OHIO STADIUM WENTY FIVE CENTS Another Champion! They gave hi m the famous Sperry Award for the most outstanding contribution to the Science of Aviation KNUTE ROCKNE m,ght hove been olive today hod Russell W. Newhouse come along sooner. H,s new ground clearance indicator is on instrument that ~ends radio beams to the ground ahead of on air­ plane and tells the pilot when a mountain is loom­ RUSS EL L W. NEWHOUSE- '29 , '30 ing ,n front of him. It practically eliminates moun­ tain side crashes. ! nvented Groa.;nd Clearance Indicator CHAMPIONS IN LIFE . .. A S IN A THLETICS THA T'S OHIO STA TE'S PRODUCTION RECORD. PRODUCES AMERICA•s MOST BEAUTIFUL LAWNS! BUT ... A TIMELY LOAN WHILE IN COLLEGE SAVED You, too, can easily have a beautiful lawn that people stop RUSSELL W. NEWHOUSE'S CAREER FOR AMERICA. to admire. Many have discovered the way to such a lawn. THERE ARE OTHERS LIKE HIM IN SCHOOL TODAY! They obtain fine, velvety turf by sowing Scott's Lawn Seed and they keep it looking its best with Turf Bu ilder. O.~M . SCOTT and SONS CO., Marysville, Ohio YOU CAN HELP THEM HELP RESEARCH HELP YOUR UNIVERSITY FREE "LAWN• CARE " SERVICE Write for a free subscription to HELP AMERICA LAWN CARE. These bulletins will come to your home fi ve times each year with timely hi"nts and new ideas on the care o f THE OHIO STAT E UNIVERSITY DEVELOPr•ENT FUN D your law n. end Your Check T oda for 5- 10- 50- 100 to Carl teeb. Treas .. Cam pus, Columbus TODA Y'S COVER DRAWN BY DICK GR EE N, '42 The official watch STORY BY DOUG DeN EEN, ' 40 Taking advantage of the general hy teria pervad­ ing the vicinity of the Olentangy during the weekend for timing all of the first home football game with finnesota in year , Betty Buckeye, the typical Ohio State coed, OHIO STATE ha managed to achieve the ambition of every girl, that i , to don a gold-braided uniform and march before the crowd with the Drum Major. FOOTBALL GAMES IS Today the fine Ohio State band gets the spotlight usually reserved for the team, and attention is called ( i any needed?) to the precision and the beauty of • their formation , which acid so much to the glamour of the game. Four of the men of the band are drawn up in salute a Betty and the Drum Major march ~ by, knees and chins high, midnight blue capes flung open to how the carl et of Ohio. o. Betty doesn't THE WORLD'S MOST HONORED WATCH come by that strut naturally. She can appreciate the Longines Watches, selected as official watch by hour and hours of practice the band goes through the 1940 Olympic Committee, is also official watch without the benefit of press notice or All-American for timing the football games for more than 100 rating . But she does feel a vital part of the spectacle leading colleges; timed 20 of the leading track of a big game. meets of 1940 and the major intercollegiate basket­ In the bottom panel, you can ju t make out Betty ball games. Longines is also official watch for the helping the Drum Major lead the band through the National Professional Football League and was worn by all umpires officiating at American and justly famous "script Ohio" that vi itor to Ohio National League baseball games of 1940 including Stadium have come to expect and applaud. If there MINNESOTA-OHIO STATE the World Series. Among the 104 national and were All-American ratings for college bands, this OCTOBER 19, 1940 Oscar L . Thomas, D irector of Programs international sports and contest bodies for which fo rmation would take its place alongside the Rockne Bernard Rosenson, Assistant Editor Longines is official watch are National Aeronautic y tem or the chmidt razzle-dazzle. The only thing William S . Guth.rie, Circulation Manager Association, American Automobile Association, Artists: Dick Green, Larry Grace, Bo Brown, Irven Nusbaum, that could per uade Betty to leave her seat at half­ Milt C.niff National Power Boat Association, International time and mi s seeing the band perform is just this, Staff Photographer : Darrel McD ougle Federation du Skii, American Lawn Tennis Asso­ Bevis, Howard L., Ohio State President------------------ ) ciation, and U. S. Polo Association. the chance to lead the band. And if you think Betty is Bierman, Bernie, Minnesota Coach_______________________ 12 not ju tly proud, then you're very much mistaken. Bricker, Governor John W ·---------------------------- 4 The world-leadership of Longines Watches is Buck Managers -----------------------------------16, 17 further attested by 10 world's fair grand prizes, Not even the replica of last year's thriller-diller be­ Dooley, Eddie, 0 Strategy l s Fading Fast"---------------- 18 28 gold medals and more honors for accuracy tween the Golden Gophers and the Buckeyes could Ford, Guy Stanton. M innesota President------------------ 7 Hor"nung, Paul, "Big Ten Roundup"--------------------- 14 than any other timepiece. Truly Longines is , , • detract from the glory that is the band's. Information, For Your ·------------------------------- 2 Lexicon of a Football Fan·---------------------------- 39 the world's most honored watch. McCormick, Frank G ., Minnesota Director_________________ 9 Minnesota Coaching StafL----------------------------- 49 Watches of accuracy FOR YOUR INFORMATION Minnesota Players,._ ·------------------------13 , 19, 21, 23 THE DRINKING OF INTOXICATING Minnesota Playing Numbers---------------------------- 31 Minnesota Roster--------- ---------------------------- 33 and elegance b y Longines LIQUOR will not be tolerated in the Stadium. Minnesota, The University of--------------------------- 20 Officials for Today's Game·-------------------------28. 29 Drinking or drunkenness will cause your ejection Officials' Signals and Penalties-----------------------46, 47 from the game. Patrons disturbed will assist in Ohio State Coaching Staff __ --------------------------- 49 Ohio State Football Record Char'------------------------ , 1 solving this problem if they will call an officer at Ohio State Players -----------------8, 11, 1', 3,. 37, 41 . 4, Ohio State Players Statistics ---------------------------- 5 5 the first annoyance. Ohio State Playing Numbers---------------------------- 26 A LOST AND FOUND DEPARTMENT Ohio State Roster ----- ------------------------------ 24 Ohio State Songs and Yells---------------------------- H has been established in the Stadium ticket office. Ohio State Squad ·---------------------------------46, 47 Ohio State Views ------------------------------------ 43 Articles found should be turned over to the ushers Schmidt, Francis A ., Ohio State Coach ___________________ 10 St. John, Lynn W ., Ohio State Director__________________ 9 or left at the office. Stadium Cab Service. _________________________________ ,6 AN OUNCEMENTS OVER THE PUBLIC Starting Lineups ___ --------------------------------28, 29 addre s system will not be made unless it can be Stassen . Governor Harold E ., Minnesota_________________ 6 Today's Cover--------------------------------------- 2 shown that they have to do with urgent or emer­ Copyrighted, 1940, The Ohio State University Athletic Department. gency situations. Physicians and others who may Reproduction in whole or in part forbidden without written permission. expect to be summoned from the Stadium are re­ N ATION AL ADV ERTISING REPRESE NTA TIVES que ted to register at the ticket office, leaving their Football Publications exact seat locations and the management will see 370 Lexington A venue, New York, N . Y. to it that telegrams and emergency messages are delivered without delay. COMFORT STATIONS are located on each The akill. experience lnd workmanship necessary for the construction o f floor level. Longinea W atches for p recision timing, aviation, end naviqation ia reflected in the greater accuracy of every Longinea W atch at any price. Lon9inea· EIGHT PAY TELEPHONE STATIONS Wittnauer jewelers show Lonqines personal watches of distinction priced are located on the ground floor, four on each side $4-0 upward; Wittnauer watches from $24. 75. of the Stadium. LONGINES-WITTNAUER WATCH CO., Inc. THE OFFICIAL WATCH for checking Ohio's 580 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. electric scoreboards is LONGINES-The \Vorkl'. Most Honored Watch. 2 3 ToD Y Ohio ·tate 'niversity and its [riend - ext ll(l a cordial \\"elcorne to the men of Minne. ota and their loyal u1 porters. Minne ota ha had a noteworthy record in athletics, and it team have \\"On our re pect and admiration. great late univer ities in two great state , the two in titulions repre ented here today have much in common. Each is eeking to serve its c mmonwealth through the media of cla ro m education, re earch, and many kinds of public service. Relation hips on the gridiron help to bring the two univer ities into closer touch in many other activitie a well. and it is our hope that Ohio tate and Minne ota may be friendly rival for many year- to come. President. GOVERNOR JOHN W . BRICKER STATE OF Omo OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR COLUMBUS I am mo -t happy lo welcome to Columbus and to the Ohio State Stadium today the team and follower ' of The University of Minnesota. I rememl er well the .varm greeting extended to all of us from Ohio who visited Minne -ota la t year and it i my incere hop that our welcome will be as hearty and a cordial. I also extend my -inc r greeting- to th follower of Ohio State University, who have already watched Ohio tate sc re two fin victorie in this stadium this year and who are hopdully looking forward to another today. Cordially yours, Goven1or. PRESIDENT HOWARD L. BEVIS 4 5 A LTHOCG ll the niver ·ity of :;\li1111e ·ota and Ohio tate University are farther apart. O'eographicall y, than any other t\\'O in titution in the \Vestern Conference, many bonds hold them to<Yether and o-ive them a sense of kinship. There i not on ly the friendly football rivalry r ne\\'ecl a year ago, but trong tie of academic interest.
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