Weather Editorial The Vacation Campaign Partly (Homtrrttrut latlg GlamjMH • \ % Cloudy "Serving Storrs Since 1896" VOIUMF CXI Complete UP Wire Service STORKS. CONNECTICUT, FRIDAY, APRIL 25. 1958 Offices in Student Union Building NO. Ill Air Force Ends ^einberg Elected WHUS Station Manager Search For Lost ° Vanguard Rocket Patterson Voted Editor Of1959 Nutmeg (ape Canaveral, Florida — ICBM's are designed to strike (UPi—The Air Force has given targets more than 5,000 miles up its attempt to locate a new away. IL'BM nose COM tired lar out Four Positions Still Open, Gregory, Touchay, Cornish over the Atlantic last night. General Schreivei said he be- 'ihe test, conducted trom In us space weapons must have priority over space exploration, Cape Canaveral, involved an lie said he favors creation of Nutmeg To Fill Them Soon Fill Top Slat ion Positions Aii Force Thor intermediate a civilian agency lo handle David Patterson. Chi Phi. been a si a if member of the rocket with a Vanguard second was elect I'd Editor-in-Chief of Nutmeg and was Editor of his Man Welnberg, Phi Sigma sounds, including tones, end stage. Tne combination nad space research thai, as he put it, some persons might consider Ihe 1959 Nutmeg at a meeting high school veaibook. Delia. Was I oilier technical aspects used to been rclerrcd to as tile possible "screwball." of the Executive Board yesiei- Gerald D'Avolio, Chi Phi, was i<i i i WHUS, foi next semes- make programs on the sir lorerunner of ihe lirsi moon day. Patterson, a fifth semester < lected Spoils Editor I ter, Wednesdaj night, at sound light are in good work- rocket Finally. Dr. Slanhslaus ll.ini. student in the School of Busi- '.")9 edition. He Is a .member of yeai ly cle< tion . ing order. who helped develop Ihe hy&ro- No explanation was given for ness Administration, is major- the Daily Campus spoils stall Filling the Program Dlrec- Tom Yobaggy. Chi Phi. steps ge i bomb, said the United and has served with Ihe layout tot s position is Kobei I why tin- noee cone, i.waiuaoie ing in Maiketing. Into Hie position of Publicity Stales can build an atompow- oi j ol Theta Chi. it w ■ 11 I, because ot its contact wan the lie served as Layout and Pro- staff of lie Nutmeg. D'Avolio Director. The publicity of the upper reaches ot the aimos- ered spaceship for Interplanet- duction Editor for the present Is also a member of Ihe 1 col ' responsibility to see that there ary travel in 10 to 20 years. radio Station and individual pro- piiere, had been lost. The tar- yearbook organization and was lootball team. is an adequate at rangemenl ol grams will be handled by Yo> : .mis thai w HI catei to the get had been located KHM 6,oJ0 an assistant editor of the Nut Nancy Waller. Kappa Kappa Baggy, nines out in the Atlantic, but meg aftc.r his transfer lo cam- Gamma, past assistant organlz listeners desires, Hit missile apparently tall pus from the Hartford branch, ationa edltpr, received the po- Greg Touchaj ol Chi Phi BUSINESS MANAGER Is Sunday Scheduled ele. leo lo till- position ol NcWS siioil. Patlerson nas earned a letter siiion of Organization's Editor, Sieve loley of Chi Phi Slid In soccer and is corresponding She was a layout and produc- Due, lot. ii will in- Touchay's Administrative Director is El- Meanwhile, the day of Ihe secretary In his fraternity. He tion staff member on the 1957 job lo make sine that Ihe peo- .il.II- Hilsky, 7B. •spy in the sky," and Inter- For USA Elections ple under him gel the latest resides in Newington and Coral Nutmeg. last but not least Is Gail planetary spaceships, may not The United siudem Associa- Gables, Kla. OOED1TOBH will share the DAVID PATTERSON MARV WEINBERG tews over ihe an as soon as tiiev receive It. Carlo. Alpha Delta Pi, who Is ue lar off. tion elections Will be held at Ala I Spencer. Phi Sigma Kap- responsibilities of the 7 p.m. Sunday night in HUB the new Traffic Department Di-| The Air Force's ballistic mis- pa, a filth semester student in section. Jan M.i/zalupo and Gail (lilt.I \\.\Ot NCER is Hog- rector. This job entails making 20.'. according to Mark Ship- the School of Business Admini- Carlo, Alpha Delta PI were DI insh oi Theta Chi. Roi 11. sile chict says that top priority man, president of the USA. of- sure that the loga for each lias bco.i given to launching atratlon was elected to serve elected IO edit this section. who recent!) starred In "Ring show arc done and that all spot tiers to be filled are those of Survevs Distributed Hound tin- Moon.' will be In as Business Manager for the Shiela Nadile, Alpha Doha Pi, the Pied Piper satellile, ihe so- president, vice-president, secre- announcements are scheduled coming year. Spencer has been was reelected to position of charge oi all ihe announi era, called "any i" Ihe sky." This tary, and treasurer. for the various programs. satellite could circle tin- earth a member of the '58 Nutmeg Residence Editor, Tom Rogers, commuter, will and taKe reconnaissance photos NOTICES concerning the elec- business staff and is an insur- Two positions on the business head Ihe Special Events Depart- Aside (rum the elections the of areas it passes over, 'lnen il ance major. staff, Advertising and Clrcula- On Vacation Dates in,- it. In- job W ill deal vv nli any usual business was discussed tion have bccii sent out to all THE POSITION of Managing lion, remain to be filled. Pub- unusual programs that are not at the meeting such as the stat- would send these photos back living units, and every unit is hire workers for the tour days to earth by radio. welcome to send delegates, Edilor was not filled at the licity Director on the editorial By KEN GOLD Included in regularlj planned ic converters that are to be in- that are available under the show s, stalled. Shipman stated. There will be meeting due lo the absence of staff also remains lo be filled, Associate Editor present calendar. Also, Major General Bernard no proxy votes, and delegates the present editor. "The editors and managers Keeping the records plsyed Bcnrelver lold the House space will receive all votes entitled to The Layout and Production are, for the most part, expert- Survevs have been distributed STUDENT SENATORS spoke oi the Various shows anil keep- .. committee that the Air frorcc them at the USA convention. Editor's position will be filled enced and capable and should to all students on the Uconn last night at many of the living Ing ihe record lue up to data rflifsrf &roup Oil TV, plans to begin long-range test campus by the Studenl -Senate units on campus explaining the will lie Ihe task ol Tci 11 Miller, The incumbent party officers by Lee Cullen. Kappa Kappa do a fine job in compiling the who is now Record Librarian. Members ol the Hillel Coun- luings of intercontinental bal- to determine student opinion on Senate's reasons lor Its new listic missiles within the next are: Mark Shipman. Phi Sigma Gamma, past assistant editor. '59 edition of the Nutmeg, CONTINUING the position ol ell and the Folk Dance group Delta, president; Jerry Bender, Her assistant Is William Stock- Carl Larrabee, Chi Ph.. present • i ic ommended calendar. eight months. endar lor the dales ol next Chlel Engineer is David Dret- will ix- on WNHC-TV, Channel AZO. vice president; Joel Ellis, well, Chi Phi.. Editor-In Chief said. years Christmas vacation. They will speak al the rest , h,., ,,, Si.;ma Phi Epsilon, Ills S in New Haven at 10:30 a.m. These missiles, called the Phi Epsilon Pi. secretary; and Features will be edited by The new- editors will assume THE SENATE Studc it Opin- of the houses and a Dining jo), w,n be to make sun- all on ihe program, "This is Juds- Arlene Feinc, AEPhi, treasurer. James Koczak, Chi Phi. He has their duties in September. Halls on Monday night. ions and Relations Committee, the necessary equipment is run- Ism" .s|«>nsored by the Connec- headed by John Keating, sent nlng propei i> in order that the ticut Anti-Defamation League, In discussion on 4ha lecom- This program is In observance, Interfaith Council out the mimeographed sheets me idation al Wednesdaj night's radio progiams will bo trans- yesterday i>> wa> of one repre- mitted. of the 10th Anniversary of It* Senate meeting, Chris Green, i i,l Tin- program will consist sentative lot eai I. so< lion ol the N< At pi esldent, stated that Taking o< et ai Chief Control Horace Silver Jazz Quintet campus which Included; Chris 11| s atoi is i ;.u v Pulvet ot oi various Hebrew Folk dances, To HearS. Wells more woi king da) ■ were need Green, North Campus; Robert <'d at Christmas because of the llai lloid Hall. Pulver will make Israel] music and a short re- The Interfaith Council at the Schwartz, Fraternity Quadran- current recession, ' sure that all Ihe necessaiy sums Of the aims of Hillel. University Will present an ad- gle, Florence Wagman, Bast dress by Sam Welles, Senior Campus. Religion Editor ol Life Maga- To Appear Sunday At HUB Also Robert Scanlon, Quads; zine Sunday night at 8 p. m. Maureen Schakner, South Cam- Student-University Group in St. Mark's Undercroft. 1928. He was started on his he played with such jazz greats pus and Howard Belkin, West Welles will speak on the topic, This Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m.
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