V :-;•, ■si* i5#v4t3**. mMitM : ’87 Ja 81 n **'£2, ■wmsmte I 5? | X Irving K. Pond, Des. Lorado Taft, Sculft. :/ 11 THE INLAND ARCHITECT AND NEWS RECORD. [Vol. XXVIII. No. 6 THE USE OF Fitonsash looks Proves their Superiority as a Secur-1 ity Device ; at once Simple and Dur¬ able; Adjusting the Sash; Preventing Rattling; Also Disfigurement of Top Sash by Keeping the Window “ Locked or Unlocked.” Small and large sizes in all finishes. Catalogue and working model on appli¬ cation. THE w & E T F,TCH CQ Entered at the Postoffice at Chicago as second-class matter. NEW HAVEN, CONN. CONTENTS. EDITORIAL. Page North-Western Terra-Cotta Co. Injurious Sensational Reports by the Press —A Business Association ot Chicago Architects — Chicago Master Masons’ Code of Practice to be WORKS AND OFFICE: Reviewed. 55 Clybourn and Wrightwood Avenues. RUSSELL STURGIS, ARCHITECT, ENCYCLOPEDIST AND CRITIC. By Peter B. Wight. 56 Branch Office: 1118 Rookery Building, ARCHITECTS AND ARCHITECTURE IN THE UNITED STATES. CHICAGO. By Robert Craik McLean. 58 ARCHITECTS OF THE PARIS EXPOSITION. 62 J. W. TAYLOR’S ASSOCIATION NOTES. National Society of Mural Painters — T-Square Club of Philadelphia — Architectural League of .New York Exhibition — Western New York ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHS, Chapter, American Institute of Architects — Architectural League of FROM ALL PARTS OF THE U. S. New York Competition — American Institute of Architects. Owings Building, - - Chicago. OUR ILLUSTRATIONS. 300 Kodak and 150 8 x 10 Views of World’s Fair. Art Gallery, Buildings, Architectural Views, Interiors, Details. MOSAICS. Residences, Public Buildings, Etc. BUILDING outlook. Negatives taken in any part of U. S. upon order. SYNOPSIS OF BUILDING NEWS SEND TEN CENTS IN STAMPS FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. m ^ Tobey Automatic Water Heater * * m\ r * * * * * * * * * | A “Tobey” Heater, * * hot water generator- * * ^ Provides hot water all of the time in ^ any desired quantity, its temperature zfe being automatically regulated, maintain¬ % or ing any desired temperature, at all times ^ regardless of the quantity of hot water * used. * % Heater can be used with exhaust or high * pressure steam, or both together. Three sizes, twenty, forty and eighty gallons per * minute. * Elevator Enclosure, “The Emporium,” San Francisco. Pissis & Moore, Architects. * * EXECUTED BY * Tobey Water Heater and Mnfg. Co. * The Winslow Bros. Company, * * * Toledo, Ohio. * Ghicago. * Ornamental Iron, Bronze ana Brass morn. Artistic Execution of Leading Architects’ Best Work. Exclusive Original Designs. Please mention THE INLAND ARCHITECT when corresponding with Advertisers. January, 1897] THE INLAND ARCHITECT AND NEWS RECORD. “VANDYKE BROWN,” No. 1094. A particularly rich and pleasing shade for shingled walls, in CABOT’S CREOSOTE SHINGLE STAINS. We have, also, a great variety of other shades in our Special Stains, or can make any shade desired. All our special shades have the same freshness and depth of color that distinguish the regular colors. SAMPLES, WITH CIRCULARS AND COLOR STUDIES, ON APPLICATION. SAMUEL Cabot, Sole Manufacturer, 1201 Owings Building, cor. Dearborn and Adams Sts., Chicago, Ill. 70 Kilby St., Boston, Mass. National Single^Column Radiator. Only 454 inches wide. Heated with AMSpM RADIATORS Made by American Radiator Company Lake and Dearborn Sts., Chicago. NEW YORK, 92 Centre St. MINNEAPOLIS, 316 Third Avc. N. BOSTON, 44 Oliver St. LONDON, 143 Queen Victoria St. PHILADELPHIA, 506 Arch St. DENVER. THU BANCROFT BUIBDING, ST. LOUIS, sa-53 De Menil Bldg. New York City. Robertson & Manning, Blake & Williams, Architects. Heating Contractors, Factories: BETROIT and BUFFALO. Please mention THE INLAND ARCHITECT when corresponding with Advertisers, IV THE INLAND ARCHITECT AND NEWS RECORD. [Vol. XXVIII. No. 6 THE J. W. REEDY ELEVATOR CO. Passenger and Freight Magee Boston Heater. (ISK THOSE WHO USE THEJ1 If the MAGEE HEATERS are not ELEVATORS. The MOST DURABLE, as well as the MOST ECONOMICAL and EASILY MANAGED. 83 to 91 Illinois Street, 31^33 Tenth Avenue, They give a mild, steady heat and the effect upon the hu- CHICAGO. NEW YORK CITY. midity of the atmosphere is so slight as to be imperceptible— adding greatly to the healthfulness of the dwelling. MAGEE RANGES Meet all the requirements for the most exacting work in the The MATCHLESS kitchen. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY LEADING AMERICAN AUTHORITIES ON COOKING. DOUBLE-ACTING WE MAKE ALL STYLES w THP RPCT BUT ONLY ONE GRADE W 1 1IL^ 1 . FLOOR HINGE Send for Pamphlet. Correspondence Solicited. (Ball-Bearing). MAGEE FURNACE CO., 32-38 Union Street, BOSTON, MASS. Lined Pot with Wrought-lron Radiator. LOTT & FARQUHARSON, For Heating with Warm Air, or in Combination, GENERAL WESTERN SALES AGENTS, WARM AIR AND HOT WATER. 86 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL POPPERT’S PATENT Weight Sliding Blinds ARE PERFECTION ITSELF. ARB balanced by weights same as ordinary sash and can be applied P* tr»to any window in old as well as new houses. Write for Price List. GEO. POPPERT MFG. CO., Manufactured by 417-427 Poplar Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. G. E. LAWSON & CO. We draw the attention of architects and the public to our ALL ROLLING SLAT BLINDS, especiallyarranged for a Southern climate, Milwaukee, Wis. allowing perfect ventilation and shade at same time. Locations for Industries. The name of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway has long been identified with practical measures for the general upbuilding of its territory and the promotion of its commerce, hence manufac¬ turers have an assurance that they will find them¬ Rooms 933-9.11, selves at home on the company’s lines. 108 La Salle St. Venetian Blinds, Rolling Partitions The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Gmm Shutters..^ Company owns and operates 6,154 miles (9,900 kilo CHICAGO. meters) of railway, exclusive of second track, con¬ Telephone, MAIN 2985. FLEXIBLE DOORS. necting track or sidings. The eight States traversed by the company, Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Mich¬ igan, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota, possess, in addition to the advantages THE BOWER of raw material and proximity to markets, that which Small Heating Contracts. is the prime factor in the industrial success of a terri¬ SEWER GAS TRAP. tory—a people who form one live and thriving com¬ STEAM, HOT WATER AND munity of business men, in whose midst it is safe and A positive; VALVE) SEAL ; COMBINATION A SPECIALTY. profitable to settle. Many towns on the line are pre¬ A SOUND WATKR SKAT. pared to treat very favorably with manufacturers who SIMPLE, CHEAP, EFFECTIVE AND Thorough Workmanship and Lowest Prices. would locate in their vicinity. DURABLE. Mines of coal, iron, copper, lead and zinc, forests With or without the Valve, it is the of soft and hard wood, quarries, clays of all kinds, G, F, HAWKINS, DOWNER’S GROVE, ILL best Water Seal Trap in the mar¬ tan-bark, flax and other raw materials exist in its ter¬ ket. There is no other Trap so sure ritory in addition to the vast agricultural resources. of retaining its Wa¬ ter Seal ; none that A number of new factories have been induced to approximates it in locate—largely through the instrumentality of this the surety of the Direct Electric company—at towns on its lines. The central position Valve Seal. The Valve keeps its seat of the States traversed by the Chicago, Milwaukee & by flotation, and as Direct Steam St. Paul Railway, makes it possible to command all compared with other the markets of the United States. The trend of man¬ Valves and Traps is Belt Power little or no resistance ufacturing is Westward. Nothing should delay en¬ to the outflow of wa¬ Hand Power terprising manufacturers from investigating. Confi¬ ter or waste. Illus¬ dential inquiries are treated as such. The informa¬ trative and descrip¬ tive 48-page pam¬ tion furnished a particular industry is reliable. phlet sent free on FOR PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. application. Address, LUIS JACKSON, B. P. BOWER &C0. Industrial Commissioner, C., M. & St. P. R’y, Manufacturers, Union Elevator and Machine Co. 425 Old Colony Building, Chicago, III. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 144-146 Ontario Street, CHICAGO. Please mention THE INLAND ARCHITECT when corresponding with Advertisers. January, 1897] THE INLAND ARCHITECT AND NEWS RECORD. v Madeof Copper , Galvanized Steel or MERCHANT’S High Grade Roofing Plates i OmamertfalJDurA PHILADELPHIA Slorm Proof. NEW YORK : bfdD f°Q ilAlWMf &D°CMVRE HLV/STOfflinCi PR°ptimT BUILDINGS R00fCD WfriiTnESETILtb.WE AAKE Dlf FEBfNT SIZE’S Of mnihH'TILES f°D 1 BROOKLYN- STD'AIGMT mats & miAL GRADUATED1 ^PAHStl'JlLES F°R jPNICAL SUDDACESV SOLE UANUfACTURERS OF CHICAGO : MERCHANTS MLMSPANISH TILES B MERCI1ANT8<Xlnc. AND GOTHIC SHINGLES ESTABLISHED IN 1865. TELEPHONE, MAIN 2422. Advance News W. C. YOSBURQH flFQ. CO., LiniTED, INDICATING DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF == Chances to Sell -F'llVB ART-- PLANS, FIXTURES, MATERIALS, FURNITURE, Gas, Electric and Combination Fixtures, MACHINERY, SUITABLE FOR ALL LIGHTING PURPOSES. May be secured with promptness, accuracy and PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO SPECIAL DESIGNS. thoroughness, and at reasonable rates, from If you want good goods, ask your Local Dealer for Our Make of Fixtures, and do uot THE PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU, consent to take any other. Architects are requested to mention our goods Robert and Finn Ruck, in their specifications for lighting buildings. 78 Park Place, NEW YORK. 68 Devonshire St., BOSTON. LICENSED JVeslern trade supplied from our JVestern Branch, to Manufacture Pike Bldg., CINCINNATI. Cooper Bldg., DENVER. Home Office and Factory, Electric and 114 and 116 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Combination BROOKLYN, N. Y. C. A. VOSBURGH, Manager. Fixtures. IKE UNIFORM SIMM) C0NIR1CT, REVISED and IMPROVED. ARR ORDKRS FIRRED AT ONCE BY THE PUBLISHERS, The Inland Publishing Co. 410 MANHATTAN BUILDING, CHICAGO. <5^1 America’s Most Popular Railroad c. Perfect Passenger Service H. W. JOHNS’ {gHINOlvg S^TAIiVS Prepared ready for use from the Purest Pigments and best Wood Preservative known. We will send upon request a full set of samples on wood, showing Silver Grays, Moss Greens and many handsome weather stained effects.
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