First Session – Forty-First Legislature of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba DEBATES and PROCEEDINGS Official Report (Hansard) Published under the authority of The Honourable Myrna Driedger Speaker Vol. LXIX No. 39 - 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 5, 2016 ISSN 0542-5492 MANITOBA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Forty-First Legislature Member Constituency Political Affiliation ALLUM, James Fort Garry-Riverview NDP ALTEMEYER, Rob Wolseley NDP BINDLE, Kelly Thompson PC CHIEF, Kevin Point Douglas NDP CLARKE, Eileen, Hon. Agassiz PC COX, Cathy, Hon. River East PC CULLEN, Cliff, Hon. Spruce Woods PC CURRY, Nic Kildonan PC DRIEDGER, Myrna, Hon. Charleswood PC EICHLER, Ralph, Hon. Lakeside PC EWASKO, Wayne Lac du Bonnet PC FIELDING, Scott, Hon. Kirkfield Park PC FLETCHER, Steven, Hon. Assiniboia PC FONTAINE, Nahanni St. Johns NDP FRIESEN, Cameron, Hon. Morden-Winkler PC GERRARD, Jon, Hon. River Heights Lib. GOERTZEN, Kelvin, Hon. Steinbach PC GRAYDON, Clifford Emerson PC GUILLEMARD, Sarah Fort Richmond PC HELWER, Reg Brandon West PC ISLEIFSON, Len Brandon East PC JOHNSON, Derek Interlake PC JOHNSTON, Scott St. James PC KINEW, Wab Fort Rouge NDP KLASSEN, Judy Kewatinook Lib. LAGASSÉ, Bob Dawson Trail PC LAGIMODIERE, Alan Selkirk PC LAMOUREUX, Cindy Burrows Lib. LATHLIN, Amanda The Pas NDP LINDSEY, Tom Flin Flon NDP MALOWAY, Jim Elmwood NDP MARCELINO, Flor Logan NDP MARCELINO, Ted Tyndall Park NDP MARTIN, Shannon Morris PC MAYER, Colleen St. Vital PC MICHALESKI, Brad Dauphin PC MICKLEFIELD, Andrew, Hon. Rossmere PC MORLEY-LECOMTE, Janice Seine River PC NESBITT, Greg Riding Mountain PC PALLISTER, Brian, Hon. Fort Whyte PC PEDERSEN, Blaine, Hon. Midland PC PIWNIUK, Doyle Arthur-Virden PC REYES, Jon St. Norbert PC SARAN, Mohinder The Maples NDP SCHULER, Ron, Hon. St. Paul PC SELINGER, Greg St. Boniface NDP SMITH, Andrew Southdale PC SMOOK, Dennis La Verendrye PC SQUIRES, Rochelle, Hon. Riel PC STEFANSON, Heather, Hon. Tuxedo PC SWAN, Andrew Minto NDP TEITSMA, James Radisson PC WHARTON, Jeff Gimli PC WIEBE, Matt Concordia NDP WISHART, Ian, Hon. Portage la Prairie PC WOWCHUK, Rick Swan River PC YAKIMOSKI, Blair Transcona PC 1861 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA Wednesday, October 5, 2016 The House met at 1:30 p.m. Madam Speaker: Is it the pleasure of the House to adopt the motion? [Agreed] Madam Speaker: O Eternal and Almighty God, from Whom all power and wisdom come, we are Committee reports? assembled here before Thee to frame such laws as TABLING OF REPORTS may tend to the welfare and prosperity of our province. Grant, O merciful God, we pray Thee, that Hon. Heather Stefanson (Minister of Justice and we may desire only that which is in accordance with Attorney General): I am pleased to table the Thy will, that we may seek it with wisdom and know annual report of the Liquor and Gaming Authority it with certainty and accomplish it perfectly for the of Manitoba, as well as the annual report of glory and honour of Thy name and for the welfare of the Automobile Injury Compensation Appeal all our people. Amen. Commission for 2015-2016. Please be seated. Hon. Scott Fielding (Minister of Families): I am pleased to table the 2015 and '16 annual report for ROUTINE PROCEEDINGS the ALL Aboard Committee. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS Madam Speaker: Ministerial statements? MEMBERS' STATEMENTS Bill 206–The Health Care Accountability Act (Health Services Act and Health Services World Teachers' Day Insurance Act Amended) Mr. Derek Johnson (Interlake): Madam Speaker, Ms. Cindy Lamoureux (Burrows): I move, today, October 5th, 2016, is World Teachers' Day. seconded by the MLA for River Heights, that Over 100 countries celebrate today to campaign for Bill 206, The Health Care Accountability Act increased public awareness for the contributions of (Health Services Act and Health Services Insurance the teaching profession. Act Amended). This year's campaign slogan is valuing teachers and improving their status. This slogan demands a Madam Speaker: It has been moved by the collective need to appreciate and improve the status honourable member for Burrows, and seconded by of teachers globally by recognizing the important the honourable member for River Heights (Mr. contribution they make to society. Gerrard), that Bill 206, the health-care accessibility act, health services act and health services insurance It is important for all of us to recognize that act amended, be now read a first time. education is the foundation of our society. A good teacher has the ability to inspire creativity and to Ms. Lamoureux: Madam Speaker, the history of foster the pursuit of knowledge in our young people. medicare in our excellent health-care system is very Teachers have an opportunity each time they unique and a source of pride for Canadians. The bill enter a classroom to shape young people who are intends to preserve those principles already set in ultimately the future of our country and drivers of Manitoba's health-care legislation with the addition our economy. of one principle. I would like to state that Canada and Manitoba, Roy Romanow recommended in his report, we value our teachers. A recent study released by the Building on values: The Future of Health Care in OECD found that Canadian teachers rank fourth in Canada, that accountability be made a fundamental the world in compensation. It noted that Canadians legal principle in the delivery of health-care services. are well educated as a majority of students go on to We as the Liberal Party of Manitoba agree this bill obtain a bachelor's degree or learn a trade and will add the principle of accountability to The Health contribute to society. A student's best memory of Services Act, as well as be practised in the delivery school comes often from the teachers that they of health-care services. remember and how they were able to engage them, 1862 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA October 5, 2016 challenge them and provide them with the tools they On behalf of all members of the Legislature and need to meet any challenge in life. the good people of the North End, I extend our Teachers, Madam Speaker, are at the core of any deepest condolences to his family members and successful education system. They are the people loved ones. who day after day, year after year make learning an We are grateful for his work. enjoyable process for millions of students across Canada and the world. Miigwech, Madam Speaker. To all teachers who get up every day to inspire Battle of Hong Kong–Commemorative Coin the students of our province and our country: I and all the members of the House thank you for your Mr. Jon Reyes (St. Norbert): Madam Speaker, I good work you do. would like to recognize and remember the Canadian soldiers who fought bravely in the Battle of Hong Madam Speaker: The member's time has expired. Kong. Larry Morrissette The Battle of Hong Kong, also known to many Mr. Kevin Chief (Point Douglas): Larry as the Defence of Hong Kong, was one of the most Morrissette was an indigenous leader and a tireless heroic and tragic moments in the history of Canada's advocate for indigenous peoples. Larry passed away Armed Forces. on September 19th at the age of 59, and the loss has been felt across the North End, Winnipeg and * (13:40) beyond. Larry was the founder and executive director of La Bataille de Hong Kong – également connue OPK that works one on one with indigenous people par beaucoup comme la Défense de Hong Kong – a involved in gangs. Larry believed in these youth and été l'un des moments les plus héroïques et tragiques helped them develop a positive relationship with de l'histoires des Forces canadiennes. their community with education, employment and Translation cultural ceremonies. The Battle of Hong Kong, also known as the Defense Just last spring, the Bear Clan Patrol that Larry helped establish celebrated its first-year anniversary. of Hong Kong, was one of the most heroic and tragic moments in the history of the Canadian Forces. The Bear Clan Patrol has brought community members together to patrol the streets of Winnipeg's English North End, providing a stronger sense of safety and pride in our neighbourhoods. Despite their lack of combat experience and being both outnumbered and surrounded by their Larry was a co-founder of Children of the Earth Japanese attackers, members of the Royal Rifles of High School, one of the first schools in Canada that Canada and the Winnipeg Grenadiers fought with reflected indigenous cultures and values. Larry was a bravery and tenacity for 17 days before their graduate of the University of Manitoba's Inner City surrender. When the guns fell silent, however, the Social Work Program and later taught in both that terrible cost was revealed. program and the University of Winnipeg's department of urban and inner city studies, both Of the 1,975 Canadian soldiers who participated innovate programs located on Selkirk Avenue. in the battle, more than 1,050 were killed or With Elizabeth Comack, he co-authored the wounded. Two hundred and twenty eight of those award-winning book Indians Wear Red. killed have no known grave. Of the 532 soldiers taken prisoner by their Japanese attackers, 126 would Larry's contributions to our city are endless, die in captivity, many of them in–victims of torture especially when we consider the impact he had on and starvation. so many young people. He believed in the trans- formative power of education, and that's why The Canadians, the Manitobans, like George Larry Morrissette Memorial Scholarship has been Peterson, 95 years young, who is here with us today, established in memory at the University of fought in defence of Hong Kong, sacrificed much in Winnipeg.
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