Now there's a Shogun for ever one . ... ~;..J~~_b . L.J • .!:::="":'m!M The all ne 89 Slwgun Grouno'BreaR r ·s a welcome addition to our quality A.T.B. range. It features lightweight chromoly tubing, Shimano's incomparable 18 speed Mountain LX Groupo with SIS capability, Hyper-Glide Cassette and Biopace HP chainrings. All this for only $835.00 recommended retail. S H OGUN BICYCLES THE TRADITION CONTINUES Regular columns 82 CALENDAR 31 HI HATCHER ft NEWS 1 JOHN DRUIIIIOID 14 NEW PRODUCTS 5 WARREN SALOIIOI • PHIL SOMERVILLE • CLASSIFIEDS Editor warren Salomon Production Manager Ian WIiker Administration Manager An1•e Daskalak•s Marketing Director LynclaPMnce Subscriptions Coordinator a•nalhomos lumber 51July/Ausus1981 Promotions Coordinator PhHUsAa•os Contents Group Advertising Manager Features Travel & touring 51:ephen Kay 26 IIARYELLOUS 42 THE EMERALD ISLE (02) 331 5006 Touring in Ireland Advertising Sales Executive MELBOURNE Andrew Jeffery The greatest ofour 56 JOURIEYTHROUGH (02) 331 5006 cycling cities? JORDAN Advertising Production • ULTRA In search ofthe red city of Bre1:1: Cbesll•re LIGHTWEIGHT Petra Editorial Director HELMETS 60 ALLTHEWAYTO Andrew Cowell We survey the latest head THETOP Publisher protection By bike to the top of PhmpMason JO BUYIIGA Kosciusko Freewheeling is published seven times a year by Mason LIGHTWEIGHT Stewart Publishing Pty Ltd in the months of January, Sport and fitness March, May, July, September, October and November. A strategic bike buyers ISSN No: 01S6 4579. 46 RIDING II A BUNCH Adve rtising, Subscription and Administration guide addre ss: PO Box 746 Darlinghurst NSW 2010. Training/or the road Telephone (02) 331 S006. Telex 72964 MASPUB. 48 11111 AID NE Fax: (02) 331 6624. The youngest rider tells 62 WONDER WOIIEI Edi torial correspondence: PO Box K26, Haymarket Aussie women winners NSW 2000. Telephone (02) 264 8544 Fax (02) 264 8357. her story Distribution: Gordon & Gotch (A/asia) Ltd Mel bourne. Type setting:Everysize Typeart Service (02) 982 116 3 66 WORLDCUP Printing: O ffset Al pine Pty Ltd D erby & Wetheri ll Sts, TRIATHLON Silverwater NSW (02) 647 1000. Mountain bikes Material in this publication may not be stored or repro­ A pictorial feature duced in any form with out permission. Requests for 35 IIUD NIST AID permission should be directed to the Publisher. Editorial contributions including black and white/colour prints or NADIESS Technical colour transparencies on all aspects of cycling are welcomed. Send an enquiry or write for guidelines. Oz MTB champ breaks 15 SHORTCRAINS Copyright © 1989 Mason Stewart Publishing winning spree Pty Ltd Only long legs need long 30 GEARING IP FOR cranks Cover photograph by Chuck Smeaton taken THE IATIOIAU Jt BOTTON BRACKETS during a very muddy NSW Mountain Bike Championships held recently near Newcastle. Our New gear and coming Part3 ofour coverage of this event starts on page 35. events maintenance p lan Freewheeling J Another epoch-making development in chains by Izumi. The shift change is now. Lighter, quieter, and smoother. IZUMI CLICK INDEX CHAIN Features Hard coating 1. The shift response is quick, and the shift point deviations are small. This de­ By special treatment, the surface of the steel pins is combined wrth metal com­ raileur chain is ideal for the index system. pounds. The hardness of the pin surface is therefore very high, recorded as a 2. The shift changes accurately at the same time as the click sound of the vickers hardness of HV 1,400 (Diamond is HV 10,000). It has outstanding durabil­ system. ity and wear resistance even in the endurance road races. What's more, its chain 3. By lzumi's original chain design, complicated adjustments can be done quite life is more than 3 times longer than the standard product. The change of the simply. side bow due to elongation of the chain is very slight, so that a stable shift 4. As the chain is of a bushless structure and the shape of the inner plate changing performance may be maintained over a long period. minimized, with the burring process, even while shifting the gears, running is very quiet. 5. Wrth this lightweight parts design, the weight is reduced by 7 to 10% compared with our standard type. In ordering, please write the things shown below. c1c- l A II B H~-c~ ~ Pin hard treatment" ~ Chain type ~Type Symbol Description Symbol Description Symbol Description Wide type 800 Carburising w (pin length 7.6mm) (blank) Standard type Contact to: Narrow type REPCO CYCLE COMPANY 1400 Hard coating N (pin length 7.3mm) s Lightweight type Head Office: 25 Hamilton Street, Huntingdale. Vic., 3166 Phone 568 0211 Remarks 1) You can make any selection from the above. 2) In accordance with your request, gold, silver and other combinations are available. Specifications are subject to change without notice. EDITORIAL Warren Salomon A bumpy road ahead for Nelbourne•s cyclis1s How anew Minister has set back the cycle scene by at least a decade. N THIS ISSUE OF FREE­ As the confe re nce proceeded I be­ At the end of the Geelong conference wheeling we a re continuing our came aware that up in Me lbourne the a valuable consensus was reached wh en series on the great cycl ing cities fate of the State Bicycle Committee was the delegates agreed to a statement of with a look at what the fair city of being decided by Transport Minister Jim direction summing up the findings of th e MelbourneI has to offer. When o ne Kenn an and hi s advisors. His SBC chair­ gathering. To date this statement has not thinks of Melbourne as a cyclists' ci ty man , who some say was appointed last been released to the public by the SBC o ne immediately thinks of bike paths, year to oversee the dismantling of the and a number of the interstate delegates wide tree lined boulevards, flat terrain committee, o nl y ma naged a sho rt feel sli ghtly miffed by the Victori an gov­ a nd a benign and sy mpathetic govern­ speech before he took off back to the ernment's new fou nd lack of interest in ment to inj ect a bit of equity back into a seat of power leaving all the other SBC the welfare of cycling and cyclists of th e transport system loaded heavil y agai nst chairpersons to chat among themselves. state. the humble pedal pusher. The SBC staff put up a brave front Things have unfo rtuna te ly taken a and were gracious hosts but they were As matters stand now the State Bicy­ turn for the worst in Victoria a nd its plainly embarrassed by the disgraceful cle Committee has been disbanded and capital Melbourne. The bikepaths, wide political ma noeuvrings wh ich were will be reconstituted as an advisory com­ streets and fl at landscape are still the going on behind the scenes. Later in the mittee probably simil ar to the commuter attractive features but the government week aft er a bit of public skirm ishing in counci l or th e lik e. The staff of the old has turned negative and even antagonis­ the media Bicycle Victoria re presenta­ SBC have now been taken to the bosom tic. tives met with th e minister and received of the Road Traffic Autho rity whi ch is Recently I was in Geelong with rep­ a to ngue lashing seemingly intended to soon to be combined with the Road resentatives of the country's state bicy­ make them feel like naughty school chil­ Construction Authority to form the cle committees a nd bicycle advocate dren. Roads Corporati on. • groups to attend a three day workshop hosted by the State Bicycle Committee of Victoria. Before I set off to that con­ ference I even wrote about it o ur last issue . Perhaps I was too harsh when I predicted that the gathering would be no more than a gab fest for junketeering bureaucrats because for the West Aus­ tralians , New South Welshpersons and others it was not. It was good to see so many earnest and hard working professionals meeting in one place for a free exchange of ideas. However I was amazed when one of the suspicions I mentioned in my last edito­ rial - the Victorian Government's ul­ terior motive behind the choice of Geelong as the venue - was proven to be reasonably close to the mark. The selecti o n of Geelong as a venue (when it should have been held in Mel­ bourne) was apparently made because of the lack of a suitable venue with li ve­ in confere nce faci li ties - a t re lati vely short notice - in the capital. Regardless of the physical reasons for the choice of venue it still served its political purpose to keep the influential meeting at a safe distance while dirty work was being done in Melbourne. Cartoon by Phil Somerville Freewheeling S • Those in favour of the move say that Both the RTA a nd the RCA have em­ li sts in th a t s tate a nd no a mo unt of as a legitimate pa rt of the state road barked o n cycle re la ted programs of smarmy explanations can hide this fact. constructio n a utho rity the staff of the their own and even have specialist staff By a lso shoving cycling in with the Bicycl e Coordination Unit (as it is now who work on these projects so it is hard roads a utho rity it will ma ke it much known) will have a much better chance to see what the new a rrangeme nt will easier fo r the lazy bureaucrats in Educa­ o f influe ncing the way roads are built cha nge within these very la rge bodies tion a nd the railways to wash thei r hands and be bette r able to integrate the needs other th an a loss of staff working in that of the who le cycling business a nd the of cycli sts into the overall road building a rea as th e departments me rge into programs they a re s upposed t o unde r­ program .
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