1 ■ ■ -./r' 1 . r- r • ' 1 A—. - ■<x ,1-. I ' X, .-vV': kV- • o >■ ‘ PAOB TWEmr-FOUl TH U R SD A Y , OCrOBlK 14, i m Average Daily Net Prcaa ^un inmulr^Bfor lEn^tting H^ralii \ The. Weather* Far n’Mk Baded FAfceaat *t tl. 8. W ither Bewee « October 17, 1957 A m y P v t Fred T. Bliah m . Marjdrta WaUaoe - Smith, 143 Pastor Kenneth Gustafson of Cal­ All parenta of‘'Barnard iunlor Tha . Rev. Fred .R. Edgar of the whoae wife and parenta live at 5 Benton St, slimnasUc Instructor vary Chapel of Manchester ah-' High students are urged to. attend South Methodist Church la a mem­ Fair, moch co l^ toa^lht wiUi About Town Laurel S t, rafently completed the in this area, will be a guest on the nouneed a youth rally at the navi the Parent Teacher Student pr- ber of the committee planning the 1 2 % 6 7 4 belaw freezing temperntoree. Law- aecond phaae of a aix montha tour KAthy Oodfrey'., Connecticut I4fe church home qf Gospel 'Tabernacle, ganization meeting to be held in service In Boston on Dse. 15 when Member Af the Audit ‘ / ■ui, eat la 30s. Fair, eoM Hatarday wMl Donald J. HayM of Wm I Hart­ of active military training under Program, Channel 18, tomorrow at 848 Prospect Ave., Hartford to­ the school auditorium at 8 o'clock Methodiits from all over New AUCTION 1 p.m. She will be interviewed and Bureau of CIrcnIation kigh In 40z. ° ford. formorly of ICaachMUr, ro- tha Raaerve ’ Forcea Act program morrow, at 7:30. Featured speaker tonight.. '. England will band together to ob­ a t Fort. Slocum, N. T. He la a will give a demonstration in will be Radio Kvangellst C. M. serve the 350th anniversary of the gponsored by 'Manche$ter-—A City of yjllage Charm coivod a Jurla Doctor dacrao from 1955 graduate of Tufta Univeraity silmnaeUcs. Ward. A rotted choir from Flush­ birth of Charles Wesley, - one of I- tha Goorfo WaaUnfton Univeraity Young people between the ages NORTH IIDi|t1IODI9T CHURCH AWN’S C«-UB and a 1957 graduate 'of Indiana ing, N.Y. will render several: se­ of 5 and 18 wishing to paftldpate th e world's greateat hymn writ-, in Waahingtan,^ D.C.. a t tha an­ Univeraity. ‘‘Making the Moat of Your Life" lections. Assemblies of God Church­ era. VOL. LXXVII, NO. 22 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONI])., FRIDAY OCTOBER 25, 1957 (CbUMiftee Advertising ea Pngs IS) PR^E FIVE CENTS m al fall conv on lait Satur- is the title of a series in three es in Connecticut and, Massachu­ In the second annual talent show Saturday Starting at 10 A.M. day. A Jurli >r dcfTM )• an The Lediea Auxiliary to Ander meetings to be held on Hov, 8, 22 setts will ’be represented add the being sponsored by the Methodist U ,.B degree in Ikw, awaiVIed with aon-Shea Poat No. 3048. VFW. ia and Dec. 8 at the YWpA, Ann St„ public ia cordially invited to a t­ Men of South Methodist Church E. B. Bh'shnell, 70 W. Middle diatlnctien. He received a bachelor planning to make a vialt to the Hartford, ^rom 1 0 ;^ ’a,m. to 2:30 tend. , ' on Nov. 15 ■ and 18 'inay try put' Tpke., Is m o n g the 1,000 dele­ At Church Grounds t . of electrical engineering, degree Veterane Hoapital at Rocky Hill p.m. These eessioos have ‘been ar­ Monday evenings at 7 o'clock at gates attending this 4-day Eastern State.! Hunters from Cornell Unlyralty in11SS3. I " " tonight to entertain the patients ranged by Ahe Service Bureau for the church. Further Information Regional meeting of Congregation­ 'flNAU, CHARGE FOlflUBnUCBmiBNTS Town Beneficiary there. Any member wishing to go The Ruth Society of the Cov­ may be .obtained from Paul Kor­ al Christian church -leadera at Women's Organizations, 958 Main enant Congregational Church. Trill may call President Muriel Auden St.. Hartford, and reservations for ney, 813 Hackmatack Pt. Holyoke, Maes. , Await Opening before S;S0. meet tonight . at 8 p.m. at the a single meeting or the eeriee may church. Records will be played of , In c., be made. Writh the bureau. The Mothers’ Auxiliiry of Boy three of the favorite Gospel hymns - l i . With New Highway Of Woodlands^^ ilumuaE SM.E Scout Troop 35 will hold a short sung by Beverly Shea, noted singer ■ meeting in the Robbins roopi at L ^iea night was held by the at the Billv Graham evangelistic By PETE STOUR .Ortgliidhr Howiwd For Center Congregational Oiurch to­ Toastmasters Club last night at campaign. Stories about Inspired By LEONARD XEIDENBBBO <‘Should do much for the smalt town* morrow night at 7 o'clock, Immedi­ Cavey's Restaurant. Toastmaster writers will be related. A social Governor Ribicoff says aa w r/ as the big Cities. It should Connecticut sportsmen will ately following the departure of for the evening was Roger Macom- period will follow with Mrs. Ken­ open, up ,new teiritory and give a be up et dawn tomiirrow to nUDAY, OCT. 25 the Scouts on the fsther-ao'n ber and the principal speakers neth Nelson and .Mrs. Richard Nel Manchester "should be a ben­ great bp&t' to the economic life of open fire on over a dozen vari- camping trip. were Rockwell Potter Jr., Charles son eerilrig as hostesses. eficiary” of Eastern Connec­ Eastern GPnn'ectlcut. 707 MoIn SfTMf Nute and Russell Holmes. etieK of waterfowl and upland ticut’s growth, which he sees, "The completed thruway will game as the state’s hunting 9y Senior Oiri Seoota Miss Camilla May Frey. 149 The tVomen’s Auxiliary to the j as a pertainty in view of the Thake available new sites to indus­ Summit St. wras recency elected Intermediate Girl Scout Troop Connecticut State Medical Society | try, and I am looking for l ird to season opens. Season opens 30 TKOOP « president. of the atu ^ n t body of 18 will meet njsxt Tuesday after­ will hold its semi-annual meeting new transportation complex new economic activity." minutes before sunrise. the Hartford Aca4emy of Hair­ noon at 3:15 at' the South Method­ on Nov. 8 a t the Hotel Statler ln { now under constructidn. He also alkid the State Redevel­ Reporti of sales of hunting li­ dressing. Miss prey graduated ist Church. All former members Hartford.. The program will In­ He made the itzte^eikt yeitcr- opment Commission Is vigorously cense.* from town clerks in the U nfair LaborJ nwifPONN inQVffiiinwfj frbm Manchester High School, of the troop are Invited to attend clude a business session, luncheon, | day at the roncluslon or a 2-day advertising .throughout the coun­ srea. and reports of sporting goods Two Killers Jitee 14, 1967. this meeting. social hour and fashion show. Inipection tour of, the [129-mlle, try the advantages of building in tales . promise a large number o f! fc - 8464 million Connecticut Turnpike, Eastern Connecticut. "Even now," hunters seeking their daily limit*., Deals Claimedi which runa between the New he said, ‘‘new industries have set­ Nunting will open on all game b u t' F le e S h op York and Rhode Inland State tled in Eastern Connecticut in sn- snowthoe rabbits and deer. line*. tlcipatlon of the Turnpike." State Board of Fisheries and By Sears Veep j The governor cited'the five new Later, John Dempsey, Rlbtcofr* Game regulations say that the bridge* being built acroga the Con­ executive aide, said the Governor season on pheasants. Chukar par-1 Washington,' Oct. 2f> —A j In G otham HALE'S Self Serve and Meat Dept necticut River'and the relocation was referring to 24 factories which: tridge*. ruffed grouse, grey squir- Sears Roebuck A Co. vice presi­ of Rt. S through Mancheater as rels, cottontail rabbit*, and ra­ had settled in Eastern Connecticut dent today accused Nathan Shef-J New York, Oct. 25 (JP)— factors putting "an additional #m- in the last 2 'j year*, providing coon will open tomorrow, with the feman and some executives of the I phasii on Eastern Connecticut." employment to 3,500 people. upland bird season closing Nov. 30. big mail order house of ‘‘dlagrace- Albert AnastAsia, one of the DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS TODAY WITH CASH SALES ‘The new bridge* and the new Running through rural land for liie season for squirrels closes Jan. top overlords of U.S, crime- Courtesy Is Our location of Rt. 6. In addition to ful" unfair labor practices agglnst | most of its 80 miles, th* Eastern 11. and racoon, Jan. 4. the Turnpike, most of which labor union organization efforts at : doin, was slain by two masked section of the Tilmplke Is some- The State said several days ago its Boston store in 1953. gunmen today as he aat get- nins torough ^ te rn (tonnec^^^^^^ ,traighter than the Western that natural propagation plus it* But Wallace Tudor, vice preai- ! . The pleatenf people Pinehurit ere no accident. We hand-pick "can't help b stocking program should give tii)|l a haircut at the Hotel n more Important community the! ‘"klneers had to route dent in charge of personnel and . the road through cities and around hunter* a sufficient number of tar­ employe relation* for the b ig . Park Sheraton. The killers ea* our amployas as carafully as our produce, becauia we like pleasant PillsburysBEST Governor said. factoriei.- gets at which to blast away. company, told the Senate Rackets : caped by car through mid* Vinc/ha^l:., Up to Town Lrader* Waterfowl.
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