On-Kick 011 Salute: Allen/Rossi Oomedv Team 54 09117185 Ijackie Wilson Show 10 L/27185 IIMJIA Goodv.411 R-.: Rufus Thomas

On-Kick 011 Salute: Allen/Rossi Oomedv Team 54 09117185 Ijackie Wilson Show 10 L/27185 IIMJIA Goodv.411 R-.: Rufus Thomas

9 12/13164 IDaw Clark Five 01130165 lint..- Fa~h Youth Rallv-Mlch Mill..- a; IM>hs Preo' lcndon " ljohnnv Mathis & Younq~s 21 04. • . ~ IDick Clark a"ld C.avan r:A Siers: The Zombies. Del Shannon. Tommv Roe. Shanarllas. Mike Cllfforc.. , cart..-. Don W!lvne. DeeOee Sham. The lkelles 36 05104/65 !JAM Studios !he Animals 33 05115165 IRlahteous Bros. 27 05122165 IPwco Enterorlaes .ola 06121185 IPII'oo Enterorlaes 51 06130165 IV'vt>IA Starlfte Thomas. Homer Banks. Miltv Collier. Soul Sist..-s. Homer Banks 52 06102185 IHerman 's Herm~s : Sam the Sham. The Mind Benders. Wavne Fontana se 00131185 'all P.-r:A Stars: Sam the Sh1111 and the Pharoahs. Oion. The Guess Wlo. The ·urttes. The Kinosmen. The Ramrods 55 OMl2l65 I Shelbv '"'""'""'on-Kick 011 Salute: Allen/Rossi oomedv team 54 09117185 IJackie Wilson Show 10 l/27185 IIMJIA Goodv.411 R-.: Rufus Thomas. Johnnv Nash. Fred Huahes. M.Jddv waters. Stacie Singers, Dil(ie I O'Neil T>Mns ee 12109165 IOeve Clark Five 75 03I2(Y66 I Henrv Monci'll 73 03127100 I Rock & Roll Sh<7N 9B _Q411!!/56 IJaclde Wilson 9:1 04125166 IThe Sucremes 97 05107100 IJames Br<Mn 102 05119156 IGene Pftnev Sh<1N. BJ Thomas. The McCovs. Chad & Jeremv. Bobbv Goldsboro. Len Barrv. Outsiders. Nanna Taneoa 91 05127/00 I Herb Aloert & liuana Brass 94 06101/00 I Stevie V'blder. The P..-cv Sledoe. The Poets. The Radiants. Joe Tax B4 071021f!RJ 1\MJIA Starlla Revue: Otis Reddina. percy Sledae. Sam & Deve. Carla Thomas. Slim Haroo. Garnett Mimms 95 ~~ IHerman 's Herm~s 100 07/26100 lAndY IMIIIams 'Mlh Henrv Mancini 105 07127100 IPaul Rev..-e and the Rald..-s, Tina Mason. Kefth Allison 1' 08/19156 IIMliA Redic Stillion 100 08/19156 IThe Belllles 00 09/19156 Joe Tex. Ptameat Markham. Joe Tex. Mary IM!tls, Mable John, William Bell, H<>.wrd Tille, B..-bara LI!'Ms, llle VanDYkes 10130166 St. Jude Banefd 116 I 1104/!l6 Paul Revere and the Rald..-s 6: 11/17100 The RQiling Slon"'-& Palll LaBelle B5 11/2BIOO IMliA Goodv.411 R-.: Wilson Picket. Sam & Dew 1 12109156 J!l11es~ 120 12127100 The t.tlnkees 135 01120167 Vl.b1d Biaaest Sock Hcc> J..-rv Lee L,...;s, Sam the Sham. Hll'1k Williams Jr. The Gentrvs. Charlie Rich. !he h:tions. !he Davtonas ~~ fJ21(lJ/§7 Skilch Hend..-son 119 02123167 Memohls Svmohonv The Poos Concert 13j 03/17/67 Sh1111 rock Dance The Gentrvs. llle Ovations. The . Kina La..-. 121 03122167 1lle Beach Bovs. The The Casinos 122 03126167 Rock & RQII Show 149 04122167 The Suoranes 13C 0511.otl!l7 Moms Mablee Show ee 06101/67 IMJIA Slarlfte Revue 147 0611()'67 Bhyth!!! & Blues ShcwPatll LaBelle and the LaBelles. Peaches and Herb. Ben E.~-~ 1M!."' 154 06116/67 LOIIin' Sooonful. The Turtles. Loe Christie l!iC 06117/67 Country music Show: Port..-~ .... CQr'IWIIY JWitty, George Jones. l<ltiY Wells 146 06123167 Paul Rev..-e and the Raiders 155 07107167 Memas & Paoas 163 07129167 Otis Reddina. percy Sledae. Arthur Conlav. BII'Kavs. The Five Stair Steos. Sed S1111 142 08/14181 Ohio vatlev Jazz Festival: Dizzv GHiesoie Quintet. Ramsav Le>Ms Trio. Herbie Man 145 08/17/67 The t.tlnkees 08126161 Countrv music Show Wavon Jennlnas. Webb Pierce. Sonnv J1111es. Warner Mack 162 oe/27/61 Rhythm & Blues ShCMI 156 09/02161 Jll'nes Br<Mn Revue. Famous Flll'nBI. GoGo Girls 174 10/07/67 Counlrv music ShCMI 18: 11103/67 169 12109/67 IMJIA Goodv.411 1 & Daw, Bobby Bland, M.Jddv wat..-s. Carla lllomas. Rufus Thomas 249 01125166 COUntrv music ShCMI 187 01127/00 J!111eal!rcMn 163 02103166 Countrv music ShCMI 195 02119156 •Rock & Roll Show 25e 03/14166 Gll'v Puckett & the Llnion Gao 255 03/19156 1Tonv Bennett 213 04117100 llle Beach Boys, Clock. BuffaiQ Springfield 21! 04I2BIOO IMilch Rvder Show 250 04I2BIOO Countrv music ShCMI 21 ' 04127/00 Sonnv James. Carl Smfth. HMk Sno.v 21 0510316!! Andy Wlllans. Pet..- Nero and the Osmond Brothers ~ 05110/68 Paul Revere and the Raid..-s 216 05111168 Jackie Wilson 203 05125166 MoTov.o1 Revue (WI.. OK: I 216 06115166 Countrv music ShCMI 225 06129156 IM)IA Starl~e : PiaMeal Marl<ham, Joe Tex. Rufus Thomas. Percy Sledae. The Box Toos. llle BarKBY's and The Intruders 21~ 07124168 fauna Rascals 229 06102/ee IRock 'n Roll The L _ 219 08103/ee llorett• Lvnn, Georae Jones, Tll'nmy .........,ette. Stonewall Jackson and the Minute Men 191 06105168 IOhio Vallev Jazz Festival mOiled tOO: Booker T and the MG's Tommv Penner and the Zoo. The Sound Proiect _226 Ofl/L4168 [Association 232 (" IJIWTles Brr:l\Ml ShaN 235 IF cor Seasons with FrMkl Valli 239 tu. • • oa Uo With Peciole 22~ 1005/e8 ISmokv Roblnsoo and the r.tracles z; 11r12168 :runtrv music ShaN 2~1 1103166 ISimal & GMunkel 2~ 1113Ml8 Iv..utA Goodwill ReiAJe 240 12108168 IGlen Clrncbell 243 i2/21158 IRhvthm & BltMS ShaN 2<15 02123169 IJIWY18S Brr:l\Ml 261 03102169 I Seraio Mendes BrasH ee 252 04/13169 I Rhvthm & BltMS ShaN 265 04125169 27! 06108169 IWC Handy BltMS Festival 277 06114169 ICountrv music ShaN 278 07/06/B9 lv..utA_S!artk~ 28l 0611&69 ICountrv music ShaN 270 06124169 Ohio \lallev Jlll.Z Festival 299 06131169 [Mahalia Jecksoo 262 09/06/tl9 IJames Brr:l\Ml Enternrlses 283 1Ml3169 Lk>lon GaP 305 10115169 [Mem. USOShoN 300 10117169 IRock and Roll IMem Stale\ ~ 1001169 15th Olmension 300 _11/2e/69 [Three Dog Nlaht, 110 11129169 lv..utA Gocxl'MII ReiAJe 12104.'1;9 Johnny Cash 100 12113169 Blood. s- and reers 118 01/16170 113 02114170 Countrv mueic ShaN 32~ 02115170 Rock and Roll IMem Stale I 33e 04/10170 Iron Butterfly 31~ 04/11/70 Countrv music ShaN 330 04/17n0 Led Zeooelln 334 05102/70 Countrv music ShaN 33!i 05115170 Three Doa Nlohl 350 05131Jf70 IDannv Thomas Dinah Shore. JerTv Lewis. 351 06106170 Country music Shoo¥ 356 r:£J07f70 lv..utA 342 0611!1(70 Rock and Roll tMem StaleI 36:l 07104170 v..utA Start~e Rawe 339 07100170 Tom~ 349 0711 1f70 Balkin 352 07/25170 Countrv music ShaN 364 06115170 Countrv muaic ShaN 36C 06/17f70 Chlcaao 369 1010!1f70 Evertv Bros. And Kennv Roaerl 3114 1011 1f70 Jecksoo Five 385 10116170 The Reacale 391 _Hll21ll1'~ 3rand Funk Railroad 357 10130170 The Lettermen 3110 1 1/01f70 LJIIM'ence \Milk 386 11/01f70 v..utA Gocxl'MII Revue 370 _11/13£70 lhree Doa Nlohl 389 11/16170 The 376 11/21f70 CouniiY music ShaN 3B2 11/27n0 iBiood. ~and Teere 399 12/13f70 iR&'e Earth. JIWY18S Gina. Shan!lrla 400 12/1!1(70 IBread. Crow 3e1 01/12/71 IBav Pranclions JerTv Sal~8!'- I 411 01/3!Y71 ICountrv muaic ShaN 374 02105171 IFcor Season a 401 02IOOfi IBuck o-,a. Hae Haw 414 04103171 IMemllhls SvmDhonv 423 04/11f71 ITen Yeera M.er 413 04/17n1 Countrv music Shoo¥ 427 04124171 Ike and rna TUO'MII' 430 04125171 GlMSaW>o 421 05/01f71 JIWTleSBrr:l\MlShoN 416 05/08,1; Countrv music ShaN 431 0512217 • Three Dog Niaht 428 05129(, St. .AAifl Shower of Stare 4<15 05112/71 Countrv music ShaN 431 07103f7 v..utA Gocxl'MII Revue 459 Q7}7.111 tCI-er 443 07/2517' BB King !. <468 - 07/25171 Rhythm and Bluea Shoo¥ ·- 418 ~ 1 Chlcaoo ~ 480 I Countrv music Show I 419 L. .·1 Jackson Five I 462 ~1 Osmald Bros. I 472 08117171 Allmen Bros 439 08119(71 Bee Gees 484 1()'()3(71 S_taple SinQert I 478 1C)'O!fl1 MoodvBiu. 488 1~1tv71 Jemes ero..n Shaw 477 1~13171 Grand Funk Railroad 458 1~15(71 The lettermen 475 1~17n1 -Tavlor I 490 1CY2tv71 Rlwlhm tnl Blu. Show 485 1~7n1 Countrv music Show i 463 1~1 Three Doa Nlaht I 453 11107n1 Filth Demenalcn 492 11/11/71 Jethro Tulf I 458 11112171 The :ament""' i 488 11/27/71 IMJtA G<x><!'MII Rewe i 474 11/28171 lheWlo 499 12/19(71 Oocs-Jnson I 489 01120172 tars of l.awence Wolk 509 02/00172 >ly tn1 the Femily Stme 519 03124172 Joan Baez ,...,_ 501 04101172 ackson Five 518 04/15{72 CQo.Jotry_ Ca-8\IIWl I 517 04121/72 Faces 514 04/22172 Dalltd Casaldv 515 04129t72 The Temotatlcns 523 04f¥!172 Memphis SvmPhonv 522 r:£J/05172 Jtrnet B"""'" ShoW_ I 520 05119fl2 Allc:eCoooer \ 535 0512tv72 t. Jude ShoMir of Stars I 525 05121/72 i.lftf Bed< 537 00/02172 lZTOI) i 530 07101172 IM>IA GoodiMII Rewe I 538 07/11/72 Osmond Bros 540 07/15{72 Iadva Knklht i 548 07/18172 Rhythm tnl Blu. Show I 534 07129172 1Gien <:anobell I 536 08/12172 Countrv c....... i 541 08/18172 Donnie Hath- I 549 08/19(72 Yet I 556 OQI03/72 Soul Festival I 548 OQI08/72 leon Russell I 531 OQIOQI72 ICountrv music Show I 572 08114172 Joe Cocker I 559 1~2 athro Tulf I 555 11111172 Elton John I 573 11/25{72 IIMJIA G<x><!'MII Rewe ! 571 11129172 Bread I 577 12109t72 !Rhythm tnl Blu._ShoN i 570 12114172 IDeeo Purole 584 12/15{72 lB. Thanas ' 578 01108173 ICountrv c... _, 587 02118173 I Grand Funk Railroad 590 03121/73 ISanallWIII eoe 04/13173 !Rhythm tn1 Blu. Show 588 04/14173 Allc:eCoooer eoo 04/15{73 IScnnv & Cher I 1112 0412tv73 leon Russell 589 04121/73 The Temotatlcns ' 811 04/22173 NKty Grtttv Dirt Bini I 813 r:£J/05173 Four Seesona eos 05111173 Jemesero..n I 595 05115(73 Jethro Tull I 605 05119(73 ShoMir of Stars I 816 05128173 Countrv Mlsle Show 625 08/1003 liM<erlCe 'Netk Show I 627 08/18173 Wrlr I 810 OOfJIJ/73 IMJtA Startle Rewe I 829 07105173 i Stevie V\oi:Jnder 838 07121173 Summer soul SDectac:ul,.

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