Recommended Street Tree List Memphis Tree Board Key: Light: FS -Full Sun , PS- Partial Shade, Shade- S Water Needs: H- High, M- Medium, L-low A B C D E F water 1 Botanical Name Common Name height Light needs Comments 2 SMALL TREES 3 Aesculus pavia Red Buckeye 15 - 30' FS-PS M Native understory 4 Asimina triloba Paw Paw 20-30' FS-PS H-M Native understory 5 Amelanchier arborea Downy Serviceberry 15-25' FS-PS M Native 6 Amelanchier laevis Alleghany Serviceberry 15-25' FS-ps M Native, air pollution tolerant Amelanchier × grandiflora 7 'Autumn Brilliance' Apple Serviceberry 15-25' FS - PS M Native cultivar, showy blooms 8 Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud 20-30' FS - PS M Native, drought tolerant, rain garden Cercis canadensis var. 9 texensis 'Oklahoma' Texas Redbud 20-30' FS - PS M Native cultivar, red wine blooms 10 Cornus asperifolia var. drummondii Rough-leaf Dogwood 15' PS-PS H-M Native, understory 11 Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood 15-30' FS-PS M Native showy spring blooms Cherokee Princess Flowering Dogwood 12 Cornus florida 'Cherokee Princess' 15-30' FS-PS M Native cultivar, larger & heavier blooms Cloud Nine Flowering 13 Cornus florida 'Cloud Nine' Dogwood 15-30' FS-PS M Native cultivar, abundant flowering 14 Crataegus marshallii Parsley Hawthorne 15-30' FS-PS M Native, white blooms, red stamens Native cultivar, air pollution 15 Crataegus viridis 'Winter King' Winter King Green Hawthorne 15-30' FS M tolerant, spring blooms 16 Halesia diptera Two-winged Silverbell 20-30' PS M Native, spring blooms Air pollution tolerant, cultivar, 17 Ilex × attenuata 'Fosteri' Foster Holly 20-30' FS-PS M-L abundant berries, evergreen Native, male pollinator: Ilex decidua 18 Ilex decidua Possumhaw 12-20' FS-PS H-M ‘Red Escort' & Ilex Opaca, rain garden 19 Ilex decidua 'Council Fire' Council Fire Possumhaw 15' FS-PS H-M Native cultivar, darker red fruit 20 Ilex decidua 'Warren's Red' Warren's Red Possumhaw 15 FS-PS H-M Native cultivar, abundant berries Native, can be used as privet replacement, 21 Ilex vomitoria Yaupon Holly 15-30' FS H, M, L rain garden, air pollution tolerant 22 Magnolia ' Galaxy' Galaxy Magnolia 20-30' FS-PS M rose-pink spring blooms Magnolia × loebneri 'Leonard 23 Messel' Leonard Messel Magnolia 15-30' FS-PS M white-purplish pink spring blooms 24 Magnolia × loebneri 'Merrill' Merill Magnolia 20-30 FS-PS M white flowers with pink blush 25 MEDIUM TREES Native, do not buy grafted, needs 26 Acer rubrum Red Maple 40-50' FS-PS H-M shade on southwest side 27 Acer saccharum Legacy ® Legacy Sugar Maple 30-50' FS M Native cultivar Native, rain garden, air pollution 28 Betula nigra 'BNMTF' DURA-HEAT Dura Heat Riverbirch 30-40' FS-PS H-M tolerant, heat tolerant 29 Carpinus betulus ' Fastigiata' Fastigiated American Hornbeam 30-40 FS-S M Native cultivar, for wide medians only Native, understory, air pollution 30 Carpinus caroliniana American Hornbeam 20-35' + FS-PS M tolerant 31 Cladrastis kentukea American Yellowood 30-50' FS-PS M Native, low maintenance 32 Diospyros virginiana Persimmon 35-65' FS-PS M-L Native, for wide medians only JC 8.821.16 Recommended Street Tree List Memphis Tree Board Key: Light: FS -Full Sun , PS- Partial Shade, Shade- S Water Needs: H- High, M- Medium, L-low A B C D E F 33 Halesia tetraptera (H. carolinina) Carolina Silverbell 30-40' PS-S H-M Native, understory, showy spring blooms 34 Ilex opaca American Holly 40-50' FS-PS M Native evergreen 35 Ilex opaca 'Greenleaf' Greenleaf American Holly 30-50' FS-PS M Native cultivar, evergreen 36 Ilex opaca ‘Croonenburg’ Croonenburg American Holly30-50' FS-PS M Native cultivar, evergreen Native, evergreen, drought & 37 Juniperus virginiana Eastern Redcedar 40-50' FS M- pollution tolerant Native cultivar, evergreen, conical, sometimes columnar, drought & 38 Juniperus virginiana 'Taylor' Taylor Redcedar 30-50' FS M pollution tolerant Native cultivar, evergreen, compact & Magnolia grandiflora Bracken's Brown Beauty dense, pollution tolerant, leaf brown 39 'Bracken's Brown Beauty' Southern Magnolia 20-50' FS-PS M beneath Magnolia grandiflora 'D.D. D. D. Blanchard Southern Native cultivar, evergreen, dark green 40 Blanchard' Magnolia 20-50' FS-PS M leaves, orangish brown beneath Native cultivar, deciduous, air 41 Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 10-35' + FS-PS H-M pollution tolerant, rain garden 42 Ostrya virginiana American Hophornbeam 25-40' FS-PS M Native, drought tolerant 43 Sassafras albidum Sassafras 30-60' FS-PS M Native, tolerates drought 44 LARGE TREES 45 Acer saccharum ' Green Mountain' Green Mountain Sugar Maple 40-70' FS-PS M Native cultivar 46 Acer saccharum var. floridanum Southern Sugar Maple 40-50' PS M Native variety Native, rain garden, air 47 Betula nigra 'Cully' Heritage Heritage Riverbirch 40-60' FS-PS H-M pollution tolerant 48 Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo 50-80' FS-PS M air pollution & heat tolerant, male only Native, TN state tree, large space, air 49 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar 70-90' FS H-M pollution tolerant, evergreen evergreen. rain garden, air pollution 50 Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia 60-80' FS-PS M tolerant 51 Metasequoia glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood 70-100'FS H-M decidous conifer 52 Nyssa aquatica Water Tupelo 80-100' FS-PS H-M Native, rain garden 53 Nyssa sylvatica Black Tupelo 30-50' FS-PS H-M Native, rain garden Native, urban pollution tolerant, rain 54 Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore 75-100' FS-PS H-M garden Native, large acorns; shade fr low canopy of 55 Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak 40-60' FS H-M mature trees may interfere with turf growth 56 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 40-80' FS-PS M-L Native, tolerates erosion & wet soil 57 Quercus nigra Water Oak 50-80' FS H-M Native, semi-evergreen 58 Quercus texana (Q. nuttallii) Nuttall Oak 40-60' FS H-M Native, rain garden 59 Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak 60-100' FS M-L Native, wide medians only Native, tolerates air pollution & wet soil 60 Quercus phellos Willow Oak 40-60' + FS-PS M JC 8.821.16 Recommended Street Tree List Memphis Tree Board Key: Light: FS -Full Sun , PS- Partial Shade, Shade- S Water Needs: H- High, M- Medium, L-low A B C D E F 61 Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak 60-75' FS M-L drought & air pollution tolerant Native, tolerates drought & air 62 Quercus shumardii Shumard Oak 40-60' FS M-L pollution Native, rain garden, air pollution 63 Taxodium distichum Common Baldcypress 50-70' FS H-M tolerant 64 Tilia cordata ' Greenspire' Greenspire Littleleaf Linden 40-60' FS-PS M Native, drought tolerant Native cultivar, drought & air pollution tolerant, highly resistant to Dutch Elm 65 Ulmus americana ' Princeton' Princeton American Elm 50-70' FS M disease (RDED) 66 67 To Promote Tree Health use these links for the Recommended Street Tree List 68 PLANT A Variety of Tree Species. 69 http://www.americanforests.org/why-it-matters/why-it-matters-biodiversity/ 70 Choose the Right Tree for the Right Place: 71 http://www.treesaregood.com/treeowner/choosingTheRightTree.aspx 72 https://extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/SP511.pdf 73 Planting Trees –start with best practices 74 http://www.treesaregood.org/treeowner/plantingatree.aspx 75 Native Trees Are a Good Choice because: 76 1. Native trees have adapted to regional conditions over thousands of years. 77 2. Native trees are more resistant to pests & diseases; therefore they are healthier than non-native (exotic) trees. 78 3. Native plants are more likely to survive without fertilizer or frequent watering. 79 4. Wildlife, including songbirds, butterflies & bees, have adapted to native trees & 80 depend on them for abundant food supplies. 81 5. More native than non-native trees are recommended for rain gardens and xeriscaping. 82 83 The Key to Healthy Trees: http://www.tufc.com/faq.html JC 8.821.16.
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