Chapelhall Community Council a$ Mr John Mc Laughlin Tel; 01236715k55 Vice Chairman Mr Alister Ross TelOl236 609177 Treasurer Mrs Don Ramsay Tel: 01236763383 SeCetary Mr David Boyd ................ ._ ......-.. .,... -- Platform; J.Mclaughlin Chairman CCC A. M,Ross Vice Chairman CCC E. Swth Cam. tlember CCC fi. Fraser II II II D. Boyd Secretary CCC T. Curl e? Counci 1 ii7r NLC Subject; Public Discussion of Bolw.dary Commizsions proposed amendments to North knarkrhires proposed boundaries creating kkrds 51 & 52 Meeting open4 by Cnairmn outiining the propo~dsmde by the Czmmi,:siiin and giving the Community cwcils view of the effect thi.5 wouid have nn the 'v?~iage;... 1.The hvnony that cnrrently exists would be disturbed ?.The cre3tive effect of forming two divergent communities. 3.Possibie Social and Religou; disharmony 4.Two competing counciliors for the same colrmunity 5.Two conpetinq Community Cnunci!s The Chairman expressed his disappointmwt at the low tflrnout at the meeting,but welcomed receiving a copy of the Airdrie and 5hotts Labour party letter to the Boundary Commission lodging their djections to the changes proposed. I Er. Cliriey outiined the reasons behind tile proposed changes and expressed his regret that ,while in cmplete sympathy with the feeling; of the commnnity as expressed to the comlpission in the . petition sent previously,he conld not gubiically support the i .a ' petitian,as he w25 duty bound to snpport the Councils labour prtv recision. He apologised for having to leave early for f arni 1y rea5ons. The Chairmsn opened the meeting to the floor; 1.There was general agreement that a biqger Turnout would have occurred if lonqer notice could have given.? ?.A further meeting was asked for with more publicity 3.Contact be made with the media for coverage at a further meeting. 4,Letters to be sent by indivduals to the commission LA11 at the meeting to get neighbours to send letters of protest to the commission. 5.4 pubiic meetinq to be heid outside the Public Library @n the Sat,l4th.carch at 11 am. cc, fiirector of Administration CounEillw T. Cnrley Airdrie adShotts Labour Party ........................... 17 Chapelhall Community Council .I Mr John Mc LaaghIin Tel: 01236 755655 McechaimranMr AlisterRoss Tef: 012366091?7 Treasurer Mn Don Ramsay Tel: 01236763383 Secetary Mr David Boyd Community Council Meeting 25th March 1998. Proposed ; E. South. Seconded; R. Fraser. Previous minutes read by Chairman. 1/ The Community Council would like to know what N/L/C. are doing concerning the boundary split of Chapelhall. Chapelhall has always been post-coded as by Airdrie,while Mul1,Iona Brownsburn Estate and Moffat Mills are all Airdrie. The Airdrie districts should be placed together as one electoral ward ,while Chapelhall should remain as one ward outside Airdrie. 2/ Should the local councillor objecttothe proposed boundary SPlit thereby leaving himself open to expulsion from the La bour party,he would be doing so in representing the people who voted him into office. We feel it is wrong that a councillor cannot act in the best interest of his constituents without such threats hanging over his head. 3/Co-opted on to Community Council, Mary Smith, 72 Queens Crescent. Proposed- E.South Seconded- R.Fraser. 4/ The next Community Council meeting will take place in the Senior Citizen's Centre, Lauchope Street on Wednesday 29th April 1998. Carmniniy Council Voice .......*......*............. CylkPeoplt! ClarkStOll Community COUnCil: Minutes - 16th. March, Springfield Communit.y Centre Opening: Meeting was opened by the Chair of the Council, Tom Pollock who welcomed rctsitlnnts, Councillors 1,ogue and St.ocks, Mr. Duffy (Assessors Office); Mr. I3rownlic and Miss I,it,i,le (I lousing Office); Inspector Mclvor and Sat,. Cullen (Airtlricl I‘olicc?) Jcnnifcr I,ws and Mac I Iutt,on (Airdri? Forum) and Mr. T()o m 1) P (Su s t ,rn m s) Matters a1 ising: 1 t.cms were dealt. with undcr t.ho Business Business: 1. rJcnnifpr Irccs antl Mac IIut,t,on addressed t.hc meeting about t.hc new Forum being cst.al)lidied for Airdrir area. Questions were asked and after t,hnso t.hc meeting rosolved that the (hmrnunity Cour.ci1 should be reprcscntcd :it t,Iw Forum. e 2. Mr. Ihf‘fy oxplaincd t.hc rationale behind t,hc present Rating system. Only a m:it.cri:il changc in the 1oc:alit.y such as prim collapse mrl housing vacancies woul(l bt.1 c:onsiclcirc?tl imj)ort.;int.enough for a rcconsice~*at,ion.The last. rpvicw antl asscsmorit. was t.akcn in 1!)9 1. 1t, is gener;illy t.hought. the new S(:ol.f.ish Parliamrnt. will undctrhkr! some rcviaw. I Ie also :inswered quest,ions from t.hc floor. ;I. f.hc i)roI)osc?cl tlwclopmetit. of the! (hurts and the opt.ions which rcm:iinctl oiwn (dcmoli (.ion v ticvolopmcnt.) t.hc quwt.ion of c:ost.ings t.imc? scak? for I)roscnt.;it.ion 1.0 ay)proprial,c(yomrn itt.ccs 1). t.hc 1 lousing Sub-Ofhx?:it. 1 Ogilvin Court which is nvajla1)lc for all rcsitl(li1t.s in t.lia Clnrkst,on ;1rc;1 and will be manned initially for one morning ant1 onc afternoon by cJim Rurns and Strvcn Cairncy ,I (:. nnswcrcd qucstions on anti -social neightmirs and agrec!d to meet. over this issue with Mrs Wallac:~?,McAllislcr Ave. unticrt.ook t.o look into t,hc mat.t,cr of heating and aesociatd problem of condcns;it.ion raised by Mr. Curric, Meadowsidc Place 19 Correspondence Clarkston Rowling Club have asked for the securit,y fencing issue to bc investigated. Mr. I~ogue:has undertaken to look in to this. XOCB Details of the Fair (29th.May - lst. June) were given Mcmbcrs wcrc l.linnkcd for tlicir at tcndancc and the date for the next meeting was set at the 22nd. April l!)!)t3 i /CLARKSTON COMMUNITY COUNCIL CASH BOOK PAGE 1 ~~~~~ DATE IESCRIPTION ZHQ NO FBIT ;REDIT iALANCE SCCOUNT OPENED f 0.00 28/07/97 GRANT REC’D NLC f738.00 f 738.00 04/09/97 ZHG TO 4/9/97 f0.35 f737.65 15/09/97 NT TO 1519197 €1.12 f 738.77 24/09/97 :LARKSTON P SCHOOL 000001 €10.50 f728.27 XMAS CARD COLLECTION f 26.00 f754.27 CANCEL CHQ 000001 f10.50 €764.77 VOID CHQ 000002 000002 fO.OO f 764.77 0411 2/97 L. BUCHANAN C 114. Post* 000003 f32.33 f 732.44 i 30/12/97 INTEREST TO 16th DEC €2.75 €735.19 1 20/01/98 NORTH LANARK COUNCIL 000004 f21 .oo f714.19 04/0219 8 NORTH LANARK COUNCIL 000005 f 5.70 €708.49 e02198 CHGS TO 4th FEB f 0.25 f 708.24 f 708.24 f 708.24 f 708.24 f 708.24 €708.24 €708.24 €708.24 €708.24 f708.2L f708.2L f708.2L f 708.2L f708.2L , f 708.2L f708.2L 1 f708.2L f 708.2~ f708.2~ f708.2~ f 708.2~ f708.2r f 708.2~ f 708.21 €708.21 f 708.21 f708.21 f 708.24 70.12 778.37-- --708.24 21 BANK RECONCILIATION BALANCE PER BANK STATEMENT DATED 04/MARCH/98 €682.24 UNPRESENTED CHQS NIL CASH ON HAND €26.00 BALANCE 1 f708.24j SUMMARY OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE GRANT REC'D f738.00 C0 iL E C T I0 N EX.CO INTEREST EARNED €3.87 TOTAL RECEIPTS 1 f767.871 HALL HIRE f26.70 BANK CHG f0.60 c XMAS CARDS/POSTAGE 32.33 TOTAL PAYMENTS ~ f59.631 BALANCE 1 f708.241 . Greeng air s Community Council Open Meeting - Thursday 19th March 1998 in Greengairs Community Centre Sederunt As per attached sheet In attendance Mr Macdonald (SEPA) Mr Paton (SEPA) Councillor Sandra Cox Councillor Jim McCabe (Depute Leader of Nor Lanar,shire Counc Mr Kelly (Divisional Manager - NLC Planning) Jim Farjey (Transport & General Workers Union) Karen Turnbull( PA to Helen Liddell MP) Maria Donovan (Chairperson of Greengairs Community Council) in the chair Chairs Opening Remarks Mane Donovan welcomed everyone to the meeting and intimated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the dumping of soil contaminated with PCB material at the Shanks & McEwan landfill. She intimated that an invitation had been give to Shanks & L4cEa.m and this had been declined. Ms Donovan stated that when this news was broken at the %;&end we were unabie to do anything as the local Council offices are closed at the weekend. She also thanked those who had offered accommodation for the meetins had the Hall been unavailable. Mrs Donovan indicated that all the invited speakers would be given an opportunity to speak and then the meeting would be opened for questions, however those from the village of Greengairs would be given preference over those from other areas when questions were being taken. Councillor Sandra Cox Councillor Cox congratulated the Community Council for organising the meeting for getting in touch with SEPA as the local Council had no prior knowledge of this tipping. She had contacted SEPA herself as well as Donald Dewar , Secretary of State for Scotland , all North Lanarkshire MP's and Ken Collins MEP. Correspondence had been received back from Mrs Liddell who had indicated she would be raising the matter with the Scottish Office. Councillor Cox indicated that she was concerned about this issue and would be supporting the village in investigating this matter. 23 Maria Donovan advised the meeting that the Community Council had contacted Donald Detvar and Helen Liddell MP.
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