SYRACUSE IIERALD-JO'URXAL. Wednesday, November 1, 1950 27 1:30—Furniture Trends, Chester' a; any time in tne future i' Miffi- *•*! now as «!' 'he he-f programs •.lent showing were- made. will be in black and white for a RADIO TIMETABLE j 7:40—The Motor Mart. I Looking Color Video Meanwhile, dealer* a.'KJ m:'.nu- long time tu come. When color From fditiuezs irpott »uet«»s» t:i ;heir does cer.it?, if there aie enough > The Herald-Journal U not responsible Cor last minul* j 7:45—Perry Corao Show. MitcheJj and efforts to reassure the puolic that'programs and they are good f- in radio and television program* m»de by stations I Ayres' Orchestra, the Fon-1 ^o!or tele\t>!on—CBS or otherwise enough to convince \ou color is the j taine Sisters, Mindy Carson i . ~ 7 Lab Race —will oe »lovs in developing and worth the extra cost. *ay the deal- j (CBS). ! Listening will lematn an optional ar.d sup- ers. they will see tnai you can set TODAY'S EADIO AND TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS , S:00—Arthur Godfrey and His Old t pigmentary =e:\:ce tor a long time the necessary equipment for jour 7:15 I'..M.— H III N— The Ctrr> Coma Show, music. »l!h Mind? Carson, tueil vocalist. Friends, Janette Davis, Bill Continues set. )< OH f .M — WSVK-TV — Kour-iiUr Knur. Virictr show aurrinc Jimmy Durante. j Lawrence, Tony Marvin, By THOMAS O. CX>O1JCAN j FOLLOWING « slowdown ^in A mxjo.lty of manufat.ul,P,s ,-iH K (jo I'M Ui>VK—The Hall* at lv> c«-«larrm« Mr. and Mrs. Konald Colroin j Archie Bleyer's Orchestra, West AS OL'R mail rises each day NKW YORK U'> - r.>> I. 010! lf\f- the tv!i. .>.on t\ -•• e\ptess opposition to the CB? -sv>- it 30 I', U—HI BL—Or. Chrhil.ni, »larrJnt <.me Jltr<hoU »n<J Ko^mary IjrCrfinp. I Jerry Colonna <C3S). n j i ne .P.J decision Oct .^ ' ' , ,. ;., K.UO P M.—HSYB—inn B«l lour I Iff. corn«<f» null »bow. "lib Grourbo Mari f:oni interested Uiun :ace is full .spied and £ 0 ooa that rog:ird! s * 00 I'-M—W»1K-T\—Trtirihien intitrr. Carmen Mathriti in "UolDbm'j Ktifh." ,' 9.00—The Somerset Maugham 1 set m^her, sa> 0, the oua.o:no o£ Io!;a| attacks on on ladio and television,, " laooiaturies ce-;,.^ C:o\e:nuu'iio\e:nmentt "^"'h •J ,{U P M.—Mill V— Hie \lrb. iraturiiU Anna Uc in. "Mirror of Delusion." Thealet, "Winter Cruise," readers n tesu.jipt.on o. ,he KCC dec;sion> ,he («BS method! Plenty of thrills 1U 00 I'.JI.—USVU-1 \-Urrak the liank. sutx ihow. ultb Btrl farki. emctt. AdrrennBcrci:e Allen," M!ChaelBon's Tu- I've decided about thise besto t wa.\ to appro-, a ! oco!f thmoie :ne;ho'a B!i ce-.-lopeia d bu>,r1^ b1> t!u- j.ublt i on a ' will ha\e a hard time gaming pub- ^S^ ' ;-7jf *»™ —liter " ^ ^,^«ii ? ;ei^ ^«.rj with the 9:30- e ir 0 l0n d als o£ BS ! makfi a I'OUTfM, \D\ tKl I&EMENT T,Irion^ \nna Se H^h Mn. S«riam Douglas, 566 Not.| /» f ;°^ -° ;mTo ' enec'^tS^nat n« been i rlankiln/Se^llV.ffiunsham .d , recently asked what;^-'^' -«--^-> §»- ( " ^»«'determined how«ei >I ardFiascr. Muriel Landers'happened to the CBS-T\' Panto-1^\ ^nf™Ica«0nV CommUMO«i anew from^mwSfscturerr are CISCO KID • mime Qui/ Show, formerly seer, nefore tne CBS method can gam a taking this Ime: TONIGHT 10:00-Sandy Saddler - Charley Monda nlshli I foothold. Riley Boxing oout Ted Al YOU'LL BE perfectly s,afe to so BusinHusuig vv-ti^;<CBS>. ' , tne^ame^Ume s.-.e repri-( ' ^IT ^IS hinted there may be some Hear 7 p.m. 10:45—Sports Parade, Rex. Mar- Banded the local outlets !or tak- fa]£l> ,.art)lns, fleve!opments be-i shall cCBS). ung shows orf the air, sajmg, "It fore "or soon after the Nov. :>0 ef-| POI1T1CU. ADVrRTlSE.ME.VT 11:00—Holiday Hotel, Don Ameche seems as though eiery time I get fecti\e date ot the FCC's auihori- Tuesday, Wednesday (ABC). jused to a <how and watch for it Cation for color oroaaeasts unoei T O MI GIST Walter A. Lynch h HEAR ll:30-Te!enews Daily. each ueek, .somebody steps ,n and ' ^^SmK^oP in u. order au- and Thursday, pre- \VEDNESDAY EVENING 11:40—Ne.is Briefs, takes it off the a;r," thonzing the CBS sjsit-fi., s.i.d it I1O.V. WSYR-rM (915 m«0 WNDK-t.M <IM 3) both S-9 I'M Herbert H. Lehman 11:45—Gov. Dewey. As for the Pantomime Qui/v the I would consider new <-o!or s>.,tem> IIAItOB.lJ.L. ICKKS sented by Durkee's WAGE K.IOI UNOR iiicm \\FKL (»SO> WOLF (USD) ITHL'RSDAY Al-TERXOOX show has been shelved by CSS- SPEAK ON XjUC-nal American Mutual ColuraDlz. TV. It did Ull the S to 8:30 Mon- Station WAGE Bakery Girl Mt-rnej Pos Parade Mar< Tra.i News Boi 12:55—World Headlines. lia v n nt S 1 L \ X C II m, :00 b'.rcc! Ou i Mart Trail j!m Oeiinc Juke Box Slade - '8 P° dunng the summer, fortia VuEon P.a,y O» era Ju£r BOX 1:00—What's New? Jean „,, but wa AND Plain BtU Sporu Mary Lou Humphreys I s sustaining and consequent- 51 Parreil Cha'lrnie Tiiton-Masse was Look, Fellas... 9:30 P.M. Sews. Hlllcsai Ne»s. Sporu PreC Jeste News News, James 1:30—Garry .Moore Show.'Denisel'y replaced by the sporsorcd L I<: JI M A X WSYR Frea Jesie Or>ne* Party •Harrj Jimci C'.ub 570 Back Whrc 'Harry Jamrs Lor, Ken Carson, Durward Video Theater. Syo''t G Williams Fred Jsste Dmnrr Party Presented !>j D.nnpr D^ie Fred Jesse Thomas •Harry James Kirov, Jim Kirkw-ood and! It looks like it's up to the net- Station WAGE U -<5 3*Star Extra Lee 'Goodman (CBS). ,woik hucksters in New Voik to Cdco Kid S. C Hill Pullon Losu Bealah Sots . Butts «::*<> lo » P.M. INDEPENDENT CITIZENS K'ca Kia D.nner Daw Bob Lovel! Smith-WbUine 9uc»:aroos 2.30—Robert Q's Matinee, Robert dig UD a sponsor for the show. C.uo '5 Buckaroos Auspices Syracuse Liberal Party COMMITTEE Can He » I) Lone funstf Easy Acts Murro* Buckaroos Q. Lewis'. Rosemary Clooney, A popular West Coast version News. Wa_>if Tony Craig, Benme Leigh-'of the parlor game identified hete Vote Row D Election Day Mav Schneider, Chairman HS.1! 01 I'J Doctor I Q Teloojtr-i Mr Doctor I Q Teloquei' Chameleon Ha!i1 s OT Ii7 Guy uombarco ton's Orchestra. jas "charades," it was brought to T*!* Grts* Harold Icke% Dr CnnstiBi Glldcrsleeve Hrffold Ickt'S Dr Chnsutr Guy Lorobardo 3:30—Meet Your Cover Girl eastern televiewers by film. Escape the 81 News: «. -00 Croucho Mi*x Oov. Dei ey 20000 Plus Harold Peary Robin Chandler (CBS). I The show features us oiigmator- :l5 Gruucho Marx Oov D".'.rv 20 CCO Plus Harold Peary Sandmin 4:00—Homemakers E x c h a n g e,l owner, Mike Stoke>, as emcee, 0 Mr D A Pam. Theater Bins Crosby News: Mr D A t-M'cn Pirn Theater BlnK Crosoy Louise Leslie (CBS). wuh a panel and guesr. team made Bis Story rlcvuo Eduards Bo^rijr Bom News. 4:^0—Vanity Fair (CBS). up of Holljwood peisonalities. Ladies Always? BIB Stnrs Heine Mistfrl Bo<ins BoJt Sandman Might I .suggest that if jou like ToneinTONl6HT E cnard Jim Gordon BOMI1K Bout Sandman D am'J"d Jim Gordon BO\t!!>! BOJt Sand . SDH this lype of show, set your dial Yes, he seems to charm Iff Ne»^ Sports Krwi, Sand. Nc»5 Sooru Snort's for Channel 5 Sunday night and Jim Gordon Snor's Mus'o Serenade Mui'c lor Jim Gordon Starllshs Sandman Corporation enjoy a pleasant half-hour by | ! •;• {or You DreRmme Show &•• mphorv Serenade .'iewing WSYR's Chaiado Parade, them, but no one has .\nicn features Elliott Gave as THXJRSDAi' emcee, \\ith versatile local per- "hooked" him yet. vfvt W'SYR Prof its Up sonalities as the guesseis. •, -.00 News. Cutaway Williams Print News. Music Vews. Melody / :16 Timekeeper BreaKfast Bell Henoesiy Watch Melody I :3« TlmeKeener Breakfast Bell Prank ClOCi •Bint CroM> There's GLAMOR too LISTEN TONIGHT I '16 Roa Swift BreJkfait Bell Hennessj Clock •Bine Crwbr 51 Per Cent DONALD O'CONNOR will be on :00 T:mcH«psr OUn wul'ws Franlr Newa News. Buclu the receiving end of the famous on the BIG SHOW! OM .15 Timekeeper Breasinst Bel! Hennessj Musical CJoct Burkaroos expression, "Dat's muh boy," which ft .30 TlrocKfcoer Breakfast Bel! irank Musical Clocx nu c^aroos NEW YORK C-?). — Corporation V <1 Timekeeper Brpak.'ast Bell tiennessy Musical Cicok Amoi Ph!oB> identifies comedian Jimmy Duiante. You'll enjoy Mindy with profits are pouring lorth in a rec- f^ CO TimeKeeoer Breakfast Fred Jeske Musical Clocz Sacred Heart when the Schnozzola makes his Tollulah Bankhecd, Fred THE 11 IS TlmHceener Club Fred Jeske Musical Clock Polki Party ord flood—51 per cent greater for initial bid as a television headliner M .30 Tello-Test Brcaklist Fred Jeske Coffee with Polks Party Allen, Jimmy Du rente, M -45 Tello-Teit ClUD Fred Jeike Curtlsj Poika Piru the lait quarter than in July, Au- on the Four Star Re\ue over j, , , :00 Welcon-e My True Story Lynch and Arthur Newi.
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