
Sl ~ORYPAPER COLLECTORS' DIGEST ' VOL. 49 No. 581 MAY 1995 COLIN CREWE COLLECTORS BOOKS 128 W ESTWOOD ROAD , CANVEY ISLAND. ESSEX TELEP HONE: 012 68-693735 EVENINGS: BEST VISITORS TO THE BOOK ROO MS WELCOME BY APPO INTMENT. Same day pos1al service on orders roceh·ed before mid day. Your paymenl plu~ postage on reccipl of books. Good Co llections wanted. Top pnccs on Qualit y Items. SEXTON BLAKE LlBR il,RY OF 1950S & his fans. A lovely nos1algic fcJst n11n1copy in J960S JOP & 11. Covers at f:t.50 each or 1f 10 or dus1wrappcr £ 14.95 more issues ordered £ 1.25 each. CAPTAIN W.E. JOHN S REPRJNT S ALL V.G. 358.367 .368 .369 .3 70.371.376,377 .378,379.380.381 COPIES IN ATI 'RACTIVE OlJST WRAPP ERS . 382.3 83,384.385. 388,390.39 j. •392 .393.394.395.39 Biggies Second ca.~e £8.50 6.398.399.40 I .404.405,406.407.409.4 i 0.411,412 .4 Sergeant Biggle.,wonh C.I.D. £8.50 14.416.417.418.4 I 9.420 ,421,422 .423.42 4.425.426. Biggies Deliven: the Goods £7.50 427,428.429.430A3 I .432.433.434.435,437.438.439 Biggies & ·n 1e Poor Rich Bo) £8.00 .442.443.444,445.446.447.44lJ.449,450.45 I .452,45 Biggies Air De1ee1ivc £7.50 3.454,456,457 .458.459.460.46 I .462.463.464.465.4 Biggies HunL~Big Game £8.50 66.467.468.469 .470,471.472. ji? J,474,475,476.477. Bigg ies Flies Wel-1 £7.50 478,479.480.48 I .482.483.484,486 .487.488,489.490 Bigglernf'1he Interpol £ 10.00 .49 I .492.49J, 494.495,496.497,498.499.500.S02.40 Biggies & 11ieMi,,~ing M11l1onaire £8.50 3.504 .505.506.507 .508.509,510 ,5 I 1,5 12.5 13.S 14,5 Biggies Flic~ S0u1h £7.50 I 5.516.5 l 7.518.519.520.521.:522.523.524.525.526. Biggies in Meitico £8.00 SEXTON BLJ\KE UB . i\1A¥FLOWER 5th Biggie~ Take!>a Holiday £8.50 SERIES 3,8,J 2. VG copies ()ic-arce) each £5.00 Biggies of lhe Camel Squadron £5.00 NINTH SE XTON Bl. AKE OM.'IIIHUS. Fine Gimleis Oriental Guest £7.50 copy in D/W Howard Baker 1962 CI0.00 Biggies in the Blue £1-..00 THE SEXTON BLAKI I DET ECTIVE The Boy Biggies £6.50 LIBRAR Y lmro . by Nom1an Wrighl Haw!. Book, Biggies Takes the Case £ 14.00 1989 Mini copy in D/W Biggies & The Bluel Peril £5.00 £ 10.00 Biggies Sweeps 1hc.:Desert £8.50 TII E POP ULAR 2d cou:rs or yean, 1922/1930 an Biggies Wod,s ll Out £lUO Air Fighter £5.00 abundance of Rookwood Sd 14wl £2.25 e,1ch or if I0 Biggies Pioneer £8 .50 or more copies ordlired £ I.75 each. Biggies Foreign Legionnaire -£6.50 I 76,l 77. Biggies of 266 Where the Godlen Eagle Soors £8.50 . l 84. 185 .l 86.1%,2 17.220.221 .243,245 178. 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I 44 Adveniure Bound £7.50 8,1449.l 450, 1451. 1452.1457, 1470,l 471, 1472,1473 Worlds of Wonder £10.00 .J 4i4.j ~76.i4/7 ..i 47*.1479. ;480. }482.1463.!484. Oue.sl for Pcrfec1 Planet £9.00 1486.1487 .1488.1489.1-190, 1491, 1492. I 494, 1496,I Biggies& TheLeopards ofZinn £12.00 498. l 499. 150 1.1502. 1503, 15il0.151 2. 1513, I 5 14.15 Biggies on Myslel) !~land £10.00 16.1517.1518. 1519.1527.15,:9.1530,1531.1532. 153 Worrals on the War-palh £10.00 4,1535.1538.1540.1541.154,!.1543,1545.1546.1547 Gimlc1 Comes Home £9.00 .1548.J 549.1550.155 1.1552. Gimlet Mops up £12.00 BEST OF ~ GNET & OEM 3/60. V.g. copy. Howard Baker Volumes. Please phone in wanls or Published by Flectway Post War £4.50 appreciated S.A.E. for your copy of my bumper hsL BILLY UUNTERS Holida y Annual 1967. From l can offer over 90% availabiliry l)f titles published including 85 o u1 of the 93 Greyfriars book club Acct way publica1ions VG copy £ I OJ)() editions. MARY CADOGAN Fra n!< Richard s the C hap BEHIND Tiffi C HUM S. E:sscnlial reading for all S1,0RY PAPER COLLECTORS' DIGEST \ Editor: MARY CADOGAN STORY PAPER COLLECTOR COLLECTORS' DIGEST Founded in 1941 by Founded in 1946 by W.H.GANDER HERBERT LECKENBY S.P.C.D. Edited and Published 1959 - January 1987 by Eric Fayne VOL. 49 No. 581 MAY 1995 Price £1.10 FIFTY YEARS ON Thi s month we are marking the 50th anniversary of the ending of the war in Europe, and for those of us who are old enoug h to remember the original VE Day there are bound to be many compelling memories of both personal and public events. Over recent weeks I btave been re-reading some of the childre n's books and papers which were published between 1939 and 1945. These range from the anarchical ly comic to the deeply moving and - rather like the popular songs of the period - provide instant .recall of the atmosphere of those diffi cult. sombre, frightening yet strangely stimu lating and uplifting times. Generally speaki ng, in what has been dubbed 'The People's War' because of the strong community involvement on 'the Home Front'. children's patriotism was intense and uncomplicated . Older boys and girls were enthusiastically endeavouri ng to 3 part1c1pate in the war effort by acting as me s cnge rs 10 the Ho me Gu ard and ARP . collect ing sa lvag e. giving vo luntary aid to the Red Cros s, 'Digg ing for Victo ry' and learning to 'Make Do ,tnd Mend'. As well as the se factual pur suit . the y of ten cheri s hed fantasie about ca tchi ng Nazi spies or succ ess fully r es isring Hitler' s crack I paratro opers if and when the e set foot on our shores. All these acriv itie-s and .ispirations are refle c ted in co ntemporane o us c hildren' s Don'tlet uf on1/'0' waste pallet stories. but alm os t certai nl y rhe mos r collectingbu pile ,neverv map I/OU can. All wastepa percoll ectedw ill popu lar them e in the ea rly fiction of the mnlu~llyb ecomepa ,Lof8U IIS.p!anes war wa s evacuation. IKiuy Bame struck a & munit,onsof all,ort s Sopile on the pape,:bC1JS &sQO n the reali stic not e in her Visitor:, fro m London we,ghtof munitionsw ,11 and se t 1he mould for man y o ther CRUSH HITLER! evacua tion talc s whi ch1 tac kled differen ce s berwee n rhc c heerful - or whinin g - Cockney visitors anti their rural ho ts: "It's a bit of aU right. the country i . l never bin before." R ichmaJ Cronnpton , howeve r. who gave us s everal highly e ntertaining wanime vignetres . dealt ico nodas rica lly with rown and co untr y distin ctions when William. temporarily po sing a s a n eva cuee from London. asks moronically "What' grass?" The comi c K11ocko111 featuired a similar ly irreverent. long-running illus1rated fcawre called 'Our Happ y Vaccie s'. P.L. Trave rs. best known of course for her Mary Poppins books. wrote I Go By Sea, I Go By Land. a touching a ccounl o f Lhe evacualion 10 America of cwo English children , Jame s and Sabrina. She vivid ly conveys the exci1ement s and apprehens io ns of cros sing rhe A tlantic in convoy with U-B0a1s spotted in 1he area. and wirh Lhe radi o bringing. new s o f hea vy air-rajds on England where the children's par cnrs have had co remain.
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