I the Tohono O'odham Council Has Reviewed

I the Tohono O'odham Council Has Reviewed

RESOLUTION OF THE IOHONO O'ODIIAM I,EGISIAIIVE COUNCII., (Approval of EnrollmentApplications for Membership into the Tohono I O'odhamNation) , RESOLUTION NO. 97-256 3 4 the Tohono O'odham Council has reviewed the ;t recommendations of the Enrollment Committee in 6 accordance n with Section I of Article VIII of the Enrollrnent I Ordinance, Ordinance No. O5-81, and has made a final 9 determination that the application of the following lo applicants for membership inthe Tohono O'odham Nation 1l t2 be approved: r3 ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP SECIION TO)AI,L TO t4 CHILDREN BORN RESIDENT MEMBERS t5 2990-8-94 MORISTO, ErinRebecca 3ll6-8-95 RAMBLER,facob|. t6 ?lzt|-B'9s HENDRICI$. KeenaM.S. t7 3r69-8-96 HICKS, KevinAnthony 3t70-8'96 HICKS, Antonio Ygnacio l8 3t7t-B-96 HICKS, faunay Latrice t9 3255-B.97 RAMON,fesse 3257-B-97 ANTONE. I-easha Renee 20 32Sa-B-97 MAI\IN, Cheyenne C. 2I 3259-B.97 MANN. Chenelle L. 3260-B-97 PINON, fesus S. 22 326r-B-97 FELIX. Estevan R. 3262-B.97 MENDOZA.BTianA. 23 3263-B-97 CIPRIANO, Gabrielle L. l ,nl 3264-B-89 DEPELSMAIGR, Anthony f . 3265-B-97 DETWILER, VincentA. ,tl 3266-B-97 CAPONE, Michael, fr. 261 t267-B-97 HARRIS.Vanna I 326a-E'97 RAMBLER, GabrielleA. ,rl 3269-B.97 IIAVIER. Shina Mae 2Al 3270-B'97 LOPEZ., ShyanneN. LUTION NO.97-256 of EnrollmentApplications for Membership into the ohono O'odham Nation) 2otl7 ARTICLD II. MEMBERSHIP SECTION rG)AL,L CHILDREN BORN TO RESIDENT MEMBERS ) 3271-B.97 REINO, fonathan Felix 3272-B'-97 MANUEL, Siera 6 ,7 830-CK-86 MORENO, Monique N. l718-cK-84 CAZIRES. LuisArmando 8 r790-cK-85 TURNER, Veronica 9 1889-CK-87 IIERNANDEZ, Alfred G. f r890-cK-87 IIERNANDEZ, Erica M. to l89r-cK-87 HERNANDEZ, Marion S. ll 1892-CK-87 HERNANDEZ, Melissa R. 2to2-cK-91 fOSE, Anisa L. 12 2lo3-cK-91 |OSE, Iuan l3 2162-CtK-92 f,OPEZ, fosh Thomas 2267-CK-93 CONDE, Raylene K.I. I4 2268-Cr<-93 CONDE, Shaylene S. l5 2369-CK-95 VAVAGES,RoSaM. 2397-CK-96 ANTONE, Vincent P. l6 2398-CK-96 BECERRA. Alexis W. 2tn7-cK-96 PABLO, Paulf. t7 2lLt2-CIK-96 fOSE, TrobyMicahfuan l8 2tlt7-CK-96 LOPEZ,, LoganS. 2439-CR-97 VAIENZLIEIA. Valentina l9 2t159-CK-97 BAUTISIA, Brande F. 20 zffiO-CK-97 BAUTISTA. Elsie M. 246t-CK-97 BAUTISTA, Abigail f,. 2l 2462-CIK-97 BAUTISTA, Brandonf. 2492-CK-97 22 ARIZMENDI, Eddielr. 2493-CK-97 ROSAIES. Antonio S. 23 249tbCK-97 ROSALES, Emillio Ruben 249t-CR-97 SAL,GADO. Alexander B. 24) 2496-CK-97 ARGUELf,EZ,Armandof. ,tlI 2497-CK-97 ISAAC, ReginaM. 2*94-CIK-97 REINO. Fallon Lane 261 2499-CK-97 SATTERWHITE, Sabrina I 271 2500-cK-97 FRAZIER, fosiah J.F. 2501-cK-97 OWINGS. MurielMarika ,sl 2SO2-CIK-97 JOIINSON, Kihodfavon f,urroN No.97-256 roval of EnrollmentApplications for Membership into the ohono O'odham Nation) 3 oIlT ARTICIE IT - MEMBERSHIP SECTION I(b)AI.,I CHILDREN BORN TO RESIDENT MEMBERS 4 J 2503-CK-97 fENKINS, Wyatt Quald 250(|.'CIK-97 MACI(EY, Christopher N. 6 2505-CK-97 MACI(EY, Ericfohn n 2506-CK-97 MACIGY, Cameron C. 2507-CK-97 MACI{EY, Shannele M. I 2508-CK-97 ENCINAS, DakotaJaylon 9 2509-CK-97 PENA, Sydul Nanzerite 2StO-CK-97 FRAZOR, ShirleyA. lo 2itt-cK-97 FRAZOR, Stephanie E. tl 2S12-CIK-97 BOYD, DanielAnthony 2513-CK-97 PENA. MarcosA. t2 2ttlF.CIK-g7 SAUCEDO. Francine M. 2515-CIK-97 SANTOS, folene D. l3 2516-CK-97 GONZAL.,ES. RoxanneY. t4 2517-CK-97 COCHBAN. DeenaM. 2518-CK-97 VIf,LEGAS, Kristen t5 2519-CK-97 MItrLER, Danikal,.M. l6 2520-CK-97 MIf,LER. Susanl. 2521-CK-97 ESPUMA, Ione L. 17 2522-CK-97 ESPUMA,AngelaR. l8 2523-CK-97 PABLO, Zachary 2524-CK-97 GONZALES, Nicole D. t9 2525-CK-97 MACIGY, SyIviaY. 2526-CIK-97 EDWARDS, Kaprice M. 20 2527-CK-97 EDWARDS, Tilfany M. 2I 2528-CK-97 POWELf,.Adan 2529-CK-97 ,t CONTRERAS, Sallie Eva 2530-CK-97 CONIRERAS, Arturo J. 23 2531-CIK-97 PENA, Mariano Noah 2532-CK-97 SOTO, Rufino E.Jr. 24 2533-CK-97 ANTONE,foseph 25 2531[-CIK-97 ANTONE, Darwin Mitchel 2535-CK-97 IUAN, Phillip G. 26 315GGA-95 VAVAGES, Reva S. 27 3229-GA-97 MORAGO,fonathan 2A ?230-GA-97 FRANCISCO, BeniaminA. LUTION NO.97-256 of EnrollmentApplications for Membership into the ohono O'odham Nation) I 4ofl7 2 3 ARIICI.,E II - MEMBERSHIP SECTION TO)AIL CIIIf,DREN BORN TO RESIDENT MEMBERS 4 ;t 3236-GA-97 MAllUEf,. IsaiahM. 3237-GA-97 FLORES, Celestinefr. 6 3238-GA-97 CORRAf,EIO, Camillo M. 1 3240-GA-97 BACI(WATER, CalebA. 32tr2-GA-97 WHITBECK. Andrew S. 8 32t13-GA-97 LOPEZ, AngeHca Marie 9 32tl+cA-97 CAMPILIO, VincentP. to 1402-GV-88 VEGA.DamonT. l48l-GV-91 MANUEf,. DionnaE. l1 r569-GV-93 AGUILIA. Renee L. t2 1570-GV-93 AGUILtrA, Raphilda E. l571|-GV-93 ANIONE, BerieA. l3 r580-cv-93 MANUEf,. RebeccaC. t4 r645-GV,94 TRONE, CynthiaS. r549-GV-94 WILICNS, Iames O. t5 1728-cV-95 COTA,Jesus,fr. l6 t7tL2-GV-96 FLORES. Valerie K. lSlo-Gv-97 MARIN, Bernardo M. t7 l8l7-GV-97 MATTIA, KyIa l8 l8l9-GV-97 IGNNEDY,IosephA. 1820-GV-97 DEVRfES.AaronM. t9 18.23-GV-97 DEVRIES, Bethany R. l82l-GV-97 DEVRIES, Angelita 20 r825-GV-97 MA.I{UEf,, Samantha 2I 1826-cV-97 MAI\lUEf,, MakynzieA. t, 1615-rr-93 MANUEI. Muriel 23 r65l-Ir-93 MANUEf,. Miriam t72t|-lil-95 RESLER, Alicia N. 24 1765-H-97 LOPBZ, LisaM. 25 t7a2-H-97 SARAFICIO, MishonA. 17a9-H-97 GREER, GingerD. 26 1793-H-97 IIIBORIN, fordon N-J 179tbw-97 PIESTEWA, SeriahW. 27 1795-H-97 ROMERO, Tylerf. 2a 1796-H-97 SAM.KobeC. LUTIONNO.97.256 roval of EnrollmentAppHcations for Membership into the I ohono O'odham Nation) 5 oflT , 3 ARTICLE II. MEMBERSIIP SECTION T@)AI.,L CHILDREN BOBN TO RESIDENT MEMBERS 4 ;t 1797-H-97 ANTONE, TylerLouis 1798-H-97 BROWN, RitaMarie 6 1799-H-97 IESUS, Tylyn D. n t82t|-IJ-97 MONTANA,AnthonyM. 8 1536-P-91 CELAYA, Ana Dolores 1537-P-91 CELAYA, 9 Idolina r538-P-9r DOMINOUEZ,Graciela 10 1539-P-9r GARCIADeLeon, Georgin r540-P-91 GARCIADeLeon, Xochitl ll r54r-P-91 MEDINA,Arcelia t2 t5*2-P-91 MEDINA,Argelia r543-P-91 MEDINA. Sandra I. l3 rsl|J*P-91 MORANDO,MaTiaE. t4 1545-P-91 PllRRA,AymeV. 1546-P-91 PARRA, Ernesto M. fr. l5 l5ll7-P-91 PARRA, Francisco R. l6 1548-P-9r PARRA,favierL. r549-P-9r PARRA,RandyA. I7 1550-P-9r PARRA,RaUIA. r55r-P-91 PARRA,RudyM. IB 1552-P-9r RUELAS, Noraf. l9 r553-P-91 ZULUAGA,AdTiaD. t55GP-9r ZULUAGA, ManuelF.fr. 20 1555-P-9r ZULUAGA. MarinaA. 2l 1556-P-91 ZI.]LUAGA. MarioA. 1557-P-91 ZULUAGA, Martin E. ,, 1558-P-91 ZULUAGA, Melissa G. 23 1559-P-91 PARRA, Monica r569-P-9r GARCIA,WesleyD. 24 1601-P-92 MURRIETTA, Eugenio P. 25 1602-P'92 VALENZUELA, Abundio f r. 1601LP-92 VAIENZI.]ELA. Esther M. 26 1605-P-92 VAIENZUELA. RitaA. 1620-P-93 HUNTER, DarnellM. 27 1622-P.93 IIUNTER, John II 28 r623-P-93 HUNIER, Lenisto urroN No.97-256 roval of EnrollmentAppHcations for Membership into the t ohono 0'odham Nation) 6 oflT , 3 ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP SECTION TO)AII, CHILDREN BORN TO RESIDENT MEMBERS 4 ;t r680-P-94 TRONE, MichaelG. r7oo-P-g5 ANTONE. Alexandria M. 6 1726-P-95 GARCIA,Angel F7 1729-P-95 TORO, ShemikaP.S. 1730-P-95 WIISON. DravenA. I 1732-P.95 ORTEGA, Coreyfames Sage D. 9 t7a*-P.97 AUGUSIINE' 1785-P-97 IflNIGAD, SummerSasha lo 1786-P-97 IilNI(EAD. Shea Natasha ll 1787-P-97 DELGADO, Justin M. tTaa-P-97 DELGADO, Ashley N. t2 t7a9-P-97 DELGADO, BrandonI. 1790-P-97 DELGADO, Colef. l3 t79t-P-97 LUZ,Angel t4 t792-P-97 TIIORNTON, LeticiaM. 1793-P-97 IHORNTON, SylvesterG. 15 t7gtEP-97 ANTONE, Brianna l6 1796-P-97 SILVA, Fernandofr. 1797-P-97 SIf,VA, IlymanJoe t7 t79a-P-97 SILVA, Anita Marie t8 1799-P-97 SILVA, Dominic Michael 1800-P-97 FRANCISCO, GordonJ. 19 l80l-P-97 MENDOZA.SaTahS. 1802-P-97 MENDOZA, Regis 20 J. 1803-P-97 TAYLOR,MaryPaige 2l 1804-P-97 |OHNSON, Andrew Shane ,, 1805-P-97 f OHNSON, Slryler Moniqu 1806-P-97 MONSMIS, Humbertofr. 23 t807-P-97 IOHNSON, Angel R.F. r808-P-97 VILLAf,OBOS, PaulM. 24 1809-P-97 VILIIILOBOS, Pete R. 25 lSlo-P-97 VILLALOBOS, Yvette M. lSll-P-97 VILf,AIOBOS, Stephanie 26 t8t2-P-97 VILLAIOBOS' April V. tn 1813-P-97 PEREZ,AmberS. 2A RESOLUIION NO.97-256 roval of EnrollmentApplications for Membership into the Tohono O'odham Nation) I 7 oflT 2 3 ARIICLE II. MEMBERSHIP SECTION T(b)AIL CHILDREN BORN TO RESIDENT MEMBERS 4 ) r285-CB-91 PEREZ, Alexandra L. 1298-GB-92 DIAZ, f,eandrewl. 6 l4l6-GB-95 LOPF,Z' Victorfosefr. ,7 1440-GB-96 OSEOUEDA, Veliciana M. 1540-GB-96 OSEQUEDA, Carlos R. I l54l-GB-96 CHILDS, BeauA. 1542-GB-96 CHILDS, V. 9 fessica r544-GB-96 CABRERA, fuanita E. lo tl79-cB-97 MANUEL,AshleyI. r582-GB-97 GARCIA, Christopherf. ll 1583-CB-97 CIIIf,DS, CandaceA.

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