I\) \ I 1871. VICTORIA. REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE PUB'LIO LIBRARY, MUSEUJ\fS, AND NATIONAL GALLERY OF VIOTORIA WITH THE REPORTS, OF THE SECTIONAL COMMITTEES, FOll. TEE Y1U,ll. 1870-1. PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT RY HIS EXCELLENCY'S COMMAND. PUll.SUANT TO ACT OF PARLIAMENT 33 VICT. No. 357, SEC. 7. \;)1 .utfJOtil~: JOHN FERRES, GOVERNMENT FRINTER, MELBOURNE. No.lS. APPROXIMATE COST. OF REPORT. :£ •• d. Preparation-Not given. Printing, with Plans, &c. (750 copies) 110 0 0 I lIt ; -U/,V'ij S V7YJ.L tUff.1Y ! ~ ~ ~.. ~ "'-"" J ,§~ ~ ~~ ...' ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ iJg~ .~ , ~l. ~, j " '"~ 4~ " ki' ~ ~.::, ~ ~ ~ , , ~ ..,N , Nr- l·~ ;S % '~] . "-l ~ "'" ~ '" ~ ~Vj ~ "" ~ i~ ~ L ~ .~ ~ l~ .. lJ ~ ''i ~ ~~~ -- ~ /// I S'Yl'pni"""2f7VJl. ,- 1?JI:J::J FLIHrn,H, ~ r" , _ ;'lniLJ?4L qnp·./.fl~ ~ il.:cp()d, I "7£.Sl7:;1tU-fI ,--.." I '4;i,sV:;UiT r,j '1£!!r.~-iur:[ k1 N I ' , j , \ ~ 5']?~' os ~ I ~97p.Afl ~~ J 1'7Lnp..ifl'SZm.n~· \ ~S' .f l(£ ~~ fht.~<nfT 'rmy ''7fmufT' , ~J2l2I~ 1 '~ '\ ~, ~ ~ [_:::~,J ~ REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF TIlE PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEUMS, AND NATIONAL GALLERY OF VICTORIA. , •• ,' ,I J' A 2 THE TRUSTEES OF THE _uulic liuml'J11 ~USl£Umll, amI ~atimml &alluJJ D1f ttlfitnria. , ' President.-His Honor Sir REDMOND BARRY. Vice-President.-The Honorable ARCHIBALD MICHIE. For 1870-1871. I The Honorable Sir WILLIAlII FOSTER STAWELL. The Honorable Sir .JAlIlES F. PALMER, M.L.C. The Honorable Sir FRANCIS MURPHY, M.L.A. 'DAVID C. MACARTHUR, Esq. The Honorable ,Tnol\IAs HOWARD FELLOWS, M.L.A. The Honorable JOHN O'SHANASSY, l\LL.C. The Honorable CHARLES GAVAN DUFFY, M.L.A. The Honorable Sir JAMES MCCULLOCH, M.L.A. The Honorable JAMES GOODALL FRANCIS, M.L.A. The Honorable THOMAS TURNER A'BECKETT, ~.L.C. The Honorable SAMUEL HENRY BINDON. The Honorable JOHN A. MACPHERSON, }'I.L.A. CHARLES E. BRIGHT, Esq. The Rey. J. I. BLEASDALE, D.D. JOHN BADCOCK, Esq. E. L. MONTEFIORE, Esq. REPORT. To the Honorable the eMe! Secretary. The Trustees of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria have the honor to report- 1. After the passing of the Act of Incorporation, by an advertisement in the Government Gazette, No. 10, Friday, February 4th 1870, the following notification appeared :- "TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEUMS, AND NA'I)ONAL GALLERY OF VICTORIA. "The GOI'ernor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to appoint the uncler­ mentioned gentlemen to be Trustees under the provisions of the Act No. 357 fo\' the government of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria, viz. :-- The Honorable Sir W. F. Stawell. The Hon. Archibald Michie. His Honor Sir Rcdmond Barrv. The Han. James Goodall Francis, M.L.A. The Hon'. Sir James F. PaJm~r, M.L.C. The Hon. Thomas Turner A'Beckett, M.L.C. The Han. Sir Francis Murphy, M.L.A. The HOll. Samuel Henry Bindon. David C. Macarthur, Esq. The Hon. John A . .\IiacPherson, M.L.A. The Hon. Thomas Howard Fellow~, M,L.A. Charles E. Bright, Esq. The Hon, John O'Shana5~y, M,L.C. The Rev. John I. Bleasdale, D.D. The Hon. Charles Gavan Du~y, M.L.A. .John Badcf)ck, Esq. The Hon. James McCulloch, M.L.A. Eliezer L. MOlltefiore, Esq. (Signed) "JOHN A. MACPHERSON, "Chief Secretary's Office, "Chicf Secretary. :' Melbourne, 1st Feb. 1870." 2. The first meeting of the Trustees was held on the 7th February 1870, at the Executive Council Chamber, and after deliberation at that and subsequent meetings, it was resolved- 1. That His HOllOI' Sir Redmond Barry be appointed President, and the Hon. Archibald Michie Vice-President, for the year. , 2. That, for the more convenient and efft~ctive performance of the duties imposed on the Trustees, a distribution of those duties should be made. Accordingly five Committees were appointed, as follows :- A.-THI,' LIBRARY COMMITTEE. His Honor Sir Redmond B!trry, Chairman. The Hon. Sir Francis Murphy. The Han. Sir William Foster Stawe.ll. David Charteris Macarthur, Esq. The Hon. Sir James F. Palmer. B.-THE INDUSTlUAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL ~fUSEUl\IS COMMITTEE. The Hon. Samuel Henry Bindon, Chairman. I The HOIl. John A. MacPherson. The Han. Jame,; McCulloch. Charles E. Bright, Esq. The Hon. James Goodall Francis. The Rev. John 1. Bleasdale, D.D. C.-THBJ NATIONAL MUSlm~I AND SCIENTIFIC COLLECTIONS CmIMITTEE. The Rev. John 1. Bleasdale, D.D., Chair­ The I-Ion. Samuel Henry Bindon. man. Charles E. Bright, Esq. The Han. Thomas Howard Fellows. John Hadcock, Esq. D.-THE NATIONAL GALLERY COMMITTEE. The I-Ion. Charles Gayan Duffy, Chairman. I The Hon. i:'lamuel HeUl'y Bindon: The Hon. Archibald Michie. Eliezer L. Montefiore, Esq. The Hon. Thomas Turner a'Beckett. E.-THE FINANCl, COMMITTEE. The Han. John O'Shanassy, Chairman. John Badcock. Esq. The Hon. James McCulloch. Charles E. Bright, Esq. DI1,vid Charteris Macarthur, Esq. 3. The preparation of rules and regulations for the conduct of the general business of the whole body of the Trustees, for that of the respecti ve Sectional Committees und their officers, for the guidance aud government of the students in the different schools, and for the,general information of the public, occupied the careful attention of the Trustees for some time. During that period experience of their working was gained, and, some modification and alterations having been made, they were finally adopted, passed the seal, and were submitted to His Excelleney the Governor in Council for approval. 4, The different Sectional Committees were also much ell gaged in organising plans for the effective working of the Mllseums, Galleries, and Sehools. They have, in separate reports which accompany tilis, given in detail particulars of what has been accompli,;hed by them for the amalgarmLiion of the collections, for the classification and arrangement of the objects displayed, as well as for the progress made in schools, and of the result of the series of lectures delivered in the spring of the year. , , 6 5. A reference to these will enal)le you to observe that the interest taken by the public in the Library and Galleries of Art is not diminished, and that a new stimulus of a most active and healthy nature is given to the instruction, on true scientific principles, of different portions of the community. 6. Mr. Montefiore, one of the Trustees, a member of the National Gallery Committee, having left Victoria to live in New South Wales, resigned his office. ' 7. The pressure of the administration of the institution on the Trustees' renders it desirable that the \ vacancy should be filled up at an early date. 8. ·The portico in the centre of the west' front, commenced in the year 1869, wa.s completed at the end of the year 1870. 'It has added much to the dignity and embellishment of the building.. 9. The estimates fOl' the ensuing year have been submitted, and a,confident hope is expressed that (being moderate in amount) they will be accepted in their integrity by your Government, and that the same prudent liberality which has hitherto animated the representatives of the people ill dealing with the votes for this institution will be displayed when these are brought up for consideration. 10. It is thought desirable that the Trustees should be allowed to rely with certainty on obtaining at fixed perjods authority to enable them to draw from the Treasury such portions of the sums voted by Parliament as may be required to pay punctually tIle accounts of tradesmen and others with whom they deal, and to t~ke advantage of occasions which present themseh'es of making purchases on favorable terms. II. The nece~sity for certainty in the conduct of such transactions is obvious, for it is of the highest importance that the efficiency and the reputation of the institution should be maintained. The Trustees therefore express a hope t4at they may in future be allowed to exercise the not unreasonable privilege of claiming such payments q-qarterly. 12. The amoll,nt of receipts and disbursements audited, required by law, is annexed. REDMOND BARRY,'President. March 29, 1871. ,/ REPORT OF THE COM}HTTEE OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY TO THE TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, MUSEUMS, AND NATIONAL GALLERY OF VICTORIA, OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION FROM THE YEAR 1853 TO 'rHE YEAR 1869, AND FOR THE YEAR 1870-1. .,. I:-=>UBLIO LIBRARY. REPORTo THE Committee of Trustees of the Public Library have the honor to report- 1. Before the passing of the Act' of Incorporation under the provisions of which the institution is now governed, the Trustees have been, honored for fifteeu years with the duty of conducting its manage­ ment. During that time they were not called upon to report to Parliament, and periodical accounts of their transactions were consequently not furnished by them as is now required. 2. It was only by occasional addresses to the different Governors at the opening of various portions successively added to the building, by the publication in the newspapers of lists of books received, of donations, of letters accomp!mying them, or which treated of subjects of interest connected with the interior economy'or development of the different branches of the institution, that the Trustees were enabled to instruct the public from time to time as to thtlir proceedings. 8. These circumstances appear to justify their exercising the privilege of prefixing to the account of their doings in the Pllst year a brief history of the growth of the institution under their former administration, and thus placing on record what has been transmitted by them to the present incorporated body.
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