H 1222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 1, 1996 The House of Representatives will lose a tion of Black History Month and its 1996 the great civil rights activists Rosa Parks and great leader, an ardent advocate and a bril- theme, ``African-American Women: Yesterday, Fannie Lou Hamer, and such deft legislators liant legislator as Congressman MFUME leaves Today, and Tomorrow.'' I thank the chairman as Shirley Chisolm and, as I have mentioned, to assume his new responsibility. But our loss of the Congressional Black Caucus, Congress- Barbara Jordan. As you can see, African- is the NAACP's gain. I am confident that Con- man PAYNE, and the distinguished gentleman American women have an exceptionally rich gressman MFUME will make great strides in from Ohio, Congressman STOKES, for once history of contributions to this country, from the advancement of the rights of African- again reserving this annual special order. the arts and athletics to politics and our overall Americans and continue his effort to improve This year, as we celebrate the vital role social progress. It is therefore only fitting that interracial relations throughout the country. which African-American women have played in this year's observance of Black History Month These goals are given special significance our Nation's growth and development, I would recognizes and heralds the many accom- during the celebration of Black History Month. first like to spend a moment reflecting on the plished and talented among us, before us, and Mr. SABO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ex- life of one of the most influential of these those yet to come. press my strong support for Black History women who recently passed away, the Honor- Again, I thank my distinguished colleagues Month. This year we are celebrating African- able Barbara Jordan of Texas. for this special order and yield back the bal- American women of yesterday, today, and to- Having served with Barbara in this House, I ance of my time. morrow. In Minnesota, we are fortunate to can tell you first hand of the tremendous intel- f have a fine tradition of civic leaders who have lect, passion, and presence she commanded. dedicated their lives to enriching the lives of As an untiring, articulate, and outspoken de- RECESS others through their selfless contributions. fender of the Constitution and the rights and Today, I'd like to recognize three, among liberties of all citizens, she was effective in en- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. many, of the African-American women in Min- suring access to legal services for the poor, METCALF). Pursuant to clause 12 of rule nesota who have become shining role models advancing consumer protection at the Federal I, the House stands in recess subject to for us all. level, and securing a livable minimum wage the call of the Chair. In its brief history, the State of Minnesota for all working Americans among other numer- Accordingly (at 10 o'clock and 38 has had many fine leaders who were also Afri- ous achievements. minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- can-American women. In 1923, Ethel Ray Morton Dean of ABC News summed up the cess subject to the call of the Chair. NanceÐ1899±1992Ðwas the first black overwhelming impact Barbara Jordan had on f woman hired by the Minnesota Legislature American society when he said, ``Where she and was the first black police woman in Min- walked, barriers fell, historic barriers against AFTER RECESS nesota. During her long life, Ms. Nance was blacks and women in politics. When she The recess having expired, the House an activist in several civil rights organizations, talked hearts swelled, awakened to America's was called to order by the Speaker pro including the National Association for Ad- potential.'' We will all miss her deeply. tempore (Mr. METCALF) at 12 o'clock vancement of Colored People [NAACP]. She But before Barbara Jordan, Mr. Speaker, and 1 minute a.m. also served as the director of research for the there were other African-American heroines National Urban League. who blazed a path of opportunity for her, and f In more recent years, Nellie Stone Johnson, there will be many more who will come after. who celebrated her 90th birthday in December It is each and every one of these women that LEAVE OF ABSENCE 1995, has been one of the most outspoken we also honor today. By unanimous consent, leave of ab- and thoughtful leaders in Minnesota's African- We all know of Hattie McDaniel, the first Af- sence was granted to: American community. Generations of Min- rican-American to win an Academy Award for Mrs. SEASTRAND (at the request of nesotans owe Nellie a great deal for her dedi- her role in ``Gone with the Wind'' in 1939. Her Mr. ARMEY) after 4:30 p.m. today and cation to community building, to civil rights, breakthrough performance opened the door for the balance of the week on account and to economic fairness. In the tradition of for other black actresses and performers such of illness in the family. Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale, Nellie as Lena Horne, Cicely Tyson, Whoopi Gold- Mr. RADANOVICH (at the request of Stone Johnson has been rock solid in her berg, and Angela Basset to showcase their Mr. ARMEY) after 4:30 p.m. today on ac- commitment to the most vulnerable in our so- talents and skills on both the American and count of illness in the family. ciety. world stage and screen. Finally, representing a new generation of Af- Nor can we forget in the field of literature f rican-American women leaders, Minneapolis the incredible poetry of Phillis Wheatley and Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton, elected in 1993, Maya Angelou, novels of Toni Morrison and SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED is the first African-American and the first fe- Alice Walker, and writings of Jean Toomer By unanimous consent, permission to male mayor of Minneapolis. Mayor Sayles and June Jordan. These African-American au- address the House, following the legis- Belton began her public service career imme- thors have lifted our spirits, our hopes, and lative program and any special orders diately after collegeÐwhen as a civil rights our dreams with their thoughtful words and heretofore entered, was granted to: worker she traveled to Jackson, MS, to reg- honest reflections. (The following Members (at the re- ister voters. She later became the first African- From inspirational words stem inspirational quest of Mr. MILLER of California) to American president of the Minneapolis City music and we would be remiss not to mention revise and extend their remarks and in- Council. As mayor, she has continued her ef- the incredible jazz vocals of ``The First Lady of clude extraneous material:) forts to strengthen families and children by fo- Song,'' Ella Fitzgerald, or the deep rhythm and Mr. VOLKMER, for 5 minutes, today. cusing on education, crime prevention, and blues notes belted out by ``The Queen of Ms. NORTON, for 5 minutes, today. the economic development of neighborhoods Soul,'' Aretha Franklin. What about Billie Holi- Mr. UNDERWOOD, for 5 minutes, today. in the city. day, Mahalia Jackson, Sarah Vaughan, and Ms. KAPTUR, for 5 minutes, today. I am proud to say that these women, and Dinah Washington?Ðeach of them being an Mr. TOWNS, for 5 minutes, today. many other African-Americans, have had an exceptional African-American female artist of Mrs. CLAYTON, for 5 minutes, today. important impact on my life and the lives of the modern era. many Minnesotans. I wish to thank them for In the world of sports, black women have as Mr. MILLER of California, for 5 min- their service to the community, the women's role models the outstanding track and field utes, today. movement, and the United States of America. star Jackie Joyner-Kersee, holder of the world Mrs. MALONEY, for 5 minutes, today. All citizens should be grateful for their accom- record in the heptathlon and winner of four Mr. WISE, for 5 minutes, today. plishments and endeavors. Mr. Speaker, as Olympic medals in this event as well as Althea (The following Members (at the re- we observe Black History Month, I commend Gibson, the first African-American tennis play- quest of Mr. BEREUTER) to revise and Ethel Ray Nance, Nellie Stone Johnson, er to participate in and win a championship at extend their remarks and include ex- Mayor Sayles Belton, and all African-Ameri- Wimbledon. traneous material:) cans for their contributions to our society. I could go on and on for hours Mr. Speaker, Mr. TIAHRT, for 5 minutes, today. Mrs. COLLINS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I rise elaborating on the lives of courageous aboli- Mr. SMITH of Michigan, for 5 minutes, today to join my colleagues in proud observa- tionists Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman, today..
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