>*>fyi^ :• SEESIORY BELOW Heavy Rain Rain, heavy at times, possi- THEDMLY FINAL , bly changing to sleet, ending 'this evening, becoming much Knl Bank, Frwhohl colder. Fair tomorrow. l.<ong BraiH-h / • EDITION 26 PACES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home VOfc.94 NO. 177 RED BANK, NJ. FRID \Y, MARCH 3, 1972 TEN CENTS «ajfcjjfi».*/ 'KM.-K i KleindienstDenounces Probed Memo as False WASHINGTON (AP) - Act- This was the month before Anderson wrote in a dolumn noble commitment has gone a Kleindienst was joined by ing Attorney General Richard the' Justice Department earlier this week that a settle- long way toward our negotia- U.S. District Court Judge G. Kleindienst has denounced reached an out-of-court settle- ment favorable to ITT was tions on the mergers even- Richard W. McLaren of Chi- as completely-false a memo ment of suits it had brought made after its Sheraton Hotel tually coming out" as the ITT cago, who until recently was — attributed to a missing lady against ITT's acquisition of subsidiary pledged the funds president wanted. head of the Justice Depart- lobbyist — linking an antitrust Hartford Fire Insurance for the convention. "Mitchell is definitely help- ment's antitrust division, in settlement to a political con- Corp., Canteen Corp., and His column quoted Mrs. ing us, but cannot let it be testifying that the accusation tribution. Grinnell Corp. Beard's memo as saying "our known," said the memo. was baseless. "It is absolutely untrue to my knowledge," Kleindienst, who served as deputy at- torney general the last three years, told the Senate Judi- ciary Committee. "I think it Ask Green Acres Aid is false, categorically false." The memo, attributed by APWIrtpholo columnist Jack Anderson to AFTER THE SWAT '->• Newark City Council President Louis M. Turco,. Mrs. Rita D. Beard, Washing- right, dabs his left eye which received the open palm of fellow Coun- ton lobbyist for International To Acquire Burnt Fly cllrnan Ear! Harris, left, yesterday, after Turco had ruled Harris out of Telephone & Telegraph Corp., order during an angry council debate. Harris apologized, saying "I lost is a key document in an in- . MARLBORO — The Plan- conservation area in this part land use and traffic patterns the tract, recommended for my cool." Harris is to appear in city court March 23 on an informal com- vestigation launched by the"ning Board last night voted to of the country." common to this township and preservation for many years plaint filed by Turco. committee yesterday. apply to the state for Green The mayor said the board's Madison. by conservation agencies, in- John N. Mitchell, who re- Acre funds to acquire Burnt action culminates more than Mayor Salkind said the cludes almost 1,000 acres of signed as head of the Justice Fly Bog here. three years of effort by local Burnt Fly tract here is owned wooded upland. Department to manage Presi- A similiar action was taken and county officials in both by between three and five in- In other action, the board dent Nixon's re-election cam- by the Madison Township Monmouth and Middlesex. dividuals. He said the Plan- continued its meeting until paign, and Anderson were to Planning Board this week. Madison is in Middlesex Coun- ning Board could either pur- Monday at 9:30 p.m. in the take the witness stand today. The Burnt Fly tract is in both ty. He said the application chase the land or condemn it. Marlboro Elementary School Abortion Status Ask Testimony municipalities.' was the direct result of a bi- "Since the land is useless to deal with two requests/for The Senate is still to act on Mayor Morton Salkind said muhicipality, bi-county study for any development pur- major subdivision preliminary Kleindienst's nomination to the application requests the conducted t>y the planning poses, I think the owners approvals. succeed Mitchell. The com- state to pay 50 per cent of the consulting firm of Abcles, should sell it for substantially Subdivision mittee has approved the nomi- acquisition cost. He said the Schwartz and Associates. l£ss than $1,000 per acre," One application is by the nation, but called for testi- bog portion here consists of Full Study Mayor Salkind said. Great Lakes Home Devel- mony about the ITT case at more than 500 acres Of the "fi- The study, contracted last Although known by the opment Corp. for a 27-lot sub- TRENTON (AP) - State cision as quickly as possible law.'" A Kleindienst's request. nest natural flora and fauna year, involves the utilities, name of its central bog area, division (25 houses to be con- Officials are still uncertain by opponents of liberalized In another development, the Anderson accused structed) on a tract between' whether abortions are now le- - abortion rules, including the New Jersey Right to Life Kleindienst of participating in Rt. 18 and Monmouth Heights gal, but if aey are, they will five New Jersey Roman Cath- Committee, a four-year old negotiations to, settle the ITT adjacent to the Monmouth* be covered UBper Medicaid for olic Bishops. ' \'-'[ lobby against liberalization of antitrust case during secret Heights Swim Club. those eligibnrfoV the program. Jones' announconicnt ap- the abortion law, urged Kug- meetings with Felix Rohatyn, William J. Jones, Medicaid peared, to mark a reversal in ler to appeal the decision an ITT director. Anderson al- Part of the proposaj calls administrator in the Depart' policy-since Medicaid said quickly. leged the administration for the extension of Owens ment of Institutions and last year its program would The decision by a three agreed to a compromise set- Road, now a dead-end. The Agencies, said yesterday he not pay for abortions which judge federal panel held the tlement of federal antitrust board is takiugjnto consid- was still waiting for Atty. were allowed only under nar- law unconstitutional on charges in exchange fnr a U &i&i; protesUnpoteUng Gen. George F. Kugter-Jr-.- "to rowconditions by the old law. grounds that it Involves In- $400,000 contribution to ds&ay' signed by four determine • whether abortions The bishops issued a state- vasion of a woman's right to costs of the Republican Na-' families residing on the are- legal now that a federal ment that said the court rul- privacy and that the law was tional Convention in San street. court has ruled the state's 122- ing was "an unquestionable "unconstitutionally vague on Diego next August. Another aspect of the plans, year-old abortion law uncon- denial of that most fundamen- its face" because it doesn't, Mayor Salkind said, involves Mitchell was described in the developer donating one lot stitutional. tal constitutional precept that protect doctors from possible the memo as giving ITT un- Meanwhile, Kugler was 'no person shall be .deprived prosecution if they give on each of two sides of the dercover help in its negotia- swim club to the club. being asked to appeal the de- of live without due process of patients abortion advice. tions with the Justice Depart- ment. He already has denied In return, he said, people the accusations. moving into the 25 houses Sen. James O. Eastland, D- would be "offered swim club Miss., the committee chair- membership." Mayor Salkind man, said he issued two sub- said this portion of the plans, Adopi>t Parking Tax poenas for Mrs. Beard but she as well as possible council ac- couldn't be found. Sen. John tion raising the membership V. Tunney, D-Calif., said he ceiling of the swim club, will was deeply concerned about be discussed in detail on Mon- her memo and expressed hope day. As Track Protests her testimony could be obtain- See Ask page 2 OCEANPORT — Officials of after last night's public hear- "Monmouth Park pays 36 per ed under oath. Mpnmouth Park Jockey Club ing. • cent of your property taxes. "I'm doing all I can do," f 9 last night let Borough Council Mr. Dileo said his clients Last year, our tax; bill was said Eastland. "I can't get know they're unhappy about a questioned both the "fairness about $164,000. And we have bloodhounds." Local UFO new ordinance that will im- and the legality" of the park- no garbage collection from He said it was up to ITT, a pose a parking lot tax of 10 ing code. "Monmouth Park your town. We have" our own multibillion-dollar con- May Be An cent per vehicle — and bring has been a good neighbor in guards. We have no kids in glomerate, to produce her. in roughly $46,000 a year in Oceanporl for 20 yeais," he your schools Mrs. Beard's "personal and Airborne Ad revenues for borough coffers. said.""We have cooperated "So we feel you have ade- confidential" memorandum During a public hearing on. with the borough by lending quately compensated, and we was said to have been ad- There were lights in the sky the ordinance, an attorney equipment such as an ambu- shouldn't have to be taxed. dressed to W. R. Merriam, di- last night, but what caused representing Monmouth Park, lance and a fire truck. For the services we get, we rector of ITT's Washington of- them is still a good question. Matthias- D. Dileo of the Perth "Moreover," he continued, See Oceanport Page 2 fice, on June 25,1971. Police in Red Bank, Hazlet, Amboy law firm of Wilentz, Keyport, and Middletown re- Coldman and Spritzer pro- ported a number of telephone tested the parking code while calls during the early evening Phillip H. Iselin, Monmouth reporting strange lights in the Park president, and Harvey Register Stall Photo sky.
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