República de Moçambique Ministério da Agricultura FINAL EVALUATION OF THE FIRST PHASE OF THE NATIONAL AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME PROAGRI (1999-2005) VOLUME I: MAIN REPORT MARCH 2007 Main Report Evaluation of the First Phase of the National Agriculture Development Program TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A INTRODUCTION 1 1. STUDY OBJECTIVES 1 2. BACKGROUND 2 3. METHODLOGY 5 4. PROAGRI GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 7 4.1 PROAGRI Goals 7 4.2 PROAGRI objectives and strategies 9 PART B MAIN FINDINGS 11 5. POLICY AND STRATEGY 11 5.1 The context : government reform programme and district planning 11 5.1.1 General policy of modernisation of public administration 11 5.1.2 District planning 11 5.2 Relevance of main agricultural sector policies 12 5.2.1 Crop production 12 5.2.2 Livestock 13 5.2.3 Forestry and wildlife 13 5.2.4 Irrigation 14 5.3 Policy implementation 15 5.3.1 Relevance of the planning instrument 15 5.3.2 Effectiveness of decentralization 15 5.3.3 Efficiency of decentralization at province levels and district 16 5.3.4 Public/private services 17 5.3.5 Regulations and delivery mechanisms 19 5.3.6 Impact of regulation and enforcement 21 5.4 Policy summary 24 6. CO-ORDINATION AND COLLABORATION 25 6.1 Co-ordination at central MINAG 25 6.2 Co-ordination at the local level 27 7. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT 31 7.1 The external administrative and financial environment 31 7.2 Planning and budgeting 33 7.3 Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) 35 7.4 Financial management 36 i Main Report Evaluation of the First Phase of the National Agriculture Development Program 7.4.1 Arco-Iris 43 7.4.2 Procurement 45 7.4.3 Audit and inspection 49 Internal audit 49 External audits 51 7.4.4 Inspeccao Geral de Financas (IGF) 53 7.4.5 Administrative Court 54 7.5 Human resources management 55 8. AGRICULTURAL SERVICE PROVISION 62 8.1 Stakeholders 62 8.1.1 Public/private services 63 8.1.2 Capacity 63 8.2 Impact and efficiency of activity 64 8.2.1 Institutional development 64 8.2.2 Support to agricultural development 64 8.2.3 Livestock development 66 8.2.4 Extension services 68 8.2.5 Research 69 8.2.6 Land management 70 8.2.7 Irrigation 72 8.2.8 Forestry and wildlife 73 8.3 Sustainability of developed activities 74 8.3.1 Institutional development 75 8.3.2 Support to agricultural development 75 8.3.3 Irrigation 77 8.3.4 Livestock development 78 8.3.5 Extension services 78 8.3.6 Research 79 8.3.7 Land management 80 8.3.8 Forestry and wildlife 80 9. CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES 84 9.1 HIV/AIDS 84 9.2 Gender 87 10. SUMMARY EVLAUTION OF PROAGRI ACHIEVEMENTS (1999-2005) 91 11. FUTURE PERSPECTIVES 100 12. LESSONS LEARNED AND RECOMMENDATIONS 102 12.1 Lessons learnt 102 12.2 Recommendations 108 12.2.1 Short term 108 12.2.2 Long term 111 ii Main Report Evaluation of the First Phase of the National Agriculture Development Program TABLES Table 4.1 PROAGRI General Objectives .................................................. 9 Table 7.1 Disbursement of PROAGRI Funds to provinces and MINAG Central ....................................................................... 39 Table 7.2 Expenditure per Component.................................................... 40 Table 7.3 Expenditure by Category ......................................................... 41 Table 7.4 Donors Flow of Funds ............................................................. 42 Table 7.5 Arco Iris Versions and Technical Modifications ....................... 44 Table 7.6 Capacity of Provinces to Handle Procurement Activities......... 46 Table 7.7 PROAGRI Equipment all country by Province ........................ 48 Table 7.8 Internal Audit/Inspectorate Unit from 2001 to 2005 ................. 50 Table 7.9 Audit Report Statistics ............................................................. 51 Table 7.10 Human Resources Training Figures, 1999 - 2005................... 58 Table 7.11 Human Resources Figures, 2001 - 2005................................. 59 Table 7.12 Retirement Figures 2001 to 2005 ............................................ 60 Table 8.1 Changes in smallholder maize production area (ha) .............. 65 Table 8.2 Changes in smallholder maize production quantities (tons) ... 65 Table 8.3 Changes in smallholder maize yields (tons/ha) ....................... 66 Table 8.4 Changes in cattle production (Number) ................................... 67 Table 8.5 Evolution of Technology Adoption with Modern Inputs ............ 68 APPENDICES APPENDIX I REFERENCES A1-1 APPENDIX II LIST OF PEOPLE MET A2-1 APPENDIX III TERMS OF REFERENCE A3-1 APPENDIX IV STUDY TEAM A4-1 VOLUME II-A SOUTHERN PROVINCIES REPORTS VOLUME II-B NORTHERN PROVINCIES REPORTS VOLUME II-C CASE STUDIES VOLUME III PROGRAMME BASELINE ANALYSIS AND SURVEY INSTRUMENTS iii Main Report Evaluation of the First Phase of National Agriculture Development Program ACRONYMS ANE Administração Nacional de Estradas National Roads Administration CA Comité de Acompanhamento Steering Committee to coordinate with the evaluation team CAP Censo Agro Perairo Agriculture and Livestock Census CDR Campo de Demonstracao de resultados Results Demonstration Plots CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CDA Centro de Documentação Agrária MINAG Documentation Center CEF Centro de Experimentação Florestal Centre for Forestry Research CFFM Common Flow of Funds Mechanism CGF Comité de Gestão Financeira Financial Management Committee (of MADER) CIRESP Comissão Inter-ministerial de Reforma do Sector Público Inter-ministerial Commission for Public Sector Reform CTA Confederação das Associações Económicas de Moçambique Confederation of Business Associations of Mozambique CTIA Conselho Técnico de Investigação Agrária Technical Council for Agricultural Research DAF Direcção da Administração e Finanças Directorate of Administration and Finances (national) Department of Administration and Finances (provinces) DANIDA Danish International Development Assistance DAP Departamento de Análise Política Department for Policy Analyses (of the DE) DDA Direcção Distrital de Agricultura District Directorate of Agriculture DE Direcção de Economia Directorate of Economics (national) Departamento de Economia (provinces) DEP Departamento de Estradas e Pontes Provincial Roads and Bridges Department DfID Department for International Development (of the UK) DINA Direcção Nacional de Agricultura National Directorate of Agriculture DINAGECA Direcção Nacional de Geografia e Cadastro National Directorate for Geography and Cadastre (of MINAG) DINAP Direcção Nacional de Pecuária National Directorate of Animal Husbandry DNC Direcção Nacional de Comércio National Directorate for Trade (of MIC) DNER Direcção Nacional de Extensão Rural National Directorate for Rural Extension i Main Report Evaluation of the First Phase of the National Agriculture Development Program DNFFB Direcção Nacional de Floresta e Fauna Bravia National Directorate for Forestry and Wildlife DNHA Direcção Nacional de Hidráulica Agrícola National Directorate for Irrigation DNPE Direcção Nacional de Património do Estado National Directorate of Public Assets (of MPF) DNRH Direcção Nacional de Recursos Humanos National Directorate for Human Resources DPA Direcção Provincial de Agricultura Provincial Directorates for Agriculture DPICOM Direcção Provincial de Indústria e Comércio Provincial Directorate of Industry and Commerce DPOPH Direcção Provincial de Obras Públicas e Habitação Provincial Directorate of Public Works and Housing DPPF Direcção Provincial de Plano e Finanças Provincial Directorate of Planning and Finance DSV Departamento de Sanidade Vegetal Department for Plant Protection EC European Community EU European Union FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FDA Fundo de Desenvolvimento Agrário Development Fund for Agriculture FDHA Fundo de Desenvolvimento de Hidráulica Agrícola Development Fund for Irrigation FFA Fundo de Fomento Agrário Agricultural Development Fund GPZ Gabinete do Plano de Zambeze GoM Government of Mozambique GPSCA Gabinete de Promoção do Sector Comercial Agrário MINAG’s office to promote private sector activities in agriculture IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IIAM Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique Institute of Agrarian Research in Mozambique INAS Instituto Nacional da Accao Sonal INIA Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária National Agricultural Research Institute INIVE Instituto Nacional de Investigação Veterinária National Institute for Veterinarian Research IPA Instituto de Produção Animal National Institute for Animal Production IPM Integrated Pest Management ISPU High Polytechnic and University Institute ISNAR International System for National Research M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MADER Ministério de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (old name) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development ii Main Report Evaluation of the First Phase of the National Agriculture Development Program MAE Ministério Administração Estatal Ministry of State Administration MAP Ministério de Agricultura e Pesca (old name) Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries MF Ministerio das Financas Ministry of Finance MIC Ministério de Indústria e Comércio Ministry of Industry and Commerce MICOA Ministerio da coorderiacao para Accao Ambiental Ministry for Environment Coordination MINAG Ministério de Agricultura Ministry of Agriculture MINED Ministério de Educação Ministry of Education MIS Management Information System MISAU Ministério de Saude Ministry of Health MOPH Ministério de Obras Públicas e Habitação Ministry of Public Works and Housing MoU Memorandum of Understanding
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