3 This document of synthesis has been coordinated by the Lead Partner of the SUITE Project with the collaboration of all the partners who have been taking part in SUITE The Housing Project: the Free and Hanseat- ic City of Hamburg and the Lawaetz Foundation; the city of Iasi; the Kraków Municipality; Medway Council; Nantes Métropole; Newcastle Upon Tyne; Rennes Métropole; Santiago de Compostela City Council and EMUVISSA; the city of Tallinn; as well as the URBACT experts who worked jointly with the project since its beginning in 2008: Darinka Czischke and Heidrun Feigelfeld. We would also like to show our special gratitude to CECODHAS and to the “Group of Counsellors”: International Union of Tenants, Feantsa and the EUROCITIES Working Group Housing. And, of course to all the members of the ULSG in the nine cities and those colleagues who have worked in the project in the past. Thanks to all of you, this is your work! Anita Leirvik and Belén Mendoza SUITE project coordinators Lead Partner Santiago de Compostela City Council 5 Table of contents Preface................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Introduction to SUITE The Housing Project..................................................................... 9 Local Action Plans SUITE An overview by the Lead Expert......... 11 Local Action Plan summaries:.......................................................................................................................... 16 The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg...................................................................... 18 Iasi City Council.................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Social integration in Kraków...................................................................................................................... 28 Medway Council................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Nantes Métropole........................................................................................................................................................... 35 Newcastle City Council......................................................................................................................................... 39 Rennes Métropole.......................................................................................................................................................... 42 Santiago de Compostela City Council.................................................................................. 46 Tallinn City...................................................................................................................................................................................... 50 Conclusions.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 53 Credits.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 59 SUITE The Housing Project Social and Urban Inclusion Through Housing 7 I sincerely hope, at the end of this experience, that to increase and improve our management capacity, the commitment undertaken by Santiago de Com- in the face of new economic, social, environmental postela to lead the SUITE project has lived up to your and demographic challenges regarding the future expectations. For our part, we have humbly endeav- development of our cities. oured to contribute the experience and knowledge acquired during more than twenty years governing In short, by working together we have found the the city, in oder to guarantee the objectives of social keys that may help us to overcome the crisis with- integration and access to housing. out compromising our future. The SUITE project has demonstrated such effectiveness in this first stage The spatial spheres into which the urban area of that, in my opinion, it would be a mistake not to con- Santiago is arranged are designed to integrate tinue. Those of us in Santiago offer to continue lead- neighbourhoods and peripheries, starting from an ing a second development phase, in which we look urban development model that lays special empha- forward to seeing you all again in order to continue sis on factors such as sustainable development, advancing together along the road we have under- historical, urban and environmental restoration, and taken. social integration. This model is based on the goals attained by rehabilitation and infrastructure policies, Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank by means of which we have strived to generate hab- everyone for their contributions and fine attitude at itable spaces around the city centre, where different all times. It has been a real pleasure working with the types of families, of different ages and ethnic groups, teams from all of the nine participating cities. Thank with different economic and educational levels, can you and see you soon. live together. A decade ago we set up our own public housing company, EMUVISSA, which, in collaboration with Xosé A. Sánchez Bugallo other state and regional administrations, manages Mayor of Santiago de Compostela the urbanisation of land and development of social Lead Partner – SUITE Project housing for low-income families. Nevertheless, a so- lution was required for groups at risk of social exclu- sion. The SUITE project has given us the opportunity not only to continue advancing in the study of multiple factors to be taken into account to undertake sus- tainable urban development, but also to incorporate solutions for overcoming the crisis and laying the ba- sis for a different framework for the future. The work method developed by the SUITE project network has proved to be an ideal system of analy- sis and exchange for the cities, since it enables us to approach the problem from a close-up, urban perspective; exchange experiences with other cit- ies; and prepare a specific project, in which we have been able to get the private sector to understand our proposal and cooperate in the implementation of public policies. The diagnosis about the situation of social housing in Europe, attained after this period of work and ex- changes among the partners and other players not included in the project, has resulted in nine local ac- tion plans (LAP). Thanks to these valuable tools, we local governments can further proposals enabling us INTRODUCTION TO SUITE THE HOUSING PROJECT By The Lead Partner We have come a long way since we started working periences and knowledge about sustainable urban on the idea of submitting this SUITE project to UR- development and, at the same time, to include quick BACT in 2007 for its approval in 2008. Many months solutions to help navigate the crisis and to establish of hard work and exchanges between partners and a different action framework for the future. other actors have gone by, and day by day the project has been enriched and enhanced, up to this moment The SUITE network gives us the opportunity to make for closure and summing up. practical progress in our way of dealing with the cri- sis of social housing construction in the cities. We This final project report includes a diagnosis on the must underline several important aspects of the situation of social housing in Europe; three reports on work done by the SUITE network: the working groups’ three lines of action established within the framework of the project (social, economic 1.- It allowed us to continue thinking beyond the and environmental); and finally, an executive sum- momentary situation of crisis. mary of each of the nine partners’ local action plans (LAP). This report intends to offer a brief summary of 2.- It helps us carry on facing the need for social the comprehensive work carried out by the partner housing, despite economic and social chang- cities’ LAPs and of the added value of SUITE for lo- es. cal governments. 3.- The experiences and projects of the partners The SUITE project involves a change in orientation improve social cohesion and mark the begin- and scale in the analysis of possible solutions for the ning of a strong commitment to sustainable challenges facing cities when it comes to promot- supplies in the area of housing, i.e. they deal ing sustainable urban development. It also repre- with areas of strategic interest to overcome sents a change in the speed and response capacity the economic crisis without compromising the of the European administration in the face of prob- future. They focus on structural policies, and lems. The economic crisis in Europe paralyzed to a not on temporary factors. certain degree the reflection of member states on non-immediate problems. The steps taken in con- In this way, the projects developed by the partners ceptual frameworks gave way to the urgent need for allow us to move forward with proposals which tack- implementing measures and actions aimed at get- le the threefold objective of the economic-social- ting around the crisis. However, programs such as environmental mix. The different projects put more URBACT II
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