Star Finding and Constellations • F7 3-D Constellations Activity F7 Grade Level: 4–12 Source: Adapted with permission from the activity “Building Three-Dimensional Models of the Constellations” in Project STAR: The Universe in Your Hands, © 1993, 2001 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College, published by Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IA. Adapted by Anna Hurst for the Astronomy from the Ground Up project at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Updated 2010 by Andrew Fraknoi. This version was produced in 2010 by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.http:// www.astrosociety.org What’s This Activity About? Tips and Suggestions Because the stars in the best known star patterns, such • The table in this activity already calculates the conver- as the constellation figure of Orion the hunter, and the sion of the distances in light years to the length of the asterism of the Big Dipper, look (after much association string needed (in centimeters and inches). Older stu- in our minds) like they belong together, many students dents who need math practice can do this conversion actually believe that the stars in these sky figures are as- on their own. sociated. Yet most stars in a bright constellation pattern • Note that some of the stars in the Big Dipper turn out are at quite different distances from us and only happen to be at about the same distance from us, since they to lie in the same part of our sky. This activity helps stu- are part of a moving group of stars that were probably dents realize that the sky is a three-dimensional place born together. This collection of stars is called the Ursa and things that look like they are together on the “dome Major Moving Group and its central part is about 80 of the sky” can actually be far apart. light years away. Thus, if you are trying to make the point that most stars in a constellation are NOT re- What Will Students Do? lated, it’s probably best to start by doing Orion. Later, Students use string and everyday materials, as well as let the students think about why the distances of five a photograph of the star patterns of Orion and the Big (or six, if you count Mizar and Alcor separately) of the Dipper to make a 3-D model, using the distances given stars in the Dipper are at roughly the same distance. in the activity. • Since the materials for making these models are easy to lose, it’s probably best to buy more than the students will need. What Will Students Learn? Concepts Inquiry Skills Big Ideas • Constellations • Ordering • Patterns of change • 3-D nature of the sky • Measuring • Modeling and simulations • Visualizing • Scale • Modeling The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific Page 1 Star Finding and Constellations F7• 3-D Constellations Meissa 3-D Constellations 1050 LY Betelgeuse Bellatrix 640 LY 240 LY Mintaka 915 LY Alnitak Alnilam 800 LY 1340 LY Orion Nebula Rigel 800 LY Saiph 700 LY Type of Activity: Indoor classroom or drop-in See the list of sources for materials on page 4. station, facilitated Setting Up the Activity Set up Time: 30–45 minutes This works best with participants sitting at tables. You Time to Do: 30 minutes will need to pre-cut the lengths of thread and the pieces Audience age: 8 years and older of cardboard. Set out one piece of cardboard, a constel- Group size: various lation photograph, a constellation chart, a pen or needle, the appropriate number of threads and pony beads, and What’s This Activity About? a ruler for each participant, as well as tape for the table The stars appear to be painted on the dome of the sky to share. above our heads. Those that make up the Big Dipper, Suggestions for Introducing the Activity Orion and other well-known star patterns appear close to If possible, look at Orion and the Big Dipper, if not in the each other in space — but are they really close together? real sky, then in a planetarium or on a photograph. The This activity demonstrates that the pattern we see in the stars in Orion make a clear figure of a hunter. Do you sky is just an accident of our place in space. The stars in a think all the bright stars are at the same distance? The constellation can actually be quite distant from each oth- stars in the Big Dipper appear almost equally bright to us. er, so that the same constellation would thus look much Do you think all the stars that you see in the Big Dipper different from a different part of the Galaxy. are almost the same distance from Earth? Imagine you Materials could observe the Big Dipper from a planet orbiting the For each constellation model: star at the end of the Big Dipper’s handle. Do you think the Big Dipper would look the same from that planet as • Copies of constellation photographs it does when you observe the Dipper from Earth? • Copies of constellation charts (see pages 5–6) Doing the Activity • Meter stick 1. Participants should carefully tape the constellation • Thick sewing needle or ballpoint pen (with long, ex- photograph to the piece of cardboard. posed writing point) 2. They then place a bead on each string by first pass- • Steel washer ing the thread through it, then around and through it • Piece of corrugated cardboard about 30 cm x 30 cm again. By stringing the bead this way, they will be able (1 ft. x 1 ft.) to slide the bead along the length of the string, but it will stay in place when they let go. • Pony beads (number equal to number of stars in con- stellation) 3. Using the needle or pen, participants should punch holes through the photo and the cardboard at the posi- • 1-meter long pieces of black button thread (number of tion of each star which has a distance written next to it pieces equal to number of stars in constellation) on the corresponding chart. They then slide a piece of • Tape thread through each hole, leaving about 1 inch at the The Universe at Your Fingertips • Astronomical Society of the Pacific Page 2 Star Finding and Constellations F7• 3-D Constellations back and5. the The rest distance at the front. to the (The stars front on the is thephotos side iswith indicated Earth. on the Use constellation a scale of 2.5 charts cm =on 100 pages LY. For7 example, if a and 8. A star labeled “75 l.y.” is 75 light years from the Earth. A light year is the distance the constellationlight photo.)travel in Tape one year,the one-inch about 10^13 length km. of star is 100 LY away, slide the bead representing that star thread to the back of the cardboard to hold it in place. to 2.5 cm (1 inch) from the washer. If you have a star To cover 6.up To this make messy a three-dimensionalside, you can tape themodel constella of the- constellation,that is 830 participants LY away, slide must that slide bead the out beads 21 cm (8.3 inch- tion chart overalong it. the string until they are the correct scale distancees) away. from See the Earth. table Use on apage scale 4 forof 2.5the scaledcm distances = 100 l.y. For example, if a star is 100 l.y. away, slide the bead representing that star to 4. Participants should then bring together the ends of all to the stars in Orion and the Big Dipper. (Older stu- 2.5 cm (1 inch) from the washer. If you have a stardents that can is 830do the l.y. conversion away, slide calculations that bead themselves.) the strings onout the 21 front cm (8.3side inches)and tie away.them intoSee thea tight table on page 4 for the scaled distances to the stars Participants can use the rulers to position their beads at knot around ina steelOrion washer and the about Big Dipper.56 cm (22 Participants in) from can use the rulers to position their beads at their the sheet of approximatecardboard. Have scaled them distances. cut off the extra their approximate scaled distances. thread. This thread length is used because the camera 7. When the beads are positioned, participants should 7. When the beads are positioned, participants should hold the washer with one hand and the that took the pictures of these constellations had a focal hold the washer with one hand and the photo upright photo upright with the other hand. They then stretch the strings and hold the washer next length of 56 cm.to an If eye.you holdLooking the pictureat the photo at a distance through of the washer,with theythe othershould hand. be able They to seethen the stretch beads the strings and 56 cm from youroutlining eyes, the shapeconstellation of the constellation. will appear the This mayhold work the better washer in pairs,next to with an oneeye. partner Looking at the pho- same size as itholding does in up the the sky. cardboard so that it is easier for theto throughother partner the washer, to view they the constellation.should be able to see the 5. The distanceAs to mentionedthe stars on above, the photos the scale is indicated of the photo on is suchbeads that outlining if you hold the the shape cardboard of the 56 constellation. cm This the constellationfrom charts your oneye, pages your 5 view and 6.of A the star constellation labeled is maythe same work asbetter you inwould pairs, have with at one night partner holding up looking at the constellation with your naked eye.
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