IJSAR, 3(10), 2016; 39-44 International Journal of Sciences & Applied Research www.ijsar.in Oribatid Mite (Acari: Cryptostıgmata) species from Istanbul AyĢe YEġĠLAYER1*, Sultan ÇOBANOĞLU2 1University of GOP Agricultural Faculty, Department of Plant Protection, 60216, Tokat-Turkey. 2University of Ankara Agricultural Faculty, Department of Plant Protection, 06206, Ankara-Turkey. Correspondence Address: *AyĢe YEġĠLAYER, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, GaziosmanpaĢa University-60250, Tokat, Turkey. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract This research was carried out to determine the species of Oribatid mites in green areas of Istanbul province; six Oribatid mite species were identified, of which two species were identified for the first time in Turkey. In the present article, six species were identified from the soils of the green areas of Istanbul.The locality and distribution of all recorded Oribatid species are given. Micreremus gracilior (Oribatida: Micreremidae) and Trhypochthonius tectorum (Trhypochthoniidae) are the newly recorded mites in Turkey. Keywords: Oribatida, new record, Turkey, Istanbul Introduction al., 2010; Erman et al., 2007; Toluk and In this study, Ceratozetidae Berlese Ayyıldız, 2008a, 2008b, 2008c, 2009a, Micreremidae Grandjean, Phenopelopidae 2009b, 2011; Per and Ayyıldız, 2004; Sarıal Petrunkevitch, Scheloribatidae Jacot, and Baran, 2013; Toluk et al., 2009, 2010; Trhypochthoniidae Willmann, Xenillidae TaĢdemir et al., 2010). Woolley & Higgins species were identified Oribatid mites are known as bioindicator which belong to the Oribatid mite family species for pollution of the environment. As Oribatid mites are usually the most abundant their high density and diversity reflect and diverse arthropods in forest soils, twigs, various levels of environmental problems moss and the subtropical environments. related to pollution, they are good indicators They are called “beetle mites” because of for assessing an ecosystem (Norton & their large and rounded shape. They are hard Sillman, 1985; Cancela da Fonseca, 1990; shiny and dark in colour (Norton, 1994; Kehl & Weigmann, 1992; Lebrun & van Travé et al., 1996). Subias (2009), listed Straalen, 1995). about 10,000 soil mite species in the latest version of the world mite catalogue In Materials and methods Turkey, studies on Oribatid mites have Between 2006 and 2008, Oribatid mite increased in recent years (Ayyıldız et al., samples were taken from the soil of the 2010; Ayyıldız et al., 2013; Bayram and green areas of Istanbul, Turkey. The samples Çobanoğlu, 2009; Baran and Ayyıldız, were bagged in tightly closed plastic bags 2007a, 2007b, 2009; Baran, 2009; Baran et and transferred to the laboratory 39 IJSAR, 3(10), 2016; 39-44 (Entomology Laboratory of Central Ceratozetidae Jacot, 1925 Research Institute, Istanbul) in an icebox. Trichoribates trimaculatus (C. L. Koch, Mites were extracted using Berlese funnels. 1836) The specimens were preserved in 70% Examined Material: 5(♀♀) Picea pungens alcohol. (Engelm) (Pinaceae) (22.09.2006) Özgürlük The mites were cleaned in lactophenol Park; 2(♀♀) Cupressus arizonica Green solution and mounted in Hoyer’s medium (Cupressaceae) (03.05.2007); Alemdağ, (DüzgüneĢ, 1980). The slides were dried (2- 2(♀♀) Quercus robur L. (Fagaceae) 4 weeks) at 35 °C. All collected mite (03.05.2007); ÖzgürlükPark ;2(♀♀) P. specimens were considered to assess the pungens (03.05.2007) Özgürlük Park; abundance of the mite’s species. 2(♀♀)Magnolia grandiflora L The aslides of the mounted specimens were (Magnoliceae) (21.05.07) Atatürk KöĢkü; 5 deposited in the collection of both authors’ (♀♀) Picea orientalis L. (Pinaceae) collection at Ankara University, Ankara and (06.06.07) Özgürlük Park; 1(♀)P. pungens GOP University, Tokat. All the plant (18.06.07); 3(♀♀) P. pungens (17.07.07) samples were collected by the junior author. Özgürlük Park ; 5(♀♀) Chamaerops excelsa Hort (Arecaceae) (17.07.2007) Alioğlu Results and discussion Nursery-ġile;1 (♀) Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Six Oribatid mites (Acari: Cryptostigmata) (Pinaceae) ( 23.07.07) Özgürlük Park; namely Trichoribates trimaculatus (C. L. 5(♀♀) P. pungens Özgürlük Park; 9(♀♀) Koch)(Trhypochthoniidae), Trhypochthonius Eonymus fortunei (Turcz.) (Celastraceae) tectorum (Berlese) (Trhypochthoniidae), (02.03.2008) Özgürlük Park of; 1(♀) C. Scheloribates latipes (C. L. Koch) atlantica (14.04.2008) Yıldız Park 7(♀) C. (Scheloribatidae), Eupelops acromios arizonica (06.08.2007) Özgürlük Park ; 3(♀) (Hermann) (Phenopelopidae), Xenillus C. arizonica (11.07.08) Dostlar Park of; clypeator Robineau-Desvoidy (Xenillidae), 1(♀) Albizia julibrissin (Wall) (21.08.2007) and Micreremus gracilior Willman Özgürlük Park; (♀)P. pungens (21.08.2007) (Micreremidae) were identified. X. Özgürlük Park; 3(♀) P. pungens clypeator, M. gracilior and T. tectorum are (28.08.2007) ) Özgürlük Park. new records for Turkey (Table 1). Table 1: Oribatid mite species collected from Turkey. Species Host Plant Number of Specimen Abundance (%) T. trimaculatus C. arizonica 12♀♀ 19,05 A. julibrissin 1♀♀ 1,05 Q. robur 1♀♀ 1,05 P. pungens 23♀♀ 36 M. grandiflora 1♀♀ 1,05 C. atlantica 2♀♀ 3 P. orientalis 5♀♀ 7,09 C. excelsa 5♀♀ 7,09 E. fortunei 9♀♀ 14,02 T. tectorum P. pungens 1♀♀ 1,05 S. latipes C. arizonica 1♀♀ 1,05 E. acromios H. helix 1♀♀ 1,05 X. clypeator H. helix. 1♀♀ 1,05 M. gracilior* C. atlantica 1♀♀ 1,05 *new records for the fauna of Turkey. 40 IJSAR, 3(10), 2016; 39-44 Remarks: This species was previously 2009; Seniczak and Seniczak, 2006; recorded in Bulgaria, Bosnia-Hercegovina , Seniczak and Seniczak, 2013; Skubała and Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Marzec, 2013; TaĢdemir et al., 2010; Balkan peninsula and Turkey (Willman, Weigmann, 2013). 1941; Kunst, 1958, 1959, 1961; Tarman & Cervek, 1976; Tarman, 1983; Ayyıldız, Xenillidae Woolley and Higgins, 1966 1987,1988b; Vasiliu and Ivan 1995; Xenillus clypeator Robineau-Desvoidy, Ayyıldız and Özkan, 1998; Dik et al., 1999; 1839 Mahunka et al. 2013). Examined Material: 1(♀) H. helix. (05.09.2007) Bahçeköy. Trhypochthoniidae Willmann, 1931 Remarks: This species was previously Trhypochthonius tectorum Berlese, 1896 recorded in Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Hypochthonius tectorum Berlese, 1896. Croatia, Greece, Turkey (Erzurum) Examined Material: 1(♀) P. pungens (Ayyıldız, 1988a; Dik et al., 1999; Mahunka (22.09.2006) Özgürlük Park. et al., 2013). Remarks: This species is a new record for Turkey T. tectorum was recorded in Europe Micreremidae Grandjean, 1954 in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Micreremus gracilior Willman, 1931 Slovenia and Ukraine; Turkey and on Examined Material: 1(♀) C. atlantica (29. Vancouver Island in Canada (Tarman & 09. 2006), University of Istanbul Sabahattin Cervek, 1976; Mahunka, 1979; Lindo and Zaim. Winchester, 2007; Seniczak et al., 2011; Remarks: This species is a new record for Subías and Shtanchaeva, 2011; Mahunka et Turkey. Host plants Cedrus atlantica is new. al., 2013). M. gracilior previously recorded in Italy and Romania (Cavalloro and Martino, 1985; Scheloribatidae Jacot, 1935 Vasiliu, Ivan & Vasiliu, 1993). Scheloribates latipes (C. L. Koch 1844) Examined Material: 1(♀) Pinus pinea L. Acknowledgment (litter) (04.09.2007) Özgürlük Park We are grateful to Maka Murvanidzeof the Remarks: This species was previously Agrarian University of Georgia, Georgia for recorded in Finland, Germany, Hungary, help with the identification of species. Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Iceland and Turkey (Konya, Erciyes) (Dik et References al., 1999; Per and Ayylıdız, 2004). Ayyıldız N. 1988a. Erzurum Ovası Oribatid Akarları (Acari: Oribatida) Üzerine Phenopelopidae Petrunkevitch, 1955 Sistematik AraĢtırmalar. III. Yüksek Eupelops acromios (Hermann, 1804) Oribatidler, DOĞA TU Zooloji Dergisi : Examined Material: 1(♀) Hedera helix L. 12 (2): 145-155. (04.09.2007) Bahçeköy. Ayyıldız N. 1987. Erzurum ovası Remarks: This species was previously oribatidlerinin (Acari) bitki örtüsü ve recorded in Ethiopia, Greece (Rhode Island), toprak yapısıyla iliĢkileri. Türkiye I. Georgia, India, Iran, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Entomoloji Kongresi Bildirileri (13-16 Portugal, Turkey (Konya, Yozgat) (Bhaduri Ekim), Ġzmir, 621-630. and Raychaudhuri, 1981; Baranovska, 2007; Ayyıldız N. 1988b. Türkiye faunası için yeni Dik et al., 1999; Emilov et al., 2012; oribatid (Acari) türleri. Türk. Entomol. Ermilov and Rybalov, 2014; Lotfollahi and Derg., 12(1): 49-54. Irani-Nejad, 2010; Murvanidze & Kvavadze 41 IJSAR, 3(10), 2016; 39-44 Ayyıldız N. 1988c. Türkiye faunası için yeni Balogh J. 1983. A partial revision of the üç Scheloribates Berlese (Acari: Oppiidae Grandjean, 1954 (Acari: Scheloribatidae) türü. Türk. Entomol. Oribatei). Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. Derg., 12(3): 171-177. 29: 1-79. Ayyıldız N., Toluk, A., TaĢkıran, M. 2010. Cavolloro R., Martino, E.D. 1986. Integrated Two new Species of Oppiid Mites Pest Control in Citrus Groves. Proceeding (Acari:Oribatida) from Turkey. of The Experts Meeting Acireale. III Acarologia 50(1):13-20. Publ. For the Commission of The Ayyıldız, N., Ay, Y., AktaĢ, R., TaĢdemir, European Communities. A., Per, S. 2013. Türkiye’den Üç Oribatid Dik, B., Güçlü, F., Cantoray, R., Gülbahçe, Akar (Acari:Oribatida) Türünn Tarama S., Stary, J. 1999. Konya Yöresi Oribatid Elektron Mikroskobu Morfolojisi. Akar Türleri (Acari: Oribatida), Biyolojik Not. Türkiye Entomoloji Mevsimsel Yoğunlukları ve önemleri. Tr. Bülteni 3(2):107-112. J. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
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