The WITNESS II MAY, 1972 10* publication. and reuse for Articles required Permission State of the Church DFMS. / C. Leslie Glenn Church Episcopal the of Beware: Salient Safari Approaching Charles R. Supin Archives 2020. Copyright NEWS: — Anglicans Ponder Next Steps with Methodists. Catholics and Humanists have a Dialogue. Editor Says Churches are Switching to Soul-Winning SERVICES The Witness SERVICES la Leading Churches Im Leading Churches TOT Christ *•* Hit Chmreh ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH NBW YORK CITY EDITORIAL BOARD PHILADELPHIA'S CENTER OF HEALING THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH Tenth Street above Chestnut OF 8T. JOHN THE DIVINE PHII.ADEI.PHIA, PA. 19107 W. B. SPOFVOBD 8B., Mmagfef Edtim Sunday: Holy Communion 8, 9, 10, Morning Roy J. Hendrichs, Rector Piayei, Holy Communion and Samoa. 11} EDWABD J. MOU, Blftoriel Assistant Alfred W. Price, D.D., Rector Emeritus Organ Recital, 3:30; Evensong, 4. Roger P. Pickering, O STDHBT BABB; Lam A. BBUFOBD; Romas Minister to the Deaf (in sign language") Homing Prayer and Holy Communion 7il5 (and 10 Wed.); Evening Piayei, 3:30. Sunday: 9 and 11 a.m., 3:30 p.m. and T. FOUR; RIGHABB E. GABT; DAVID Jcroaoaf) 5:30 p.m. HABOUI R. Unatj Lstxn J. A. LAMW Weekdays: Wed., Thuxs., Fri. 12:30 to 12:55 p.m. THE PARISH OF TRINITY CHURCH Mmra. Services of Spiritual Healing, Thurs. 12:30 R«v. John V. Butler, Rector and 5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist: Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. publication. TRINITY Fridays at 12:30 p.m. Broadway & Wall 8t. All Prayer Book Days: Eucharist at 12:30 p.m. and R#v. Donald R. Woodward, Vlem EDrrOHlALS: - The BdiMdal Baud *an. MP 8:40, 10:30, HC 8, 9, 10, II. monthly maedngs whan corraat istnea bafasji reuse Daily MP 7:45, HC 8, 12, Set. 12l30 the Church an djaensaad. They an dealt Tot*., Wed. ft Thun., EP 5:15 a. Ss*.| CHRIST CHURCH for with m sabwqtuau nambm but do of Bat. HC 8; C Fri. 4:30 » by appt. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. mecessarily lejiwsani the uMuimotu oi the editasB. Tht Rev. W. Murray Kennmy, Btttm required *T. PAUL'S CHAPEL Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:15 and llil» • Broadway ft Fulton St. Wednesday 12:10 H*v. Rohm C. Hunticket, Vlem CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Bun. HC 8, MP A HC So. 10, Weekday! THOMAS V. BABBITT; )oam PAIBMA* BB«WSI; MP & HC 8, HC 12:05, 1:05, 7:15 else Permission Holy Days (ex. Sat.); EP 5:10 (ex. Sat. Cunni M. DAT; Joasura F. Furanti 1:30); Coonwl and C 10:30-1:30 dally, PRO-CATHEDRAL OF THB and by appt.; Organ Redtal Wednesdays Furuuuox C. Caumr; Conm C. ROAOBV HOLY TRINITY 12:30. DFMS. BAUABA ST. Ctiims; MASST H. Sunns 23 Avenue, George V / PABIS FBAIfOB Ja.j W. B. Sravrcw J«. CHAPEL OF THE INTERCESSION Services: 8:30, 10:30 (S.S.), 10:45 Church Broadway ft 155th St. Boulevard Raspail Student and Artists Center Lulfc 7- A. Lmg, Vlem Th« Very Rev. Stwgis Lee Riddle, Sundays 8, 9, 11; Weekdays: THB Wrrmua is puUiahad twin • month kf The Rt. Rev. Stevhen Beynt, BUM* •at. 9; Tues. 8; Wed. 10; Than. 7. the EptooosMl Church PoHUUbf Co. oa The Rev. DoiuU D. Weave Episcopal The Van. Frederick MCDOMU, behalf of the Witness Advtary Canon ChapM* the 8T. LUKE'S CHAPEL of 487 Hud ion St. «• «•». Paul C. W;d, Jr., Vlem tun. HC 8, 9:15 ft 11; Daily HC 7 ft I. The rabacriptiaa price is $4.00 a yea*; t> NBW YOU Crrr Archives C Sat. 5-6, 8-9, by appt. bundles for sale in parishes the ilists•!•» sells tor 10c a copy, we will bfll quattssjtjr at 7c a copy. Entered as Second Class ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH 2020. ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHAPEL Matter, August 5, 1948, at the Post OiUM Park Avenue and 51st Street 333 Maditon St. at Tunkhannock, Pa., under the act at Rev. Terence J. Finloy, D.D. DM Rev. John G. Murdoch, Vlem March 3, 1879. 8 and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion. Sundays 8, 9, 11; Monday-Saturday 9:30 m. Copyright 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Wednesday 7:30; MP Monday-Saturday 9il5 «x. Wednesday 7:15. Weekday Holy Comm. Tuea. 12:10 ••» Wed. 8 a.m. and 5:15 p.m.; Thun. liil* and Saints Days 8 a.m. THE GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Church open daily 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Chapel of the Good Shepherd Evening prayer Tues ft Thurs. 5:15 pjn. Chelsea Square - 9th Ave. ft 20th Street THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY York Avenue at 74th Street HOLY COMMUNION - 7:00 a.m. MONDAY Near New York Memorial Hospitals through FRIDAY ST. THOMAS H«gfc McCondlesi, Jeffrey Cove, der«y MORNING PRAYER ft HOLY COMMUNION 5th Ave. ft 53rd Street - 7:30 a.m. SATURDAY ft HOLIDAYS ChorUt Patterson, Lee Belferd, MORNING PRAYER - 8:30 a.m. MONDAY Rev. fredertck M. Morris, D.D. Frondt C. Huntington, Associates through FRIDAY Sunday: HC 8, 9:30, 11 (1st Bun.) Ml HOLY COMMUNION - 12 noon - MON- Sundays: 8 a.m. HC; 9:30 Family (HC 3rd 11; Daily ex. Sat. HC 8:15, HC Taat DAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FBI- Sun) II a.m. Morning Service (HC 1st 12:10, Wed., 5:30. San) 12:15 p.m. HC (2, 3, 4, 5 Sun) DAY HOLY COMMUNION with Samoa - 11:15 Noted for h*y choir; tree* tmetm On* of Sew York's a.m. TUESDAY and windows. most beautiful building*. EVENSONG - 6:00 pan. DAILY VOL. 57, NO. 10 The WITNESS II MAY, 1972 FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH > Otfim, *tf- Boo*. Tumkkm .Mb 18687 Story of the Week called that the Methodist Anglicans Ponder Next Steps After Church had approved the 1968 scheme, but the Anglicans had now rejected it. He said, "We publication. Rejection of Methodist Union must bear in mind the reactions and * Church of England leaders its passage, gave one indication of those people, the Methodist are considering what steps to when he held an emergency Church especially, who will be so reuse take in the cause of Christian press conference and expressed vitally affected by our decision. for unity in Britian following the his sadness at the vote. However, we may have voted decisive vote of the Anglican He said, "I believe there today no one can escape the fact general synod against the 1968 should be one church." He spoke that it was the Church of En- required scheme for union with the Meth- of moves towards this goal by gland that took the initiative odist Church. such denominations as the En- and the Methodists who re- At the same time, the Meth- glish Presbyterians and Congre- sponded to it. Permission odist Church will continue "its gationalists and added: "Mean- "Since 1956, representatives pursuit of the ultimate goal of while, maybe our best approach of both churches have worked the organic unity of all Chris- to that is by working together together and the outcome of DFMS. / tians." so that local situations have a their discussions resulted in the These are the two immediate transforming effect on official scheme of 1968, as the one ac- outcomes — both reflected in decisions." ceptable way forward. The Church official statements — of the Another indication came in Methodist Church has given its historic special synod ballot on the synod itself immediately agreement. The Church of En- May 3 which more than con- after the voting. Bishop Gerald gland has declined to do so. Episcopal firmed a vote taken three years Ellison of Chester then moved "In such a situation the stand- the previously. On July 8, 1969, the "that this synod request the of ing committee — the inner Anglican convocations of bishops presidents — the Archbishops of cabinet of the synod, which is and clergy stalled the 1969 re- Canterbury and York — to con- the church's parliament — sug- union scheme by giving it a sider what steps should now be Archives gests to the synod that it would majority of only 69 per cent in- taken in the cause of Christian hardly be fitting at this junction stead of the 75 per cent needed. unity in England to which it re- 2020. and under these circumstances, This time the enlarged synod, mains strongly pledged and in for the Church of England to which also includes the laity, the meantime asks the Anglican- begin to talk about fresh initia- was called upon to give it final Methodist liaison commission to tives. Copyright approval, also by 75 per cent. continue its discussion of mat- "That there will be new ap- But the combined votes of all ters of common concern." proaches we cannot doubt, for three houses — bishops, clergy This commission is a compact we cannot expunge what has and laity — gave it only 65.8 per body which was set up in the taken place during the past 25 cent and the 1968 scheme now three-year period while the 1968 years, nor can we be deaf to the lies dead after 16 years of dis- reunion scheme was stalemated promptings of the Holy Spirit, cussion. to consider ways in which the who certainly will not leave us The question now is: what two churches could cooperate. alone in the coming years. But happens next? Archbishop Mi- Bishop Ellison's motion was at this moment we cannot be chael Ramsey of Canterbury, passed unanimously after he had surprised if the free churches who had moved the unsuccessful pleaded that this was not the look with some suspicion upon resolution for the 1968 scheme's time for the synod to go into our protestations of eagerness final approval and pleaded for debate about next steps.
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