■\ / <• WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1961 ■ irS - V lEppntttg ijgralh The Waatbar Atctsi* Dally Net Prcaa Ran Feteeaet of O.'R, Weatbor Barma For the Week Ending March 81. 1881 Partly cloudy this afterasea; 10,164 ilan rif ?Ht?r toalght fair and eoolt to partly cloudy, aUghtly wanao*. Membar ef the AadH Bnreaa of Olrenlatleaa Sri ■ c c ify o j v u ia g c i^nnrfFf PRICE FIVE CENTS HALE’S APRIL SHOWER OF VALXJES (Claeelfled Advertlalng MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 19.5l (SIXTEEN PAGES) VOL. LXX, NO. 157 Weigh Offer Heavy Quality Solid Color U. S. Task Force Penetrates J'hursday-Friday-Saturday For Purchase Sentence Two Atom Spies CANNON FRINGED WAVY CHENILLE Eight Miles into Red Korea TURKISH TOWEL Of Hockaiium b e d s p r e a d s I'U e n s e m b l e ** Tokyo, April 5.— (JT)— An GREEN Where Action Continues in Korea American task force thrust Stevens Biisiness 'Man­ To Die in Electric Chair A t r**l low pricw- Hea\->-wcight, nearly eight miles inside Red ager Says Maine In­ ■oUd colon. STAMPS Korea today at the spear­ TT 20 head of an Allied drive along STATUTI MIICS dustrialist Inspected NORTH Jiilitis and Ethel Ros* Reg. $1.19. 22 X 44 $7.95 40 miles of the western and KOREA Mills at Rockville Bath s iz e ......... 89< ('liihhv (loiiversalion Given With Cash Sales All Day THURSDAY central fronts. This was the Oxttngdo Deputies See enhergg Husband and Rockville, Conn., April 5 Full ami Twin fie<l Several . deepest penetration into Red Wife, to Pay Treason Reg. 59c. 16 n 28 Korea of the current Allied u A "good offer" for the purchase color!. 11 igreenieni on Hand siz e ......... 49/ drive. of all Hix Hocknnum mills is being | Penalty During Week A U. S. Eighth Army communi­ considered today by the J. P. yChofwoo Of May 21;SohellGels A beautiful plain aoltd color apread que reported the force met only “* St event Company liu , pri'.*ent ] ReR- 29c. light reslalance in its patrol to the iKumcKon Big 4 Agenda Face cloth! .... 22/ that into eveo- docorntivo type^ Yoochon ^ owners. 30 Years in Prison; Women *8 vicinity of Chail, nearly eight ;■ M»ion 'Vsngvana Krinced with row... of finr cbrnillr In According to George Coleman, wavv deaign. Blue red. dark green, miles north of Parallel 38 on the I PariH April 5 ' V' Wnrd by Judge Calls Crime Real hC8v>.weight Cannon qiial»y Pupvong k business manager here. Allen L. and white regular green, yellow, roae, UIJongbu-Kumhwa road. ChufKhon. I word and phi a.Mi' by phra.sr. The communique aaid the force CKumurnm Goldfine, president of the Win- “Worse Than Murder” that will * !'’« yos*'* of aervicf. grey. KatoR nf the Hip hour powers are yellow, petal pink, green and dispersed an estimated enemy V, throp Mills, Winthrop. Me , spent RAYON SUITS two days In Rockville inspecting I, inovinp gradually towarti ugree- flamingo. company near Chail at midday New York, April 5.—(^ )— .5 the mills and then made a gooil Thursday. • monl on a propntm for the pro- ConvicU'd atom spies Julius Navy and black. Sizes 38 to The United Nations ground offer. j 42 X 36 However, Walter U. Goodard. *| po.sed meetinp of their fompn 44. Rayon gabardine. Half commander. Lt. Gen. Matthew B. and EUhel Ro.senberg were Our Own Brand Type 132 SOUTH business manager, said today that I ininisterii. eizee 1 6 ^ to 24V4- R®8- Ridgway, joined his border-cross­ ai'iitcncod to death in the KOREA the "offer was not as yet official" 1 Apreemeni is not yet In sight, $19.95 ing troops. Ridgway wore a live electric cliair today for spy- " CANNON $25.00. Reduced to ............. ami would not be accepted or re­ but prop! ess is evident The for SnJRDVfEAR grenade, dangling from hia famil­ m jected until a written statement eipn mim.Mier.s' deputie.s m five ing for Uii.ssia. iar paratrooper harness. There ua« acattered ground fighting, .\prll 4. *outh«e.*t and south­ FINE MUSLIN WHS received from Mr. Goldfine weeks liave met for 23 formal .ses­ riic hu.sliand and wife, par- S H E P R *N1) Tan, grey, rayon sharkskin, Allied artillery blazed a path east of Yonehon (a ). Nearly 500.000 lU-d* are re|>orted maswd (b) Eugene V. Pick, president of lo­ north of Parallel .38. On eastern front, where South Kon-an troops sion.*. Tliey may complele their ent.s of two children, are the and black and navy rayon for the United Nations forces cal .5H. T W U A -riO , met Goldfine jot) In another week o r 10 days. PILI.0W CASES are IS mile* north of the border. Allied force* |>atrolled against light nirAw OSES gabardine. Reg. $22.95 . .Now driving toward the biggest Com­ Wednesday and discussed the labor The fo)ir deputies had a frank first American citizens ever Type IJB Cannon that will $19.95 munist troop ma.s8 of the war. resistanre. situation here. Liocal 58 has been talk toiiay at a lumlteon Kiven at to he .sentenced to death for give you yeara of aervtc^ Warplanes rocketed and flrebomb- on strike for eight weeks. I tile Soviet Flmtin.ssy hy Soviet I>e- spying against their country E ach All Sales Final ed the fiercely resisting Reds. Pick said that the union at |puty Andiei Gromyko, ami decld- 72X108 ....... $2.98 The Communists fought bark Winthrop is the Ignited Textile rd not to hold any formal mcet- eitlier in war or peace time. 'I consider your crime worse with mortara, artillery and amall Property Attachment Workers, American Fe.deniUon of j ing toiiuy. A western olfieial said than murder," said Kedemt Judge Another Shipment! 81 x 108 First Quality arms. On the western front they Labor. Dirk said that it is hia ' tlio deputies talked for a long Regular.$2.98 Plastic Calf, Failla were defending a densely fortified I understanding that labor relations I lime. In English, with no transla- Irving It. Kaufman. "I betlev* 81 X 108....... $3.29 and Patent Plastic area. are "very good." ' tors present. your comliict in putting into the TYPE 140 Reda Change Tactira Bill Gets Approval The Winthrop Mills, located 10 I Gromyko made two minor con- hands of the Russians the A-bomh NYLON HOSIERY A dlvlalonal *U fI officer com­ miles west of Augvisla, employ I re.sslons yesterday Ho changed before our best sclcnti.sts predict­ 42 X 86 Pillow Cases .. ed Russia would perfect the bomb 69/ In sheer and aemi sheer weight. New spring mented: abofit 1,000 men. This is the only Isllglitly the wording of Ills pro- COHASSET SHEETS HANDBAGS "The enemy changed his tactics has already eau.sed the Commu­ shades. Sizes 8 4 to 11. Values to $1.65 pair. mill owned by Goldfine. po.sed item calling for foreign Krenrh President Vincent Aiiriol (right) snd la/xih Malik, RnsaUn Extra thread* for extra (Irregular* of Pequot) In top handle atylea. Many with zipper*. N «w today. Instead of rolling xvith our House Judiciary Backs Denies However, Goldfine'* brother. i ministers' disriisslon of interna­ nist aggression In Korea with th# iheets that will give you year* of v ear. Special at delegate lo the t .N Security Coiiuvll. get intii iiilmaled ronM'rsatlon resultant easualtles exceeding 50,- spring color*. punch aa in the last few daya. he Measure to slow Pre- Bernard Goldfine, 1* president of a tional tensions to confonn with j at a dinner In New York, /\prll 8, In Hie home of .lean ( hniivel, Frenrh 'lumber of New England mills, one western suggestions, i 000 Americans and who knows but was determined to stay in hia po- delegate lo the I'N . Tlila cxrluhlve pleture ivn* taken tiy * French ■n Lebanon, N. H. Dick said the that millions more of Innocent aitlons." trial Action in Cer- In B i s 1 0 H o o d He did not, however, budge from j |>hotogmpher, NIeU Ih>5lnrgoll. Man In center was not ldrnlin<-<l. Our Fifth Shipment! $3.79 Flos Tax p a ir A P Correspondent John Ran­ . • •T'______ _ r “ i Lebanon mill is CIO and added that his position on the big issues still people may pay the price of your tain Types of Suits labor relations there are excellent. tren.son." Irregulars of $9.95 Slight Irregular* of the famous Pequot $2.49 dolph reported the Red positions separating the East and West, qual.ty. .alight o.l apota " " uneven hem,. were "laced by trench lines on ev- A third brother, Morris Gold- Russia Inalsts that the foreign The Judge said the trial "indi­ State Capitol. Hartford. April 5 Milwaukee (i am bier fine. Is * prominent New England nothing to impair the wearing qualitiea. •ry hill and anchored In long-plan­ ministers first talk about the de­ cates quite clearly" that an enemy PUROFOAM LATEX Regular 29c ned and well-built dugouta. Some —(>p)— The House Judiciary com­ Says He Was Misquot­ Industrialist Recently, he wa* boat militarization of Germany. West­ Truman Hails Senate nation is employing "secret as Regular, 59c Galen Fine Quality mittee approved today a bill de­ to the New England sponsor* in ern powers *ay this 1* an effort well a.s outspoken forces among Children's Fine Quality Mercerized (Gontlniied on P*g* Four) signed to make it more difficult to ed at Crime Probe Boston. He 1* also the sponsor of a of international tensions and that our own people." FOAM RUBBER get pre-trial property attachments 36" Fast Color plan to erect a parking lot under the minister* first should examine He set tho week of May 21 for in civil suits involving charges of the Boston Common* Europe Troops Vote BED PILLOWS Finest Quality RAYON UNDERWEAR slander or alienation of affection.
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