DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH,EDUCATION, AND WELFARE bOEFURM 6000, 2/69 OFFICE OF EDUCATION ERIC REI-VRTRE5UME ERIC ACC. NO, YES 0 NOEa LA I S DOCUMENTCOPYR IGH TED? Lry El CH ACC, NO. P.A.PUBL. DATE I SSUE ERICREPRODUCTION RELEASE? YES 0 NO OF AVAILAB1 LI TY INI il II "0 AA 000 381 Sep 69 RIEDEC69 LEVEL AUTHOR DeCrow, RogerEd.0 Grabowski, StanleyM.,Ed. TITLE 1969 Annual Register. Research and Investigationin Adult Education; SOURCE CODEINSTITUTION(SOURCE Clearinghouse on AdultEducation. QPX84920 Syracuse Univ., N.Y. ERIC SP. AG, CODESPONSORING AGENCY - GRANT NO, EDRS PRICE CONTRACT NO. 0.75;7.60 BUREAU NO, R EPORT NO. AVAI LABI LI TY JOURNAL CITATION DESCRIPTIVE NOTE 150p. _ DESCRIPTORS *Arnotated Bibliographies;Adult *Research; *Investigations;*Adult Education; Educational Environment; Learning; ProgramPlanning; Program Administration; groups; ManagementDevelopment; Job Teaching Methods;Personnel; Disadvantaged Professional ContinuingEducation; Training; Institutions;Comparative Education; Womens Education !DENTE FI ERS ABSTRACT of research orinvestigation in adult An annotatedbibliography includes 490 items dated 1968 or 1969. They coveradult learningcharacteristics, education, mostly instructional methods, and administration,learning environments, program planning education and instructional devices,personnel and staffing, curriculum materials continuing education of particular groups, programareas,professional and technical occupational training, management andsupervisory development,labor education, in adult education.Included institutional sponsors,and international perspectives of the documents, anorder blank for the is an author index, anote on availability listing of otherpublications of the ERIC ERIC DocumentReproduction Service, and a Clearinghouse on AdultEducation. (eb) GPO 8 RESE RCHA1L INVESTIGATION ill A ULT BM]Airi 1969 ANNUALREGISTER LERIC]CLEARINGHOUSE ON ADULT EDUCATION ADULT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION U.S. DEPA1MEN1 OF HEALTH, EDUCATION 8, WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION OF THEU.S.A. THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING II.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. ERIC CLEARINGHOUSE ON ADULT EDUCATION 107 RONEY LANE j SYRACUSE, NEW YORK 13210 SPONSORED BY SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY AND THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION CENTER OF THE U. S. OFFICE OF EDUCATION ROGER DeCROW. DIRECTOR This publication was prepared pursuant to a contractwith tht Office of Education, U.S. Departmentof Health, Education and Welfare. Contractors undertakingsuch projects under Government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their judgment inprofessional and technical mAtters. Points of view or opinionsdo not, therefore, necessartly represent official Office of Education position orpolicy. EDUCMION & WELFARE U.S. DEARTMENT OF HEALTH, OFFICE Of EDUCATION REPRODUCED EXACTLY ASRECEIVED FROM THE THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGINATING T. REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICEOF EDUCLPON STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY POSITION OR POLICY. RESEARCH AND INVESEGAM IN ADULT EDISCATON 1969 ANNUAL REGISTER ROGER DECROW AND STANLEY M.GRABOWSKI EDITORS LEIC Clearinghouseon AdultEducation Adult EducationAssociation oftheU.S.A. ABSTRACT An annotated bibliography includes490 items of researchor investigation in adult education,mostly dated 1968or 1969. They cover adult learningcharacteristics, program planning and administration, learning environments,instructional methods, curriculum materials and instructionaldevices, personnel and staffing, education of particulargroups, program areas, profes- sional and technical continuingeducation, management andsuper- visory development, labor education,occupational training, in- stitutional sponsors, and internationalperspectives in adult education. Included is an author index,a note on availability of the documents,an order blank for the ERIC Document Reproduc- tion Service, and a listingof other publications of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult Education. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introducdon Subject Index iii Abstracts 1 Author Index 131 Note on Availabirity 136 ERIC/AE Publications 138 EDRS Order Blank 140 INTRODUCTION Bulk of material and financial exigenciesin the sponsoring agency dictate a small edition of this 1969Register, but we are pleased that the fourteen year continuity of theseries has not been broken. And, of course, copies willalways be available from the ERICDocument Reproduc- tion Service. You will notice that theRegister is this year divided into moresections than usual. The four digit numbers refer tosections and the three digit numbers to particular items. We have not shirked the stooplabor of pro- viding copious and captioned crossreferences. Sections which may appear from the Table of Contents to have noentries, do, however, have cross references to relevant items inother sections. An author index is pro- vided. Since the Register no longer appears asthe Summer issue of AdultEduca- tion, we think Fall a bettertime to bring it out. ERIC/AE is on a campaign to produce a register ofadult education dissertations fromthe years 1963-1967,which may account for the largernumber of dissertations noted this year. We are also beginning to tapthe flow of master's data theses. We include some importantbibliographies and a wide range of collecting "investigations". Finally, research effort in adulteducation is unquestionably growing, asthe educational problems ofAmerican adults mount to crisis. Thus, the Register has grown toformidable bulk. We are grateful to Roy Inghamof Florida State Universityand James Draper of the Ontario Institute forStudies in Education for commentary onthe general procedures used in theRegister. We thank the researcherswho have supplied copies of their reportsand urge all who produceuseful documents (whether research or not) to forward twocopies to ERIC/AE. Those who struggle to assemble anypart of the literature ofadult educa- tion will recognize a revolutionaryimprovement in accessibility of reports, for many, perhaps most,of the items in theEgAilIaare avail- able in microfiche or hard copyreproduction from ERIC or fromthe Federal Clearinghouse for Scientific andTechnical Information. We have done our best to give a source for the others, which are, for the most part, published in standard journals and books. Please read carefully the note on availability of documents, for ERIC/AE cannot supply copies. Do ask our advice, however, as a last resort, should you have some harrowing difficulty in obtaining a particular document. Many documents in this Register have been reported in Research in Education (RIE), the monthly catalog of ERIC Documents submitted by the 19 Clearinghouses. RIE is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, for $21.00 per year ($26.25 outside the United States). A new companion service to RIE, covering over 250 educational journals, current Index to Journals in Education is published by CCM Information Corporation, 909 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 (subscription for 12 issues $34.00). Both of these catalogs should be scanned regularly to be informed of reports of research and investigation. Roger DeCrow, Director ERIC/AE 107 Roney Lane Syracuse, New York 13210 ii SUBJECT INDEX SECTION SUBJECT ITEM NUMBER 0000 INFORMATION SOURCES 0040 Information Service - Related Fields 1 0100 PHILOSOPHY 2 0150 LEGISLATION 3 0175 FINANCE 4to 5 0250 STUDIES AND PLANNING - LOCAL LEVEL 6to 8 0350 STUDIES AND PLANNING - NATIONAL LEVEL 9 0500 HISTORY 10 to 12 0530 History-Foreign 0550 BIOGRAPHY 0580 Biography-Foreign 0900 ADULT EDUCATION AS A FIELD OF STUDY 13 to 14 0950 Adult Education Research 15 to 17 1990 Reviews, Bibliographies, Information Sources 18 to 22 1100 ADULT LEARNING CHARACTERISTICS 1120 Mental Perceptual Abilities 23 to 28 1160 Psychological, Personality Factors 39 to 58 1200 Age Differences 59 to 64 1300 Participation Patternc of Adalts 65 to 68 1500 PROGRAM PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION 1510 Assessing Educational Needs 1550 Determination of Objectives 69 1600 Recruitment 70 to 71 1650 Selection, Prediction of Success 72 to 83 1700 Retention 84 to 88 1750 Counseling, Guidance 89 to 93 1800 Student Aid and Services 94 1850 Administrative Practices 95 to 100 1890 Relations with Governing,Advisory Groups 101 to 105 2200 LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS 2210 Community Education andDevelopment 106 to 116 2230 Rural Communities 117 to 124 2240 Urban Environmunt 125 2300 Residential Education 126 to 128 2600 INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS 129 to 134 2630 Teaching Styles and Techniques 135 to 148 2730 Lecture 2740 Personal Contact, Visits 2780 Programmed Instruction 149 to 154 2800 CorrespondenceStudy 155 to 157 iii SECTION SUBJECT ITEM NUMBER 2900 Discussion 158 to 162 2920 Human Relations, Laboratory Training 163 to 186 2950 Simulation, Gaming 187 to 189 3000 Conferences, Institutes, Workshops 190 to 191 3050 Demonstration 192 to 193 3060 Travel Study 194 to 196 3120 Multi-Media Methods 197 to 198 3150 Audio-Visual 199 to 200 3200 Educational Television 201 to 205a 3400 CURRICULUM MATERIALS 206 to 207 3500 INSTRUCTIONAL DEVICES 208 to 211 3600 LEARNING FACILITIES 3800 PERSONNEL AND STAFFING 3820 Personnel Policies and Practices 212 to 218 3900 Staff Training 4000 Teachers, Leaders, Change Agents 219 to 233 4100 Administrators 234 to 238 4300 EVALUATION 4600 EDUCATION OF PARTICULAR GROUPS 4620 Age Groups 4625 Young Adults 239 to 241 4630 Middle-Aged 242 to 244 4635 Older Adults
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