OFFICIAL GAZETTE s ovwnimnmmum enqush edition ::-t-$h-Ji H-f-a m^mmmmmn EXTRA FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1947 SATO Taichi SATO Chikara NOTICE SHIMOGORI Heiji SUTO Choji TOKUMARU Keisaku URUSHIMA Mitsuyoshi PUBLIC NOTICE OF SCREENING RESULTS No. 13 RHTTSAZA'KI Toshioi Person expected to be Member of P.O.Q.E. Committee (Aug. 1-Aug. 15) NAKAMURA' Ichisaku August 2'2, 1947 Persons relative to Paragraph 6 Appendix 2 Chief Secretary of the Cabinet Principal Office Holder NISHIO Suehiro Tohoku Seiko K.K. (Tohoku Steel Manufacturing Co., 1. This table shows the screening result of the Central Public Service Screening Committee, in accordance KOinrc Choke with the provisions of the Imperial Ordinance No. 1 Principal Office Holder of the Tohoku Kikai Seisakusho to No. 3 inclusive of 1947, and the Cabinet and Home (North-Eastern Machine Work Co., Ltd.) KURIYA Takeshi Ministry Ordinance No. 1 of the Same Year. Principal Office Holder of the Santai Kogyo K.K. 2. This table is to be most widelymadepublic. The (Santssd Industry Co., Ltd.) office of a city, ward, town or village, shall placard, YAMASHITA 'Shunsuke upon receipt of this official report, the said table, Principal Office Holder of the Nihon Jutan K.K. this table snail be at least placarded for a month, and it shall, upon receipt of the not official report, be (Japanese Corpet Co., Ltd.) SANO Naokichi replaced by a new one, the old report which is re- Principal Office Holder of the Tohoku Senkyo K.K. placed shall not be destroyed, but be bound and (North-Eastern Dock Co., Ltd.) preserved at the office of the city, ward, town or village, in order that it may serve for the public YANO Nao Principal Office Holder of the Nihon Kaitei Densen perusal. K.K. (Japanese Submarine Cable Co., Ltd.) 3. The questionnaire of the person who is published FUSHINO Yoshio on this table and who has passed the screening, may Principal Office Holder of the Tohoku Kogyo K.K. be offered for the public "perusal, at the office of the (North-Eastern Industiral Enterprise Co., Ltd.) Central Public Service Screening Committee, or at YAMASHITA Taro the office of the Public Service Screening Committee Persons relative to Paragraph 8 Appendix 2 of metropolis, Region, Prefecture of City concerned. Principal Office Holder of the Zenkoku Nogyokai Any one may, at his request, unrestrictedly peruse (Whole Country Agricultural Association) the questionnaire as prescrived in the preceding KANAI Mitsuru paragraph. Persons relative to Paragraph 9 Appendix 2 4. Result: Public Office Holder of the Akita Sakigake Shimpo-sha Central Public Service Screening Committee (No. 1, (Akita Sakigake Newspaper Co.) *s 2-chome, Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo). -NISHIKAWA Kizo Number of Screened Persons: 565 Public Office Holders of the Asahi Shimbun-sha (Asahi Number of Determined Non-Applicabies: 532 Newspaper Co.) Public Services and Names of Persons Passed Screening HARADA Minoru HARUMI Shizuo Public Offices and Names of the Officials HONDA Suketaro ISHIYAMA Keijiro - Principal Public Office Holders of Central Government KADOTA Isao KUROZUMI Seishi MATSUMOTO Ken-itsu NOBUO Kan-ichiro Offices OKA Ichiro TAKANO Shin Person' relative to the Cabinet YAMASHITA Yoshi YONEMURA Soko MUKAI Shikamatsu- Principal Office Holder of the Bocho Shimbun-sha Person relative to the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry (Bocho Newspaper Co.) YOSHIZAWA Manji YAMASHITA Taro Candidates for Membership of the House of Representa- Principal Office Holders of the Chiba Shimbun-sha tives (Chiba Newspaper Co.) Tokyo-to ' MIURA Chuzaburo KATSUTA Tomosaburo Mie Pref. -TABATA Izuho KOBAYASHI Keiki Candidates for Member of the Prefectural Assembly in SHIMOMURA Tamotsu Bv-Election Principal Office Holders of the Chukyo Shimbun-sha ABE Yoshikado FURUNAGA Toshiaki (Chukyo Newspaper Co.) ' ICHINOSE Takatomi GOTO Jirohachi NIINOBE Shuzo NOMA Takasue MIURA Zenshichi OSHIMA Isamu OHIRA Teisuke ' YAMADA Hamaichi -,\ Principal Office Holders of the Yugenkaisha Chugoku MATSUMOTO Naoji MURAKAMI Torao ' Shimbun-sha (Chugoku Newspaper Co.) . HINAKA Saburo FUJITA Chuichi FUKUOKA Kiyoshi Principal Office Holders of the Hochi Shimbun-sha YAGI Mamoru (Hochi Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holder of the Chubu Keizal Shimbun- NIIZUMA Rokumi SUZUKI Kazuo sha (Chubu Economic Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holders of the Hiuga Nichinichi Shim- ICHIE Jutaro bun-sha (Hiuga Daily Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holders of the ,Chubu Ninon Shimbun- NEMOTO Kenjiro YAMAGUCHI KaiZuma sha (Chubu Japanese Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holders of the Ibaragi Shimbun-sha KATO Toichi MIURA Hideburai (Ibaragi Newspaper Co.) NOZAKI Toshio SUGIURA Eizo - FUKUCHI Toira GOTO Takeo SHIMIZU Takeo OUCHI Suteji TAKEUCHI Yuoosuke yr Principal Office Holders of the Chubu' Mimpo-sha WATANABE Hiroshi (Chubu Civil Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holders of the Iwate Shimpo-sha SUGIMOTO Fumio YORIMITSU Isatmi (Iwate Newspaper Qo.) Principal Office Holders of the DaiichirShimbun-sha MIYAKE Toyohiko MURAKAMI Tatsuo (The First Newspaper Co.) Principal* Office Holders of the Ishikawa Shimbun-sha KINOSHITA Hanji OGAWA Kiyoshi (Ishikawa Newspaper Co.) Principal Qffice Holders of the Derii Tohoku-sha (Daily 'NAKANISHI Masakatsu WAKIUCHI Takeo Tohoku Co.) Principal , Office Holders of the Jiji Shimbun-sha (Jiji -MIURA Mankichi - MIYAZAKI Tokichi Newspaper Co.) SASAMOTO Kaichi SHIMOTOMAI Kin- FUKUOKA Takayoshi KARINO Masao ichi KANAZAWA.Fuyusaburo A Principal Office Holders of the Ehime Shimbun'-sha Principal Office Holder of the Jimmin Shinibun-sha (Ehime Newspaper Co.) (Jimmin Newspaper Co.) MATSUMOTO Toru TAKAHASHI Shi" UCHIDA Bunjiro Principal Office Holders of the Fukui Shimbun-sha Principal Office Holders of the Jiji Tsushin-sha (Jiji (Fukui Newspaper Co.) Information Co.) FUJII Riichi IYO Nobuo KAMIM.URA Tokichi MURATA Tamegoro KURODA Seishi MAEKAWA Kiyoshi Principal Office Holders of the Kogyo Shimbun-sha MATSUMURA Shigeo MIDOKOCHI Shiichi (Industrial Newspaper Co.) NARIKAWA Iwao SHIQDA Ryu KIMURA Torao SHIRAI Toshio YOSHIDA Sugitaro Principal Office Holders of the Kyoto Nichinichi Shim- Principal Office Holders of the Fukushima Mimpo-sha bun-sha (Kyoto Daily Newspa|5er Co.) (Fukushima Civil Newspaper Co., Ltd.) AKEHI Hajime AKEHI Masayuki ISHII Teiji ' •E MIZUSAWA Shigemi XFUKUI Cbikao KIMATA Shigeo SUZUKI Shoji KURASHIGE Hisao Principal OfB-ce Holders of the Fukushima.Min-yu-sha Principal Office Holders of the Yugen Kaisha "Kyushu (Fukushima Civil Newspaper Co., Ltd.) Times-sha (Kyushu Times Kewspaper-sha) SA1TO Takeshi SOMA Masao ARAKAWA Bunroku OSUMI Morimi Principal Office Holders of the.Gifu Times-sha (Gifu SHIBATA Kentaro Times^sha) Principal ' Office Holders of the Kobe Shimbun-sha HIGUCHI Kiichi I&ODA Shigeo (Kobe Newspaper Co.) KAWASHIMA Seiichi KIDO Kan-ichi , MIZUTANI Nobuo MIYATA Kyuichi OZEKI Htrosuke Principal Office Holders of the Kochi Nippo-sha (Ko- Principal Office Holders of the Godo Shimbun-sha chi Daily Newspaper Co.) (Godo Newspaper -Co.) KAWAMURAHiromasa KOMATSU Shigcki -)* KARIYA Nobuo KOSO Iwaji NOMURA Ken-ichiro NONAKA Keitaro ODERA" Seishi SAKURAMA Kenji OZAWA Kunizaburo TAKANO Genkichi SUDO Jiro ^ TANI.GUCHIKyukichi YAMANAKA Katsukame WATANABE Tora- : UNO Zenzo kichi Principal Office Holder of the Yugenkaisha Hokkai Principal'Office Holders of the Kita Nihon Shimbun- Times-sha (Hokkai Times Co.) sha (Northern Japanese Newspaper Co.) NISHIJIMA Motoho ARIKAWA Toshiomi SAEKI Torataro Principal Office Holders of the Hokkai Mainichi Shim- Principal Office Holder of the Kochi Shimbun-sha bun-sha (Hokkai Daily Newspaper Co.) (Kochi Newspaper Co.) AISAKA Narimori KAMIYAMA Sotoji NOMACHI Ichiro HAYASHI Masayoshi KUBOTA Masae Principal Office Holders of the Kahoku.Snimpo-sha SAGA Toru TANABE Kichitaro (Kahoku Newspaper Co.) X Princiipal Office Holders of the Hokkai Nichinichi Shim- MAKINO Shozo ONO Kisaburo bun-sha (Hokkai Daily Newspaper Co.) HIRANOAkira ' KANAWAKiyota Principal Office Holder of the Kyoto Shimbun-sha (Kyoto Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holder of the Hokkaido Shimbun-sha MURAKAMI Takematsu (Hokkaido Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holders of the Kagakubunka Shimbun- ABE Yoshio sha (Sciei3tific Culture Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holders of the Hokuriku Yukan Shim- HIRAO Toshiichi. OKUBO Shitaro bun-sha (Hokuriku Evening Newspaper Co.) SUZUE Shintaro .,_ o Principal Office Holders of the Mainichi Shimbun-sha MIMURA Choji KUSHIMOTO- Shoichi- (Mainichi Newspaper Co.) ABE Genki KAMOI Tatsuo Principal Office Holders of the Shikoku Shimbun-sha NAKAJIMA Sukefurni OISHI Kyoku (Shikoku Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holders of the Minami Ninon Shim- KASHIMA Yataro SUEfi&RA Hikoji bun-sha (Southern Japanese Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holders of the_Shinano Mainichi Shim- KAWANO Mitsuhiko KOEMURA Tatsuji bun-sha (Shinano Mainichi Newspaper Co.) - YOSHIDA Yuzo ITO Yoshita - KOBAYASHI Shigeo Principal Office Holders of the Miyako Shimbun-sha NAOI Shiro NISHIMURA Chojiro (Miyako Newspaper Co.) ODAGIRI Kamematsu SUGIURA Yoshio ONOGI Hidejiro YAMANA Shotaro Principal Office -Holders of the Shimozuke' Shimbun- t' YASUDA Kaichi sha (Shimozuke Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holder of the Mimpo-sha (Civil KAMAKURA Kikuma TANAKA Magohei Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holders of the Shin Ehime Shimbun- NAGAMINE Masaki sha (Shin Ehime Newspaper Co.) Principal Office HoLder of the Nagasaki Min-yu. Shim- HARA Kameichi - HAGIWARA Toshishige bun-sha (Nagasaki Civil Newspaper Co.) Principal Office Holders of the Shin Kyushu Shimbun- OKUMURA Taiten " sha (Shin Kyushu Newspaper Co.) Principal Office
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