VOL. 6, NO. 6 • March 21, 2012 618 Strouds Lane, Pickering, ON L1V 4S9 • Tel: 905.831-4402 • Fax: 416.292.2943 • Email: [email protected] Lunch Raises Computer Purchase Funds The Friends of St Mary’s hosted petition encouraging the kids to its Fundraising Lunch on Sun- write about their career choices day, March 18th at Scarborough’s and proposed contribution to Guy- Timehri Restaurant. About fifty ana’s development. members of the Canadian Carib- The Group, which is also spear- bean community turned out in sup- headed by Jennifer Ridley and port of the Group’s efforts to raise Maurice Lee, also has plans to funds to purchase a much needed implement a Mentorship Program computer for St. Mary’s students in that will allow St Mary’s students Guyana. access to the knowledge, skills and Those present, including sev- expertise of Alumni in Canada and eral St. Mary’s past students who the U.S. with specialities in areas attended the school from the of study interests. 1940’s to the 1960’s, were treated Having also already hosted a Pub to a sumptuous Caribbean Buffet Night earlier this month, Friends Lunch. of St Mary’s will be hosting these During her brief welcome ad- events annually. The computer dress, Friends of St Mary’s Chair- purchased with proceeds from the person Sandra Ann Baptiste ad- March 18th Lunch will be present- vised those present of the Group’s ed to St Mary students in Guyana ambitious plans for the year. These by Friends of St Mary’s Chairper- include the development of a com- son Sandra Ann Baptiste. REDJet Grounded BRIDGETOWN – After just 10 putting forward a model designed months in the skies, low-cost car- to bring affordable travel to the rier REDjet has been grounded Caribbean from as low as $19.98 due to financial problems. The before taxes. And the owners have Barbados-based airline needs an given the assurance that they are $8 million injection and govern- willing to continue providing af- ment support so it can take to the fordable air transport across the skies once again. Without such Caribbean if they could receive a help, the future of the airline is un- small part of the state assistance certain. given to other airlines. The airline suspended all flights Tourism Minister Richard Sealy to its nine destinations with effect said the Barbados Tourism Au- from 11:59 p.m. on March 16 until thority was willing to work with further notice. This move placed the airline in the area of joint mar- all flights were being suspended. dos, Guyana, St. Lucia and Trini- over 90 employees on the bread- keting, and expressed hope that Passengers flooded the airline’s dad. Caribbean Airlines indicated line, resulted in a number of pas- it would soon be up and running Facebook page expressing their it would adjust its scheduled op- sengers being stranded and a strain once again. St. Lucia’s Prime Min- frustration over the airline’s lack erations by adding additional seats on regional travel. The latest turn ister, Dr. Kenny Anthony, also not- of communication with them on its aircraft to accommodate the of events has also raised the ques- ed that it was difficult for regional about what was happening to al- numbers. REDjet served Barba- tion of whether or not the cost of governments to continue subsidis- low them to better plan for their dos, Trinidad and Tobago, Grena- regional travel will once again ing carriers. travel. Some passengers are also da, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and increase, or if air fare will remain However, the grounding of the demanding their money back. announced the launch of service low. airline has not gone down well Meanwhile, LIAT has already to Antigua and Barbuda on Thurs- The airline which is owned by with passengers, some of whom stepped forward and made special day, one day before it closed its father and son Ian and Robbie purchased tickets within minutes arrangements to assist stranded operations. Burns took to the skies last May, of the airline’s announcement that passengers from Antigua, Barba- PAGE 2 CARIBBEAN GRAPHIC March 21, 2012 Community Financial Freedom From Natural Health In A Bottle When many people get are some of the traditions I That’s when I found the sick, their first instinct is to wanted to continue because I company. I was intro- rush to the doctor for a di- grew up with it. And, for my duced to Young Living. agnosis. Then, after being children, I wanted that. Be- That changed the whole diagnosed, they head to Akua cause I know that when the scenario for my family,” the pharmacy to purchase babies are born back home, Lochan explained. medication to ease their Hinds that’s one of the things they Young Living is a ailments. Suninia Lochan start with, honey and orange company that markets used to be one of those people who would juice. And, that is when I started out over natural oils to the pub- use products from the drug store to combat here I found out that honey is not good for lic. Lochan started out her sinuses and sicknesses. But ever since babies,” Lochan said. as a customer of Young one year ago when Lochan discovered Lochan had not anticipated that the food Living’s Essential Oils more natural alternatives, she has launched and nutrition practices that she had been products, and she quick- a new business from her findings, and has raised to accept in Guyana were considered ly made the decision to not had to take any tablets to improve her unsafe in Canada. Still, Lochan was eager join the business and health. Lochan has suffered from sinuses to introduce some of what she learned in work as an independent ever since she moved to Canada from her Guyana to her children in Canada. distributor for Young native country Guyana in 1995. Back then, “I was shocked about that because that Living after experienc- Lochan relied on pharmaceuticals. was one of the natural stuff that you would ing life-changing results “I came into this country and I started use home for little babies, you would use with the company’s oils. working in the media field. I was work- the honey. But, I went ahead and used it “It is natural. You ing with a newspaper company in Guyana. because it didn’t do me any harm. When use a little bit. My little And then, we went into the technology my children were little, before the age of daughter, she cannot field. From there, as you progress, you two, if they would get a cold, there was take any medication. It’s kind of notice with the everyday run that nothing we could go and get over the coun- not good for her health. you get stressed out, taking tablets and all ter,” Lochan explained. With my other daughter, of that. For me, if I take Tylenol, I would Lochan was working in the Information I was able to give her sleep. Because of that, I started looking Technology field around the time her and some relief when she into other alternatives,” Lochan explained. her husband’s first child was born. Soon had a cold. I would give Suninia Lochan Lochan, the mother of two daughters after her eldest daughter’s birth, Lochan her honey and I used the are most common among individuals is aged 8 and 5, started looking into more was laid off from her job. Eager to be an peppermint oil which I used for the fever the Peppermint Oil and the Lavender oil. natural alternatives to using pharmaceuti- active and alert mother, Lochan started in- and all of that. It all came down to wanting Those have been around, I’d say, forever cals in the year 2003 when she was expect- vestigating products that would heal her my family to have this relief, but not to be and incorporated into everything there ing her eldest child. Lochan planned to sinuses and help her to stay awake. heavily medicated. is. That’s the first thing I’d say to people. use some of the remedies that she had seen “When I would take a Tylenol, I would The Essential Oils have not only helped Say, for a headache. I do not take a tablet growing up in Guyana. fall asleep. Really and truly, you shouldn’t with Lochan and her children’s colds and anymore for headaches. Obviously that “Coming from back home you come take something that would make you sleep. sinuses, Lochan’s husband Mayraj has is something I have all of the time in my with certain things that you would use back Anything that I took would make me feel found relief using the oils to help ease his bag. And not because of the business side home for babies. Like honey. We give ba- drained, tired, and really nervous. It would back pain caused by a car accident. of it; I have it for personal use. I would bies honey and orange juice and all of that last for days. That’s when I started look- “He suffers from really severe back pain. say to people, ‘try it.’ It gives you immedi- when they’re little and just born. Those ing to alternatives first with eucalyptus oil. I cannot stress this Young Living product ate relief, especially with the cold season,” that helped Mayraj because he drank the Lochan said. NingXia Red with frankincense.
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