Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 27, 473–487, 2020 © Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Statistical postprocessing of ensemble forecasts for severe weather at Deutscher Wetterdienst Reinhold Hess Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany Correspondence: Reinhold Hess ([email protected]) Received: 7 January 2020 – Discussion started: 20 January 2020 Revised: 13 August 2020 – Accepted: 19 August 2020 – Published: 6 October 2020 Abstract. This paper gives an overview of Deutscher Wet- 1 Introduction terdienst’s (DWD’s) postprocessing system called Ensemble- MOS together with its motivation and the design con- Ensemble forecasting rose with the understanding of the lim- sequences for probabilistic forecasts of extreme events ited predictability of weather. This limitation is caused by based on ensemble data. Forecasts of the ensemble systems sparse and imperfect observations, approximating numerical COSMO-D2-EPS and ECMWF-ENS are statistically opti- data assimilation and modelling, and by the chaotic phys- mised and calibrated by Ensemble-MOS with a focus on se- ical nature of the atmosphere. The basic idea of ensemble vere weather in order to support the warning decision man- forecasting is to vary observations, initial and boundary con- agement at DWD. ditions, and physical parameterisations within their assumed Ensemble mean and spread are used as predictors for lin- scale of uncertainty and rerun the forecast model with these ear and logistic multiple regressions to correct for conditional changes. biases. The predictands are derived from synoptic observa- The obtained ensemble of forecasts expresses the distribu- tions and include temperature, precipitation amounts, wind tion of possible weather scenarios to be expected. Probabilis- gusts and many more and are statistically estimated in a com- tic forecasts can be derived from the ensemble, like forecast prehensive model output statistics (MOS) approach. Long errors, probabilities for special weather events, quantiles of time series and collections of stations are used as training the distribution or even estimations of the full distribution. data that capture a sufficient number of observed events, as The ensemble spread is often used as estimation for forecast required for robust statistical modelling. errors. In a perfect ensemble system the spread is statisti- Logistic regressions are applied to probabilities that prede- cally consistent with the forecast error of the ensemble mean fined meteorological events occur. Details of the implemen- against observations (e.g. Wilks, 2011); however, it is expe- tation including the selection of predictors with testing for rienced as being often too small, especially for near-surface significance are presented. For probabilities of severe wind weather elements and short lead times. Typically, an optimal gusts global logistic parameterisations are developed that de- spread–skill relationship close to 1 and its involved forecast pend on local estimations of wind speed. In this way, robust reliability are obtained much more easily for atmospheric probability forecasts for extreme events are obtained while variables in higher vertical layers, e.g. 500 hPa geopotential local characteristics are preserved. height, than for screen-level variables like 2 m temperature, The problems of Ensemble-MOS, such as model changes 10 m wind speed or precipitation (e.g. Buizza et al., 2005; and consistency requirements, which occur with the opera- Gebhardt et al., 2011; Buizza, 2018); see also Sect.4. tive MOS systems of the DWD are addressed. In order to make best use of the probabilistic informa- tion contained in the ensembles, e.g. by relating probabilities for harmful weather events to economical value in cost–loss evaluations (e.g. Wilks, 2001; Ben Bouallègue et al., 2015), the ensemble forecasts should be calibrated to observed rel- ative frequencies as motivated by Buizza(2018). Warning Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union & the American Geophysical Union. 474 R. Hess: Statistical Postprocessing for Severe Weather thresholds are the levels of probabilities at which meteoro- methods specialising in wind speed have been developed as logical warnings are to be issued. These thresholds may be well; e.g. Sloughter et al.(2013) use BMA in combination tailored to the public depending on categorical scores such as with Gamma distributions. An overview of conventional uni- probability of detection (POD) and false alarm ratio (FAR). variate postprocessing approaches is given in Wilks(2018). Statistical reliability of forecast probabilities is considered In addition to the univariate postprocessing methods men- essential for qualified threshold definitions and for automated tioned above, there exist also approaches to model spatio- warning guidances. temporal dependence structures and hence to produce en- For deterministic forecasts statistical postprocessing is sembles of forecast scenarios. This enables, for instance, used for optimisation and interpretation. This is likewise true to estimate area-related probabilities. Schefzik et al.(2013) for ensemble forecasts, where statistical calibration is an ad- and Schefzik and Möller(2018) use ensemble copula cou- ditional application of postprocessing. Gneiting et al.(2007) pling (ECC) and Schaake shuffle-based approaches in order describe probabilistic postprocessing as a method to max- to generate postprocessed forecast scenarios for temperature, imise the sharpness of a predictive distribution under the con- precipitation and wind. Ensembles of ECC forecast scenar- dition of calibration (the climatologic average is calibrated ios provide high flexibility in product generation to the con- too; however, it has no sharpness and is useless as a fore- straint that all ensemble data are accessible. cast). Nevertheless, optimisation is still an issue for ensemble Fewer methods focus on extreme events of precipitation forecasts. In general, the systematic errors of the underlying and wind gusts that are essential for automated warning sup- numerical model turn up in each forecast member and thus port. Friederichs et al.(2018) use the tails of generalised are retained in the ensemble mean. Averaging only reduces extreme-value distributions in order to estimate conditional the random errors of the ensemble members. probabilities of extreme events. As extreme meteorological Due to its ability to improve skill and reliability of proba- events are (fortunately) rare, long time series are required to bilistic forecasts, many different postprocessing methods ex- capture a sufficiently large number of occurred events in or- ist for both single- and multi-model ensembles. There are der to derive statistically significant estimations. For exam- comprehensive multivariate systems and univariate systems ple, strong precipitation events with rain amounts of more that are specific to a certain forecast element. Length of train- than 15 mm h−1 are captured only about once a year at each ing data generally depends on the statistical method and ap- rain gauge within Germany. Extreme events with more than plication; however, the availability of data is also often a se- 40 and 50 mm rarely appear; nevertheless, warnings are es- rious limitation. Some systems perform individual training sential when they do. for different locations in order to account for local character- With long time series, a significant portion of the data con- istics, whilst others apply the same statistical model to col- sists of calm weather without relevance for warnings. It is lections of stations or grid points. Global modelling improves problematic, however, to restrict or focus training data on se- statistical sampling at the cost of orographic and climatologic vere events. In doing so, predictors might be selected that disparities. are highly correlated with the selected series of severe events Classical MOS systems tend to underestimate forecast er- but accidentally also to calm scenarios that are not contained rors if corrections are applied to each ensemble member in- in the training data. In order to exclude these spurious pre- dividually. In order to maintain forecast variability, Vannit- dictors and to derive skilful statistical models, more general sem(2009) suggests considering observation errors. Gneit- training data need to be used, since otherwise overforecast- ing et al.(2005) propose non-homogeneous Gaussian regres- ing presumably results and frequency bias (FB) and FAR sion (NGR) that relies on Gaussian distributions. The loca- increase. This basically corresponds to the idea of the fore- tion and scale parameters of the Gaussian distributions corre- caster’s dilemma (see Lerch et al., 2017) that states that over- spond to a linear function of the ensemble mean and ensem- forecasting is a promising strategy when forecasts are evalu- ble spread, respectively. The NGR coefficients are trained by ated mainly for extreme events. minimising the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). The usage of probabilistic forecasts for warnings of severe In Bayesian model averaging (BMA) (e.g. Raftery et al., weather also influences the way the forecasts need to be eval- 2005; Möller et al., 2013) distributions of already bias- uated. Also for verification, long time periods are required to corrected forecasts are combined as weighted averages using capture enough extreme and rare events to derive statistically kernel
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