TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, I960 iflaturl;?at»r Ett^nittg Ifrtrallt Tha Weather Avanfa Dolly Nat Praas Ron h ‘\ ‘ % Mias Iluth P. Hubbard, a teacher Tha ISSth T. C. Truck Company rwteeeet el D. 0. Weather About Town at the Nathan Hale school, ra- <U. 8. A. R.) will hold a meeting by Victor Adamaon, for axtenaion Far th« Meath ef 3nly, 13M ■ - f m catvad tbs dagrae of Master of at the State Armory, tomorrow I In Honor Group Board Grants of permlaaioii to uae building for Tonight, generaUy fair, watair '..ijS Sdanca In Education at gradua- evening at'eight o'elack. Anyone temporary living quartan at 333H low Btar S4. Thursday, partly' CfciBiy Bietiwir AtUatle A «o- Spring atreet, Rural Residence 9,723 cloudy, warm and humid) Ugh •Ifttlaa. wMBMi'a BowUnc tlott akaKlaes held August 11 at ihtereatad in Joining tha company Manchettar, Conn. tha Hyannls Stats Teachera ool- la invited to atUnd thia meeting. Laundry’s Plea Zone; Lawrence Moonan, to erect Naeaber ef Om Audit ntar $4; aeattorod Ught Uiawere wU hold s awoHmr to^ght at 7:S0 lega, , undersized dwelling bn Hollister Bureau e< OUeulettoM toward ovealag. at Maphy*a Bmdfaig Anaya. All M anehattar^A CUy of ViUaga Charm Mr. and Mrs. John Ackerman of street (East of No. 142) Residence INDUSTRIAL flrla iBtaraatad in bowUag thia 2!one A; The Hartford Road Cor­ yaar ara ragoaatad to attand tha St. Bridget's and St. ^James's 6S Foley street celebrated their New Model Company Churches were crowded this morn­ thirty-fifth wedding anniveraary poration, extension of perlmaeion maatiiw. Blaetioa « i offleara, foI> to erect gasoline station on Hart­ lowad ^ a ganaral diacuaalon, will ing for the several masses. Today Sunday at the home of their dau|^- To Start Building PROPERTY.. HEAVY on rage IS) MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 16,1950 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS marks tha Feast of tha Assump­ ford Road (approximately 302 VOL. LXIX, NO. 269 taka plaea. ter, Mra. Pat Dayorlo, 30 Liberty feet west of Bridge street) Bust- tion, a Holy Day of Ollgation for street. All their children and Addition at Once With Railroad Siding Roman Catholics. neai.Zone; and the Hartford Road Mr. and Mra Albert L. Dandur- grandchildren were present at the Main buildinr adjacnit to aidinf, heavy industrial Five applications vfere granted Corpontlon, extension of permla- and of S61 Summit atraet will turkey dinner which waa aer\'ed elon to arect a gasoline sUtion on construction, about 9,000 sq. ft., partly heated, 3 lava- keep “ opan hotiae,” Sunday, Aug- A son was born In Hartford Hos- at the family gathering. and one denied gt a public hearing ital, August 10, to Mr. and Mrs. of the Zoning Board of Appeals Hartford Road at corner df Bid- torie^ three dt»rs opening on sldlnq, office, parkinr. uat 30, from. 3:80 p.m. on,. In ob> well street. Business Zone. Sfels Johnson of 633 Middle Turn­ The Farm Bureau, directed by held In the Municipal Building last Bulding could Ito adapted to many industrial opera­ aarvanea of thdr twenty-fifth wed­ night. An application from Primo An- ding anniveraary. They have re- pike West, and a daughter to Mr. Misa Cora Webb, will have a meet­ ,saldi, seeking permission to con-' tions. About 4,000 sq. ft. in three other buildiiigs. aid^ in Maocheater for about tan and Mrs. Louis P. Prelseler of 47 ing on home canning and fraeslng The New Model Laundry, Inc., Land about p>500 sq ft. Best suited for use with received permission to build an ad­ vert a garage Into a dwelling which Reds Flee in Panic After Mass Bombing yearn and Mr. Dandurand was for­ Autumn street. at the New Bolton achool at 1:30 will, be undersized on Vernon railroad and truck delivery. tomorrow afternoon. Anyone dition to present non-conforming merly a partner in the company building at 73 Summit etreet, atreet (South of No. 543) in a h a r r y LIBBY known as Folding Boxes, Inc., now Mr. and Mra. Joseph B. Raynor interested is invited to attend. which will be In excess of !i0 per Rural Residence Zone was denied 214 Magnolia Str«t Hartford, Conn. known as Folding Cartons, Inc., of Bolton, formerly of this town, cent of assessed value of present by the Board. Elm at Forest streat. ara spending their vacation at At­ Any members of the American Phone 54-4080, Mornings. Mon, thru Thurs. non-conforming building, a n d Sky'^ Hunters Go^-Shoe Guarding Pohang Base lantic City. Mrs. Raynor Is su­ Legion Auxiliary Interested In saw- which will be used for dry clean­ State Selectee Mrs. Thomas W. Dunbar, lec­ pervisor of the Manchester Public Ing on th* new drapes for the ing purposes, in a Residence B Alter Shadbwy Menace turer of Manchester Orange, and Health Nursing Association. Legion Hall are requested to meet Zone. LONELY PEOPLE Superforts Pulverize Miss Pearl LeFort of Lydall street, at the hall at seven o'clock tonight. According to a spokesman, a We do not care how old you Supply Stated Baltlipore, Aug. 16.—(6*)— are attending the Lecturers' Con« The South End Firemen will two stories building. 55 by 40 feet, are. Meet new friends. Join Two rtien moved slowly ferenca thia week at the University practice softball tonight at 6 Mr. and Mra. Louis W. Stoltan- l^oonard D. Mvard will be started immediately. It will the GET ACQUAINTED CLUB. through the shadows of a of Vermont, Burlington. o'clock at Charter Oak Lota and berg and children of Main sti«et be of cinder block and brick fire-" No minors. For Information T o Be 40,000 Baltimore pier in the pre-dawn also Friday night at the same are visiting Mra. Stoltenbarg's Leonard D. Rivard. 3S McKIn- proof, in accordance with regula- call Mra. Bamca, 40 Church IT^S HERE - - darknesa. parents in East Sumner, Maine. 60,000 Man Army; time and at the same field. I«y Btraat, local agant ot the Farm tlona set forth by the State Fire Street, Hartford. Tel. 1-4852 One adjusted a small instru­ Mareal'e office concerning the ment he held in hig handa. The Manchester Grange will meet to- The regular monthly meeting of Bureau Insurance compaElea, haa use of a building for a dry clean­ Morehouse Gives Ten­ pair talked excitedly in words moiTow evening at eight o'clock the Ladles of St. Maurice will be quallfled for memberahip in the ing business. It was also stated Mot, H u m id tative Limit for Con­ muffled In the earl> morning In Orange hall. The theme to be held tomorrow evening at 7:30 at 1980 Challenger Oub, top honor that the approximate osat of the fog rising from the water. the Bolton Center Congregational ■considered Is "The Land o f, the church. group of the three Inauranee com- new addiUon will be $17,000. necticut before Bottom Unseen in the background, a May Be Turn of Tide Free." panlea, he waa notifled today by George Willard is the proprietor Summer Weuther! security-conscious Customs of­ of the New Model Laundry. I, , O f Barrel Is Reached ficer watched them, then ran Glenney'a Men's Shop was Kayniond E. Anderaon, agency Also granted wai an application to a telephone for help. omitted from the list of local mer­ Another Se8sion manager for the ornniMtlona. A police car pulled up a few, Mr. Rivard qualified by acquir­ Keep COOL While Others Perspire Hartford, Aug. 16—(/P) —State Large Scale Negro Rein* AWNINGS. FLAGS. chants which was published yes­ Draft Dlrictor Vernon 8. Moro- minutes later. Its occupants terday who contributed gifta to ing the number of aalea poinU Social Security Plan forceinents Arrive; BEACH and LAWN To Make Voters neceaaary for memberahip. ijie crept up on the two men, then the committee In charge of the Install a YORK Room Conditioner houK indicated today that Con- suddenly seized them. UMBRELLAS intar-awimming pool meet last pointa are awarded for production Bocticut will be able to supply up Battlefield Lull Fol* Another seaalon for the making in the three lines of inauranee of­ Their captives: Two ama­ Manchester Awning and Sunday at Globe Hollow. fered by the Arms. HALE'S to 40,000 draftees under the pres­ teur photographers trying for lows Air Blow at of voters is scheduled for August Cools Dehumidifies ent draft law before “ the bottom House Approval Due Canvas Prodocts Co. 23, nejtt week Wednesday, from 0 Mr. Rivard haa been akiliated unusual harbor shots in the 3-30B1, ISO Hartford Bd. runs out of the manpower well." "strange light." Force Set to Strike to 8 p.m., at the office of Town here with the Farm Bureau com­ Headquarters At the same time, Capt. Dale B. aerk Samuel J. Turkington In the panies since 1945. TAMPAX “ Plugs li” Like a Radio Ta^:gu; Chinese Reds municipal building. Byers, draft induction processing With Truman Beaten WINE LIQUOR Firms he represents ara the FOR officer, announced that rejections At that time the selectmen and Farm Bureau Life Insurance Com­ Atodarn mathod Ideal for Offices or Bedrooms ' Pledge Aid to North town clerk will be present to quail. pany. the Farm Bureau Mutual have dropped to 47 per cent of the and BEER fy voters and the regi.strara will Automobile Insurance Company, for monthly men called for pre-induction phy- French Air Washington, Aug. 16 — (P) — A.i determine the question of con­ Koreans at “ Parallel” also be present to sign on new and the Farm Bureau Mutual Fire Large Residence and Building Units Blcala with the start of the second flnal House o.
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