IMPAKT IMPAKT FESTIVAL CATALOGUE 2009 14 - 18 OCTOBER 2009 UTRECHT WWW.IMPAKT.NL ACCELERATED LIVING FESTIVAL CATALOGUE IMPAKT CONTENT 3 CONTENT INTRODUCTION P05 ACCELERATED LIVING P07 EVENT NIGHTS P09 SPECIAL EVENTS P15 EXHIBITION P22 URBAN SCREENS P26 CONFERENCE P32 IMPAKT ONLINE P36 THINGS TO COME P38 SCREENINGS P40 IMPAKT INVITES P62 PANORAMA P74 MEDIATHEQUE & INFO P103 MAP OF UTRECHT P105 SCHEDULE P106 INDEX P110 COLOPHON P113 4 IMPAKT FESTIVAL 20TH EDITION IMPAKT IMPAKT IMPAKT FESTIVAL 2009 INTRODUCTION 5 N O A NIV RSARY I TR N E IMPAKT FESTIVAL 2009 - ACCELERATED LIVING IT’S OUR The 20th edition of the Impakt Festival Next to the thematic programme of Acceler- will take place from October 14 through to ated Living, the Festival features the annual October 18. And it is not entirely coincidental Panorama programme which provides an that this anniversary edition of the festival overview of cutting edge film and video focuses on the experience of time. The Ac- productions from the international exhibition celerated Living programme of the festival and festival circuit. For a period of five days, explores the ways in which we experience the city of Utrecht will be the centre stage for time and speed, and the ways in which our important trends and new visions within our experience changes under the infuence of contemporary media culture. social and technological developments. For Submerge and refuel. TH the Accelerated Living programma, Impakt Arjon Dunnewind, Festival Director. invited two guest curators: Stoffel Debuysere (Belgium) and María Palacios Cruz (Spain). As festival curators, they have compiled an exciting programme which throws light on the festival theme from a wide variety of FESTIVAL OPENING angles. The programme features concerts, Wednesday 14 October, 19:00, Theater Kikker, performances, screenings, new media, a Main Hall conference and an exhibition. It comprises a broad range of styles, genres and approaches 5 DAYS IN 50 MINUTES to time, from dubstep to documentary, from A programme sketching the outlines of the time dimensions turned inside out to 24-hour upcoming festival. On this opening night, performances and double-quick film editing, artists featured extensively later on in the from a brand new digital opera produced es- festival will give a brief preview and vari- pecially for the festival and Internet projects ous festival highlights are presented in a 2O to gems from avantgarde history. nutshell. EDITION 6 ACCELERATED LIVING IMPAKT IMPAKT ACCELERATED LIVING INTRODUCTION 7 ACCELERATED “Time. Time. What is time? LIVING Swiss manufacture it. French INTRODUCTION One century ago Filippo Marinetti published intensification of time, and its influence on his controversial ‘Futurist Manifesto’, in our perception of reality, and by extension hoard it. Italians squander which he described the enthusiasm brought thereof, of ourselves. The resulting search for about by the arrival of modern industrial a new engagement with time will be explored rhythms, driven by a total belief in speed in a range of screenings, lectures, perform- and progress. In his recent ‘upgrade’ of the ances and an exhibition. it. Americans say it is money. Manifest, media philosopher Franco Berardi rejects unilateral interpretations of modern Stoffel Debuysere (Belgium, 1975) is active speed culture, making a plea for more reflec- in the field of media culture and arts, as tion and autonomy. “The omnipresent and researcher, producer and writer. He’s inter- Hindus say it does not exist. eternal speed”, he writes, “is already behind ested in the relationships between media us, in the Internet, so we can find our own and memory, analogue and digital, sound singular rhythm”. and image, seeing and being. Over the years he has (co)organised numerous conferences, Do you know what I say? I say Our society is still driven by an insatia- lectures, performances and film pro- ble hunger for speed, but during the past grammes. He is one of the members of the decades, the spread of globalisation and the Courtisane Collective and teaches ‘Critical revolution of information and communica- Film Studies’ at the art academies KASK and time is a crook.” tion technologies have unmistakably led to Sint-Lucas in Ghent. a new temporal dynamics, emphasizing the increasing importance of connectivity and María Palacios Cruz (Spain, 1981) is an in- flexibility. The tyranny of clock time has given dependent curator of artists’ film and video. way to a complex web of diverging rhythms, She teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts and – O’Hara (Peter Lorre) in ‘Beat the Devil’ cycles and tempos, which stimulate the tem- Ecole de Recherche Graphique in Brussels poral imagination as never before. and is a PhD candidate at Université Libre de Bruxelles, where her research concerns Under the title “Accelerated Living”, the the relationship between film theory and Impakt Festival 2009 focuses on chang- avant-garde film. She’s also the production ing notions of time and speed today. During coordinator of Atelier Graphoui. As a member a period of five days, a number of artists, of the Courtisane collective, she regularly filmmakers, musicians and thinkers will organizes screenings and events in Belgium share their views on the construction and and abroad. 8 EVENT NIGHTS IMPAKT IMPAKT EVENT NIGHTS 9 “ We will sing of the multicolored, polyphonic tides of revolution in the modern capitals; we will sing NT of the vibrant nightly fervor of EVE arsenals and shipyards blazing with the violent electric moons; NIGHTS greedy railway stations that devour smoke-plumed serpents; Thomas Köner - and installations. At the occasion of the The Futurist Manifest festival theme of “Accelerated Living” and the Wed 14 Oct, 21:00, Theater Kikker, Main Hall 100th anniversary of the Futurist Manifest, factories hung on clouds by the 7/6 euro he has composed an ‘opera digitale’ for Impa- kt, which will be performed with a prepared The work of media artist Thomas Köner (Ger- piano, a digital ”noise orchestra” and a singer. many) cannot be easily categorised. For years The sonic sediments of one hundred years crooked lines of their smoke.” he was active as a sound engineer, before his of industrialization and acceleration will be project Porter Ricks caused a stir in the Euro- condensed in a multidimensional audiovisual pean techno landscape. In filmmaker Jurgen space, where image and sound interact as if Reble he found the perfect collaborator to “time and space died yesterday”. – F. T. Marinetti, ‘Futurist Manifest’ pursue his interest in the symbiosis of visual and auditive experiences. All these different Carl Faia: prepared piano & live electronics. influences come together in Köner’s recent Iris Garrelfs: voice & live electronics. work, in which his fascination for sound Thomas Köner: laptop noise orchestra, colour has expanded to the moving image, re- visuals. sulting in a series of acclaimed performances An Impakt production 10 EVENT NIGHTS IMPAKT IMPAKT EVENT NIGHTS 11 DOPES TO INFINITY performance LanterNfanten for three projec- Thu 15 Oct, 21:00, Theater Kikker, Main Hall tors creates an absorbing space where time 10/9 euro is disturbed and compressed as a kind of per- sonal research on bodily trauma and cultural Time has this strange quality: it must be displacement, employing hand drawn, afterim- paced by events for us to be able to orient age, single frame and flicker work. It will be ac- ourselves with it. This seems so natural that companied by a live soundtrack from Brisbane we don’t even regard our temporal relation based composer Joel Stern (Australia), merging to events as something that dictates how we music concrète, art brut and noise. structure meaning and position ourselves in this world, thinking instead of the space- 22:30 Core of the Coalman time continuum as an ideal outside reality, Core of the Coalman is one of the alter egos of unless - of course - the temporal orientation composer and visual artist Jorge Boehringer process is dismantled or overthrown in some (USA), a project in the musical no man’s land way. The performances in this programme between power electronics, noise and contem- “I have something disrupt the structure, the pattern of time. porary classical music. With violin, his voice Using analogue instruments, including 16mm and electronics he builds sonic architectures projectors, these artists generate a variety of hovering on the edge between chaos and sensory manipulations, drawing and reflect- order. Slow in form but powered and etched more cosmic in mind. ing on psychological and phenomenologi- by sunshine continually, in the spirit of biting cal effects of speed, motion and repetition. the hand that feeds one, Core of the Coalman On one level or another some disruption or is “dyspeptic subtended prescient lacuna”. He displacement of conscious processes oc- has collaborated with a spastic mash-up of the It’s a warpage of curs, lapsing into unconscious and visceral experimental music community and the inter- sensations; a recirculation of orientation and national avant-garde, including Yellow Swans, perception. Time is collapsed - leaving us Grouper and Pauline Oliveros. dazzled, between shimmer and bliss. time and it’s bliss 23:15 Bruce McClure 21:00 Guy Sherwin A film projector is not only a source of light A key figure in British avantgarde cinema, but also of sound. Nobody understands this Guy Sherwin (United Kingdom) pushes the better than Bruce McClure (USA) who with his for everyone.” limits of cinema with his films, installa- immersive performances for multiple projec- tion works and performances, in which he tors creates a pure sensory game of pulsating explores film’s fundamental properties: rhythms and shadows, well beyond the borders light and time. Since the 1970s he has been of cinematographic time and space. McClure, – Monster Magnet working on a series of studies on the illusion an architect by training, “crossed over into the of movement and stasis experienced during realm of the proto-cinematic as a consequence train travel.
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