Thursday. Novomlu-r 28. l'Wft 1'iigt15 POPCORN Bill Would Help Recoup Fees NEWS FROM WASHINGTON — The Mirror Has Two Faces Under 'Wheelchair Lemon Law' Casts a Good Reflection on Rarbra Welfare Reform Is Biggest Legislation sponsored b\ Asseinbls- U'.n tiom the unit'x deli\er> dale. I'hc man Alan M. Augustine of Scotch Plains l.iw also requires the manufacturer to liv Michael Goldberifer i that would allow COIIMIIIKMS to reco\er repair, replace, or extend a lull cash re- In Social Policy Since 1930s A A Ices for successful claims under the fund on a de-l'ecii\c unit or one deemed One Popcorn, Poor • Two Popcorns, Fair -Three Popcorns. Good • Four Popcorns, Excellent^ "Wheelchair Lemon Law" has been re- unrepairable-. \ By Congressman Robert D. Franks \ leased by the Assembly Consumer Af- " rhisme.isuie won Id proxide consum- fairs and Regulated Professions Commit- i popcorns anmis. \VCII.;KW mistaken identity loihe ers wilh more protection In allow me The w el I.ire reform bill recently signed 11oni well.ue lo woik. we increase assis- leeaml now heads to the General Assem- Suddenly, love has returned to the comic mi\. them lo bring an action against ,\ motor- by President Hill (."Union marks the big- tance Ioi child cue liom SI (i.5 billion lo hly for consideration. Loews. It's true romance at the Rialto. When she fails 10 seduce her science- ized wheelchair manufacturer for court gest change in America's social policy'in •S20 billion And lo prepare welfare re- Passion at the Paramount. And it's all nerd spouse. Rose's reaction betrays ev- The measure. Assembly Hill No. ?IS2. tecsci any damages resulting from \ inl.i- six decades. After vetoing two previous cipients lo enk-i the woikliuve. we pro- thanks to Barbra...that contemporary- erything the audience has come to like would amend current law to allow con- tion ol the 'Wheelchair Lemon Law.'" welfare reform bills. President Clinton Mile S3 billion loi woiker training pro- American answer to Dietrich who has the and respect about her. Hell-bent on femi- sumers, who obtain a refund from the Augustine said."My bill wouldgivesoine made the right choice in supporting this giams. court, to recoup their attorney's fees, ex- legal redress to the consumer and east the President's car. nine redemption. Streisand downshifts legislation that will end welfare as a way To break [he cycle ol dependency, the perl witness fees, costs of suit and reim- burden of additional costs, delay and gross Aspiring to a chic form of romantic the picture into makeover overdrive. En- of life. law imposes a live year lifetime limit on bursement for rental of a similar motor- disadvantage to those w ho rely on wheel- comedy that saw its heyday before she ters the vamp Barbni. courtesy of This historical law offers new hope collcilingAFIX' Ivecogiii/inglhal some ized wheelchair. chairs for mobility." was even born, Miss Streisand's The Maybelline. Clairol. Donna Knran. anil and opportunity for the five million faiui- iiuli\ iduals, through no I,mil of their own. Mirror Has Two Faces resurrects a filmic the most movie cluilzpahyoif II see dished "Motorized wheelchairs are expensive The law defines motorized wheelchairs lieson welfare. It will do so by promoting may be unable to find a job and stop style which will doubtlessly delight her out this year. and necessary items for those who are to include all accompanying motorized work, personal responsibility and the relying on welfare, the bill gives stales an unable to walk or need assistance in get- accessories used to operate the wheel- fans. Those viewers less enchanted with Happily, it isn't unlit Barbra turns her- \alue of the family. opportunity to exempt up to 20 percent of ting around," said Assemblyman Augus- chair, motorized scooters designed prima- the pushy diva may not wish to afford her self into Barbie that her overacting be- The current welfare system not only then welfare rolls from the live-year life- tine. "If someone files a complaint due to rily for indoor use. and retrofit power units the artistic dispensation necessary to a gins. Prior to that, she's aces as the unas- overburdens taxpayers, it robs welfare time limit. a defect or malfunction, they should be designed to motorize power wheelchairs. full enjoyment of this movie. suming soul. Bridges, on the other hand, recipients and their children of opportu- Ibis law is based on one more impor- able to recover some of their court costs Scarcely hidden behind the trappings is supremely consistent throughout the Assemblyman Augustine, who also nities to escape poverty and break the tant principal poison.il responsibility. from the manufacturer." of this gauzy and good-natured comedy, effort. Likable and dashing in spite of the serves as Mayor of Scotch Plains, repre- chains of dependency. We create a comprehensive system lo sents the 22nd Legislative District which there seems to be a personal agenda. bookish bent, he is reminiscent of several Under current law, motorized wheel- Look at some of the facts. The number track and collect child support from dead- includes Westfield. Scotch Plains and Fellini once noted that all his films were, leading men of the 1930s and 40s—great chair manufacturers are required to pro- of children living in households depen- beat dads so they do not walk away from T'anwood. in truth, biographical. In that vein, you guys like William Powell, Gary Cooper vide an express warranty for up to one dent on welfare has tripled in just 30 years their responsibility lo their children. As could rename this movie All About and Joel McCrea who wowed "em in from 3.3 million toO.h million. The num- an incentive to reduce Ihe miinhei of oul- Rarbra. or perhaps The Two Faces of • deliriously screwball comedies while ber of mothers having children oul-of- of-wedlock births, the law offers the five Barbra. saying something noble about the human wedlock has increased 325 percent in 30 states that reduce their rates of illegiti- In this go-round the ugly duckling with condition. years, and many of them are children mate births without increasing the rale of a pining heart is Rose Morgan, brainy A wonderful sight for sore eyes. Miss themselves. abortion a financial bonus. literature prof at Columbia. She is a spin- Bacall proves a veritable balm of sardonic And while this system has continued lo Finally, this new law returns money, ster of undenoted age, though the fifty- panache. And George Scgall as Gregory's grow at alarming rates, taxpayers have power and responsibility back lolhe states. something lass seems to be playing some- colleague mugs to comic perfection. been asked lo pour more and more money Over Ihe last 10 years, one stale after one, oh, about 39. Great makeup, good Okay. So Streisand chooses to sort out During This Thanksgiving We Ask into programs thai foster dependency anil another has proven that when given the genes and a loving camera allow this her complexes on the big screen. It's a total lack of personal responsibility. freedom and flexibility to tailor their own female variation on the Jack Benny theme. more profitable than going to the shrink. Westfielders to Help United Fund The welfare reform law represents real wcllare programs, slates can do a far Arc you going to hold it against her? change. It will end we I fare as a way of li le Rose lives with her sharp-tongucd Thanksgiving is a distinctly American more ellective job in moving people oil Truth is. if you can countenance the mode liven though I keep my eyes lightly hy providing recipients with the tools mom, a former beauty played with stun- holiday, set aside for giving thanks for welfare and into jobs than the Washing- of delivery, The Mirror Has Two r'cices closed against the morning lighl as long they need to escape from poverty, find ning grace by Lauren Bacall. She has a the hlcssingof health, food, shelter, fam- ton bureaucracy. This law will allow slates provides some very warmhearted enter- as possible, thank you. Lord, that I can jobs and lead self-sufficient lives. married sister (Mimi Rogers) who, natu- ily, friends and community. During the to lake the lead in developing welfare tainment. see. There are many who are blind. l-'irst. the law imposes real work re- rally, takes after her mother; and, to add Thanksgiving season, many Westfielders programs. insult to injury, the more visibly beaute- liven though I huddle in my bed ami quirements, ll requires able-bodied re- ***** who recognize how much they have to be Of all Ihe bills I have voted on in ous of the Morgan sisters has managed to put off the effort of rising, thank you. cipients to work after two years. Hy the grateful for say "thank you" by giving to Congress, this legislation was one oil'the lasso Alex (Pierce Brosnan) for her Rated PG-13 and directed by Barbra Lord, that I have the strength lo rise. year 2002. stales must have 50 percenl of Streisand, The Mirror Has Two Faces is the United Fund of Westfield, which helps There are many who are bed-ridden. most significant, ll holds out the promise spouse. Of course, Rose saw him first — I heir able-bodied welfare recipients work- ol lifting millions of men. women and and she hasn't quite gotten over him yet. a Tri-Star Pictures release starring maintain the quality of life for all in the liven though the first hour of my day is ing.
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