[email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot.com/ 1 | P a g e [email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot.com/ Contents x Selection Process at ISSB x Abbreviations x Pointer Stories x Picture Stories Writing x Events(Part Of Bio-Data Form) x Words Association Test x Sentence Completion Tests (English) x Sentence Completion Tests (Urdu) x Group Discussion Topics x Mathematics Questions x Questions Related To Common Sense x Interview Questions x Important Countries And Their Capitals x Pakistan Army x Religion (Islam) x General Knowledge Sets x Group Planning [email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot.com/ Contact #: 0322-5411956 2 | P a g e [email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot.com/ Selection Process at ISSB If you want to join Pak army, you must have to get a recommendation from Inter Service Selection Board (I.S.S.B.).This institute is developed to select the fit candidates to serve as commissioned officers in Pak Army. There are a variety of tests taken in I.S.S.B to examine the hidden abilities of candidates. I.S.S.B (Inter Services Selection Board) Inter Services Selection Board is the institution based on the following three parts. x Deputy President x Group Testing Officer (G.T.O) x Psychologist The I.S.S.B is like a voting system and a candidate have to get only one vote, voted by the above persons. The above mentioned officers are the selectors of I.S.S.B and their duty is to examine the candidate and recommend to the General Head Quarters. Following are the tests Taken in the I.S.S.B, x Screen Out Test x Psychological tests (Indoor Tasks) x Tests Taken By G.T.O (Outdoor and Indoor Tasks) x Deputy and psychologist Interviews After clearing the above mentioned tests, you will be recommended to join Pak Army as a commissioned officer and will be called for training at Pakistan Military Academy KAKOL. 3 | P a g e [email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot.com/ Screen Out Test This test is based on intelligence test in which intelligence of the candidate is calculated by taking three types of tests as follows x Verbal Short verbal M.C.Qs are given in this test for a limited time x Non Verbal In non verbal section M.C.Qs are provided and these questions are based different types of diagrams with different types of shapes and sequences. x Mechanical Aptitude Test In mechanical section mechanical approach of the candidate is examined by different types of mechanisms in various diagrams. Candidate has to solve the questions in limited time. Psychological Tests Psychological Tests are taken by the Psychologist. In these tests psychological approach of the candidate is filtered through following tests. 1. Sentence Completion Test In Urdu 26 incomplete sentences in Urdu are to be filled in by the candidate with in limited time. (2 Sets) 2. Sentence Completion Test In English 26 incomplete sentences in English are to be filled in with in limited time. (4 Sets) 3. Word Association Test In English (100 Words) 100 words are played on projector the time gap between two words is 9 t0 10 seconds and the candidate have to make a sentence with in time. 4. Story Writing In English (4 Stories) 5. Pictures are displayed on projector for 30 seconds and you have to think a story and 3 minutes are provided for story writing. 6. An interview by physiologist. 4 | P a g e [email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot.com/ Tips: x The main goal of short time is to calculate the actual mental approach of the candidate so your approach should be positive while solving the test. x Do not think negative or write down any negative sentence or word in psychological tests. x Always think positive during tests x Do not make negative sentences like kill, murder, accident, death, adult etc x Do not criticize any one x Do not give suggestions Group Testing Officer (G.T.O) The candidates are divided into groups at least 6 and max. 9. The main aim of these tests is to examine the abilities of coordination, team working and leadership qualities. In this test self confidence as well as the behavior of the candidate is examined by G.T.O. Group Planning In this test a problem is on a model is explained by G.T.O and candidates have to solve the problem with in a time limit. Candidates can discuss with each other. Progressive Group Task (PGT) In this Task Your Group will have to complete the given task which is the combination of 3 tasks. Time for this task is 40 minutes. Be active and participate in planning and give your views to complete the task and try to impress other members of your group. Command Task In this test the group of candidates has given a task in a specified area and one of them is appointed as commander and they have to pass through an area having hurdles and outbound areas, all candidates are appointed as commander one by one according to their chest numbers. Half Command Task (HGT) 5 | P a g e [email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot.com/ In this task the group is divided into two sub groups and this time no one is commander and candidates have to pass through a specified area having hurdles and outbound places. Final Task In this task no one is commander and group is combined again and the job is same as above but you have to speak in English in this task. Individual Obstacles In this test a candidate have to pass through 9 obstacles within a limited time A light Interview by G.T.O When a candidate is appointed as commander G.T.O. takes a light interview of the candidate including question about his activities, education, intelligence and family back ground sometimes this interview is same as the interview takes by the deputy President. Tips: Always cooperate with your fellows and do not be a part of leg pulling and imposing your suggestions and orders on your fellows because forces are the name of coordination and team work. Final Interview Final Interview is taken by the Deputy President. Interview includes questions about family background, education, intelligence, mathematics general knowledge and quick response. Final Selection Final selection of the candidate is made by the president base on the reports of Psychologist, G.T.O and the Deputy President He is the head of the particular I.S.S.B where candidate is called for tests & interviews. 6 | P a g e [email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot.com/ Tips: x Be confident x Be calm x Be obedient x Be patient x Try to give short answers x Never tell a lie x Do not make any unnecessary move x Think a little bit before answer x Never say sorry on mathematical questions x You can say sorry for any question regarding education or general knowledge x Do not try to shake hand with the interviewer if he do not do so x Dress well x You may use a light perfume but not too much hard x Polish your shoes x Do not be shy on adult questions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 | P a g e [email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot.com/ Abbreviations 1. OGRA : OIL AND GAS REGULATERY AUTHORITY 2. PEMRA : PAKISTAN ELECTRONIC MEDIA REGULATORY AUTHORITY 3. NEPRA : NATIONAL ELECTRIC POWER REGULATORY AUTHORITY 4. ISI : INTER SERVISES INTELLIGENCE 5. ISPR : INTER SERVISES PUBLIC RELATIONS 6. RAW : RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS WING 7. CIA : CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 8. CID : CRIME INVESTIGATION AGENCY 9. FIR : FIRST INFORMATION REPORT 10. SHO : STATION HOUSE OFFICER 11. UNICEF : UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN EMERGENCY FUND 12. UNHCR : UNITED NATIONS HIGHR COMMISSION FOR REFUGES 13. FAO : FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGIZATION 14. WHO : WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 15. NADRA : NATIONAL DATA BASE AND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY 16. CTBT : COPMRIHENSIVE TEST BAN TREATY 17. NPT : NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFIRATION TREATY 18. LASER : LIGHT AMPLIFICATION BY STIMULATED EMISSION OF RADIATIONS. 19. VIRUS : VITAL INFORMATION RESOURCES UNDER SEIGE 20. RAM : RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY 21. ROM : READ ONLY MEMORY 22. ICC : INTERNATIONAL CRICKET BOARD 23. FIFA : FEDRATION OF INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL 24. FIH : FEDRATION OF INTERNATIONAL HOCKEY 25. WSF : WORLD SQUASH FEDERATION 26. NASA : NATIONAL AERONOTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION 27. SPARCO : SPACE AND UPPER ATMOSPHERE RESEARCH COMMISSION 28. OGDC : Oil And Gas Development Corporation 29. SAARC : South Asian Association For Regional Corporation 8 | P a g e [email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot.com/ 30. NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization 31. SOS : SAVE OUR SOULS 32. SIM : SUBSCRIBER IDENTITY MODULE 33. OGDC : OIL AND GAS DEVOLPMENT CORPORATION 34. FBI : FEDRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 35. MI : MILITARY INTELLIGENCE 36. IG : INSPECTOR GENERAL 37. DSP : DEPUTY SUPERITENDENT OF POLICE 38. ASP : ASSISTANT SUPERITENDANT OF POLICE 39. DIG : DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL 40. N.I : NAVAL INTELLIGENCE 41. NHA : NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY 42. NLC : NATIONAL LOGISTIC CELL 43. FWO : FRONTIER WORKS ORGANIZATION 44. OIC : ORGANIZATION OF ISLAMIC COUNTRIES 45. ECO : ECONOMIC COORPORATION ORGANIZATION 46. RPP : RENTAL POWER PROJECT 47. ESCO : ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO-ORPORATION 48. AI : AIR INTELLIGENCE 49. AIDS : ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIANCY SYNDROME 50. AEC : ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION 51. ASEAN : ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH EAST ASIAN NATIONS 52. BBC : BRITISH BROADCASTING COORPORATION 53. CBR : CENTERAL BOARD OF RENENUES 54. CSS : CIVIL SERVICES COMMISSION 55. IMF : INTERNATIONAL MONITORING FUND 56. ISSB: Inter Services Selection Board 57. PMA Pakistan Military Academy 9 | P a g e [email protected] http://issbpreparationnotes.blogspot.com/ POINTER STORIES ¾ Complete the following stories Stories should be written in positive sense.
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