Faseiat commanders declared they Use was d o ssly regulated. the NBA willy-nilly’ waa voiced to­ terday, created fresh apprehension Loam For Sale We stock all sizes in 4-Iight sash, complete with fixtures. today. had consolidated a strong force Officials supervised food supplies TOHIOHT day by Gov. Alf M. lAuidon as the Estimates Given ’The death toll to date, a hospital south of tbe city stretching from and new wmnitoga were laaued aevelsnd, O ct 19— (AP) —T ^ PENTLAND R^ubllcan Presidential nominee ■ -I.-.- V-'- <■'' against hoarders. THE FLORIST 17 Oak gt. check indicated, waa between 20 and El Alamo, four miles, from Naval- cold, treacherous watarc of LotM. '^^ S. G. BOWERS headed weet for a major addrem 25. carnero, to about eig^ miles west Thousands o f govsnim ent mlU tu­ Tuesdav At Los Angeles. ’The new tremors sent residents of Arsnjes, Important communica­ rn en were killed when Iqsurgent Erie held today bodied of 18 mte HAPPY-LU and his PICWRE 75 Deming St Phone 7172 G. E. W ILUS & SON, Inc. In a tormal statement, the Kan- rushing into the streets of the tions point near ToJICdo. forces routed Socialist miners to and one woman, victims of esjk'f ^ t aan oommented on a speech ' last mountain-girt town where Italy won The front to the'^south of Madrid siess OvlMo, to tha far north. The mile gale which overtuned ' . ailil:i; Coal, Lumber, Masons’ Supplies, Paint week by James Roosevelt, tbe Presl- a decisive world war victory over Insurgents guarded the provtoctol FR AM IN G i dtet’s son, in which - Landon sold Austria. shaped into a barring ram oolunui sunk the 353-foot Canadian m RHYTHM BAND “this much Is clear, that young fpeused at (jasamibuelos, about 18 capital agal^ eounteruttacks aad OF ALL KINDS 2 Main St Tel. 5125 Manchester ’The shocks began at 9 a. m. to­ rushed new food supplies to the sucker. Sand Merchant to the s«ll>^^ One of the best bands we have ever had. It’s a pleasure Roosevelt understands the President day and continued for several min­ miles south of -Madrid. Reinforced ond major dtaaster o f tha It LOW PRICES Read Tke Herald Advs. etui to Intend to make NRA princi­ Infantry ooljimns, supi>arted by starvtog dvU populattoa, ending a just to listen to them! FILMS utes. r> - N j i , ; three-months stage. Great Lakes sesson. ples live and operate In our govern­ Yesterday’s earthquake damaged artillery and air units, drove for­ ment by one de>dce or another.” ward to that sector after occupying General EmlUo Kota predlotad Of 38 aboard, bnty seven .i—_ _ virtually every house In the town. tha Fascists would enter Madrid DEVELOPING ’The statement waa made public sa Soma must be razed, others proba­ Illeacss, nllaa from Madrid. ed today to tell how a niaiority.'/ ELITE STUDIO "within a few days.” He broadcast their benumbed eompantoaa (b W ith the Landon crossed, the foothills of the bly will be repaired. Several streets Intwaive attacks dosed to the 9S3 Main Street AND PRINTING Rockies enrouto to Albuquerque, N. were closed to traffic as cracked his “promise'^ from SevlUs. ped off, one by one, n«m ths 1 Good Floor Show M„ for a short speech (at 8:80 p. m., Fascist ring toward El Bacorial to Informed souroas to MosoojV ds- eapstaed lifeboats to wbtab.-': U pstairs 8-Haiir Servtee. walls and shattered beams threat- the i)brth, aooordtog to Insurgent Campbell’s Service Station Hoimtand standard time), the first fhiwi -ti’ .
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