Ia I/H: Z*MU ©^WJ7/|/?^ Njrtg Of/X

Ia I/H: Z*MU ©^WJ7/|/?^ Njrtg Of/X

e. \ | NAT/SEA/1 #24] JJUcLjM#• No. O SUBJECT. 191 9C[2l zfli/ij Skal Lts';?'y-yu . o. Previous Paper. f/U/h.^6uj\ 4/ ) . ? iA • 2. 6 6/o MINUTES. « /AA^Al AX' C 2. /A/MfaX Azz^axc ■ ■ t5fasi,i/ ^-ZjT ■A /fr-v; vt I. Ad w A d, A a - A&fri/lc? Aa oAA /fa XC A /i / i A'/nx/////?//, / A-, '£/( Aa Aa sfs/tfi/ *C X ■^r~ / r '/liyAA AA N/ <£&//' i* N aXA/IA^A A 7 r " / C/fajs *f fa /■ ^;* 3. ittU 4 M Wj ^vaa// /f ^h-£y/fa7* y a/lAa~ \ y^ s/L&tfc ?uy/^*^ i/H: Z*MU %«;•)<! / A ** * % ?x/ iient Paper. >iS>. ©^WJ7/|/? ^ njrtg Of/X'trsf%. r i * ,. C& J Q-Ayy‘i/2''J \ \ \ S/X k X1* . caf & 0,/J/fS! A , _. N '<AJ 1 /fatoc ' Y * ‘ . ~~ 'A9,' y. /f)yx ..a A/A Ayfii/fa*4 x y / <9 / £ •n&nr (Si^Ls•/ \ Extract from the Minutes of the Executive Council; Meeting of the 55nd April, -IU2H ’ "A telegram from the Secretary of State, dated the 24th of March, requesting that measures should he taken to protect r the fur seal rookeries against raiding vessels, v/as read. The Governor stated that as a preliminary measure he woulc reouest the Colonial Office to make enquiries re carding the cost of a suitable motor boat with a view to establishing armed guards on the principal rookeries. The Council concurred.” C1 eric 3 Sxe cut ive Counoil. oOth April- 1921 •_ __..... n> ML H.E.the Governor, Submitted for info nation. S . k;/5/21 • Report from Harbour Master‘dated 30/3/21 B5aol:C5) n Telegram from S.of S.dateds2&J&/'Z\ Enel:(5) — Minute from His Excellency the Governor dated 28/3/21..Enel:(7) Telegram to S.off S.dated ii/s/il Enel:(8) Harbour ’faster, Papers referred to you in accordance with the instruct!ons^contained in His Excellency's minute herein of 28/5/21 (Enel:7.) l A, C. S.29/5/21. o.s.-o. No. ihljzt i Inside Minute Paper. Shed No___ C3 Jus/'ts ■ G/ q*£r'CL*^y*^-i - - ■'?oj M%. 'fi/ Cj! flriAAsuw x/:^// £ .c ■ \ tffs. SlmU PL /ft //tfPtf PUtPUd. CS^e' £z4p/ 41 4h/- ZrA-/Pnt pupp £f, p/pi/ru^ X447M4A., ^Uu lz/4± ?2° 'iAf ■ *LP r- ■ ’'U {X Sp/dp/C \^\ //p^ /Ppv ij, /spy p/ Pypp/p / Svz/c u A /-/?U( /Z/vo ’tty SS <PLn 7 7k 'iAfofrf ffZZ J'^ldA/blriAs* /is/* f/i/0^£^>^ (fhr y QTlsisv I l. C/J. t/Z2/ The Hon# Col. Secretary - • a , _u . In oonfiideriag a suitable boat for \ -^°-r intended work in connection "with the patrol Vessel, I have taken; into account the following noint c , f 1 Weather conditions & nature of coast line upon -which landings would be ©fleeted. 2 Carriage of stores from shore 10 ship & vice versa. 3 Kan power available for manning purposes. 1 The weather conditions d Coastline landings are suitable c"ly to a double ended boat. The shores being mostly ^ebble and rock, a carvel built boat, with chaffing battens,has advantage over clinker built. 2 The carriage of stores from shore to ship & vice ver: a will require a strongly builj boat which*'will stand a. certain amount of rough usage. 3 Boat requires to be as light as is possible in ord^r to be effectively manned by the crew of the patrol Vessel. An Elm built boat will be lighter than one built of teak. Sails will be an advantage. I would,therefore, suggest; a boat of the following dimensions be procured. i Carvel built. Elm. Length 25 feet (Q.A.). Breadth b feet ( extreme) Depth, amidships. 2’1 t i 3'from Stem 2*7" 2* Stern 2*6* Keel- 16 feet, horizontal length. Mbs- 6 inches apart. ( wide, X thick ) Iron Keel band, full length, from Stem head to Stern post. Chaffing Battens, 3 each side of Keel. Slings, bow and stern, fastened through Keel. It. is particularly desired that the after thwart should be so placed as to allow sufficiebt amount of room for tile thwart to be occupied and for the Coxswain of boat to manipulate the Steer oar* I would ^oint. out that in Kelp and in landing on surf Ibeaches a steer oar is the only seamanlike method of steering a boat. The following should be included in equipment: ~ ■v 12 Oars. 15 feet. 2 Steer Oars. 22 feet. 12 Rowlocks. 2 Steer Oar Rowlocks. Hast & Sails. Jib oc Mainsail fitted, in kxxx cover. Anchor d Chain, ■£ cwt. ,45 fathomsijtschain. 2 Water Barricoes on beds. 9 gallon. 2 Water dippers. 2 Balers. 3oats cover. 1 Sea anchor. Rudder & Tiller. 2 Boat hooks. 2 Axes. Bow and stern painters, i fatftom -I'1 chain and 6 fathoms 3" rope. Towing bollard should he built into boat. Tbi s boat would addi tional to boats provided with Patrol vessel. Vessel would need to be fitted for carriage of boat and ready means of hoisting and of lowering such boat. Harbour Master. 12/6/2 j. jH.E.the Governor, O- Submitted. 2. With reference to par:2 of Your Excellency’s i O.S.O. No..3S3/21 Inside \l\nide Pajyer. Sheet No__4. minute , I venture to think the cost of the vo^a^e out to this Colony may be reduced if it were possible the vessel to be brought out by the Norwegian Whalers,instead of in charge of a crew selected by the Crown Agents. I think that the Hektor Whaling Co would be the best to do this. / A. C. 8.13/8/21. L- yj / /fc°S. MM A f f- SL cS UlUc / /n/ / Extract from Minutes of Meeting of the Executive Council TT'-D-d on tTie"Toth~ iIuJist'7~TG'2T.--------------- His Excellency stated that he would communicate hy telegram with the Crown Agents regarding the possibility of making arrangements with the Hektor whaling Company to convoy the vessel to the Colony and to provide the crew for, the outward voyage. / C lork; 2xe<$iit ivo 0ounc i 1. 15th August, 1921 o Mi. Ma C1 0 w 1 y ir * . /v ' 4. C4'/£/f/ti¥ & / « /z^ayw&r- 1 J SfS. ± & An/yx£l< S ■zActiAf'- ^lAA a £pu&u?A ApA ^ 4n/^ V df (£o <'Vt w/UJL&u A&w/¥- \ S J ■ i \ 9? //j OZwgy&A <&/J*-' / \ ft J/l. '¥L y f)j~iAA,\Sirv Jrr<kd4' AtyCop^ T f A ^AaS-~- A'ls^-A'Si. \ [a. 4. t. 6 / AtM ■'tsirp^*y2> . a* <?// /y/'fiu - / v I f aw yfa **$7e. fY&svv&y^ ff v. / 5^- 5 A $? yi >7-^ / AAyO-^t/ V / fa/f/sUn, /A h'^'” Alfa\[Cl f'i H'/UO/z^y., /A SupA -2- 5 Alp'S 0 7 yyumUr & s ^^Ak.a.4. AunS^s s/Ji^v AiuU/M M>\<- ®m>> r / * a /£ Spy Spf. A ! V O.S.O. No. Inside Minute Pajw. / L? Sheet No. j? \^ P * /? / /*.___ _ PjZ'/ / (u, IS dlfSydd &u Ty. / ' L^f /r?^— - / £$r- . /C^- L / 5 -' t-7 Hr* - // $£i y y a / f ,-j \ «j^i £d. (? &. tut C*f4~ t. y^o C'CbJ / *z. f ■ u^tir y ^ y^y A-^c<d y<A y^r 4 d/LMT. <j&- 6# £> gptiabl. /*}l £f&rfS'f?S{ A r / / // . Z . J' ^Ci*sc /fogfoa^cZ) CX Al(^£c//f A^ltS' pt ^ Z<- 'Zt^C-S '& '^i^As. /~l&Z Ai OvO L^ &-4~CJ2-v A) cT-^s^ tsA*Jc~£ fL<~. ui o. A~gj~ C^'yi)i^\ o^ct*s0 \ t* 11/ Z*-AA<Zf gy 'A*-/Z-s,gg^ /L<_^ k^> DyO ^* c^g^_ fo ' (Pj f ^ f f (2jvuA_yii> <£A$~Z ch~ 6 Zf A? &£/ &~f) A^ i/<l cgf i^~2—s> k ( (^ 4fj%9 ^ J {/'Vi) <-'*'* / /? *7 Zc ■K P CuPe-s cX~^ U*~- Jyrv\r-c. D /A^tT~^£j£ kl ^L< O: ^v/L^*<_ /, C/t- *fof L<fifZL^ 6 t ^*-Av <2c^_ c-_c_ C-^u. fol/^fc^^. ‘^U-d.y ^/Ck-j Ur-^/k/ s/k~ t/u C.. L<^^-C- C-i* Z'-' r*U^_ fly /W V : I | Yfdt J ' . Jtis I <J <ZfU AAf & & i ■ 'Ak> •- t, J //A/l 'A**- yhyty/uwoc Af^ A> /■ ft . {MrVULJ" i ^iC /ft/ ^ kk//fM, Cn***/fc4&yi*n /fly6 Af i cknUd /t M** ^u AAk f/* qvfaf ‘LUv &k Gtetllfa*r- u^MTP*<=> J SAyru. rf syi&Yfjf- i y r T” o.s.o. No.„:..3Mhi 7 Minute Paper. Sheet No..„(sl cXc-ts/ * f/L*. -£2— ■ z / //V* &&%**•/* /Z_^'" ^v- / Z'/X L/ t . Xuc_ c . A/1 cX~C^X fxJLa-^X^_J^ . (^rr\r^ • vJ 2 3 Oc ir- 'Ct I 7w <5C't-XjL*. t . —<g-O^P - A/* aXCX-^- <K-X<St^'lS~ 2 3^ tPeyf ? 2-. { _ /U-<L *%, £ X C •Cr^' 4^5 a^ ^ ~A~«rffc-Ar % oe £ Jd.. ^7& Cr^t Cj, f V^v6-,. S' c^ cS*. £hio./i‘cJtc^J*- eX'cr Qj $ O^L ci Jq 2 \ 'U ■ Aftn, T'!, r A^ <3l^ly^-lfT>^|. —/^t—*-^X-w ' J ^AAA-^- [l/A a/1iris'. ~xA *3V/i> -VToa . Cc\ .S fc^v£(a^ * y^ 4 ~^f\ £L-AtOS*-X rOfW1 £r . /S.s. i^-/x*I2:!. * , J,S 7w 4^/- /4> /<?/ JUtUL^oJi^ly 'Jd-<lAA ■ qAA*^>*~<s2 -£x-v_ t tAL&y~£k, l/'<*cjLz*>- d.

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