’ ' I ■OMSAT, AOOinT «k MM rAUE T>VELV1 jKanrlfpater ^o^nitts Average Daily Nal Pram Hi T FW the M«rtk et M g IMS night of that date to give vstsrans Dilworth-Cornell - Quey Post, hetors the daadllns for rslnstata- Hose Company No. 1 of the. ment last Friday midnight. Ths every opportunity to ralnatata. Manchester Fire department will American Legion, will hold Its 9,339 Get $2,100,000 total Uatsd by Director Gatchell Veterans who rainatatsd by pay­ About Town meet at 8:20 tonight rain or shine usual huslnesr meeting tonight at ing only two monthly premiums •c tae Aatt* eight o’clock. coven ths period May-June-July, ORANGE HALL BINGO for a drill. Vet Insurance with most of the activity arising wUl be "playing safe” If thay pay Manehaiter— A City of Village Charm St. Mary’a OuUd and Wom&n'a during the psst month. another ^ym en t before A u g ^ IB EVERY MONDAY Town Knglneer James Sheekey There wdll be no meeting of the as the two premiums paid on rein­ Awdillary will hold an all-day plc- A similar rush period ardlM dur­ me minraday, Au*. 12. at the and General Manager George H. Zoning Board of Appeals this eve­ statement cover the thirty-day (TWELVE PAGES) Waddell will go to New York City ing January of 1947 at which time A4vertMag ea Fege It) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1948 iNtne of Mm. William Bnnhan, 2t ning. The next meeting is sched­ Service Center Arranges "grace period’’ before the policy Penny Bingo Starting A t 7 :30 P. M.* VOL. LXVII., NO. 265 Itount Nabo Place. A ll members tomorrow to attend the meeting uled for next Monday evening at a deadline, later modified by legis­ lation, was set A t that time the lapsed and the month in which re­ Maine are to contact Mra. of Municipal ESnglneera which will 8 o’clock in the hearing room of Reinstatement as Dead­ instatement was made. Regular Bingo A t 8K)0 P. M. S y t e n AUlaon or Mrs. Brennan be held in that city. the Municipal building. Manchester center showed activity line Reached amounting to f , In about This means that veterans who M ihre Wedneaday noon. 5 000,000 Admiaaion 25e Labor Secretary Nominee and Family Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansen of 10 dajrs. reinstated themselves last week to Bowers street, their son George Ernest H. Smith of 64 Holl Harry T. Woods, manager of the beat the July 81 deadline, paid only 23 REGULAR GAMES 7 SPECIALS Mr. and Mrs. Hllding Bolin of street who suffered an attack of A $2,100,000 business In the re­ for protection for July. Another Discount Rumors Denies Secret Dat^ ley street and their son. Rich- and daughter Gail, have returned instatement and reconversion of VA office In Hartford has esU- PLUS SWEEPSTAKES alter a week’s vacation at Coven­ acute Indigestion yesterday is mated that the toUl Insurance payment becomes due this month. have returned after a week's resting more comfortably today. national service life Insurance at |tay at Rye &ach, N. H. try lake. Veterans’ Service Center in Man­ business taken care of in this area chester has been reported for the during the past month was $10,- Anderaqn-^ea Auxiliary, V. F. Mrs. Charles Cattana and son month-end of Ju]y by Director Na­ 802.000. Russians to Lift W.. will meet tomorrow evening at John of Toronto, Ontario, are Cigarettes Up than Gatchell. 'THe large amount of Easy reinstatement provisions Given to Confessed eight o’clock in the Post rooms. spending two weeks with Mr. and insurance transactions came as expired at midnight July 31, Wood INSURE Manchester Green. Mrs. John Rota of 186 Eldridge Ohe Cent a Pack veterans In this area hurried to explained, and VA offices every­ WItL street. Mrs. Cattana and Mra. take care of their Insurance needs where remained open until mid- Berlin’s Blockade Hie Onai story hour at the Rota are sisters but had not seen McKINNEY BROTHERS AIR CONDITIONED Maty Cheney Library will take each other for fifteen years. Mrs. The price of cigarettes is tak­ Baal Cslats sad lasaraaes t Cattana lived here. 1920 to 1922. 686 8IAIN ST. TBU C8M Red Agent place tomorrow forenoon at 10:30 Former Her husband is manager of one of ing a general Increase of one cent For Your Comfort Babcock, Aiberican Dep­ in Center Park. Miss Marion in most retail stores in Manches­ Jeaseman, children's librarian, Toronto’s leading hotels. Before Assert Dewevet ---------------- w returning to Canada they will visit uty Commander, Re­ promises a story of Daniel Boone. ter. Cigarettes that sold for 18 Open every day 9:30 a. m. to 11:00 p. m. * Mias Bentley Recalled to These story hours which began relatives and friends in Mount cents have now gone to 19 cents, ports ‘Fairly Aecu- Sure Victory early in July have been popular Vernon and New York City. those that sold for 19 to 20, and FENDER AND BODY Closer Collaboration Stsmd After Duncan C with the boys and girls, the at­ those that sold for 20 have gone , rate’ German ^urce Lee, Former OSS Op­ tendance gt each session averag­ Employees of the Orford Soap in many cases to 21. The owners WORK To Be Gained ing 65. In case of wet weather Company returned to work today of vending machines have said BIDWELL'S SODA SHOP Says Rail C^ciala With America Urged erative, Denies VeeS’ the story hour will be held in the after a two weeks’ vacation. The that they Intend to keep the price Solimtaa and Plagg, Inc. library. majority of the men and women at 20 cents. j-5271!IIainSt. * Ordered to Stand By ing Her Information employed by the United Aircraft Republican Nominee So London, Aug. 10.—<F)—^The» powers that made possible com- Corporation at the East Hartford Berlin,. Aug. 10.-r(ff)— O f Confidential Nature h^r. and Mrs. Julius Dubaldo of Moocow radio today urged closer plete victory• over the aggreasive M Irving street left this morn­ plant resumed their duties today Vague rumors that the Rus­ Confident He M4y fortes of Fascism and mllltariain, —Washington Lawyfur after a week’s vacation. collaboration between Russia and ing for a trip to Washington, D. sians were about to lift the tke Utalted States to sssure a last­ so collaboration can assure a last- : C.. where they will remain, seeing Make Fewer Than 10 Denies CommunuA Tie !^rlin blockade by opening ing peace. Ing peace at the present time. 1 the sights, until next Sunday. Hose Company No. 2 of the Major Speeches in Fall "The American , masses realise Manchester Are department will FOR SALE? the railroad to the west were ^ e broadcast commemorated While in Maryland they will go to Russia’s declaration of war thla,” he continued, “a fact . • • i Annapolis for a visit with their hold a drill tomorrow night at Washingotn, Aug. 10.— discounted today. While Ber­ against Japan on Aug. t, 1845. which is not to the Uklng of re­ Wen<i Louis Seneai who la chief 6:30. Washington, Aug. 10.—(F)— — Duncan C. Le«, SS-yaaT'-oId List your property with Gel an Early Start on Your liners awaited results of The speaker, IdenUfled only as actionary circles In America. •ptty officer of the Naval Acad­ Gov. Thomas E. Dewey was de­ ■'ormer OSS operative, de­ meetings .of the three west­ Bronin. said the "fighUng friend­ These circles are bent on under­ emy Band. 0 8 . We have several buy­ scribed by friends today as ao mining collaboration with the So­ nied in the face of new accu­ ern envoys with Foreign Min­ ship and partnership” of Russia ers for small and two confldent pf election victory he and the U. S. clinched the victory viet Union and sowing emnlty and sations today that he ever Stanley Bray, proprietor of the Knitting for Fall and Winter! uter Molotov in the Kremlin, re­ Former Gov. Maorloe J. ToWn of Massadrasetta a id Ua CamOy get together In their enmmer home at may make fewer than 10 major hatred for the Soviet Union Osnter Billiard Parlors, today family homes. Phone for sponsible nritUh government Blaaa., after they heard the news Uwt nominated ToMn Jor the post over Japan. gave secret infonnatimi to Johnson Left to right: Carol Aaat TsMnt Maurice J., Jr.; Mr*. Tobin and Helen Louise. •This historic truth.” he said, among the American people.” started a crew of men Installing listings now available. sources said the talks still are campaign speeches. of seoretaiy of The commentator a i^ that Elizabeth T. Bentley, con­ And bogged down over what ahould (A P wtiephoto). “ has a most profound bearing on an air conditioning unit In-his es­ The Republican campaign the present day; from it the pco- only through close collaboration fessed former Rusaian Ugwit. tablishment. Mr. Bray is also plan- be done to achieve an immediate course will not be flxed Anally of the great powers with the So­ settlement in Berlin. e of the Soviet Union and the In one-two order, the House filng to install television. He ex- until an Albany meeting next nited States can draw impor­ viet Union “ cen the problem of . .pacts that the air conditioning Anderson W. T. Babcock, U. S. deputy Un-American Activltlaa eosnintt- week with Gov. Earl Warren of Ctant conclusions that collabora­ creation of a democfatlo atate tee put Lee on ita stand add thee uSttvVdU make a Mg improvement LU-RAY PASTELS Knit With The Famous commander In Berlin, sal<!Mie had California, Dewey’s running mate.
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