Established in December 1992, Créé en décembre 1992, l’Ob­ Die im Dezember 1992 gegrün­ Audiovisual the European Audiovisual Ob­ servatoire européen de l’audio­ dete Europäische Audiovisuelle servatory is a European pub­ visuel est un organisme euro­ Informationsstelle ist eine euro­ lic service organisation whose péen de service public dont la päische Einrichtung des öffentli­ mission is to foster transparen­ mission est d’assurer une plus chen Rechts. Ihr Auftrag besteht Media cy in the European audiovisual grande transparence dans le in der Schaffung von Transparenz sector and provide information secteur audiovisuel en Europe et im europäischen audiovisuellen services to policy makers and de répondre aux besoins en infor­ Sektor durch die Bereitstellung audiovisual professionals. mation des organes gouverne­ von Informationsdienstleistun­ for Children mentaux ainsi que des profes­ gen für die audiovisuelle Fach­ Its membership consists at sionnels de l’audiovisuel. welt. present of 37 European states as well as the European Union Il regroupe actuellement 37 37 europäische Staaten sowie in Europe: represented by the European Etats membres ainsi que die Europäische Union ver­ Commission. The Observatory l’Union européenne représen­ treten durch die Europäische functions within the legal frame­ tée par la Commission euro­ Kommission sind zur Zeit Mit­ The Theatrical Circulation work of the Council of Europe péenne. L’Observatoire s’ins­ glieder der Informationsstelle and operates in colla boration crit dans le cadre juridique Die Informationsstelle erfüllt of European Children’s Films; with its information network: du Conseil de l’Europe et ihre Aufgabe im rechtlichen partners, correspondents and travaille en collaboration avec Rahmen des Europarates und Television for Children professional organisa tions. des organismes partenaires, un arbeitet in engem Verbund mit réseau de correspondants et Partnerorgani sationen, Korres­ The Observatory’s principal ar­ des organisations profession­ pondenten und Berufsfach­ eas of activity are: film, televi­ nelles du secteur. verbänden. Contient une synthèse en français sion, video/DVD, new audiovi­ sual media services and public Ses principaux champs d’activi­ Die Informationsstelle hat die Enthält eine Executive Summary auf Deutsch policy on film and television. té concernent le cinéma, la télé­ Kernarbeitsfelder: Film, Fern­ It provides information on mar­ vision, la vidéo/DVD, les services sehen, Video/DVD, neue audio­ kets, financing and legal as­ audiovisuels des nouveaux mé­ visuelle Mediendienste und pects of the audiovisual sector. dias et les politiques publiques staatliche Maßnahmen für Film Report prepared by the relatives au cinéma et à la té­ und Fernsehen. Sie stellt Infor­ Information is made available lévision. L’Observatoire fournit mationen über Märkte sowie European Audiovisual Observatory through print publications, on­ des services d’information sur Finanzierung und juristische As­ for the line services, databases and les marchés, les financements pekte des audio visuellen Sek­ within the framework of confe­ et le cadre juridique du secteur tors bereit. CINEKID for Professionals Conference rences and workshops. audiovisuel. at the Die Arbeitsergebnisse stehen 25th CINEKID Festival Les informations sont disponibles in Form von Printpublikationen, sous forme de publications, de Online­Diensten und Datenban­ services en ligne, de bases de ken zur Verfügung und werden données ou dans le cadre de im Rahmen von Konferenzen conférences ou d’ateliers. und Workshops vorgestellt. Amsterdam, 18 & 19 October 2011 www.obs.coe.int Martin Kanzler Susan Newman-Baudais 76 allée de la Robertsau • 67000 STRASBOURG • France European Audiovisual Observatory Phone: + 33 (0)3 90 21 60 00 • Fax: + 33 (0)3 90 21 60 19 E­mail: [email protected] EUR 29,50 OEA_Television for Children_Cover_EN V2.indd 1 26/10/11 11:30 Audiovisual Media for Children in Europe: the Theatrical Circulation of European Children’s Films; Television for Children © European Audiovisual Observatory (Council of Europe), Strasbourg, 2011 Director of publication Wolfgang Closs Executive Director European Audiovisual Observatory Editorial supervision André Lange Head of Department for Information on Markets & Financing European Audiovisual Observatory Authors Martin Kanzler & Susan Newman-Baudais Analysts – Film Industry Department for Information on Markets & Financing European Audiovisual Observatory Editorial assistant Valérie Haessig Department for Information on Markets & Financing European Audiovisual Observatory Marketing Markus Booms [email protected] European Audiovisual Observatory Translation Nathalie-Anne Sturlèse (French) (Executive Summary) Bernard Ludewig (German) Acknowledgements The European Audiovisual Observatory would like to thank: KIDS Regio, the children’s film sub­group of Cine­Regio, the European network of regional film funds, and in particular Viola Gabrielli, KIDS Regio co­ordinator; CARTOON, the European association of animation film, and in particular Yolanda Alonso and Annick Maes; The European Children’s Film Association, who compile and manage a database of European children’s films. ISBN 978­92­871­7278­5 print version 978­92­871­7279­2 PDF version 978­92­871­7280­8 print and PDF versions Price Print edition: 29,50 Euros Electronic edition (PDF): 36,50 Euros Both editions: 38,50 Euros Cover layout Pointillés, Hoenheim, France Printed in France OEA_Television for Children_Cover_EN V2.indd 2 26/10/11 11:30 Audiovisual Media for Children in Europe: The Theatrical Circulation of European Children’s Films; Television for Children Contient une synthèse en français Enthält eine Executive Summary auf Deutsch Report prepared by the European Audiovisual Observatory for the CINEKID for Professionals Conference at the 25th CINEKID Festival Amsterdam, 18 & 19 October 2011 Martin Kanzler Susan Newman-Baudais European Audiovisual Observatory Table of contents Foreword.................................................................................................................................................. 5 Executive Summary: Audiovisual Media for Children in Europe ..................................................... 7 Synthèse : Les médias audiovisuels pour enfants en Europe ....................................................... 11 Executive Summary: audiovisuelle Medien für Kinder in Europa.................................................. 15 PART 1: THE THEATRICAL CIRCULATION OF EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FILMS Introduction: objectives of the analysis.................................................................................................. 21 The data sample.................................................................................................................................... 21 Production of European children’s films ................................................................................................ 23 Theatrical circulation of European children's films ................................................................................ 26 Performance of European children's films............................................................................................. 28 The most successful European children's films .................................................................................... 31 The role of non-national markets for the performance of European children's films............................. 33 PART 2: TELEVISION FOR CHILDREN IN EUROPE TV channels for children: the European landscape .............................................................................. 39 Animation on European TV ................................................................................................................... 45 Index of figures and tables .................................................................................................................... 56 European Audiovisual Observatory - Audiovisual Media for Children in Europe Foreword CINEKID, the festival for children’s media, is 25 years old. This report represents the contribution of the European Audiovisual Observatory to the anniversary edition of the festival, which takes place in Amsterdam from 12 to 21 October 2011. The report will be presented during the CINEKID for Professionals Conference on 18 October 2011. The European Audiovisual Observatory is a European public service body comprised of 37 member states and the European Union, represented by the European Commission. It operates within the legal framework of the Council of Europe and works alongside a number of partner and professional organisations from within the industry and with a network of correspondents. The mission of the Observatory is to gather and distribute information on the audiovisual industry in Europe. In addition to contributions to conferences, other major activities are the publication of a Yearbook, newsletters and reports, the compilation and management of databases and the provision of information through the Observatory's Internet site (http://www.obs.coe.int). This report is divided into two different parts, each looking at different aspects of children’s use of audiovisual media. The first part focuses on the theatrical market for children’s films in Europe. Using an extensive data sample, it examines the production of live action and animation films for children, their circulation among European countries and how these films perform on theatrical markets across Europe. The second part looks at two aspects
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