Bibliography The following list of cited works is divided into ancient, medieval and modern writings, where, for convenience, I take the 7th century to separate the ancient and medieval periods. Among the ancient and medieval titles I cite manuscripts when a published version is not available. When multiple entries occur for a given modern author, I have listed the titles in the order of publication. Ancient Sources Anonymus. Prolegomena tes tou Ptolemaiou megales syntaxeos: Vat. ms. gr. 1594 (Vati­ can, 10th cent.), f. lr-9r; Marc. ms. gr. 313 (Venice, 10th cent.), f. lr-28r; B.N. ms. gr. 2390 (Paris, 13th cent.), f. lr-13v -. Introduction to the Syntaxis = Prolegomena ... Syntaxeos -. [Introduction, excerpt on isoperimetric figures]: see F. Hultsch, Pappi Collectio, III, pp. 1138-65 -. see also J. Mogenet (1956) Anthemius of Tralles. Peri paradoxon mechanematon (On Paradoxical Mechanisms, a fragment), ed. J.L. Heiberg, Mathematici Graeci Minores, Copenhagen: A.F. H~st & Son, 1927, pp. 78-87 -. see also G.L. Huxley; and R. Rashed Apollonius. Quae graece exstant, ed. J.L. Heiberg, 2 vol., Leipzig: Teubner, 1891-93 (repr. Stuttgart, 1974) -. Conicorum libri octo, ed. E. Halley, Oxford, 1710 -. see also H. Balsam; T.L. Heath (1896); P. Ver Eecke (1924) Archimedes. Opera Omnia, cum Commentariis Eutocii, ed. lL. Heiberg, 2nd ed., 3 vol., Leipzig: Teubner, 1910-15 (repr. Stuttgart, 1972) -. see also A. Czwalina; T.L. Heath (1897); EJ. Dijksterhuis; C. Mugler; P. Ver Eecke (1921) Aristotle. Opera (I-II, Aristoteles Graece, ed. I. Bekker, 1831; III, Aristoteles Latine, interpretibus variis, 1831; IV, Scholia in Aristotelem, ed. C.A. Brandis, 1836; V, Index 818 Textual Studies in Ancient and Medieval Geometry Aristotelicus, ed. H. Bonitz, 1870), Berlin (Academia litterarum regia borussica): G. Reimer -. Aristoteles Latinus, G. Verbeke (series ed.), Brussels: Desclee de Brouwer and Leiden: Brill Boethius. De institutione arithmetica libri ii, De institutione musica libri v, ed. G. Fried­ lein, Leipzig: Teubner, 1867 -, trans. De sophisticis elenchis, ed. B.G. Dod, in Aristoteles Latinus, VI: 1-3, 1975 CAG = Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca (Academia litterarum regia borussica), Berlin: G. Reimer Damianus. Kephalaia ton optikon hypotheseon (Chapters of the optical hypotheses), ed. R. Schone, Damianos: Schrift aber Optik, Berlin: Reichsdruckerei, 1897 Damascius. Vitae Isidori Reliquiae, ed. C. Zintzen, Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1967 Diocles. On Burning Mirrors, ed. GJ. Toomer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: 1976 -. see also R. Rashed Diophantus of Alexandria. Opera Omnia, ed. P. Tannery, 2 vol., Leipzig: Teubner, 1893-95 -. see also R. Rashed (1984); J. Sesiano Domninus of Larissa. Encheiridion arithmetikes eisagoges (Manual of the Arithmetic Introduction): in J.F. Boissonade, Anecdota Graeca, Paris, 1832 (repr. Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1962), IV, pp. 413-429 -. see also P. Tannery (1906) -. Pos esti logon ek logou aphelein (fragment, "How to subtract a ratio from a ratid'): see C.E. Ruelle Euclid of Alexandria. Elementa, ed. J.L. Heiberg, 4 vol., 1883-85, Leipzig: Teubner (2nd ed., ed. E.S. Stamatis, 4 vol., 1969-73) -. see also T.L. Heath (1926) -. Elementa XlV-XV, Scholia in Elementa, and "Prolegomena critica," ed. J.L. Heiberg (Euclidis Opera, vol. 5), Leipzig: Teubner, 1888 (2nd ed., in two parts, ed. E.S. Stama­ tis, 1977) -. Data (Opera Omnia, vol. 6), ed. H. Menge, Leipzig: Teubner, 1896 -. see also S. Ito -. Optica, Opticorum recensio Theonis, Catoptrica (Opera Omnia, vol. 7), ed. J.L. Heiberg, Leipzig: Teubner, 1895 -. Phaenomena, Scripta musica (Opera Omnia, vol. 8), ed. H. Menge, Leipzig: Teubner, 1916 Eutocius of Ascalon. Commentaria in Conica: in Apollonii quae graece exstant, ed. J.L. Heiberg, vol. II, Leipzig: Teubner, 1893 (repr. Stuttgart, 1974) -. Commentarii in Libros de Sphaera et Cylindro, Dimensionem Circuli, de Planorum Aequilibriis: in Archimedis Opera Omnia, ed. J.L. Heiberg, vol. III, Leipzig: Teubner, 1915 (repr. Stuttgart, 1972) Hero of Alexandria. Opera, 5 vol. (I, Pneumatica, ed. W. Schmidt, 1899; II, Mechanica, ed. L. Nix and [Ptolomeil De speculis, ed. W. Schmidt, 1900; III, Mechanica and Diop­ tra, ed. H. Schone, 1903; IV, Definitiones and Geometrica, ed. J.L. Heiberg, 1912; V, Stereometrica, ed. J.L. Heiberg, 1914), Leipzig: Teubner. -. Metrica: see also E.M. Bruins -. Belopoeica: see E.W. Marsden Hypsicles. Book XIV of the Elements: see Euclidis Opera Omnia, ed. J.L. Heiberg, vol. 5 Iamblichus of Chalcis. In Nicomachi Introductionem Arithmeticam Liber, ed. H. Pistelli, Leipzig: Teubner, 1894 Bibliography 819 -. In Platonis Dialogos Commentariorum Fragmenta, ed. 1.M. Dillon, Leiden: Brill, 1973 Joannes Philoponus. In Aristotelis Analytica Posteriora Commentaria, ed. M. Wallies (CAG, vol. 13, pt. 2), Berlin: Reimer, 1909 Marinus of Neapolis. Vita Procli, ed. 1.F. Boissonade (1814), repro with the English trans­ lation by K.S. Guthrie (1925), in Marinos of Neapolis. The Extant Ubrks, ed. A.N. Oikonomides, Chicago: Ares, 1977 Menelaus of Alexandria. Sphaerica, ed. E. Halley, Oxford, 1758 Nicomachus of Gerasa. Harmonikon Encheiridion, ed. K. von Jan, Musici Scriptores Graeci, no. 5, Leipzig: Teubner, 1895 (repr. Hildesheim: G. Oims, 1962) -. Introductionis arithmeticae libri ii, ed. R. Hoche, Leipzig: Teubner, 1866 Pappus of Alexandria. Collectionis quae supersunt, ed. F. Hultsch, 3 vol., Berlin: Weid- mann, 1876-78 (repr. Amsterdam: A.M. Hakkert, 1965) -. see also A. Jones; P. Ver Eecke (1933) -. Commentaries on Ptolemy: see A. Rome (1931) -. Commentary on Euclid's Book X: see W Thomson and G. Junge Philo of Byzantium. Belopoeica: see E.w. Marsden Philoponus: see Joannes Philoponus Plato. Opera, ed. 1. Burnet, (Oxford Classical Texts), 5 vol., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1900-07 (repr. 1977) Plutarch of Chaeronea. Scripta Moralia, ed. WR. Paton, I. Wegehaupt, et aI., 7 vol., Leipzig: Teubner, 1925-67 Porphyry. In Platonis Timaeum Commentariorum Fragmenta, ed. A.R. Sodano, Naples: [no publ.], 1964 Proclus Diadochus. In Primum Euclidis Elementorum Librum Commentarii, ed. G. Fried­ lein, Leipzig: Teubner, 1873 (repr. 1967) -. see also G.R. Morrow -. In Platonis Timaeum Commentaria, ed. E. Diehl, 3 vol., Leipzig: Teubner, 1903-06 (repr. Amsterdam: A.M. Hakkert, 1965) Ptolemy of Alexandria. Opera quae exstant omnia, ed. 1.L. Heiberg, 2 vol. (I, 2 pts., Syn­ taxis mathematica, 1898); II, Opera astronomica minora: Phaseis, Hypotheseis, Inscrip­ tio Canobi, Procheiron kanonon diataxis, Analemma, Planisphaerium, etc., 1907), Leipzig: Teubner -. Almagest = Syntaxis mathematica -. see also K. Manitius; GJ. Toomer (1984) Quintilian. Institutionis oratoriae libri xii, ed. L. Radermacher, corr. V. Buchheit, Leip­ zig: Teubner, 1959 Serenus of Antinoeia. Opuscula (De sectione cylindri, De sectione coni), ed. J.L. Heiberg, Leipzig: Teubner, 1896 Simplicius. In Aristotelis de Caelo Commentaria, ed. J.L. Heiberg (CAG 7), Berlin: Reimer, 1894 -. In Aristotelis Physica Commentaria, ed. H. Diels, 2 vol. (CAG 9-10), Berlin: Reimer, 1882-95 Synesius of Cyrene. Opuscula, ed. N. Terzaghi, Rome: Regia officina polygraphica, 1944 -. Hymnes, ed. C. Lacombrade, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1978 -. see also A. Fitzgerald Syrianus. In Metaphysica Commentaria, ed. W Kroll (CAG 6, pt. 1), Berlin: G. Reimer, 1902 Themistius. In Aristotelis Physica Paraphrasis, ed. H. Schenkl (CAG 5, pt. 2), Berlin: G. Reimer, 1900 820 Textual Studies in Ancient and Medieval Geometry -. In Libros Aristotelis De Caelo Paraphrasis (Hebrew and Latin), ed. S. Landauer (CAG 5, pt. 4), Berlin: G. Reimer, 1902 Theon of Alexandria. In Claudii Ptolemaei Magnam Constructionem Commentariorum Lib. XI, ed. 1. Camerarius, Basel: 1. Walder, 1538 -. see also A. Rome (1936; 1943) -. Commentaries on Ptolemy's Handy Tables: see 1. Mogenet (1985); A. Tihon (1978) Theon of Smyrna. Expositio rerum mathematicarum ad legendum Platonem utilium, ed. E. Hiller, Leipzig: Teubner, 1878 (repr. New York and London: Garland, 1987) Vitruvius. De Architectura, ed. V. Rose, 2nd ed., Leipzig: Teubner, 1899 -. see also M.H. Morgan Medieval Sources Abu Bakr al-Harawl. [On the trisection of an angle], B.N. ms. arab. 2457, no. 45alt (Paris), f. 194r-195r: see Part II, text A Abu Jacfar al-Khazin. [On the trisection of an angle], Bod!. ms. Hunt. 237 (Oxford), f. 103v-104v: see Part II, text A3 -. Ff stikhraj kha~~ain bain kha~~ain (On the construction of two lines between two lines), B.N. ms. arab. 2457, no. 47 (Paris), f. 198v-199r: see Part II, text F -. see also R. Lorch (1986) Abu 'I-Rashid cAbd al-Hadi. Qaul mansub ila Arshimfdis fl misa~at al-da'ira (Writing attributed to Archimedes on the measurement ofthe circle) [Recension of Dimension 0/ the Circle, with preface, "Theorems applicable to the book of Archimedes"]' Columbia University ms. Smith 45, no. 4 (New York): see Part III, chap. 7, Appendix I Adelard of Bath. [Latin translation of Euclid's Elements]: see H.L.L. Busard (1983) Al).mad ibn Musa. Qaul fl tathlfth al-zawiya (Writing on the trisection ofthe angle), Bod!. ms. Thurston 3 (Oxford), f. 131 v-132r; Bod!. ms. Marsh 720, f. 260v: see Part II, texts B,B* -. see also 1. P. Hogendijk (1981) Anonymus. [Arabic translation of Archimedes' Dimension o/the Circle], ms. Fatih 3414, no. 1 (Istanbul), f. 2v-6v (cf. Sezgin, GAS, V, p. 131): see Part III, Appendices to chaps. 3 and 4 -. [Arabic translation of Archimedes' Sphere and Cylinder], ms. Fatih 3414, no. 2 (Istan­ bul), f. 7r-8r, 9r-59r (cf. Sezgin, GAS, V, p. 129) Anonymus. [Hebrew translation of Archimedes' Dimension o/the Circle], Vat. ms. Hebr. 384, f. 412r-412v: see Part III, Appendices to chaps. 3 and 4 Banu Musa, Kitab macrifa misa~a al-ashkiil al-basf~a wa- 'I-kurfya (Book of the Know­ ledge of Measurement of Plane and Spherical Figures), in the recension of al-Tusi: see al-Tusi, Rasa'il, II, no. 1 -. Verbafiliorum: in M. Clagett, Archimedes in the Middle Ages, I, chap. 4 -. see also H. Suter (1902); and Al).mad ibn Musa al-Bironi, Abu Rail).an Mul). b. Al).mad. Rasa'il.
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