CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES 4 BIHAR Paper 1 of 1987 HOUSEHOLDS AND HOUSEHOLD POPULATION BY LANGUAGE MAINLY SPOKEN IN THE HOUSEHOLD B.B.LAL of the Indian Administratiye Service Director of Census Operations, Bihar CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD (y) PREFACE (vii) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (viii) NOTE ON THE LANGUAGE DATA 1-3 FLY-LEAF 5-6 Table HH-16 Households and Household population by language mainly 8-37 Part A (1) spoken in the Household (Inclusive of variants grouped under each) specified in Schedule VITI to the Constitution of India in each State/District. Table HH-16 Households and Household population by language mainly 38-419 Part A (ii) sp<;>ken in the Household (Inclusive of variants grouped under each) specified in Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India in each State/District/C.D. BlOCk/Town. Annexures to Table HH-16 Urban agglomerations extending over more than one 420-467 Part A (ii) District and C.D. Block. Table HH-16 Households and Household population by language mainly 470-497 Part B (i) spoken in the Household (Inclusive of variants where grouped) other than those specified in Schedule VIiI to the Constitution of'India in each State/District. Table HH-) 6 HQ.useholds and Household population by language mainly 498-739 Part B (ii} spoken in the Household (Inclusive of variants where grouped) o~her than those speCified in Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India in each State/District/C.D. Block/Town. Annexures to Table HH-16 Urban llgg1omcrations extending over more than ont Part B (ii) District and C.D......_Block._- 740-785 (iii ) FOREWORD THIS VOLUME contains the data on language collected through the Household Schedule canvassed in the 1981 Census. The information pertains to language mainly spoken in the household. The presentation is based on the same principles as were adopted in the 1971 Census presentation of language[ mother tongue data. The table presented which comes in the series of household tables of 1981 Census Tabulation Plan, bears the number HH-16 (Parts A &: B). Table I-IH-16 Part A relates to languages specified in the Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India. Table HH-16 Part B relates to languages other than those specified in the Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India. Table HH-16 Part A is further sub-divided into two sub-divisions i.e. Part A (i) and Part A (ii) ; Part A (i) relating to State and District level data and Part A (ii) relating to C. D. Block/Town level data. Similarly, Part B bas also got two sub-divisions; Part B {i} and Part B (ii) , relating to State nnd Districts, and C. D. Block/Town levels respectively. The note and fly-leaf preceding the tables give the background and explain the features of tbe tables. The concepts and definitions are also discussed in the fly-leaf which the reader will find useful. The J 981 Census of India was very abJy organised and conducted by my predecessor Shri P. Padmanabha, I.A.S. The data presented in this volume were initially processed in the Census Directorates in the States/Union Territories. The tables were then scrutinised in the Language and Census Divisions Of the Registrar General's Office. 1 am grateful to my colleagues in the Directorates and in the Registrar General's Office who took part in the huge task of 1981 ~ensus enumeration and processing of data. Dr. B. P. Mabapatra, Deputy Registrar General (Language) took immense pains in scrutinising the language data. The names -of his colleagues who assisted him in this task are given separately. Shri N. Rama Rao, Assistant Registrar General (C&T) has given the guidance and co-ordinated the work relating to tabulation of these data. Hq was assisted by Sbri R.P. Tomar, Deputy Director of Census Operations. Shri Mahal Siilgh, Investigator and his colleagues in tho Census Division, whose names are given separately, ably co-ordinated the in-flow and out-flow of language data among the Census Directorates, Language Division at Calcutta and the Registrar General's Office in. Delhi. In tbe CensQs Directorate, S. C. Saxena Daputy Director and his colleagues have also scrutinised the tables in detail. Shri B. P. Jain, -Assistant Dm!ctor (Printing) ensured printing of this volume quickly. I thank all these officers. NEW DELHI V. S. VERMA fOly 21. 1987 Registrar Gelleral, India PREFACE [HIS PAPER contains da.ta on language mainly spok~n in the household coUected during the 1981 Census through Part-I of the Household Schedule. The language data, thus conected are presented upto C. D. Block and town level of the State in this volume. The table which forms part of tho housebold series tables of the ]981 C~nsus is entitled Table HH-16 Households and household population by language mainly spoken in the household (Inclusive of variants grouped under each). The table is divided into two parts viz. Part A and Part B. Part A relates to languages specified in Schedule VIti to the Constjtution of India and Pan n relates to languages other than those specjfjed in Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India. Part A is again l>ub-dividej into two parts-Part A (i) relating to State and District level and Part A (il) relating to C.D. Block/fown level of the State. Similarly, Part.B (i) rdates to State and District level and Part B (ii) rcl..llcs to C. D. Block/fown level of the State. The tabulation of these data was done mat1ually und.:r the guidance of the office of lhe. Regi'itrar General, India. As mentioned in the note on the language data contained i f1 lhis v"lume, this t:Lhle includes houselcss householtb but ~xcluJes institutional hous~holds. The Dir.;:ctor of C~osus Operations Shri B.B. Lal under whose guidance, the 1981 Census was carried out deserves all credit for the suc;;ess of the Census Operations but he had to lea"t: the organisation for taking lip other important assignment! before Hie paper in question could be ready for the press. We must record our decpest sense of gratitude to Shri P. Padmanabha, LA.S. the formn Registrar General, India and Shr; V.S. Verma, l.A.s. tbe present Registrar General, India. Dr. B.P. MabJpalra, Deputy Regifotrar General (Language) and his colleagues deserve our thanks for patiently scrulilllsing the language datJ. Our thanks are also dllC to Shr! X Rama Rao, Assistant R~ghtrar General (Census &. Tabulation) and Shri R.r. Tomar, Deputy Director of Census Operations fur their valuable !_uidance in preparing this paper. Shri Mahal Singh, Investigator and his coUeagues in the Cen!'.lls Division whose names are given separately, ably coordinated the in-flow and out-flow of the languagl." uala among the Headquarters, Ltoguage Divi~ioll at Calcutta and the Directorates. They all deserve our thanks In our own Offi<.:c, we r..:ceived the maximum co-operation and assistance at every stage from our $taff who worked JiJigcnUy and with devotion. Here, Wo would place on re~ord our apprc-ciation to the contribution or Shri S.C. Saxena, Deputy Director and Shri P.N. Sinha, Assistant Directllr and their colleagues. The names of the other staff who have assisted in this work arc given sepaI~leiv in this volume. PATNA (Y.K. BHARGAVA) Nov. 17. 1987 .Ioint DireCTor of CenSllS Operations. HfllAB. ( vii) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL, INDIA Census Divisiou 1 . Shri 8.S, Bhardwaj Statistical Assistant 2. Smt. A. Tangri Computor 3. Smt. AnUa Mehdiratta Computor 4. Smt. Kanchan Batra Assistant Compiler 5. Shri Vijay Kumar Assistant Compiler 6. Kum. Anuradha Datta Assistant Compiler Language Division l. Smt. Krishna Choudhuri investigator (L) 2. Smt. Tapati Ghosh Investigator (L) 3. Dr. S.P. Datta Research Officer (L) 4. Sbri S.P. Srivastava Investigator (L) 5. Dr. M.K. Kon1 S.T.A. 6. Shri J.C. Datta ADCO. (T) 1. Smt. Gouri Bose Statistical Assistant 8. Smt. Mira Bhomick Computor 9. Shri Madhu Sudan Ghosh UDC 10. Sbri K.C. Karmakar Senior Stenographer J I. Smt. Mira Roy Senior Stenographer Printiog Division 1- Shri Didar Singh Printing Officer 2· Shri H.K.~Jhamb Sr. Tech. Asstt. (Ptg.) 3. Sbri Ratan Singh Printing Inspector 4. Shri B.R. Sharma Computor DIRECTORATE OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, BIHAR TabulatioD 1. Shri Shri Sukhdeo Pras~d Investigator 2. Shri P.N. Verma Statistical Assistant 3. Shri K.N.P. Srivastava Statistical Assistant 4. Sbri Ganesh Prasad Singh Statistical Assistant 5. Sbri Paras Nath Prasad Statistical Assistant 6~ Shri Kishori Shal'an Comput~r 1. Sbri Deepak Kumar Sinha Com putor 8. Shri Amerendra Swaroop Computor 9. Shri-- Ashok Kumar Sharma Computor Printing Division I . Shri Sheo Prasad S.T.A. 2. Shri B.K. Srivastava Printing Inspector 3. Shri Bharat Pr~sad Singh Statistical Assistant 4. Shri Parash Nath Prasad Singh Statistical Assistant 5. Shri Vinod Kumar Sinha Computor Typing Section 1. Shri Maheshwar Prasad Office Superident 2. Shrj Mohd. Asbraful Hoda L.D.C. ( ix) NOTE ON TH E LA NGUAGE DATA III tbe 1981 Census a new question on the 'Language mainly spoken in the Household' was asked in the Household Schedule along with the two usual language queStion on 'mother tongue' and 'Other languages known' in the individual slip. This information adds not only a new dimension to the language profile of the country but a useful one, for it provides a dynamic aspect of the language behaviour as against the more or less stable picture thrown up by the mother tongue data.
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