THE WESTFLELD LEADER •r !• ttil THE LEADtNG AMD MOST WIDELY CUtCVLATED WEEKLY NEWSPAMt IM VIUOM COUNTY fOETY-THKD YEAE—No. 7 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1932 UONS HOLDING NEEDED BY WOBTHY BECK TO SPEAK MAYO* MAY APPOINT SYMPHONY GIVES GUEST NIGHT TO WESTFIELD FAMIUES AT C.O.P. MEETING CHEST COMMITTEE DATES FOR 13Ik Bureau Continue* HEAR OF CHEST Sewing Machine TUESDAY NIGHT Coal Range A committee to further the SEASON CONCERTS work of organizing a Commun- WettfieU Day Today Heaters (any type) 94 Size Mattress ity Chest in Wettneld may be Reed Baby Carirage appointed by Mayor Frederick Of CM At S. Tipson at aa early date. The WELFARE WORKER Warm Bedding Gwit OB mayor indicated that this com- 19. Omm AMtthw TMCAftifcr Telephone 2-2996 mittee may be composed of the II RESIGNS LOCAL PMT same men who made a study of Interest in the community chert Announcement was made this week The Hon. James Montgomery Beck, the situation and submitted a ! The Westfield Symphony Orchestra by the District Nursing Association ,n and how it wo«ld work if put M. C, from Pennsylvania will be the report favoring the project at %„ effect here appears to be grow- TAXPAYERS URGED j will present its winter concert on I of the resignation of Miss Josephine AWAMWTOtlOM0WA.il principal speaker Tuesday night at the meeting of the Town Coun- Tuesday evening, January 10, 1983, i>awson, the social welfare worker, ing and since the announcement that I a Republican mass meeting to be held cil on October 10. Mayor Tip- a« Lions Clab would •ponior a meet- according to an announcement made i and pending the appointment of s Despite the inclement weather ef TO JOIN EFFORT in the Senior High School auditorium son stated that the appointment by Robert C. Taylor, president of the j successor to Miss Dawson, the wel- yesterday a brisk business was re- ing at which the plan would be dis- on Elm street at 8:15 o'clock under of such a committee should not eased, many inquiries have been re- organization. Attractive programs fare work of the association is being ported by members of tht Better FOR REDUCTIONS the auspices of the Hoover Club and be construed as assuring a Com- have Wen arranged for the two con- carried on by a committee chosea Buataea, Service Bureau who parti- vived from individuals and organiza- the Young Men's Republican Club. munity Chest for the town, but tions of the town. certs next year, the second to be j from the board of directors. This cipated in the "Westneld Day." Tha Other speakers to address the meet- the work would be carried on weather prevented a large nuaka* bMWtaKt oTictkciH Ix towards that end. presented on April 18. Charles H. committee is also effecting a reorgan- fhe community cheat plan will be ing are Charles E. Loiceaux of Plain- Seyfried has already started rehears- ization of the office administration. of shopper, from visiting the local discussed by Frederic Stoddard, a P«M. Strew*. At AMI. fteld, Republican candidate for the als for both concerts. The orchestra With the extension of the associa- stores and in view of this tht l.reaa tnutee of the Irvington Community Ncttiaf State Senate; Donald Mct*an, of is beginning its thirteenth year and tion's activities, such as the institu- decided to continue the special site Chest at the dinner neeting of the Hillside, candidate for Congress from Mr. Seyfried has been its conductor tion of the wood yard and the en- today. Uow Club Friday evening, begin- the 6th Congressional District; W, NATIONAL OFFICERS since its organization. From a small larged welfare work, a more highly ,,;„ at 6:45 o'clock is the YMCA. At least 500 taxpayers are needed For the past few days local mer- Warren Barbour, Senate candidate; group of musicians the orchestra has organized administration is required. chants have been busy preparing va- Ordinarily the club Meets in the in order that the local unit may co- C. Wesley Collins, candidate for AT SCOUT DINNER te more fu j grown to a membership of more than A bookkeeping system will be set up rious articles of merchandise for thia South „„Side. „.Ian. bu...t iaasmuch -a a -a °P"* «y "«* the county sheriff and Herbert J. Pascoe. and state Program CoaaplatMl For Affair 70 players and is rated high among by a public accountant and other special «vent. iNew awchandisa had) number ef rcprwtativrn of! organizations, which need This meeting is the first to be held symphonic organizations in (lie met- routine helps established. larie the weight of popular opinion for Friday Night been purchased of unuaual quality a* by local Republicans since the or- ropolitan area. nrious organisations have accepted support, C. H. Stein, chairman of the Application for the post of wel- prices in keeping with the times aa4 jtvttations to attend it was deemed ganiiation of the Hoover Club and Mme. Irma Rea Blagim, soprano, fare worker are being carefully con- Westfield Taxpayer's Association, meIM >e the occasion and merchant, were are- dvieable to meet in the spacious the Young Men's Republica, n Club and Miss Teresa J. Carter, , ' Tland Maestro Vittorio Verse, conduct-Isidered and within a short til told an audience of more than 250 of the pared to take care of the needs ef TMCA assembly hall on the second Is the major political meeting which national field executive »taftjOr WJH be guest artists at the win-)trained worker will be in charge »f shoppers from Westfteld and other persons who attended a mass meet- the the G. O. P. has sponsored during for the National Girl Scouts, will be|t concert. Mme. Irma Biaglni was the local office. In the meantime, nesrby communities. Every effort ing Thursday night in the Roosevelt e In response to invitations extend- the current campaign• . A general in- --of the chief speakers at the i born in Cleveland and after some!I th. e visitin. g nurses are carryin. g o~>n was made to give ihoppen the mn- auditorium. Mr. Stein pointed out "Father and Daughter" banque!t .1 by the Lions Club the following vitation has been extended to resi- years of musical and dramatic edu-jas formerly and the welfare work is irouia value for their money. Win- that the purpose of the Taxpayer's dents of the town to attend as It is which -will be held In the First Meth- oiyaniiations have signified their in- Association was to work for the re- cation in New Vork City, went to consistently pursued. dows were attractively arranged aad felt that each of the speakers will odist Church on Friday evening at Italy for intensive training In grand tmtion of being represented; We»t- duction of the counter* were piled High with mtr- d,ld Chapter Red Croat, Dlitrlet taxpayers' burden, have a special message which the 6:30 p. m. Miss Carter has been opera. Among her eminent teachers Which in this country, he said, for the past twelve years regional chaadlse to take care ot the netda .Nlitin« Aisociation, TX and YWCA, voters should hear. were Mme, Contl-Vareil, Maestri of shoppers. Through the mtdlva imounts to more than the world'i director of the Hendrick Hudson Re- "UPPERLAND" BEST Children's Country Home, the church- Congressman Beck is one of the Tannara and Riccordo Plccoil. Her of a public address system mounted gold supply. The chairman intro- gion which comprises all of es, the Rotary Club, Unemployment leading figures in the House of Rep- New operatic debut in 1025 was widely on • truck, which rode through tha duced Mayor Frederick 3. Tipton and York State and New Jersey. AT HORSE SHOW tanau, Block-Aid committee, Boy resentatives and Is one of the ablest Last acclaimed and led to a brilliant streets all day yesterday and Men- Prof. William E. Sandmeyer of the md Girl Scouts, Martin Wallberg members of that body. He is »n »V.» year she accepted the appointment career in the course of which she day, residents were reminded ef Mercer Beasley Law School faculty LAST WEEKEND Pott, 3, and its Auxiliary, the Dorian speaker and a lawyer of national to the national board. appeared in the leading dramatic so- "WesMeld Day." and former member of the Essex prominence. He was solicitor gen- |Md Association, Clarlc-Hysllp Post, Harvey D. Gordon, chief consult- prano roles in all the principal opera Brnaaers Jewelry Store appeared lit, V, F. W. Other organiiations County Board of Taxation. He was eral of the United States from l»21-!ing engineer for the National Boy houses of Italy. Mme. Biagini pos- sent to address the local meeting by Tkne SHMMS Of to be the center of attraction yes- nit mentioned in the above Hat, who 1925 when he resigned to resume pri- Scout camp department, will also be sesses a dramatic soprano voice of terday, Mr. Brunner had huge piles in interested ia civic welfare work the State Taxpayer's Association, vate law practice. He holds degrees one of the speakers at this dinner. exceptional quality and range. Her Evert RM Of h AnMry with which the local unit is affiliated. af merchandise wrapped ta heatt o* ire invited to be present. from several colleges and universities Ralph M. Hardgrove, father of two contributions at the winter concert hand and these were sold at one pries, In introducing Mayor Tipson, Mr. and has been honored by member- first class Girl Scouts and one will include arias from several operas the buyer selecting hU own package.
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