AE ... S7Boe also 100md Giovanni Bianci back in his own apartment, in his own bed, blissfully asleep. Doubles Your Radio Enjoyment Most of us can recall when we have been templed to march into 731 PLYMOUTH COURT a neighbor's castle, battle-ax or CHICAGO, ILLINOIS blunderbuss in hand, and put an end to a radio's bedlam. "Help Thy Neighbor" How many of us can recall when The most uselul radio program we have tuned. our radio down so in the world is being broadcast that its voice might not disturb weekly on Station KH) in Calilornia. others? It is a good idea to start Since it went on the air, it has found now, particularly that summer is jobs lor more than 7,008 unem­ here and windows are open. It's ployed people. Its record should barely possible that another Gio­ be an example and inspiration to vanni Bianci is our neighbor. every radio sponsor and every sta­ tion manager in the U. S. A. Mothers Know Best A man whose wife is ill and Radio's critics never rest. Charges whose seven c~ildren are hungry are hurled endlessly. Here are the is out of work. His savings are latest, published as a thoughtless, gone and his hands are gelling solt biased article in the American from not using the mechanic's Mercury magazine: tools of his trade. Come flve o'clock every week­ A garage owner 1.000 miles away day afternoon, millions of Amer­ needs a machinist and needs him ican children drop whatever they are doing and rush to the nearest quickly. These two men should A blur streaked the screen as a are Impressed, dramatically, with radio set. Here, wit" feverish eyes know each other and about the its possibilities in the luture. and cocked ears, they listen for lalling object dropped from a win­ that first ear-splitting sound which other's wants. Radio can introduce dow. A noise like a pistol·shot indicates that the Children's Hour them. Are You Guilty? is at hand. This introductory sig­ came Irom the loudspeaker. A man nal may be the wail of a police Turn to page 4 and learn what said, "Oh, my God," Giovanni Bianci couldn't sleep siren, the rattle of a machine­ has dready happened on just one gun, the explosion of a hand The picture on the television again. His apartment neighbors had grenade, the shriek of a dying wo­ station. Then visualize the limit­ screen moved rapidly down to the tuned up their radio until its tu­ man. the bark of a gangster's pis­ less uselulness of the program con­ tol, or the groan of a soul in base of the skyscraper. A crowd mult shook the walls. To Giovanni purgatory. Whatever it is, the im­ ducted by young Ken Styles il the was gathering about a grotesque it seemed that he had not slept lor plication is the same: Radio has tremendous power of a Coast-to­ resumed Its daily task of cultivat­ misshapen heap that had been a weeks. Always, the noise upstairs ing our children's morals. Coast network were put behind it. girl's body. She had jumped Irom was too great. So he went to a Some of the program heroes Radio can reach more potential are Texas rangers, some are cow­ the twentieth floor, a suicide, com­ closet and took out a hand-ax and boys, some are G-men, some are employers in the wink of an eye pletely unconscious that her jump marched up the stairs to his neigh­ police officers, but one and all are than a thousand government and occupied with the business of to death would be televised to bor's door. shooting their antagonists In cold private employment agencies. Ra­ those technicians within Radio City. When the police came they blood, or laying plans to commit mayhem at the first opportunity. dio can make one man's plight 01 So, accidentally, television cov­ lound a radio chopped to bits and importance to thousands. Unem­ ered its first news telecast. We two men bloody and gashed. They There is much more, but n<r ployment is America's biggest where does this critic open his ears problem. To date, the great lorce 01 to the lactthat radio's best and most Radio has done nothing nationally CONTENTS popular program lor children is not to solve that problem. like that at all. We speak 01 "The Soon-and it cannot be too soon Me, Myself and I 1 The Shopping Guide 16 Singing Lady" program, sponsored -sponsors and station managers Highlights 2 Ascent 17 by the Kellogg Company lor years. must awaken to this responsibility. Radio Will Get You a Job 4 "The Miracle" 18 II there is any medal or award 01­ The broadcasting industry is proud The March of Music 6 They Also Serve- "Watch the Fun Go By" After Waiting 19 fered by publications, parents' 01 its programs "in the public in­ 8 Listening to Learn 9 There's Beauty in All associations or women's clubs not terest. convenience and necessity." Hollywood Showdown 10 Thing::: 20 yet won by The Singing Lady, we Here is the public's interest and Airlalto Lowdown 11 At Home in Utopia 22 have never heard 01 it. 24 convenience. Most of all, here is On Short Waves 12 What'. Become of­ It is unfortunate that critics of NECESSITY. Puzzle 13 Programs 25-40 Children of the Gods 14 Summer Contests 41 radio contrive to twist or ignore the Radio-"Help Thy Neighbor." truth. Broadcasts lor children are M. L. ANNENBERG, Publisher not all perfect, just as all the books Foretaste of Television CURTIS MITCHELL, Editor that can be bought in the dime It was a dull afternoon last week store or all the toys that are avail­ Vol. 7. No. 39 July 16, 193B in the Plaza 01 Radio City lor the ahle at the toy counters are not television engineers who were test­ perleot. But we do have many ing their new camera on the side of programs that are fine. wholesome, a great skyscraper. Inside NBC's and happy. We recommend them studios, engineers were watching to the American Mercury "expert," the television screen, making ob­ who obviously has not taken the servations. trouble to listen to them. 7/:J!) N Left: Orson Welles •.. twenty-three­ year·old radio and theatrical genius. NE DAY in 1931 a big-boned, Above: Welles as he appeared in the Broadway hit, "Heartbreak House" round-faced young man ap­ O peared at the famous old Gate Theater in Dublin. "I'm Orson Welles," he lold the thousand-dollar-a-week brackets. stage manager. His voice was ex­ An actor sincc childhood, Orson traordinarily deep, persuasive. "You've Welles has crammed into the last heard of me. I presume?" seven or eight years of his life enough Diffidently, the manager of one of of glamour, of money, and the heady the greatest theaters in Dublin ad­ thrills of success to fill out most men's mitted that he had not. He was lifetimes. Born in Kenosha, Wisconsin, promptly informed that it was his own he was playing "Peter Rabbit" in a fault. Surely, everyone should have department store children's show-and heard of Orson Welles of the Theater making $25 a day-before he was ten Guild in New York! Well, he was years old. At twelve, in high school. hearing of him now. Orson 'Velles he staged Shakespeare's "Juliu~ would be pleased to offer his services Caesar," and played three of the lead­ to the Gate Theater. Of course, he ing roles himself. He started for Scot­ never in his life had played anything land to paint when he was 16, went to but leads. If a suitable role could be Ireland instead, burst overnight into found ... But you don't have to be a New hicle fol' the new scries of broadcasts. full-fledged stage stardom. Next he So Orson Welles, the incredible in­ Yorker. you don't have to attend a Next will come Bram Stoker's went to London, back to New York, fant giant of loday's theater, straight­ Broadway play to be entertained by "Dracula," another thoroughly familiar then to Morocco for a year, where he way look the role of the Grand Duke the incredible Orson Welles. For on adventure story with endlessly drama­ wrote a book on Shakespeare that is in "Jew Suss." He played forty roles Monday, July 11, Welles and the Mer­ tic possibilities. A vampire, in ancient today a standard school text. that season at the Gate Theater, di. cury Theater Company will go on the ghost-lore, was an inhuman creature rected and designed sets at the famed air with a program unique in Ameri­ who roamed the world seeking victims BACK in the United States, he played Peacock Theater, made an occasional can broadcasting history. To be called to satisfy an insatiable blood-lust. His with Katharine Cornell, and through guest appearance at the Abbey. And "First Person Singular," it will pre­ home was a coffin, and he could be her met John Houseman, his partner­ no one knew that Orson Welles. "star sent, for the first time in radio or any­ killed only if he was discovered be­ to-be in all of the fabulous stage ven­ of the New York Theater Guild." was where else, a series of dramatizations fore sundown and a wooden stake tures that were to corne. Together a mere boy of 16 whose only previous of the great classics of literature told driven through his heart.
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