DAILY PRESS. VOLUME 11. PORTLAND, ME., WEDNESDAY JULY MORNING, 29, 1803. WHOLE NO. 340. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, ! The «iJendid and very costly present to Capt. Ericsson by Monitor builders, was on BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN T. QILM A.H, Editor, In llic MISCELLANEOUS^ BUSINESS CARDS. FOR SALE TO exhibition window of one of the jewel- & LET. LEGAL & It at Ko. OFFICIAI;, p.bll.hrj ttf K*<HAN(.E ΗΤΚΚΓ.Γ. ry .itahllshment* 011 Washington street sever- WAR CLAIM AGENCY. al last CITY J. L. lIi*Hd IX FOX BLOCK, by i?ay» week, and attracted large and curl- HOTEL·, WINSLOW, Agent» Counting Room to Lit. «lu tarter·, Provost Mantel. υιι» crowd». 9IOO Bounty Buck It is iui ela Wate and massive Iflont-y, Pay, CornfP of C«n|rP·· nn«I !*. A. CONTERA Γ Ο. Green Street·. MANUFACTURER Ο» ttixjM orerNn. 90 Commercial 8t. FIRST DISTRICT MAINE. gold Monitor in minature, inches And PenHions. twenty-live LEWIS HOWARD, COUNTINGThouiae Block, to let. Apply to In length, Ave and one-half Inches Proprietor, PokTLASD, 3, ISA Τ «raie : wide, with Γ11Ι1Ε andorsigned is prepared to obtain from the Steam N. J. KILLER, Extract from Krnliu».. Jaly a (Recently of the Howard Steam mch'ldtf " regard to Sabstttotea : revolving turret with guns in JL United State» Government, $100Bounty Money, House, Lowell.) Engines, Boilers, Over 92 Commercial Street. «th. The Hoard of Tm P«»«tla *i» Daily Pkkm ·· pebléabed every it.sinoke-pipe, Enrollment will jrirr public ■ Back fcc., for heirs of Officers or Soldiers notice, after » draft i" πι at (WOO per v«*r iu ■lean-whistle. Ac., and cott $7(XKI. The ma- Pay. dying Centrally situated, accommodation* ex- axle. tint will mug Sunday· excepted». η the AMI KTIBY DESCRIPTION OF rnch hour· on they betwMl s U. S.«erWce. Well 1AC1IMM. every to the »<l aiicc to which wilt be μdderf tweety-ivecent· for chinery which tiirn« the turret also sets an cellent, table provided with the luxu- To l««i day, up tine wh- n dratt- ries of tho ed men ar· ordered to *«eh threw months' d<da>. m*<I if »"« 1»**1 f«>r at the in season, charge* reasonable, and Steam commodious Chamber in report at a rendezvous. hear organ motion which four national Invalid a Cooke, Valves, Pipeeand Whole the cor :or ett4 of *»" 'w «HecoBtiini-d. plays Pensions, good stable connected with the » Connection·, northerly propositions ntbfftitut** and examina the year the pap»*r house. A or THEner of the new brick corner persona so tunes. It Is to l>e exhibited In some of the Established for Officers and «hare the •ale Retail. block, of Lime and cent* Soldiers, wounded or _ of is offering." Single three ..... public Milk eopies « patronage respoetful- Street*, the market. cities disabled sickness contracted while in ly solicited. directly facing Ke&tlow. •■"th. All men who be 1 m MaiikntatkPanesi· publishedevery Tlinm- principal before being presented, and by the service STEAM AND Knq uire at office or nay draited, and who de- in of the iu the line * OAS FITTING, «ire to present «hall <1·% morning. at ** annum, advauce; *2.26 Portland lie favored. It was made in United States, of duty. Portland, July 17.1863. dtf OCEAN Subatitate·, give notice in writ- 0"per may jyl8 in INSt'UANCE CO., ing to the Hoard of if «vit h η ni ν mont lia; aud *2.60, if payment be Done the be*t manner. Enrollment, that ou saeh ■ daw paid Wilmington, I)el. Sept. 16,1862. dtf No.27 St will the year. Pensions Exchangt they present a sabsUtate. giving Ilia name, delayed beyoed Work· β Union and rest- Amusements havo little attraction this hot St., 233 & 236 ForeSt., d"»ee, age and stating whether he is an alian Procured for widows or children of < >fficers and Sol· Bowdoin Street citiaea." or K itewot weather, yet the at Summer street lloii*e, JnUdtf Houm' and I.ol Tor AdveHiainu! Uuckjeys lier}· who have died, while iu the service ol the Unit· PORTLAND. MK 9llO«. Τ ha Board of Hall continue to draw 3* BOWDOIN Enrollment hereby give notice that ffjuare 8r*t week ; 76 cent* week crowded house», which ed States. STREET, GOOD LOT containing over 1700 will examine per daily per square feet, they «obstttatee far drafted mea. a· after; fact, more tes Prize Ponsious, and Back col- Alston with a very good Hou>«e. on street. threeinsertionsottern,#1.00; continuingeve- consequently, forcibly tilles to Money, Bounty Pay [Corner1 }· BOSTON. A Montgomery Monday, Jaly 17, between tbe hoars of If and IS ©finir after lirait ftij lected for Seamen and their heirs. BY For particular* of JOHN C. o'clock Λ. ry day woek, cent*. their benefit. The Museum is the only other PLea.1 inquire I'KOCTKR, M., and 1 and S o'clock P. M and betwaa* FevsS, for each Pension obtained. Five Dollars. Lime itreet. tf the same boar* of each Half square. three insertion» or less, 76 cents: one place now are in W. F. Estate, apM «aeeeediag before «ash Preparations progress All Claims the Government will drafted man day, week. #1.00; fiO rent* week alter. ou^ against receive DAVIS, ι μ τ ε « i« ordered to at the per at the a Late τ η ε m τ * report rendeieoaa. variflVKther places for brilliant sea- prompt attention. Proprietor of the Minot House, ! Particular attention is Under Imul of Amcsemints. #2 <«0 per square per Cohasset. called to Oectioa 7, a bora son now soon to Post Office address Older to Let. wriUea.aa ta giving notm> in week; three insert ion* or lean, $1,50. open. TER M 8, Ç1..V» wrttiaa.ofsaballtalai. PER DAY. second t ilAKU.s II Special None», SI.75 square first week, Ari.iktoton. CRIAT C1.HCI MR floor. Middle Street.centrally situated per 8ETII E. BEED1 J>·» d«m IARCAHS BEFOKI TU RISI ! < DoL'tillTY, 11.0 per iqvAie aller; three taaertione or lee·, ONand easy of access. Apply at No. 61 Commer- apt and Frweoal Marahal, 1st DM. 91.36; cial EDWARD 8 half a square, three insertions, #1.00; one Street. II MORRIS, t ummfodoaer week, Aiifra*tn« Me. an Jy17 ** at fr..m THEODORE H #1 25. (OfficeNo.9 State HOUSES, prie- finnoto «nno JEWETT. M D.. i\ in; i uon ηκ House.) COAL & MO HOUSE at lium nehs Notice*, in reading columns. 12 cents AVOOD, LOTH, price· from *3UUIo *3000. To Im» L«4»t· Surgeon of the Hnaf4. per line for one iusortiou. No less tliau J.onri.mn fret of FLATS Portland. Jaly 8. I'M. cuarge fifty RKFKItKNC'EF in the second over Store ·§ Hwdftw ceute. CHEAP FOR CASH, l.'Mw.noo r.ft of laxd. «tory, Cirent Kale of Fine Timber 3 CHAMBERSMiddle<tr*et—Mitchell'» PoMeaeicn l,K<i al Notices at usual rates. Lnnd». Hon.Lot M. Morrill, B. Ilall, STOKE LOTS on Commercial Btrnt. Building. Hon.Joseph DKLIVKKIÙI) TO ANY Kl given I nquire ot Ordlnaarr Advertisements inserted in the Ma ink STATE rriHK 8T. U.S. Sec'v of l'A OK TUECI1* immediately. City MAHY'S FALLS SHU' CANAL COM· Senate, State MOSKS jan2tf A.T.lNiLK. mprrting Hraltfc. Press (which lias a larjre circulation in every part of Χ PANY. will offer at iu Hon.James(i. Blaine, Hon.Nathan I»ane, <;<>ΓΜ>,7Ι Middle HI., IS.—If public auction, the city of My p#»n*>ii «ball wel. place or coa- the State) for 38 cents in addition to the ou sepSOdfcwl4tl State Γn-asurer tluue per square Detroit, Michigan, the 2d day of September next, nortTdtf SWT any hog.#ty withia om hundred teat of above rates for each insertion. srnrsn mwsTAtx tr Staik*. Uf it man, street, square, lane or or of Ί Transient advertisements must be for .1*5,000 Arret HAX For *al«s Alley, any wiling paid in ad- ELTON I.F.IIIiill. hou*e, such person «hall forfeit and for vance. of Pine Timber Land*, in the <•oi.fh.iisf TIIEThree Storv RHck •uch the sum pay eeocy Iving State of Michi- ·*· R i.kiiiuh. ALBERT Dwelling Ifonse, «>*·Me. of Ave dollar*), aau the farther gan, which were sekcted with care un VST WEBB & No 1% Congre** street, corner street. vara ot live for communication* intended for the paper great nearly ten «ΟΙΠΚΒ, MOVSTAIS, CO, t{uincy dollar* «very week during which since. It is estimated JOH V ·>*, Said House contains fourteen finis lied hog or twine «hall be any should be directed to the "KAitor <\f the /'rest/' and yearn by good jndges that DML1U 1· M kept or eon tinned in such st these rands room·; is warmed bv furnace; of bbct. y. thoue of a business character to the Puhlhhrr*. comprise, at least, one-half of all the I THF. (IKS VIS F. LOBhF.lt T, plenty bard and I·.—All house οΛΙ, whether of most valuable I'ine Timber Lande in the soft water ; an abundance of cbwet room. animal or confuting zr ι lie Portland Daily and Maine State State, and j Furniture and Enquire vegetable substances, "hall be deposited in there are none more valuable in North Parr nod Free Corn, Flour and of JAMES Ε FKRNAI.I» convenient vt#*els. Press Cttce, in Fox Block, No. America than Crockery llurninc· Grain, and be kept in some convenient 82$ Kxchauge tho#e in Michigan. ap28tf 87 Middle Street. pi tee, to be taken Street, is open at all hours the day and eve- HEAD or away by »nch person or person· as daring The facilities which Michigan affords for ; MERRILL'S WllAKE.
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