WASHINGTON JEFFERSON 220 H An Approach to Conserving Maine's Natural )" o pe LEGEND Space for Plants, Animals, and People B ro ok Pitcher Brook T hisma pdepicts all wetla ndsshown onNationa Wetla l ndInventory ma(NW I) ps,but www.beginningwithhabitat.org Mud ca tegorizedthem ba sedonasubset wetla of ndfunctions. This ma pand its depiction Pond of wetla of ndfea turesneither substitute nor forelim ina tethe need performto on-the- Supplementary Map 7 groundwetla nddelinea tionand functiona assessm l ent.nowaIn ysha use llthis of ma p dim inishoralter the regula toryprotection tha all t wetla ndsare accorded under 17 Dyer River )" a pplica bleState and Federal la ws.Formore informa tionabout wetla ndscha racterization, )"32 )"235 Wetlands Characterization WASHINGTON contactElizabeth Hertz atthe Ma ineDepa rtm entConservation of (207-287-8061, West Branch elizabeth.hertz@m a ine.gov). )"126 Dyer River WALDOBORO Drainage UNION Waldoboro WALDOBORO This map is non-regulatory and is intended for planning purposes only Round T heWetla ndsCha racterizationmodel isapla nningtoolintended helpto identify likely Pond wetla ndfunctions associated with significa ntwetla ndresources and adjacent upla nds. WALDOBORO UsingGISana lysis,this ma pprovides ba sicinforma tionrega rdingwha ecologica t l UNION servicesvarious wetla ndsare likely provide.to These ecologica services, l ea which ch of 32 )" k Medomak Pond o ha sassociated econom icbenefits, include: floodflow control, sedim entretention, finfish o Drainage r B ha bitat,and/or shellfish ha bitat.There are other im portantwetla ndfunctions and values w notdepicted inthis ma Refer p. www.mato ine.gov/dep/wa ter/wetla nds/ipwetfv2.htm l )"213 Meado Medomak Seven Tree Pond additiona for informa l tionrega rdingwetla ndfunctions and values. Forested wetla ndsand Pond Drainage sm awetla ll ndssuch as verna pools l are known beto underrepresented inthe Nationa l Seven Tree Pond W etla ndsInventory da(NW ta I) used creato tethis ma The p. model developed to estim a tethe functions provided by ea chwetla ndcould not ca ptureevery wetla nd functionvalue.or Therefore, itisim portantuseto loca knowledge l and other da ta 213 )" sourceswhen evalua tingwetla nds,and ea chwetla ndshould be considered rela tiveto thewhole la ndsca pe/wa tershedwhen assessing wetla ndresources ata loca level. l Little Medomak Pond Damariscotta (Storer Pond) )"131 Lake Organized Township Boundary UNION WARREN Unorganized Township Selected Town or Area of Interest A 32 l )" f o rd JEFFERSON WALDOBORO B Developed:Impervious surfaces including buildings and roads ro o k r e v SubwatershedsThe - sha ded,ba ckgroundpolygons are i )"235 R subwa tersheds(area stha drain t atopa rticulala r ke,wetla nd, k pond,river, strea orthe m , ocea The n). subwa tershedsare a m o sha dedshowto topographic relief. This "hillsha ding" JEFFERSON Damariscotta Lake d Drainage e a ssum esthe sun isshining fromthe northwest, soridgetops NOBLEBORO M a ndnorthwest-facing slopes appea light, r wherea svalleys and White southea st-facingslopes appea da r Beca rk. usema nyarea s Oak Pond Ma of ineare rela tivelythefla t, topographic relief shown here ha sbeen exa ggeratedmato kethe details ea siersee.to 220 )" River Cooks e F rg Pond u eo ll G Wetland Functions: Fill Pattern er t. Brook S Some wetlands may have more than one funtion (fill pattern) WALDOBORO """"" WARREN """"" RUNOFF / FLOODFLOW ALTERATION """"" W etla ndsprovide na turalstormwa tercontrol ca pa bilities.Asna turalba sinsin """"" thela ndsca pe,wetla ndsare able receive,to detain, and slowly relea se stormwa terWetlarunoff. ndshelves along strea mba nksna turallyregula te floodwa tersby providing an area swollen for strea mflows expato ndand slow, therebyprotecting downstrea mproperties. This ma passigns Runoff/FloodflowAlteration Functions wetlato ndstha are tcontained (a) ina Levensaler Brook South Pond-St. George River knownfloodzone,associated (b) with asurfacewa tercourse waor terbody,and B e Drainage with (c) slope 3%.< n n e AND/OR r EROSION CONTROL / SEDIMENT RETENTION k B r oo W etla ndsact as na turalsponges tha ca t nhold wa ter,allowing suspended Tobias pa rticlessuch as sedim entsettleto out.The dense vegetation inmost Morang Pond wetla ndshelps stabilizeto soil and slow wa terflows,thereby reducing scouring Cove a ndba nkerosion. This ma passigns Erosion Control Sedim / entRetention Damariscotta functionswetlato ndswith slope (a) em 3%;(b) < ergentvegetation; and (c) close (c) proxim ityatoriver, strea laor m ke. , North Pond North Lake FINFISH HABITAT W etla ndswith docum entedfinfish popula tions,including wetla ndsadjacent to ariver, strea laor m ke. , AND/OR SHELLFISH HABITAT D e Inla ndwetla ndsand strea m sca ndirectly affect the status coastal of shellfish e p ha rvestarea Feca s. coliform l ba cteriaand wa terbornenutrients resulting from C o la nduse cha ngesawa yfromthe coast ca ntravel via surface wa terto ve ¤£1 ha rvestableflaOne ts. failed septic system nea a rstrea mcould close amudfla t severalmiles awa Excessive y. nutrients ca nreduce wa tercla rityand stim ula teepiphytic growth tha degrades t eelgrass mea dows.Conservation of freshwa terwetla ndsand strea mbuffers incoastal wa tershedsisakey Damariscotta )"32 Lake WALDOBORO com ponentinma rineresource conservation. This ma passigns aShellfish NOBLEBORO H a bitatfunction wetlato ndswithin miles identified0.5 (a) of shellfish ha bitat, Kalers Pond identified (b) shellfish closure area ma (c) or s, ppedeelgrass beds OR pa lustrinewetla ndsdirectly connected by astrea mile 0.5 < minlengthof to Medomak River identified (a) shellfish ha bitat,identified (b) shellfish closure area or s, Drainage ma (c) ppedeelgrass beds. ¤£1 PLANT/ANIMAL HABITAT Nea rlyall wildlife species, and ma Ma ny of ine’spla ntspecies, depend on S ¤£1 o wetla ndsduring som epa their rtof lifecycle. Forthe purposes this of ma p, u th wetla ndscontaining open wa teremor ergentvegetation, ormore3 wetla nd P vegetationcla sses(see below), and within ¼mile aknown of rare, threa tened, on d endaor ngeredpla ntanimor aoccurrence, l within ¼mile ama of pped significa ntoressential ha bitat,withinor ¼mile arare of orexem pla ryna tural Duckpuddle com m unityha vebeen assigned this function. Rare elem entoccurrences and Pond Sidensparker m a ppedha bitatsca nbe found onMa High p2 Value Pla ntAnim& aHa l bitats. Pond (((((((( (((((((( (((((((( OTHER FUNCTIONS (((((((( (((((((( (((((((( CULT URAL/EDUCATIONAL.Wetla ndswithin ¼mile aboat of ram porschool (((((((( (((((((( ha vebeen assigned this value as these wetla ndsare likely ca ndida tesusefor a soutdoor cla ssroomorsim s, ilasocial r benefit. Wetla ndsrated other for k o o functionslisted above ma yalso dem onstratecultural/educa tionavalues l r B a lthoughnot expressly shown. Oyster Creek OR NODOCUMENTED FUNCTION. The ba this sis of cha racterizationishigh Dam a ltitudeaerial photos. Photo qua lityoften lim itsthe informa tiontha ca t nbe interpretedfromsm awetla ll ndfea tures,thoseor with dense ca nopycover. Althoughnot assigned afunction under this study, ground surveys ma yrevea l Beaver )"220 thathese t wetla ndsha vemultiple functions and values. k o Wetland Class: Fill Color o r B Aqua ticBed (floating submor ergedaqua ticvegetation), Open Wa ter ¤£1 )"32 o ig a l S Havener Pond Em ergent(herba ceousvegetation), Em ergent/ForestedMix (woody vegetation NOBLEBORO tall),Em ft >20 ergent/Shrub-ScrubMix (woody vegetation tall) ft <20 k DAMARISCOTTA e e r C k Sampson W o r r a e Cove e Forested,Forested/Shrub-scrub t Damariscotta River o t v e i s r k B o r R y Drainage Pemaquid River m O o r a B n k Drainage c Goose River a B S hrub-scrub WALDOBORO h B Medomak t r r Peters o o BREMEN o Pond w k ns w ar o F Other(rocky shore, strea m bed,unconsolida tedshore, reef,rocky bottom ) d a e M NationaWetla l ndsInventory ma(NW I) ps(the ba wetla sis of ndsshown onthis ma are p) River Far interpretedfromhigh altitude photographs. NW Wetla I ndsare identified by vegetation, k c Meadow hydrology,and geography inaccorda ncewith "Cla ssificaWetla tion of ndsand Deepwa ter 32 West a e )" rn B H a bitats"(FW S /OBS-79/31,DecThe 1979). aerial photographs docum entconditions for theyea they r were taken. There isno attem in pt,either the design productsor this of B Long inventory,defineto the lim proprietary its of jurisdiction any of Federal, State, orloca l r nd o Po o Cove e k governm ent.NW ma I psdepict general wetla ndloca tions,bounda ries,and tl it Pond L cha racteristics.They are not asubstitute on-ground,for site-specific wetla nddelinea tion. WALDOBORO Eastern Branch FRIENDSHIP Data Sources Pitchers DATA SOURCE INFORMATION Pemaquid Cove (note: italicized file names can be downloaded from Maine Office of GIS) T OW NSHBOUNDARIES IP Black River-Goose River Ma ine GISOffice(2015); of metwp24 ROADS r Drainage )"97 ve WALDOBORO i Ma ine MaGIS,Office of ine Depa rtm entTransportation of (2015); medotpub Muddy R H Y DROL OGY Pond BREMEN Broad Ma ine GeologicaU.S.GIS,Office of Survey l (2010); NHD Cove Pemaquid k c DEVELOPED Pond a B Ma ine MaGIS,Office of ine Depa rtm entInla of nd Fisheries and Wildlife (2015) The Narrows NATIONALWETL ANDSINVENTORY (NW I) Ma ine GISOffice(2015); of NWI St. George River DRAINAGEDIVIDES Drainage Ma ine GISOffice(2015); of medrdvd d DATA SOURCE CONTACT INFORMATION iver C n R ove o ck Go Ma inehttp://www.maGIS:Office of ine.gov/megis/ a o BREMEN P B s e Ma ineDepa rtm entTransportation: of http://www.ma ine.gov/mdot/ DAMARISCOTTA FRIENDSHIP Ma ineDepa rtm entAgriculture, of Conservation and Forestry: CUSHING y R d r 32 i DAMARISCOTTA " v http://www.ma ine.gov/da cf/pla nning/index.htm l u ) e BRISTOL C r c Ma ineGeologica Survey: l http://www.ma ine.gov/doc/nrim c/mgs/mgs.htm M DIGITAL DATA REQUEST West Musgongus Bay Frontal Trequest o digital da a tatown for ororga nization,visit our website.
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