The Securities and Exchange Commission has not necessarily reviewed the information in this filing and has not determined if it is accurate and complete. The reader should not assume that the information is accurate and complete. UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OMB APPROVAL Washington, D.C. 20549 OMB Number: 3235-0006 FORM 13F Expires: Oct 31, 2018 FORM 13F COVER PAGE Estimated average burden hours per response: 23.8 Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended: 03-31-2014 Check here if Amendment Amendment Number: This Amendment (Check only one.): is a restatement. adds new holdings entries. Institutional Investment Manager Filing this Report: Name: PNC FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC. Address: ONE PNC PLAZA 249 FIFTH AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA 15222 Form 13F File Number: 028-01235 The institutional investment manager filing this report and the person by whom it is signed hereby represent that the person signing the report is authorized to submit it, that all information contained herein is true, correct and complete, and that it is understood that all required items, statements, schedules, lists, and tables, are considered integral parts of this form. Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager: Name: William S. Demchak Title: President & Chief Executive Officer Phone: (412) 762-2000 Signature, Place, and Date of Signing: /s/ William S. Demchak Pittsburgh, PA 05-09-2014 [Signature] [City, State] [Date] Report Type (Check only one.): X 13F HOLDINGS REPORT. (Check here if all holdings of this reporting manager are reported in this report.) 13F NOTICE. (Check here if no holdings reported are in this report, and all holdings are reported by other reporting manager(s).) 13F COMBINATION REPORT. (Check here if a portion of the holdings for this reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting manager(s).) Form 13F Summary Page Report Summary: Number of Other Included Managers: 4 Form 13F Information Table Entry Total: 3,850 Form 13F Information Table Value Total: 57,382,470 (thousands) List of Other Included Managers: Provide a numbered list of the name(s) and Form 13F file number(s) of all institutional investment managers with respect to which this report is filed, other than the manager filing this report. [If there are no entries in this list, state “NONE” and omit the column headings and list entries.] Form 13F File No. Name Number 1 028-4750 PNC Bancorp, Inc. 2 028-5284 PNC Bank, National Association 3 028-13605 PNC Capital Advisors, LLC 4 028-13663 PNC Delaware Trust Company The Securities and Exchange Commission has not necessarily reviewed the information in this filing and has not determined if it is accurate and complete. The reader should not assume that the information is accurate and complete. UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OMB APPROVAL Washington, D.C. 20549 OMB Number: 3235-0006 FORM 13F Expires: Oct 31, 2018 FORM 13F INFORMATION TABLE Estimated average burden hours per response: 23.8 COLUMN COLUMN COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 8 4 7 VALUE SHRS OR SH/ PUT/ INVESTMENT OTHER VOTING AUTHORITY NAME OF ISSUER TITLE OF CLASS CUSIP (x$1000) PRN AMT PRN CALL DISCRETION MANAGER SOLE SHARED NONE DEUTSCHE BANK AG NAMEN AKT D18190898 57 1,280 SH DFND 2 1,280 0 0 DEUTSCHE BANK AG NAMEN AKT D18190898 20 451 SH DFND 2 303 0 148 DEUTSCHE BANK AG NAMEN AKT D18190898 20 451 SH OTR 2 303 0 148 ACTAVIS PLC SHS G0083B108 4,178 20,296 SH DFND 2 20,296 0 0 ACTAVIS PLC SHS G0083B108 1,700 8,259 SH DFND 2 6,523 0 1,736 ACTAVIS PLC SHS G0083B108 1,700 8,259 SH OTR 2 6,523 0 1,736 ACTAVIS PLC SHS G0083B108 645 3,133 SH DFND 3 3,133 0 0 ACTAVIS PLC SHS G0083B108 351 1,704 SH DFND 4 1,704 0 0 ACTAVIS PLC SHS G0083B108 236 1,148 SH DFND 4 1,148 0 0 ACTAVIS PLC SHS G0083B108 236 1,148 SH OTR 4 1,148 0 0 AIRCASTLE LTD COM G0129K104 472 24,360 SH DFND 3 24,360 0 0 ALLEGION PUB LTD CO ORD SHS G0176J109 1,447 27,734 SH DFND 2 27,667 0 67 ALLEGION PUB LTD CO ORD SHS G0176J109 1,064 20,396 SH DFND 2 19,744 0 652 ALLEGION PUB LTD CO ORD SHS G0176J109 1,064 20,396 SH OTR 2 19,744 0 652 ALLEGION PUB LTD CO ORD SHS G0176J109 80 1,534 SH DFND 3 1,534 0 0 ALLEGION PUB LTD CO ORD SHS G0176J109 32 610 SH DFND 4 610 0 0 ALLEGION PUB LTD CO ORD SHS G0176J109 32 610 SH OTR 4 610 0 0 ALKERMES PLC SHS G01767105 18 400 SH DFND 2 400 0 0 ALKERMES PLC SHS G01767105 548 12,420 SH DFND 2 10,450 0 1,970 ALKERMES PLC SHS G01767105 548 12,420 SH OTR 2 10,450 0 1,970 ALKERMES PLC SHS G01767105 310 7,025 SH DFND 3 0 0 7,025 AMDOCS LTD SHS G02602103 631 13,590 SH DFND 2 13,590 0 0 AMDOCS LTD SHS G02602103 141 3,031 SH DFND 2 2,871 160 0 AMDOCS LTD SHS G02602103 141 3,031 SH OTR 2 2,871 160 0 AMDOCS LTD SHS G02602103 350 7,534 SH DFND 3 0 0 7,534 AMDOCS LTD SHS G02602103 2 47 SH DFND 4 47 0 0 AMDOCS LTD SHS G02602103 2 40 SH DFND 4 40 0 0 AMDOCS LTD SHS G02602103 2 40 SH OTR 4 40 0 0 AMBARELLA INC SHS G037AX101 190 7,100 SH DFND 2 7,100 0 0 AMBARELLA INC SHS G037AX101 190 7,100 SH OTR 2 7,100 0 0 AMBARELLA INC SHS G037AX101 305 11,428 SH DFND 3 11,428 0 0 AON PLC SHS CL A G0408V102 15,584 184,907 SH DFND 2 179,253 0 5,654 AON PLC SHS CL A G0408V102 6,083 72,181 SH DFND 2 72,181 0 0 AON PLC SHS CL A G0408V102 6,083 72,181 SH OTR 2 72,181 0 0 AON PLC SHS CL A G0408V102 433 5,132 SH DFND 3 5,132 0 0 AON PLC SHS CL A G0408V102 574 6,811 SH DFND 4 6,811 0 0 ARCH CAP GROUP LTD ORD G0450A105 351 6,106 SH DFND 2 6,106 0 0 ARCH CAP GROUP LTD ORD G0450A105 106 1,836 SH DFND 2 1,636 0 200 ARCH CAP GROUP LTD ORD G0450A105 106 1,836 SH OTR 2 1,636 0 200 ARCOS DORADOS HOLDINGS SHS CLASS -A - G0457F107 22 2,174 SH DFND 2 2,174 0 0 INC ARCOS DORADOS HOLDINGS SHS CLASS -A - G0457F107 0 30 SH DFND 2 30 0 0 INC ARCOS DORADOS HOLDINGS SHS CLASS -A - G0457F107 0 30 SH OTR 2 30 0 0 INC ARGO GROUP INTL HLDGS LTD COM G0464B107 10 228 SH DFND 2 228 0 0 ARGO GROUP INTL HLDGS LTD COM G0464B107 4 90 SH DFND 3 90 0 0 ASPEN INSURANCE HOLDINGS SHS G05384105 10 252 SH DFND 2 252 0 0 LTD ASPEN INSURANCE HOLDINGS SHS G05384105 51 1,279 SH DFND 2 79 0 1,200 LTD ASPEN INSURANCE HOLDINGS SHS G05384105 51 1,279 SH OTR 2 79 0 1,200 LTD ASPEN INSURANCE HOLDINGS SHS G05384105 6 149 SH DFND 3 149 0 0 LTD ASSURED GUARANTY LTD COM G0585R106 326 12,871 SH DFND 2 12,871 0 0 ASSURED GUARANTY LTD COM G0585R106 42 1,641 SH DFND 2 1,641 0 0 ASSURED GUARANTY LTD COM G0585R106 42 1,641 SH OTR 2 1,641 0 0 AXIS CAPITAL HOLDINGS LTD SHS G0692U109 312 6,800 SH DFND 2 6,800 0 0 AXIS CAPITAL HOLDINGS LTD SHS G0692U109 9 202 SH DFND 2 202 0 0 AXIS CAPITAL HOLDINGS LTD SHS G0692U109 9 202 SH OTR 2 202 0 0 ENERGY XXI BERMUDA LTD USD UNRS SHS G10082140 43 1,836 SH DFND 2 1,836 0 0 ENERGY XXI BERMUDA LTD USD UNRS SHS G10082140 6 237 SH DFND 3 237 0 0 ACCENTURE PLC IRELAND SHS CLASS A G1151C101 18,671 234,212 SH DFND 2 178,602 0 55,610 ACCENTURE PLC IRELAND SHS CLASS A G1151C101 6,746 84,626 SH DFND 2 80,409 80 4,137 ACCENTURE PLC IRELAND SHS CLASS A G1151C101 6,746 84,626 SH OTR 2 80,409 80 4,137 ACCENTURE PLC IRELAND SHS CLASS A G1151C101 1,972 24,736 SH DFND 3 24,736 0 0 ACCENTURE PLC IRELAND SHS CLASS A G1151C101 241 3,029 SH DFND 4 1,129 0 1,900 ACCENTURE PLC IRELAND SHS CLASS A G1151C101 16 200 SH DFND 4 200 0 0 ACCENTURE PLC IRELAND SHS CLASS A G1151C101 16 200 SH OTR 4 200 0 0 BROOKFIELD PPTY PARTNERS L UNIT LTD PARTN G16249107 5 241 SH DFND 2 241 0 0 P BROOKFIELD PPTY PARTNERS L UNIT LTD PARTN G16249107 2 132 SH DFND 2 132 0 0 P BROOKFIELD PPTY PARTNERS L UNIT LTD PARTN G16249107 2 132 SH OTR 2 132 0 0 P BROOKFIELD INFRAST LP INT UNIT G16252101 110 2,800 SH DFND 2 2,800 0 0 PARTNERS BROOKFIELD INFRAST LP INT UNIT G16252101 254 6,448 SH DFND 2 4,248 0 2,200 PARTNERS BROOKFIELD INFRAST LP INT UNIT G16252101 254 6,448 SH OTR 2 4,248 0 2,200 PARTNERS BUNGE LIMITED COM G16962105 324 4,074 SH DFND 2 4,074 0 0 BUNGE LIMITED COM G16962105 654 8,223 SH DFND 2 7,438 0 785 BUNGE LIMITED COM G16962105 654 8,223 SH OTR 2 7,438 0 785 CONSOLIDATED WATER CO INC ORD G23773107 16 1,200 SH DFND 2 1,200 0 0 CONSOLIDATED WATER CO INC ORD G23773107 7 500 SH DFND 2 500 0 0 CONSOLIDATED WATER CO INC ORD G23773107 7 500 SH OTR 2 500 0 0 CREDICORP LTD COM G2519Y108 4 29 SH DFND 2 29 0 0 COSAN LTD SHS A G25343107 23 2,000 SH DFND 2 2,000 0 0 COSAN LTD SHS A G25343107 23 2,000 SH DFND 2 2,000 0 0 COSAN LTD SHS A G25343107 23 2,000 SH OTR 2 2,000 0 0 COVIDIEN PLC SHS G2554F113 27,191 369,147 SH DFND 2 307,356 0 61,791 COVIDIEN PLC SHS G2554F113 8,547 116,027 SH DFND 2 112,554 108 3,365 COVIDIEN PLC SHS G2554F113 8,547 116,027 SH OTR 2 112,554 108 3,365 COVIDIEN PLC SHS G2554F113 597 8,106 SH DFND 3 8,106 0 0 COVIDIEN PLC SHS G2554F113 423 5,744 SH DFND 4 4,563 0 1,181 COVIDIEN PLC SHS G2554F113 71 963 SH DFND 4 963 0 0 COVIDIEN PLC SHS G2554F113 71 963 SH OTR 4 963 0 0 DELPHI AUTOMOTIVE PLC SHS G27823106 2,797 41,221 SH DFND 2 41,221 0 0 DELPHI AUTOMOTIVE PLC SHS G27823106 98 1,451 SH DFND 2 1,451 0 0 DELPHI AUTOMOTIVE PLC SHS G27823106 98 1,451 SH OTR 2 1,451 0 0 DELPHI AUTOMOTIVE PLC SHS G27823106 334 4,924 SH DFND 3 4,924 0 0 DELPHI AUTOMOTIVE PLC SHS G27823106 3 51 SH DFND 4 51 0 0 EATON CORP PLC SHS G29183103 56,112 746,962 SH DFND 2 649,356 0 97,606 EATON CORP PLC SHS G29183103 23,707 315,592 SH DFND 2 293,582 0 22,010 EATON CORP PLC SHS G29183103 23,707 315,592 SH OTR 2 293,582 0 22,010 EATON CORP PLC SHS G29183103 5,893 78,449 SH DFND 3 77,813 0 636 EATON CORP PLC SHS G29183103 1,470 19,572 SH DFND 3 19,442 38 92 EATON CORP PLC SHS G29183103 1,470 19,572 SH OTR 3 19,442 38 92 EATON CORP PLC SHS G29183103 1,314 17,493 SH DFND 4 12,259 0
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