ASSOCIATION OF BOOK PUBLISHERS OF BC BC Books for BC Schools Selected and evaluated by teacher- librarians 2008 – 2009 Catalogue Looking for “significant works of Canadian literature” to support the new English Language Arts (8-12) IRP requirements? Look no further! By subscribing to CanLit Visit our website today For Kids & Teens book to view our preselected packages, you will be basic packages or to confident in knowing customize a package to that the books you more closely meet the receive are the very best needs of your school available from Canadian library. Book packages publishers. The content is are upated and ready for current and relevant to you to preview every today’s students. We September, January and guarantee satisfaction. April. CanLit is your single source of recentlecentlecently published books frfrfrom CanadCanadom ian authors,s,s, illustraaatortortors and/or publishers.s.s. Canadian Novel study guides available which address BC curricular achievement indicators. Discounts for bulk orders. See our website. SaSaSave time!time!ve SaSaSave money!money!ve 1-888-656-9906 [email protected] www.canlitforkids.com INTRODUCTION Welcome to the 2008/09 BC Books for BC Schools catalogue Every year the Association of Book Publishers of BC (ABPBC) gears up for the onslaught of submissions to this catalogue from our publishers. Every year we look forward to checking out what’s new and appropriate for school libraries in the province and to working with a team of excellent teacher-librarians who select and anno- tate the titles from these submissions. This year, BC’s sesquicentennial year, we are pleased to take a leap into the 21st century where, thanks to modern technology, colour printing is now affordable. We hope you like the new look. For those of you who are new to BC Books for BC Schools the catalogue is organized first by appropriate level: Elementary (K–7), Secondary (8–12) and Cross-Grades for those books that are appropriate at both levels. Entries are organized alphabetically by title within each section. Subject areas follow the BC Ministry of Educa- tion’s curriculum; we also highlight specific courses where it is felt that information should be included. To help you order from the catalogue we have provided a checklist on our website at www.books.bc.ca/catalogues. We have also included a listing of publisher’s websites in the catalogue. Please note that the ABPBC cannot fill orders. This catalogue would not be possible without the project assistance of The Canada Council for the Arts and the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP) of Canadian Heritage. The ABPBC also receives essential operating funding from the Arts & Culture Division of the BC Min- istry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts. Lastly, the ABPBC must thank the team of teacher-librarian evaluators. Their professionalism ensures the integrity and usefulness of the catalogue. The ABPBC believes that teacher-librarians are crucial to the literacy objectives of the provincial government and to that end we support the BC Coalition for School Libraries. Happy hunting through the BC published books you find in this catalogue. Yours truly, Margaret Reynolds Executive Director, Association of Book Publishers of BC September 2008 BC BOOKS FOR BC SCHOOLS 2008 – 2009 CATALOGUE EVALUATION FORM BC BooksB s fforor BC SchoolsSSchSchohoools catalogueccataloggue 20 22008/0900008/09088/09 EThe ABPBCVAV receives fundingfundinALAg ffromrom theL DeDepartmentppartmentU of CanadiandiATA Heritage i through hT h the h BookI k PublishingbliOON hi Industry d Development ProgramFFO in orderordder to make availableRM the M BC BooBooksks fforor BC SSchoolschools catacatalogue.logue. It is crcrucialucial tthathat we proviprovidede tthemhem witwithh tthehe ininformationformation rrequestedequested bbelowelow in ororderder to ensure tthehe continuacontinuancence ooff tthishis programprogram.. NName:ame: Institution/Organization:Institution/Organization: DidDid thethe BC BooBooksks fforor BC ScSchoolshools catacataloguelogue introintroduceduce you to bbooksooks aababoutout wwhichhich you were unaware? yes no Comments:Commentts: Does the title selection and organizationorganization of the catalocataloguegue suit yyourour nneeds?eeds? yesyes no Comments:Commentts: IfIf youyou ordered fromfrom the catalogue,catalogue, ppleaselease pproviderovide the total $ value oof yyourour order & total number ooff boobooksks ordered: $ # IfIf youyou did not order ffromrom the ccatalogue,atalogue, do yyouou intend to in the ffuture?uture? If so, what will be the estiestimatedmated $ value ooff yyourour order? How willwill tthehe bbooksooks yyouou ppurchaseurchase ffromrom tthehe catacataloguelogue bbee used? LibraryLibrary Classroom ProfessionalProfessionnal use: Other:Other: Is the timingtiming & delivery of the ccatalogueatalogue ((Sept./Oct.)Sept./Oct.) appropriate foforr your needs? yesyes no Comments:Commments: MailMail or ffaxax comcompletedpleted fformorm to: Association of Book PublishersPublisheers of BC #600-402#600-402 WestWest PenderPender Street,Street, Vancouver,Vancouver, BC V6B 1T6 Fax: 604.6604.684.578884.57788 Y United Library Services (ULS) proudly supports the A W N O Association of Book Publishers of British Columbia I T C U BC Books for BC Schools D N and the catalogue. O R UNDERHILL AVE UNDERHILL P Production Way - University SKYTRAIN STATION Our Burnaby, BC facility offers the majority of these LOUGHEED HWY titles at a 30% discount. Custom, in-house cataloguing and processing is available. BRIGHTON AVE BRIGHTON GOVERNMENT ST Y BC Showroom/Warehouse A W WINSTON ST I 101B-3430 Brighton Ave. Burnaby, BC D R A L ph. 604-421-1154/1-877-853-1200 fax: 1-866-421-2216 G CARIB A O G O email: [email protected] R D Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday: 8:15am - 5:00pm Burnaby Lake TAKE EXIT 37 Friday: 8:30am - 4:00pm 1 AY FROM HW For your convenience, we are open HIG HIGHWAY 1 one Saturday every month from September to June United Library Services Western Canada's leading book wholesaler Visit us in person today, or online at www.uls.com! ASSOCIATION OF BOOK PUBLISHERS OF BC ELEMENTARY Addison Addley and Boy in Motion Change the World Elf the Eagle the Things That Rick Hansen’s Story for Ten Bucks Ron Smith Ainslie Manson 50 Ways to Make a Difference Ruth Campbell Aren’t There Renné Benoit Oolichan Books Melody DeFields McMillan Greystone Books We Are What We Do Orca Book Publishers New Society Publishers The story begins with a big eye showing through a crack in an egg. Ainslie Manson’s chatty picture Elf finally breaks his shell, feeling In this title in the Orca Young book tells the story of an active lit- This highly inspirational and attractive book is designed to the worse for wear from all the Readers series, Addison Addley is tle boy obsessed with fishing who work of the past two days. Eventu- a grade five procrastinator. He becomes the paraplegic young assist everyone make a difference. Fifty simple everyday ally he opens his eyes to find he is puts off everything except his man who taught the world about at the top of a tree. “Why had they weekly fishing trip with his friend people with disabilities. With his actions are suggested to help change the world into a better built so high?” he asks himself, Sam. He particularly puts off any- father’s admonition, “There’s no feeling faint. His big sister, Edwina thing to do with math. When his such word as can’t.” as his mantra, place and make us feel better in the process. All the actions taunts him and his parents tease teacher announces a speech con- Rick Hansen sets out to meet the him with food to encourage him to test to be followed by a celebration challenges he faces after his acci- provided are geared toward improving our environment, our take his first flight. Leaning to party, Addison is determined to dent. Becoming a wheelchair pro reach the fish his mother is hold- win. Three days before the contest he returns to the sports he loves health and our communities. For example, Action 1 provides infor- ing, he falls out of the nest and he has only written two lines of his and becomes the first person with after a fearful first few moments, speech, however his punch, made a disability to graduate from UBC mation on learning mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. manages to flap his wings and from his mother’s eccentric in Physical Education. Inspired by begins to fly. Although fiction, recipe, is sure to be a winner. Terry Fox he sets out around the Action 26 is about donating blood. Every page has an “action strip” readers learn a number of eagle Addison has to triple the recipe world on the Man in Motion facts from the story. Campbell’s World Tour. for easy identification. References and his attempt at multiplying wonderful illustrations show Elf’s fractions along with his substitu- Biographical data are included to organizations and website addresses are provided for addi- feelings through his expression- tion for soymilk lead to a hilarious at the end of the book. Manson filled eyes as his white down conclusion. Much to everyone’s has written ten books for children, tional information for each solution. changes to brown. surprise, Addison is a winner after Benoit won the Christie Harris Elf the Eagle was shortlisted for all and even learns something in Illustrated Children’s Literature the Christie Harris Illustrated Goodbye to Grif- SUGGESTED AUDIENCE: 4-7 the process. Prize in 2005 for Children’s Literature Prize in fith Street. OTHER SUBJECT AREAS: HEALTH & 2008. A study guide is available at CAREER EDUCATIONS, SCIENCES SUGGESTED AUDIENCE: 3-6 Oolichan.com. OTHER SUBJECT AREAS: ENGLISH SUGGESTED AUDIENCE: K-7 Index/Bibliography: No/No OTHER SUBJECT AREAS: ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS, HEALTH & 2006 108 pp. 7.75”x8.25” SUGGESTED AUDIENCE: K-3 LANGUAGE ARTS, HEALTH & CAREER EDUCATION colour photographs & illustrations OTHER SUBJECT AREAS: ENGLISH CAREER EDUCATION ISBN: 9781550923001 $10.00 PA Index/Bibliography: No/No LANGUAGE ARTS, SCIENCES Index/Bibliography: No/No 2008 144 pp.
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