Journal of the RailwayRailway & Canal Historical SocietySociety Supplement to to Vol Vol 34 34 Part Part 6, 6, No No 186 186 NovemberNovember 2003 A Bibliography ofof the History of InlandInland Waterways, Railways and RoadRoad Transport in the British Isles, 20022002 This is the eighteentheighteenth of thesethese annualannual bibliographies.bibliographies. particularly for help in extendingextending our coverage of The scope and aims of thethe Society'sSociety's bibliographybibliography the journalsjournals of the railway company, or line, historical project and a list of acknowledgements were set out societies, which has not been so comprehensivecomprehensive since in the introduction to the 2001 bibliography and are Donald Steggles retired from the RailwayRailway StudiesStudies not repeated here.here. However,However, this yearyear wewe alsoalso Collection atat Newton Abbot.Abbot. If youyou cancan offeroffer to acknowledge the assistance of the Waterways Trust, extract details of articles from those society journalsjournals Gloucester (Caroline Jones, Archives Assistant), and that are not currently being covered, or to pass on the Ironbridge Gorge Museum (John Powell, Librar­Librar- unwanted copies of thesethese journals, pleaseplease contactcontact ian & Information Officer). Grahame Boyes, 7 Onslow Road Richmond, Surrey We should also acknowledge the help given by the TW10TW106QH. 6QH. Cumbrian Railways Association, Great North of Finally, an apology to those who pursued entry 177 Scotland Railway Association, Industrial Railway in thethe 20012001 Bibliography,Bibliography, only to discover that it Society, Midland Railway Trust and Welsh Railways refers not toto SamuelSamuel Laing,Laing, chairmanchairman of thethe Research Circle in providing complimentary copies LB&SCR, but to his father. of their journals. ThisThis yearyear wewe wouldwould appealappeal Grahame Boyes 3973fJ7 Ott.xxxx indicates an entry in Ottley'sOttley's Bibliography of British Railway History. § indicates that the item has not been seen so the details are uncertain. SECTIONSECTIONG G GENERALGENERAL GC TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ININ PARTICULARPARTICULAR REGIONS OF THE A pictorial record of road transport and railways. BRITISH ISLES 13 HENDRIE,HENDRIE, WILLIAM WILLIAM F. F. Shipping Shipping of of the the RiverRiver Forth. Tempus, GC1bGClb EnglandEngland - SouthSouth West West regionregion 2002. pp. 128.128. 200 illns. I BATTEN, KIT and BENNETT, FRANCIS. The Victorian maps Pictorial record incl. railway & canal ports and Forth Bridge. of Devon: printed maps, 1838-1901. Devon Books, 2000. pp. GC3 Wales xxxvi, 196.196. 14 ELLIOTT,ELLIOTT, J. J. B. B. Studies Studies in in the the industrial industrial historyhistory ofof thethe EbbwEbbw 2 BODY,BODY, GEOFFREY GEOFFREY and and GALLOP, GALLOP, ROY. ROY. DunballDunball village,village, valley, 1780-1914. Unpuhl.Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis, Univ.Univ. of Wales, Wales, works and wharf. Fiducia Press, 2001. pp. 22.22.8 8 illns,illns, 2 maps. Cardiff, 2001. The wharf on the R. Parrett and the GWR connections. 'The`The study of transport balances the bias towards canals by 3 JACKSON, B. L. Rail and road transport on the Isle of Portland: the historians...historians ... by some concentration on thethe development a pictorial survey. Oakwood, 2002. pp. 160.160.270 270 photos. [Series of railways between 1840 and 1914.' PS, no. 10.]10.] A pictorial history, supplementing Isle of Portland railways GE TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ENGINEERINGENGINEERING (1998-2000) with thethe busbus historyhistory updatedupdated fromfrom 1969.1969. GE1GEl Biographies of engineers 4 STANIER, PETER. Dorset in the age of steam: a history and 15 BUCHANAN,BUCHANAN, R.R. ANGUS.ANGUS. Brunel:BruneI: the lifelife andand timestimes ofof archaeology of Dorset industryindustry c.1750-1950.c.1750-1950. Dorset Bks, 2002. Isambard Kingdom Brunel.BruneI. Hambledon & London, 2002. pp. pp. 160.160. 276 illns. XXIV, 294, 22 pI.pl. 10 figs. GC1cGClc EnglandEngland - SouthSouth East East region region 16 SKEMPTON,SKEMPTON, A. A. W., w., CHRIMES, CH RIMES, M. M. M.,M., COX,COX, R.R. C.,c., CROSS-CROSS­ 5 MILLS, MARY. GreenwichGreenwich & Woolwich at work. Sutton RUDKIN, P. S. M.,M., RENNISON, R. W. and RUDDOCK, E. C. Publng,Pubing, 2002. pp. 126.126.212 212 illns. [Britain in old photographs (ed). A biographical dictionary of civil engineers in Great Britain series.] and Ireland, vol. 1:I: 1500-1830. Thomas Telford,Teljord, 2002. pp. xliii, A photographic record. Ch. 2 (pp. 11-28), The ubiquitousubiquitous 897.897.44 44 portraits, 9 other illns, 6pp engineers' signatures.signatures. river; 4 (pp. 39-48), Transport.Transport. GE2 Civil engineering GCGCld Id EnglandEngland - WestWest Midlands Midlands regionregion 17 SUTHERLAND,SUTHERLAND, JAMES, JAMES, HUMM, HUMM, DAWN DAWN andand CHRIMES,CHRIMES, 6 § ANTHONY, ROBERT. Transport from c.1700. In 6 § ANTHONY, ROBERT. Transport from c.1700.ln LEONARD, MIKE (ed). Historic concrete: background to appraisal. Thomas J., PRESHOUS, D., ROBERTS, M., SMYTH, J. and TRAIN, Teljord,Telford, 2001. pp. 437. Many illns. C. (ed), The gale ofof life:life: twotwo thousandthousand yearsyears inin south-westsouth-west Papers on the developmentdevelopment of concreteconcrete constructionconstruction tech-tech­ Shropshire. South-west Shropshire Hist. & Arch. Soc. // Logaston nology, incl. bridges and roads; extensive source references. Press, 2000. pp. ? -?-?. 7 BRADFORD, ANNE. Stourport-on-Severn: aa history of the GE3 Architecture and design: bridges, viaducts, buildings town and the area, ed. Michael R. Kettle. Hunt End Bks, 2002. 18 § ATKINSON,ATKINSON, GLEN. Barton's bridges. Richardson, 2002. pp. pp. xiii, 273. 52. Ch. 2, Canal mania; 3, Boat people; 9, The pace quickens Crossings of the Irwell and Manchester Ship Canal. (railway and tramway). 19 MOSS,MOSS, MICHAEL MICHAEL and and HUME, HUME, JOHNJOHN forfor MacLELI.AN,MacLELLAN, GC1fGClf EnglandEngland - EastEast Anglia Anglia DOUGLAS. Bridge building achievements of P. & W. Mac-Mac­ 8 ELY MUSEUM. Rivers, rails & roads: transport on the Isle of Lellan & Co. (1850-1914).(1850-1914). Trans. Newcomen Soc. vo!.vol. 72 Ely in the past: a special exhibition at Ely Museum, 1st JJune- une- (2000-1) pp. 179-202.179-202. 15th September 2002. pp. 36. This Glasgow firm supplied road and rail bridges and struc-struc­ tural ironwork, chiefly for export. GC1GClj j EnglandEngland - NorthNorth region region 20 SWEETMAN,SWEETMAN, JOHN. JOHN. The The artist artist andand thethe bridge,bridge, 1700-1920.1700-1920. 9 GAMBLES, ROBERT. WhenWhen tycoons hit Lakeland's buffers. Ashgate, 1999. pp. XV, 208, XVI col. pI.pl. 104 illns in text. Cumbria vol. 51, no. 4 (July(July 2001)200 I) pp. 36-40; no.no. 66 (Sept.(Sept. A study of graphic representations of bridges in world art. 2001) pp. 48-9. Proposals for a Borrowdale & Buttermere Rly and for roads 21 TAYLOR,TAYLOR, SIMON, SIMON, COOPER, COOPER, MALCOLM MALCOLM and and BARNWELL,BARNWELL, and a tramway over Sty Head Pass, Borrowdale. P. S.S. Manchester:Manchester: thethe warehousewarehouse legacy:legacy: introduction and guide. English Heritage, 2(X)2.2002. pp. pp. 54.54. Col. illns. 10 MANDERS, FRANK and POTTS, RICHARD, Crossing the pp. 7-20, Carriers'Carriers' warehouses,warehouses, dealsdeals withwith historichistoric canalcanal Tyne. Tyne Bridge Pubing,Publng, 2001. pp. 128,128, [24] col. pl.pI. Many and railway warehouses. inns.illns. Ferries and bridges. 22 TILLY,TILLY, GRAHAM. GRAHAM. Conservation Conservation ofof bridges. Spon Press, 2002. pp. xi, 404. Many illns,iIIns, chiefly col. GC2 Scotland Includes much historical background to road, rail and canal 11 CROMPTON,CROMPTON, JOHN.JOHN. AA guideguide toto thethe industrialindustrial heritageheritage of bridges. Table A.IA.1 (pp.(pp. 378-400),378-400), Highways Agency bridges central Scotland: Forth and Clyde. Assocn for Indl Arch., 2002. constructed before 1915.1915. pp. 64. 99 photos, 1313 maps. GE4G E4 Mechanical engineering Gazetteer of 272 sites. 23 EDGE,EDGE, GRAHAM. GRAHAM. L. L. Gardner Gardner & & SonsSons Limited: Limited: legendarylegendary 12 GRIEVES,GRIEVES, ROBERT. ROBERT. Wheels Wheels around around Caithness Caithness andand Sutherland. engineering excellence. Gingeifold,Gingetfold, 2002. pp. 208, viii col pl.pI. Stenlake Pubing,Publng, 2002. pp. 48. 256 illns (14 col.). [Transport archive series.] 398 Manufacturer of diesel engines extensively used in rail, GN TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ININ ART commercial and public service vehicle applications. 28 §§ BOTTOMLEY,BOTTOMLEY, ERIC ERIC withwith PARKHOUSE,PARKHOUSE, NEIL. The transport 24 HILLS,HILLS, RICHARD RICHARD L. L. Life Life and and inventions inventions ofof Richard Richard RobertsRoberts art of Eric Bottomley GG.R.A. .R.A. Black Dwarf, 2002. pp. 136. c.60 1789-1864. Landmark Publng, 2002. pp. 255, [8] pl.pI. col. Bins.illns. [Landmark collectorscollector's library series.] Paintings of railway, road transport and waterway subjects. Roberts was a partner in Sharp, Roberts & Co of Manchester, 29 ROOT,ROOT, MALCOLM. MALCOLM. Malcolm Malcolm Root's Root's transport transport paintings. paintings. TextText early locomotive builders. Ch. 9 (pp. 165-76), SteamSteam roadroad by Tom Tyler. Halsgrove, 2002. pp. viii, 136.66 col. illns. vehicles; 10 (pp. 177-212), Railway locomotives.locomotives. Depictions of historic and contemporarycontemporary road and other transport subjects.subjects. GK TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ANDAND THETHE NATIONNATION GK3G K3 SafetySafety inin transit;transit; accidents GQ APPRECIATIONAPPRECIATION OFOF TRANSPORTTRANSPORT 25 WITTS,WITTS,
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