. .. 2 -:_THEJe]NISti POST,1hursday;Noveinber10, 1977 " , , . 'Important Notice To .Ranle Winner THE JEWISH POST, Thunsday, November 10,1977- 3 ". " .P~blicity' CI1_~irme" " ~"". II The Jewish Post is quitell.ware MiChaelKlIShiler,of '250 En- Torah Times Offered B.S.W~ Degree' " that· some of our organizational nisklllenAve.,was·ftlliwinner of i! puhlicity writers do not· have ac­ the Needlepoint pic~etIilitwas For Jewish Children 'for Winnipegger .J " cess to a typewriter_If at all raffled by'the SiSterhood of Bnay possible, we prefer publicity to be A new, unique . Jewish Torah Times, sponsored by Abraham. This picture was hand A . spectacular musical produc­ year since, composers from become hits overnight and soon, educational facility has opened in , t typed. Failing that, we niust in­ made by Mrs. Elaine Paul and tion of song, dance and music Lubavitch of Winnipeg, is a I, around the world'· enter their part of the Jewish musical . Winnipeg. At present a large project whereby st\ldents from .'. sist legible printing or han- donated to the Sisterhood. perfonned by top Israeli stars is works in spirited competition. ?;i dWri!!!!L-______---, treasury adding a contemporary number of Jewish childten are nursery through grade six meet coming to Centennial Concert The winning songs, judged by refreshing sound to it. :~, r- enrolled in the Hebrew day each Sunday morning from 10:30 Hall for one perfonnance only on the audiences after having been On its previous American tour, school system. Others attend Tuesday, Dec. 6, the 3rd night of - 12 :00 at the Chavurat Tefilah ~ selected from hundreds of' en­ the Festival was described by the evening schools. There is, Chanukah. Synagogue. Every Jewish child is ; HEBREW FRATERNAL LODGE tries, are perfonned by Israel's New York Post as "Something of however, a significant number of r Welcome, regardless of his or her j a miracle." The New York Times Jewish children who receive no IS /NITIA TING A NOVICE previous level of Jewish education. 'I wrote: "These Israeli ballads fonnal Jewish education at all. In fact, quite a number of those have an ~lfectiously open spirit Some parents feel that they can~ children already attending Torah ~. DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB as well as the foot-tapping not afford tuition fees; others are Times, go to public school and rhythmic lilt so characteristic of disinterested; some have per­ receive no other Hebrew instruc­ II FOR SUNDA Y EVENINGS the country's many songs." And sonal reasons for not being able tion. There is no tuition fee, ~J Michael Lachetta of the New to have their children attend a although any contributions are York Daily News wrote: ". I regular Hebrew school. more than welcome. found myself grooving to the In addition, even those children , STARTING NOVEMBER 20th, 1977 at 8:00 p.m. at sight and sound of Israel's top en­ who do attend Hebrew school of­ During the Sunday morning " tertainers." !en lack an essential ingredient of \' program, children spend some THEIR CLUB ROOMS The 1977 Israeli Chassidic 'Jewish education. Besides formal time in prayer, studying Torah, Festival adds up to over two schooling, the love and wannth of and discuss various aspects of 1721 Main Street. hours of thoroughly enjoyable en­ Jewish living evident in paSt Jewish life. These subjects are .' MEMBERS & FRIENDS ARE WELCOME tertainment for the whole family. generations, in the home and accompanied with games, stories, I,; It's the best way to see Israel street, had a very positive effect songs, refreshments and prizes. RiCHARD I.L. POLLICK without leaving town. on the attitudes of Jewish Every effort is made to ensure At the fall convocation of the childreen. This type of environ­ that the children will en joy lear­ University of Regina,. held on ment is, unfortunately, absent in ning about Judaism, so that they Oct. 15, 1977, Richard I.L. Pollick today's society. For this reason, , .Herzlia's will have positive attitudes B.A. (University of Winnipeg, a new program was introduced towards Jewish practices in later 1973) received his Bachelor of Israeli that seeks to complement the ef­ life. Anyone wishing more infor­ . Social Work degree. VISIT ISRAEL forts of a Hebrew school and add. mation should contact the ,While attending classes at the with the ,~ love and feeling, to the knowledge Luhavitch . Centre, Rabbi Ii:' University of Regina for the past Night gained in school. Altern, telephone 586-1867. year, Mr. Pollick was president Mrs. Thelma Aber, president of of The Faculty Student's Society, SHAUL, BEN-HAIM ... Consul General in Toronto ROSH PINA TOURS· Herzlia Sisterhood and co­ and sat on the Student's Faculty chairman of Herzlia's Israeli Ben-Gurion U. Backers Nominations Committee. He was February tour leaves February 7th for 3 weeks. 18 Night, announces that the well also involved with the Regina Saskatoon and Regina Bond known Winnipeg songstress, Boy's Centre as a councillor. nights in Israel, 2 nights in Amsterdam. Led by Men­ Miriam Breitman,' will headline Mr. Pollick was the recipient of Rallies To Hear Consul General. del Rosenfeld $1,449.00 each (double occupancy). the program, whicp promises to the John Fullerton Middlemiss be an outstanding social event. Scholarship. He is the SOIl of Jewish communities through The Saskatoon Bond committee ALl 5 STAR HOTELS· FULL ISRAELI BREAKFASTS Ted Komar and his "Special David and Fraidla Pollick of 683 Western Canada are gearing to' includes: Bruce Buckwold, Ian INCLUDED THROUGHOUT - DINNERS INCLUDED AS Israeli Orchestra" will bring toe­ Elm Stlleet, Winnipeg. obtain increased and new pur­ Buckwold, Rabbi Saul Diament, tapping music to sing and dance chases of Israel Bonds at a time Bert Gladstone, Mrs. Sheila PER ITINERARY - LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE to and a hearty sing-a~long is when Israel ,is exposed to ex­ Krolik, Mrs. Petty Landa and Legion Sports tremely severe economic and IN BOTH GROUPS c- DON'T DELAY! Jack Sandbrand. W'th th Le' D" political pressures, when the road General Ben-Haim, who is , I, • e glOn. omlnIon to peace remains long lind ar- Israel been drawing 'entertainers to SRO audien­ being accompanied by Manitoba Abolle charges fla~atlll! 50% In CCinadian funds. and SO'lb in U,S. funds up 10 $4OCJ 00 per persOfl" Cur~g t!tle to be held m. M.arch,. duous, when the solidarity of In I:;racl Bondg aCCepteD. For further Inform;Jlton call 58!J..6J06 "r strength from the Bible" for Israel Bond manager Marvin ces in 'Jerusalem,Tel AViv and ' 1978 m Virden the Branch wIll.at- l world Jewry is crucial. to the generations - now Israel draws Haifa. These songs are then ,tempt to - gather a top curlmg . destiny and future of Israel. Needelman, will speak in Regina, 1, TUXEDO TRAVEL CENTRE also songs and dances, in fact, a Monday, Nov. 21, a"t 8 p.m. in :' LTD. staged for the export theatre tea~ to enter zone playdowns. If i': whole exciting musical happening production, which now returils to . you are a member and wish to In Saskatoon (Nov. 20) and Beth Jacob Synagogue. Invited to 2A ' 2025 CORYDON AVENUE I TUXEDO SHOPPING CENTRE I WINNIPEG, MAN, - the Israeli Chassiilic Festival. It share the dais with Jack PHONE: 452·no7 North America for its sixth year. curl in zone, district and . com- Regina (Nov. 21) attention will be is a challenge met each year in This year's winning song was mand play-offs call the club focused on a concerted drive to Fruman, chainnan of the Regina the greatest mllSical event in composed by Winnipeg's Rabbi rooms, 582-8388, between 1 and 7 stimulate Bond purchases by Israel Bond Organization, are: Israel under the auspices of the Yosil Rosenzweig. The Chassidic Founders & Women Associates of Ben-Gurion University, Winnipeg p.m. ·every family, and regular and Jerry Brodie, president, Regina president of the State. Festival is more than a high­ Branch, who attended a recent meeting with Dr. Moshe Prywes of The Branch dart teams are fonper buyers encouraged to in- Zionist Council, co-sponsor of the The Festival originated in 1969 quality concert. It is the Beersheva. sharpening up for the coming crease their commitments this evening; Rabbi D.L. Landy; Paul as a contest for the best music renaissance of the Jewish Standing (left to right): Lorraine Brownstone; Rae Dremao; Louise season. These teams will year, the tenth anniversary of the Pearlman, Jewish community set to Biblical verses and, every tradition. It is where songs Hoffman, New York and Jerusalem (honorary associate, Winnipeg represent the Monash. Team 1 reunification of Jerusalem as the president; Mrs. Mona Sandomir­ IlTIportant Notice Branch B.F.U.); Bella Antel; Meeka Walsh; A1isa Poskanzer; Helen G. Coulter, Len Shukster, Iren~ spiri~ual centre and capital of the sky, president, Hadassah-Wizo; Allen; Molly Shore; Heuny Paritzky; Sally Stern. and Harv Cruikshanks Yvette rebUIlt State. Harold M. Segal, B'nai B'rith 1""I .... i1 lDTil ~)llJD!) Seated (left to right): Edith Rusen; co-chairman, Winnipeg Branch; and Ken McGiggney, Team 2, Albert Krolik, 1977 chainnan of president. )1 MRS. THELMA ABER Irene Walsh; Marlon Vickar; Sylvia Brodsky. Missing from ph?to: cap. Alex Dadey, Millie and Ed the Saskatoon Bond Committee, In addition an invitation from , Regarding Rachel Blumenthal, honorary secretary Maika Lerner, Dr. Lilya . B~biuk, Ron McIntyre, June and has announced that Israel Consul promised for everyone's par­ Regina's Bond chainnan has ticipation and enjoyment. Her­ .Leifert.",Wally Mychasiw. General Shaul Ben-Haim of been extended to the Moose Jaw New Mikvah zlia's Israeli Night, the theme of " Toronto will be guest speaker at community to join in the oc­ which is "To Israel with love" a meeting in the Jewish Com­ casion.
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