Cornell Alumni News Volume 47, Number 18 March 15, 1945 Price 20 Cents This superb whiskey is truly Hunter's cham- pion of champions—the proud descendant of a long line of illustrious whiskies that have graced the winner's circle since 1860. Judge it in any way you will—for lightness, smoothness, mellowness and flavor —and you. too, will acclaim it Hunter's magnificent best. HUNT BLENDED WHISKEY Hunter-Wilson Distilling Co., Inc., Louisville, Ky. Blended whiskey, 92 proof. 60% grain neutral spirits. Volume 47, Number 18 March 15, 1945 Price, 20 Cents CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Subscription price $4 a year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N.Y. Published the first and fifteenth of every month. initiate new activities or expand and University Board of Trustees: strengthen existing programs, to plan concrete measures for the successful accomplishment of such extension of Organization and Personnel the University's work, to devise and \MENDMENTS to the University Charter which were introduced in employ means for increasing the Uni- l\ the New York State Legislature February 19 and 20 will increase the versity's financial resources; to work Board of Trustees of the University to forty-five members. Since 1895, upon those external relationships of the Board has consisted of fortv Trustees. the University which materially affect its welfare." Under the amended Charter, the addition, Trustees serve with members Law committee of three Trustees, Board will have ten ex-officio mem- of the Faculty and students on various one elected at each Commencement bers: the President of the University, administrative boards, and with Fac- meeting of the Board to serve three The Governor and Lieutenant Gov- ulty and professional members on ad- years, with the President and chairman ernor of the State, Speaker of the visory councils for seven Colleges. of the Board as ex-officio members, Assembly, State Commissioners of The Board and its standing com- has "general supervision and direction Education, Agriculture, and Com- mittees elect their chairmen to serve over all legal matters in connection merce, State Industrial Commissioner, during the terms for which they were with the University." president of the State Agricultural chosen as Trustees or to committee Society, and the statutory librarian membership, or until they reach sev- Four Special Committees of the Cornell Library in Ithaca. The enty years of age. Standing commit- A special budget committee com- eldest lineal male descendant of Ezra tees aret he executive committee and prises the chairman of the Board, Cornell is a Trustee of the University committees on finance, buildings and President of the University, chairmen for life, and one Trustee is elected grounds, planning and development, of the standing committees, and chair- annually for a one-year term by the and law. men of the three planning and devel- executive committee of the New York Executive committee, consisting of opment subcommittees, with the chair- State Grange. the chairman of the Board, President man of the planning and development In addition to the fifteen Trustees of the University, chairmen of all committee as its chairman. The com- formerly elected by the Board itself, standing committees and of the three mittee prepares the several budgets of three each year for five-year terms, subcommittees of the committee on the University for adoption by the the amended Charter will provide planning and development, Charles E. Trustees. that the Board elect each year three Cornell, and five other members A special audit committee of three Trustees from the field of labor in elected by the Board, acts for the Trustees not members of the finance New York State, for one-year terms. Board between meetings. committee, elected each year, recom- Alumni of the University elect ten Committee on finance, consisting of mends to the Board the selection of members of the Board, two each year the chairman of the Board, President independent auditors to examine the for five-year terms. The Governor of of the University, and eight other accounts of the University, receives New York State appoints one Trustee members elected by the Board, ad- and studies the reports of such audi- each year for a five-year term. All ministers all funds of the University, tors, and makes recommendations elected and appointed Trustees under subject to the Statutes. thereon to the Board. the amended Charter will take office Committee onbuildingsand grounds, A special annuity committee, com- July 1. consisting of the chairman of the posed of the chairman of the Board, Faculty Represented Board, President of the University, President of the University, and three The University Faculty elects four and seven other members elected by members appointed by the chairman representatives to the Board, who the Board, "shall make recommenda- of the Board, directs and coordinates have the usual powers of Trustees tions for the location and design of the gift annuity program of the Uni- except vote; each serves four years. new buildings, and shall have genera] versity. Present Faculty representatives are charge and oversight of the buildings A special committee on Board mem- Professors Robert E. Cushman, Gov- and grounds of the University, and of bership, its five members appointed by ernment; R. Clifton Gibbs '06, Phys- . new construction, improvements, the chairman of the Board, is charged ics; Richard Bradfield, Agronomy; alterations, and repairs. ." with the duty of investigating and and Dean Joseph C. Hinsey of the Committee on planning and devel- recommending candidates for election Medical College. opment, consisting of the chairman of to fill vacancies among the cooptative University Statutes state: "the the Board, President of the Univer- Board members. Board of Trustees shall have supreme sity, and nine other members elected The Charter does not require that control over the University, every by the Board for one-year terms, is any Trustee shall be an alumnus of the college, school and department there- divided into three subcommittees: on University. Twenty-nine of the pres- of, its property, conduct, and the alumni relations, government rela- ent forty Trustees, however, are alum- employment of the persons engaged tions, and public relations. Duties of ni of Cornell. In the following list of in its service." The Board holds four the committee are "to review and ap- present members, Trustees elected by regular meetings a year carries on its praise from time to time the Univer- the Board are designated (B), Alumni work through five standing commit- sity's over-all program; to identify Trustees (A), and those appointed by tees and four special committees. In areas in which the University should the Governor (G). Ex-officio Trustees mittee, board on Physical Education and WALTER C. TEAGLE '99 BS (B), former EDMUND E. DAY, President of the Uni- Athletics. chairman Standard Oil Co. of New Jer- versity; member ex-ofiicio of all Trustee ROBERT E. TREMAN '09 AB (A), presi- sey, New York City; finance committee, standing committees and of special com- dent Cayuga Motors Corp., Ithaca; com- public relations subcommittee of planning mittees on budget and annuity; chairman mittee on Board membership, board on and development committee. of all College councils and of administra- Physical Education and Athletics, Vet- ALICE BLINN '17 BS (A), associate tive boards for School of Education, erinary College council. editor Ladies Home Journal, New York School of Nutrition, Library, student STANTON GRIFFIS '10 AB (G), partner City; buildings and grounds committee, health and hygiene; member of boards on Hemphill, Noyes & Co., New York City; board on student health and hygiene, New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Col- finance committee. Home Economics College council, Trus- lege, Physical Education and Athletics. Terms Expire 1947 tee-Faculty committee on Fine Arts. THOMAS E. DEWEY, Governor of New PAUL A. SCHOELLKOPF '06 AB (A), York State, Albany. NEAL D. BECKER '05 AB, '06 LLB (B), chairman Niagara Hudson Power Corp., JOE R. HANLEY, Lieutenant Governor president Intertype Corp., New York Niagara Falls; buildings and grounds of New York State, Albany. City; law committee, government rela- committee, Architecture College council. OSWALD D. HECK, Speaker of the State tions subcommittee of planning and de- JOSEPH P. RIPLEY '12 ME (G), chair- Assembly, Albany. velopment committee, New York Hos- man Harriman Ripley & Co., New York GEORGE D. STODDARD, State Commis- pital-Cornell Medical College administra- City; New York Hospital-Cornell Medical sioner of Education, Albany; executive tive board, Medical College council, Cor- College administrative board. committee, State College councils. nell University-New York Hospital School CHESTER C. DUMOND, State Commis- of Nursing council. sioner of Agriculture, Albany; Agriculture WILLIAM D. P. CAREY '23, '26 AB, LLB Westchester Women College council, Veterinary College coun- (B), attorney, Hutchinson, Kan., lieu- cil. tenant colonel, AUS. ORNELL Women's Club of West- HARRY BULL, president State Agri- ROGER H. WILLIAMS '95 PhB (B), C chester County, meeting last cultural Society, Campbell Hall; Agri- partner Estabrook & Co., New York month in the ScarsdaJe home of Mrs. City; chairman finance committee, mem- culture College council. Roy W. Shaver (G. Marion Hess) '17, HARRY G. STUTZ '07 LLB, librarian ber executive committee, committees on Cornell Library, Ithaca; chairman audit budget, annuity, Medical College council. heard Mrs. Heliane Berge-Legrand of committee and Trustee-Faculty commit- MARY H. DONLON '20 LLB (A), at- the French Information Service de- tee on Fine Arts; member executive com- torney, New York City, vice-chairman scribe the heroic work of Frenchr State Industrial Board, Albany; chairman mittee, Library board, board on student women in the Underground move- health and hygiene, Home Economics law and annuity committees, member College council. executive committee, alumni relations sub- ment. Mrs. Windsor D. Lewis (Veora committee of planning and development Tyrrell) '27, president of the Club, Life Trustee committee, budget committee, Home announced plans for a tea for high Economics College council.
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