Cable TV Bid Is Defeated in Long Branch SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Milder MEDAILY FINAL Sunny and milder today. Clear and cold tonight. Fair, Red Bank, Freehold seasonable tomorrow. Long Branch EDITION (Sei DetiliB. pan z\ T Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 182 RED BANK, N.J., THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1969 38 PAGES 10 CENTS Militant Students Warned EATONTOWN - State the people," Sen. Beadleston can grab hold. That wasn't so Sen. Beadleston told the Sen. Alfred N. Beadleston, R- declared. this past Tuesday . , ." county educators, "The legis- Monmouth, had a warning for The Humson lawmaker, pri- Sen. Beadleston and Assem- lature is absolutely convinced militant students last night: mary sponsor of last blyman Aikins later ques- ... no public employe has disorders in public institu- Tuesday's Senate resolution tioned the action of Dr. Ma- the .right to strike under any tions invite swift action from calling for a complete investi- son W. Gross, Rutgers presi- circumstances whatever the New Jersey Legislature. gation into the recent Rut- dent, in negotiating with stu- Let's get that clear . ." He had a warning for mili- gers' disorders, declared "the dents occupying college build- Referring to New York's tant teachers, too: strikes by legislature is determined ings. Taylor Law, which prohibits public employes will be fol- there won't be any disorders "No public official should strikes by public employes, lowed within 24 hours by anti- permitted in public institu- ever negotiate with a pistol at Sen. Beadleston said, "Let's strike legislation with strin- tions." his head," Mr. Beadleston hope we don't come to that gent penalties. If disorder erupts "and said. here, but similar legislation Sen. Beadleston addressed steps aren't taken to enforce ". The ends didn't justi- • will be enacted within 24 the annual legislative dinner law and order, the legislature fy the means," Mr. Ai- hours, if necessary. At least of the Monmouth County Ed- will intervene within 24 hours kins said. "It wasn't the kind' 119 of 120 legislators are de- ucation Association in Old Or- if necessary," Sen. Beadle- of incident to bring about the termined on that..." chard Restaurant. State Sen. ston warned, "and whatever depth of understanding essen- Sees PERC Aid Richard R. Stout and Assem- needs to be done will be done. tial to the realistic program Sen. Beadleston said he is blymen Louis R. Aikitis Jr. Make no mistake about that." the Black Organization of Stu- hopeful the Public Employes and James M. Coleman Jr., Assemblyman Aikins dents wants... Relations Commission will all .Monmouth Republicans, al- praised the legislative action "Initially, Rutgers should obviate the need for anti- FINAL STAGE OF APOLLO 9 FLIGHT — These drawings by NASA show final so addressed the group. In the Rutgers' situation. have refused to negotiate un- strike legislation. He said stages of Apollo 9 spacecraft's flight and splashdown. Top left, crew-carrying Won't Allow Takeover "..'. It's all too easy to be- . less the building was re- PERC Is necessary "because "The legislature of this come emotional," he said, turned. Another building too many employers aren't command module separates from service module on completion of last earth . state won't permit public fa- "when you have people .bang- could have been selected as negotiating in good faith but orbit. Top right, command module re-enters earth's atmosphere. At bottom, the cilities to be taken over and ing on your door asking, a neutral area where mean- are depending on the' employ- module is surrounded by frogmen, helicopters from the recovery team while an held while ultimatums are de- 'What are you going to do ingful dialogues could be es' lack of the right to strike. aircraft carrier waits in background after the module's splashdown in the At- livered at the end of a shot- about it?' and demanding, 'It held," Assemblyman Aikins When that occurs, I can't gun to the government and must be stopped!' Hysteria suggested. (MILITANT, Pg. 3, Col. 6) lantic. (NASA Drawing via A? Wirsphoto) Eager Spacemen Aim Happily Toward Home SPACE CENTER, Houston bids sayonara and will see of the lunar module, or LEM, neuvers astronauts must side the LEM, Schweickart (AP) — The Apollo 9 astro- you back at the ranch." the ungainly-looking vehicle make in launching themselves wore the suit that will protect nauts raced through the final "Thank the white team for designed to land two men on from the moon. astronauts on the moon. For hours of their 10-day space the moon. the first time, an American all their efforts. Tally ho," Schweickart because nause- flight today, heading for a McDivitt said, adding the Apollo 9 linked up with the astronaut received life-giving blazing dash through the at- LEM soon after launching ated and vomited twice on oxygen from a pack on his crew would see them in Hous- the third day, forcing Mission mosphere and return to earth. ton for a party. and, in three rigorous days of back. Their splashdown in the At- testing, the astronauts proved Control to cancel a two-hour After kicking the LEM free lantic Ocean will climax an Most of the Apollo 9's ac- that it was spaceworthy, space walk planned the next in space, the spacemen spent adventure that advanced the tion was packed into the first ready for a trip to the moon. day. By morning, McDivitt the final five days demon- United States a large step to- five days after their March 3 The key test came when decided Schweickart was well strating the durability of the ward landing two men on the launching from Cape Ken- McDivitt and Schweickart enough to step outside for 45 command ship for 10 days, the moon in July. nedy. separated the LEM from the minutes oit an abbreviated maximum time presently Astronauts James A. Me- Their main assignment was command ship, flew 113 miles stroll. planned for man-to-the-moon Divitt, David R. Scott and to prove the flight readiness away and then returned, ma- Standing on a platform out- trips. Russell L. Schweickart were to trigger their re-entry rock- et at 11:31 a.m. EST 280 FAMILY PORTRAIT — Gathering the James Noddings family was a feat in itself, miles above the Pacific to start a 30-minute plunge to a but once accomplished the assemblage included Victoria, 8, left on floor and parachute landing northeast Two Sides in Talks Bitter Edward 9; second row, Nancy 13, Mrs. James Noddings holding Timothy 2, Mr. of Grand Turk Island in the ' PARIS (AP) - The U.S. Cabot Lodge denounced the Tran Buu Kiem of the Viet Noddings, William II; standing, Howard 17, Laurie 16 and James (Buzz) 15. Bahamas. Kiem said, "it will bear full and South Vietnamese delega- other side for attacks in South Cong's National Liberation responsibility for the conse- Only missing member of the family is Christine, 19, working in Boston. Apollo 9 was to land at tions bitterly assailed Com- Front warned the Americans 12:01 p.m. after circling the Vietnam seeking "to terrorize quences arising from these (Register Staff Photo) munist terror tactics in South the civilian population into against taking the "appropri- earth 151 times and traveling Vietnam at the Paris peace ate response" to the current serious acts." 4.2 million miles. submission." talks today, and the Viet South Vietnamese Am- Viet Cong offensive which Kiem said the United States Recovery Force Beady Cong warned the Americans President Nixon had threat-. bassador Pham Dang Lam by its Vietnam policy had A large recovery force of against taking any "appropri- ened. planes and helicopters, head- accused the Viet Cong and been led into "the most ig- ate response." "If the U.S. administration Matawan Couple Gets ed by the helicopter carrier ' ithe North Vietnamese of nominious failure in the Am- A new round of accusations commits new adventurous Guadalcanal, was stationed in plans to expand the war, erican history of war." He the planned touchdown area, at the eighth weekly session acts of war under the pretext of the enlarged talks made "seriously threatening peace of 'appropriate response' to said President Nixon and the to await the return of the in the Indochinese peninsula, bearded astronauts. clear that the deadlock was recent attacks by the Libera- new U.S. administration as hard as ever. Southeast Asia and in the tion Armed Forces and the should "not forget this his- Uplift from 9 Children McDivitt; Scott and whole world." people of South Vietnam," torical lesson." Schweickart were in good hu- U.S. Ambassador Henry By NANCY J. KUBINSKI "Legally a child in Korea bers of the family include mor and eager to return as ' MATAWAN - In a world has to be registered by the Christine, 19 who is on leave they neared the end of their where the family as a cohe- father," Mr. Noddings ex- from Douglass College to mission. sive unit is fast fading and one plained, "Without this, he. work for a genecist in Bos- When Scott was told yester- in which the planned family cannot go to school beyond ton; Laurie 16, James (Buzz) day that his wife, Ann, and Laird Sees Sentinel Go Ahead often numbers .only three or the primary grades or work 15, Nancy 13, William 11, and two children were in the Mis- four, the James Noddings and is much like a man with- Victoria 8. sion Control center, he sent WASHINGTON (AP)-Sec- Nixon delayed announcing changes in the $5.5-billion der mounting criticism sev- family of 356 Main St.
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