ONLY NEWSPAPER WITH COMPLETE SCOTCH PLAINS -FANWQOD NEWS VOLUMi SCOTCH PLAINS FANWQQD, N.J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1971 15 CENTS A COPY Con ^e Asks State Voters Reject School Action On Route 22 Pedestrian Crossing Budget By 4-1 Margin The Scotch Plains Township Committee unanimously passed a resolution las: Tuesday night, requesting the New Jersey State Department of Transportation to consider several changes and improvements ac the predestrian crossing at Rte. 22 and Harding Governing Bodies Now Have Road, The action came after a child was killed at the crossing last FOR month and a large group of residents petitioned for changes at the 30 Days To Study Next Move site. Temperatures hovering below 10 degrees last Tuesday did not In the resolution, which fol- cratic Committeeman Robert BUDGET VOTE deter approximately 20 percent of the registered voters in Scotch lows a Scotch Plains Police De- Griffin, Plains-Panwood, who went to the polls to defeat the proposed partment study of the traffic DiFrancesco was named to the BY DISTRICTS $10,920,358 school budget for 1971-72, The budget was turned down light at the intersection, the post Initially last year. for the fourth year in a row here, this year by a 4-1 margin, Committee requested: 1. The Griffin said he had offered in Turn To Page Five The current expense portion eight-inch red lights be increased committee the name of Anthony of the budget, totaling $9,593, are hopeful that a meeting can to twelve-inch red lights. (There llllilBltigilli Continued On Page 10 472,00 was rejected by a tally be arranged with them before are three lights at the location); of 2572 to 612. Of this total, the legal deadline so that sve may 2, Backboards be Installed on the Scotch Plains voters registered consider our mutual problem," three lights; 3, Tsvo flashing 1622 no votes to 458 yes votes, she noted. "Whether or not their electric signs and post reading Police Patrols At igh while in Fanwood the figures actlon will be appealed to the ''Signal Ahead" be installed, one were 950 no votes to 154 yeses. Commissioner depends entirely 1000 feet west of Rte. 22 east- Capital outlay, carrying a figure on the size of the cut they pro- bound traffic light, and one simi- of $125,794 was defeated by a pose. The Board will have to study larly placed for westbound traffic; School To Fight total of 2476 to 715, Scotch Plains carefully the impact any loss of 4, The length of time of the vetoed the capital outlay portion funds would have on program and pedestrian activated light be in- 1563 to 520, while Fanwood voted services before reaching a de- creased to 50 seconds in the red Theft, Vandalism 913 negative to 195 in support. cision," Mrs,Ramsden concluded, position, 5, Crosswalk be painted Police will be posted in regular shifts inside Scotch Plains-Fanwood Of the 24 voting districts in At a meeting of the Tosvnship every six months. 6, A sign be High School during evening and weekend hours, accordingto informa- installed at the existing button the two communities, only one Committee on Tuesday night. tion received this week from high school officials. The decision to district showed a positive ma- Mayor William Kltsz was that controls the light, advising assign the policemen to patrols inside the school was made recently, pedestrians LO wait until the jority in any area of the voting. questioned -•figarding the pro- due to the increasing occurance of unauthorized use of the school by District 16 in Scotch plains op- cedure to be followed in the event traffic scops osfore crossing the both youngsters, students, and groups who either enter the premises highway. posed the current expense of a budget deftat, without authority or break in. The rasukant theft, vandalism, and portion of the budget by a 55 to Klfsz noted that at one time, The resolution further re- breakage has necessitated the police patrols. 49 margin, but approved capital tha public voted twice on tlie quested that the Transportation Terry Riegel, a vice-principal --- ——~ ——— outlay 53 to 52, school budget in the event of an Department make a feasibility of the high school, said some of prop open other doors of the Board of Education President initial defeat, but such is no study as to installation of an the unauthorized users of the school with stones or rocks. Muriel Ramsden said the defeat longer the case. The public votes overhead pedestrian crosswalk high school have entered the Over the weekends, there have "comes as no surprise, although once, and if the budget is defeated as an alternative to the present school In the evenings when a been continual instances of usage the lightness of the vote is dis- in a regional school district such existing traffic light. single door has been left open to of the gyms and recreational appointing, I do not interpret the as Scotch Piains-Fanwood, the In further action, the Com- permit participants in adult facilities, often by young boys of vote as an expression of dis- two governing bodies consider the mittee named Donald Di- classes, band rehearsals. Re- 13 and 14. Many of them have satisfaction with out schools or budget for 30 days, and attempt Francesco as Assistant Town- creation Commission activities, been playing basketball on the the programs offered, but rather to come to an agreement ship Attorney from Feb. 1, 1971 ar.d other school programs to high school courts in street shoes, as a protest against rising costs regarding the amount which would to Jan. 31, 1972, with a single enter the building. The illegal Riegel said some of the offenses in all areas of life. People are be acceptable to both communi- opposing vote from lone Demo- users of the building, on occasion, have occurred when entire groups naturally reluctant to vote for ties. of people arrive, unauthorized, something which increases the If the two governing bodies to play basketball and change tax rate - and particularly so in cannot reach agreement, the their clothes in the school locker times of economic stress,'1 question would be decided by the Pre-Holiday Appeal In rooms. According to Mrs, Ramsden, Commissioner of Education for According to reports, the un- the defeated line-item budget was New Jersey, authorized users of the high to have been submitted to the Unlike the makeup of the school school are not necessarily high governing bodies of Scotch Plains board, which reflects by its mem- The 'TIMES" Spurs All school students, and some are and Fanwood on Wednesday bership of six Scotch Plains not residents of Scotch Plains or morning. The two bodies have 30 Fanwood. days in which to act, but "we Continued On Page 6 Out Community Effort In some instances, circuit breakers have been used to turn fiy HAZEL HULS1ZER lights on. Robberies have oc- curred in the locker rooms, in- School Board Elections It began with an appeal :o a friend on behalf of a sixteen > -ir old cluding the theft of all the clothes Scotch Plains leukemia victim who needed platelet transfusii .is. It worn to the school recently by a Set For March 30 ended with donors giving over 200 pints of blood at local blood participant in the Scotch Plains banks and other donors going to Memorial Hospital, N.Y. and giving Recreation Commission leagues. According to information received from the Union County Superin- platelets. What happened in between is an exercise in community Ventilation grllhvork in the door tendent of Schools last week, March 30 has been set as the date for involvement and could be called Operation: Brotherhood, , , of the school store was kicked in elections of school board members in regional school districts, Last year in December, Mrs. in one instance, and money, Including Scotch Piains-Fanwood, Tha final filing date for candidates Nancy Dell Bene, 2064 VVestfield Platelets are prepared from sweatshirts, pens, pencils, and to file petitions to run for the Board has been established as February Avenue, Scotch Plains, making a whole blood and are separated numerous other items wure 18, 40 days before the March 30 election. house to house solicitation for from red blood cells by a tech- stolen, A basketball hoop was Under normal circumstances, the Scotch Plains Community nique known as "plasma- torn down on another day. voters go co the polls once in 1-anwood, with nine -andidates Fund, learned about the sick pheresis," There is a time factor Riegel noted that custodians, February to register their feel- having filed to date to run for the youth and his need for platelets - involved in this technique since under their Teamsters Union con- ings on the proposed school three. The two seats from Scotch those tiny, colorless, disk- platelet transfusions must bo tract, are responsible for keeping budget and to vote for candidates Plains are currently held by shaped panicles in the circu- given within six to eight hours the school clean, but will not to the school board. However, one William Mason and Charles Fer- : lating blood, Her concern for the i ter collection. Therefore, the accept responsibility for keeping regional •school district in the guson, and both incumbents have boy and her sympathy for the newspaper appeal was directed it empty. state appealed the election date filed to run again. Vying for those family prompted her to write a primarily to New York com- The police-patrol move is being in court because it was anti- seats are three additional candi- note to Mrs. Richard Dobyns, muters who could gotoMemorial taken in order to protect cipated chat flnalization of the dates, John McCormick, William 1351 Graymill Drive, Scotch Hospital where the boy was under authorized users of the school 1970 census figures might affect Eyer, and Murray Freiman.
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