Vol. 69 No. 191 Weekend, Dec. 9-10, 2017 22 Pages • $1.25 Home of Jerry Marcon Former band hall being converted into STEA2M lab By Shelby Rasco with outside access to a parking SDN Staff Writer lot. We hope to have it up and running by spring semester and Two years ago, STEM (sci- at full blast when school starts ence, technology, engineering, next year.” math) education was introduced Students are already engag- to Snyder ISD through the Af- ing in project-based learning terschool Centers on Education in their classrooms to develop (ACE) program. STEM skills, and the creation of With the growing interest in a STEA2M lab will help those STEM education and project- skills evolve. based learning in the classroom, “Kids are given an open- plans are in the works to create a ended problem, and they re- STEA2M (science, technology, search and find the answer to engineering, art, agriculture, an authentic problem,” McClain math) lab as soon as the begin- said. “The benefit of this is that ning of the next school year. it allows students to engage in “STEM has been an initiative collaboration, communication, for us the past two years,” Sny- creative thinking and critical der ISD Chief Academic Officer thinking. That’s important be- Charles Mullis Dr. Rachael McClain said. “Ear- cause these are things they can’t U.S. Army lier this year, we started talking Google or find on the Internet. 1957-58 about central locations for the They’re skills that they develop lab that all district campuses can and skills that employers are Today’s Veteran sponsored by come to.” looking for.” Nix’s Auto & Tire Service The STEA2M lab will be lo- Hoping to have the lab up and Contributed Graphic 1510 25th Street 573-3567 cated at Snyder Intermediate running soon, the district has al- Pictured is an artists’ rendering of Snyder ISD’s future STEA2M lab. The lab’s main room will be divided into School in the former band hall. ready begun work, including a three sections: a maker space area, a soft seating area and a classroom area. Smaller rooms surrounding the “It’s a great location,” Mc- fresh coat of paint and scheduled main room will include other learning opportunities. The lab will be located at Snyder Intermediate School Inside Clain said. “It’s a large space See STEA2M, Page 7A in the former band hall and is expected to be up and running by next school year. Holiday shopping spree entry form - Page 11A Pancakes with Santa Audit will be presented to WEATHER WTC trustees on Monday The Western Texas College ry Boyd, Fred Cross, Joe Taylor (WTC) board of trustees will re- and Jay Waller. ceive the 2016-17 financial audit WTC President Dr. Barbara during Monday’s meeting. Beebe will give her monthly Jeff Graham from Condley report, as well as an update on and Company, LLP, will review personnel moves and setting the Caden Higgins the audit findings with the board. January board meeting. Trustees will also vote to accept A closed session is listed on Friday’s high: 54 degrees Friday’s low: 22 degrees the audit findings. the agenda for legal consultation 7 a.m. reading today: 36 de- Board members will vote on or personnel. Any action from grees a resolution for its votes for the the closed session will be taken Precipitation: None Scurry County Appraisal Dis- in open session. 2017 precipitation: 14.92 inch- trict board of directors’ ballot. Monday’s meeting will begin es The board, last month, approved at 12:30 p.m. in the Palmer Hall nominating Ray Myers to the boardroom and is open to the CORRECTION ballot. Also on the ballot are Jer- public. Stanley Mireles’ name was misspelled in Friday’s Candi- date Corner. Mireles is run- ning for the Pct. 4 Scurry Cold weather can lead to County Commissioners’ Court seat. The Snyder Daily News apologizes for the mistake. more than a cold or flu By Shelby Rasco and white patches can some- SDN Staff Writer times be seen in the throat,” TODAY’S QUOTE Morris said. “Treatment for Not even a great leader can With changing weather and strep throat involves antibiotics, get very far without great peo- SDN Photos/Shelby Rasco people staying indoors, it’s the and people with strep throat usu- ple to lead. Brantley Davidson visited Santa and Mrs. Claus during Pancakes with Santa today at East Side Church of time of year when illnesses be- ally feel better after taking the - Ashleigh Brilliant Christ. Children were able to write letters to Santa and drop them off in a mailbox. gin to spread. While cases of antibiotics for a day or two.” the flu and the common cold are For mono, the treatment is a expected this time of year, sore little different. There are no an- LOTTERY throats could be an indicator of tiviral drugs that can effectively Plans being made to renovate Witness Tree site two other illnesses. treat the virus, therefore the cure Friday’s Results “Having a sore throat can be is rest and plenty of fluids. As- Mega Millions By Steve Reagan years ago and, apparently, so has Lynn Fuller said. “We’ve done a symptom of many conditions, pirin may be taken to help with 6-37-46-60-70 MB: 24 SDN Staff Writer interest in the site. some research and talked to the and many people wonder if their sore throat, muscle aches and 2 Megaplier: A historical marker sits across lady who owns the property, and own sore throat might be a sign fever. For a spot which history en- the street from where the tree she has no problem with us do- of something more serious than Another common symptom Cash Five thusiasts say is very important, stood, but the rest of the site is ing something to renovate the 4-8-26-31-37 the common cold,” Cogdell of mono is enlargement of the the site of the Witness Tree is in disrepair. A smaller marker, site.” Memorial Hospital Marketing spleen, which happens in about Pick 3 Morning mostly forgettable. a battered section of chain link As for what exactly will be Director Valerie Morris said. half of people who contract 4-2-9 Sum It Up: 15 The tree got its name because fence and several broken chunks done, the commission has some “Specifically, infectious mono- mono. If this happens, doctors it served as a “witness point” for of concrete are the only indica- options, Fuller said. nucleosis (mono) and infections recommend refraining from vig- Pick 3 Day early land surveys in this area. It tors that the Witness Tree ever “A lot of people want us to 1-4-9 Sum It Up: 14 with Streptococcus bacteria orous activity, such as sports and would not be an exaggeration to existed. As an unintended addi- plant a huckleberry tree there,” (strep throat) are two conditions heavy lifting, for several weeks Pick 3 Evening state that every land plat in Sny- tional insult, a city trash Dump- he said. “And I’ve told them, that both produce an extremely to prevent the spleen from rup- 5-7-0 Sum It Up: 12 der and Scurry County sprung ster blocks most of the view of ‘Why don’t you come water it painful sore throat.” turing. Pick 3 Night from that simple huckleberry, the tree site from the street. once a week if we do?’ I just According to Morris, mono is Cogdell Family Clinic nurse 9-8-6 Sum It Up: 23 Scurry County Historical Com- Needless to say, the current don’t think we could properly caused by a virus called Epstein- Lori Chesser said there has been mission members said. state of affairs at the site has maintain a new tree there.” Barr virus, whereas strep throat a slight increase in the number Daily 4 Morning The tree, which was located historical commission members One of the things the commis- is a bacterial infection. of strep throat and mono cases at 8-6-0-3 17 Sum It Up: near what is now the Scurry concerned. sion definitely wants to do is to “In cases of strep throat, ton- the clinic. Daily 4 Day County Library, died several “We have to do something,” See Tree, Page 7A sils are often enlarged, and red See Symptoms, Page 7A 7-7-9-4 Sum It Up: 27 Daily 4 Evening 7-6-5-4 Sum It Up: 22 School Christmas Ira trustees to Daily 4 Night Being a hero 4-8-9-6 Sum It Up: 27 programs slated for next week elect officers ASK US The Ira ISD board of trust- The holiday season will still ees will elect officers and cast Q. — Can law enforcement be in full swing next week as its vote allotment for the Scurry stop a vehicle without probable the community continues to host County Appraisal District board cause and then issue a ticket for Christmas events. of directors’ election on Mon- a violation that wouldn’t have On Monday evening, the day. been visible from outside the Snyder High School band will Trustees annually vote on vehicle? perform a Christmas concert at See STEA2M, Page 7A A. — Snyder Police Chief 7 p.m. at Colonial Hill Baptist Terry Leucke said a law en- Church. The performance will forcement officer must have include Christmas songs and Only 16 probable cause in order to stop a Christmas hymn sing-along. Days a vehicle. If some other viola- Admission is free.
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